WholeNote MarketPlaceEducationCLAIM YOUR VOICEOrganic and functional vocal training togain access to your full range, resonanceand vocal freedom. For singers, publicspeakers, teachers, clergy, or if you justwant to enjoy using your voice.Sue Crowe ConnollyHamilton Studio Toronto Studio905-544-1302 416-523-1154THE TORONTO SINGINGSTUDIOMusic for all with Linda EymanPrivate singing lessonsGroup classes • Adu lt choirsAnnex and Midtown locationsCall 416-455-9238The Art of the FluteOne step at a time guidance toplaying the flute and the recorder.Studios near Yonge& St. Clair and RoyalYork & Bloor West.Allan Pulker 416-926-1578Upcoming performances:Sunday, Feb. 17, 4:00 pm, St. James' Cathedral.J 1 A// Ages J 1 A// Levels } All Styles} Motivating Beginners' GroupsA. } Private LessonsPIANO KEYBOARD GUITAR VIOLIN FLUTE SAX CLARINET DRUMSMuli~,i~toL 416-224-5590(9YAMAHA-ffPrivate instruction and examwww.yamahamusicschool.caNORTH TORONTO INSTITUTE OF MUSICpreparation by qualified teachersin the heart of Toronto.• Piano • Voice • Guitar • Strings• Woodwinds • Percussion • Theory• Music Theatre • Pre-school550 Eglinton Avenue East416-488-2588 www.nlimusic.com23 G~ange RoadToronto.ONTeL 416 598 344454\W\V. USrc.ClIEst.1921Centr.lly loc;ited in downtown Townto't Piano I Strings I Guitar I Voicef Woodwinds I Accordion I Percussionf Choirs J Chamber MusicI Kid's Dance Et Drama I Much More!Education/?ona/d /?. /?and ITeacher of Voice froductfon for5peaking and Classical 5inging'1 Love2?+ l\o.':Jal York Rd. +16-255-5982.•.To Sing?•All styles •All Levels • Beginnersand Children welcome • Excellentfor public speakers, actors, etc.Breathe new life into your voice with a unique andsensible kinesthetic approach to vocal pedagogy.A Choral Life Q&Acontinued from page 21sing than be in the audience. When I do, though,my first choice is always choral. Classical,modern stuff that's well-recommended, absolutelyanything sung really well, a cappella, aremy favourites. I'm also partial to 60's folkmusic!Have you ever performed in what you wouldconsider an unlikely venue?When the Amadeus Choir went on tour in2000, one of our stops was Drumheller, Alberta.We sang an outdoor concert in a natural'bowl', replete with bleacher stands, for anaudience of high school students. It wouldhave been about 35 degrees Celsius in theshade, had there been any shade, and we decidedto do this concert in our touring T-shirts,sunglasses and hats, in hopes of avoidingsunstroke. The acoustics were absolutely marvelousand especially effective when we performedthe "Mi'kmaq Honour Song", an evocativetribute to the Creator, composed by LydiaAdams. When we finished, one of the youngaudience members, who coming from a smallprairie town may never before have heardCall Pattie Kelly for private lessons: 905-271-6896info@vocalsense.ca www.vocalsense.ca anything like what we were singing, exclaimed'-'----------------~ in the echoing silence, "Holy@#$%#@"!Now there's audience appreciation for you!PIANO LESSONS, Over 40 years in business,all levels.• Extremely effective, low-costpreparation for RCM exams,competitions, concerts, etc.'-.I ,From forYi hour.rl , Immediate results, or you don't pay'Vladimir Dounin 416-321-5627bethebestin music@yahoo.comHomeKENSINGTON CARPETS INC~DIRECT IMPORTERS/ LIQUIDATORSPersian, Indian, Chinese, Pakistani and Broadloom• Add beauty and warmth to your room• Looks great under, yo!Jr piano• Absorbs sound - music sounds better. • Enhances your ability to perform. • ~p to 75% off. Shop around and compare!193 Baldwin St., Toronto 416~260-1144RestaurantsCommensal Vegetarian RestaurantLive Jazz Friday and Saturday Evenings655 Bay St. (entrance on Elm Street)Validated Parking after 6pm 416-596-9364www.commensal.caWWW. TH EWHOLEN OTE.COMWhat qualities do you admire in a conductor?Brilliant musicianship is certainly a qua! ity Iadmire, but this alone doesn't make a greatconductor. Sensitivity towards and respect forchoristers are critical. While it may be true thatthe choir is, in effect, a conductor's instrument,it is the rare conductor who perceives that hisor her particular importance lies in bringing outthe best from each member - leading the groupto artistic success. A conductor's ego is onlyhelpful to the extent it provides the confidenceand optimism needed for the job. Beyond that,it becomes aversive. Anyone who has sung forLydia Adams will understand why I have- remained with Amadeus all these years; she isa phenomenal conductor in every respect.(See listings for March 1, "A Celtic Celebration"the Amadeus Choir's Gala Fundraiser)To Inquire and QuestionAs SeniorsTo Pursue Life's Greater PotentialAmong Seniors (55+)Join Uswww.ulyssean.on.ca416 410-1892F EB RUARY 1 - M ARC H 7 2008
WholeNote's Publication Schedule and Editorial Special Focuses, 2008March (publication date: Thursday February 28)*Summer Music Education*Period MusicApril (publication date: Thursday March 27)Recorded Music - SPRING: New releases reviewed*The Many Faces of OperaMay (publication date: Tuesday April 29)THE CANARY PAGES: WholeNote's annual choral directory*Choral* New MusicJune (publication date: Thursday May 29)THE GREEN PAGES: WholeNote's annual focus on summermusic festivals*New Music*Jazz----------------------------------July & August Double Issue (publication date: Friday June 27)Recorded Music - SUMMER: new releases reviewed*World Music*Season PreviewSeptember (publication date: Thursday August 28)*EDUCATION. beginning, continuing, andprofessional development*Orchestras and BandsOctober (publication date: Monday September 29)THE BLUE PAGES: The Music Community -WholeNote's annual member profiles*CommunityNovember (publication date: Thursday, October 30)Recorded Music - FALL: new releases reviewed*Music at HomeDecember & January Double Issue (publication date:Thursday November 27)*Gifts of MusicPublication dates and some editorial themes are subject tochange. Contact editorial@thewholenote.com for details.Services RecordingRecording & Mastering.Great live room in old movie theatre.Yamaha Grand Piano. Hammond M3& Leslie Milestone Drums. per hour 416.467.9597www.studio92canada.comCall for a coffee and tourRccordin" • Mixin"FEBR UARY 1- MARC H 7 2008Professional Services•InvestorsGroupN, ,,.SymphonySTRATEGIC INVESTMENT PLANNING"Top 10 Tax-Based Financial Strategies for 2008"Thursday, February 21, 7:30 to 9:00 pmTo register or for further information,please RSVP by February 15th toIsaac Klassen (888) 565-9996 x352isaac.klassen@investorsgroup.comRelease pain.Relax. Breathe. Move.'---Dr. Katarina Bulat u.sc. u.c. (& ~,us,ciAN ,Chiropractor 416-461-1906Private practice. Corn•ell & Danforth area.$ 7 ,;J NEED HELP WITH YOUR TAXES?,Specializing in personal, business,partnership, and corporate tax returnsincluding prior years and adjustments.Call Norm Pulker905-830-2985npulker@rogers.comfax: 905-830-9810WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM• free consultation• accurate work• pickup & deliveryarrangedProfessional ServicesAffordable web sitesfor performing artists"We keep your site up-to-date!"Visit www. veritygraphics corn forclient list and examples of our work.peter@veritygraphics. corn 416-351 -7171the business of the arts· fundraising· development· publicity· marketing•LAURA ADLERSwww.lauraadlers.comT: (416) 467-0634laura@lauraadlers.comlA'lexander Techniquewith Verna Johnson.,Certified Alexander Teacher-22 years' teaching experience.,