9 years ago

Volume 13 - Issue 6 - March 2008

WE ARE ALL Music's

WE ARE ALL Music's CHILDRENby mJBuellMARCH's Child ...Four is wonderful, especially if youdon't squeeze a weasel and you havejust won your first gold medal in theCNE piano competition for 7 and under:Think you know who MARCH's childis? Send your best guess tomusicschildren@thewholenote.comWinners will be selected by random drawamong correct replies received by March15. 2008.ifhen did you start playing the piano?Composing?I was 4 1/2 when I started piano lessons, atmy own request, and about 11 when I startedcomposing.Do you remember when you began tothink of yourself as a musician?When I earned my first fee, , at 16.Do you remember ever thinking youwould do anything else?In grade one I wrote that I would play the pianoin the daytime, be an astronomer at night, andcollect stamps in between. I long ago lostinterest in philately, but astronomy and sciencein general continue to fascinate there anything you would like to tellthe young person in that childhoodphoto?To stop drinking Coca-Cola, and to stopbeing too proud of my achievements atthe keyboard, and to do a lot more practicingand listening ...FEBRUARY's Child ... was pianistand composer Anton Kuerti.Photo circa 1936, in Toronto"This is Anton Kuerti, who was born inAustria, spent his youth in the US, and nowlives in the GTA. He is an amazing interpreter of Beethoven and Schumann,and has replaced his wife, after her passing, as Music Directorof the Mooredale Concerts ... " Oosiane Elary, Toronto)!!CONGRATULATIONS TO OUREarliest musical memory?WINNERS!!My first piano lesson, age 4 1/2, being told to hold my hand gently curved asSteve Gahbauer, Richard P. Baine, DonaldPelletier, Catherine McWhinnie: athough I were holding a sick bird. And repeatedly playing and being thrilledby Artur Rubinstein's recording of Beethoven 's Appassionata Sonata.pair of tickets for Moored ale Concerts 'Other musicians in your family?Kristine s Kompanions (March 29) featur­My mother sang in the Vienna Philharmonic Choir under conductorslike Bruno Walter, and she played the piano a little, but I tried to preventher from doing so. My father was an amateur violist and we had stringquartets at the house almost every week. My uncle, Fritz Jahoda, now98, was a professional pianist and conductor.Music in your life at the time the picture was taken?Music was what I was best at, my schoolmates nicknamed me"Beethoven"! The picture was taken at the wonderful GreenwoodMusic Camp in Massachusetts, which later both my sons attended andstill later one of them was the idolized conductor of the orchestra for asummer and the other was a counselor.About town as composer and conductor:I got to play a concerto with the orchestra both of the summers that Iattended, but as a pianist I was required to play an orchestral instrumenttoo, to fill out the orchestra. So for my first summer, I played trumpet, andthe next year converted that to French horn. Greenwood emphasizes a lotof friendly sight-reading of chamber music, there called "zilching" and I didget a chance to zilch almost the entire standard repertoire that included horn.My first summer at Marlboro, at the age of 15, there was only one realhorn player so I played 2nd horn in the orchestra with Rudolf Serkinand Adolf Busch appearing as soloists. My limited abilities were the sourceof much amusement, at times.ACROBAT MUSIC 51CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARKADI BRAUN 50 JAZZ VESPERS 23ALDEBURGH CONNECTION 30 CHURCH OF Sr. MARYALL THE KING'S VOICES 18 MAGDALENE 20AMADEUS CHOIR 39 CLASSICAL 96.3 FM 69AMERICAN HARP SOCIETY 37 COSMO MUSIC 17AMERICAN SOUND COMPANY 67 EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH 45ANALEKTA 65 ELMER ISELER SINGERS 33ARMOUR HEIGHTS PRJESBYTERIAN EXULTATE CHAMBER SINGERS 37CHURCH 36 GEORGE HEINL 20ART OF TIME ENSEMBLE 39 GL!MMERGLASS OPERA 26ASSOCIATES OF THE TSO 35 GRAND PHILHARMONIC CHOIR 45ATMA CLASSIQUE 5 G UITAR WORKSHOP PLUS 55BANFF CENTRE 61 HANNAFORD ST.SILVER BAND 15, 42CAMERON OGILVIE RECORDING HARKNETT MUSICAL SERVICES 17SERVICES 50 HELICONIAN HALL 25ing Erika Raum, OlivierThouin, violin, Scott St. John, Sharon Wei, violaand Christopher Costanza, cello. Mozart, Spohr, and Anton Kuerti's "Enticementfor Two Violas" (world pre mi ere)Mary Lou Payzant: as above, but for March 30.Rebekah Smick, Jane Ubertino, Sigrid Miemiec: a pair ofMooredale tickets to hear Anton Kuerti playing Beethoven: SonataNo. 13 in E flat, Op. 27, No.l: 33 Variations on a Theme by AntonDiabelli in C major, Op. 120 (April 12)Earl Brubacher: a pair of tickets for the same, but for April 13.CAMMAC ONTARIO M usic HUMBERCRJEST UNITEDCENTRE 55 CHURCH 18CANADIAN OPERA COMPANY 27 lNTERPROVINCIAL M usic CAMP 57CANADIAN SINFONIETTA 41 JAZZ AT ROYAL YORK 23CANCLONE SERVICES 50KITCHENER WATERLOO CHAMBERCHAUTAUQUA INSTITUTION 56 ORCHESTRA 44CHOIRS ONTARIO 52 LONG & MCQUADE 25CHRIST CHURCH D EERMARJORIE SPARKS VOICE0RIANA WOMEN'S CHOIR 49 TORONTO CHILDREN'SPARK 31 STUDIO 53ORPHEUS CHOIR 32 CHORUS 4928index of advertisersMarch 2: Syrinx Sunday Salons; Peter Longworth will play Anton Kuerti's"Piano Man Suite". April 6: Mooredale Youth Orchestra Concert;Anton will conduct Beethoven Symphony No. 1 and an excerpt from theSt. Matthew Passion (in memory of Kristine). April 6: Syrinx; DeniseDjokic performs Kuerti's "Magog" for Cello and Piano with Angela Park.Upcoming Recording: 6 Haydn Sonatas, Analekta 2 9933Musics Children gratefully acknowledges the generous and good-humouredparticipation of Linda Litwack, Mooredale Concerts, and AnneKear:M iKROKOSMOS 50 PASQUALE BROS. 51 TORONTO CLASSICAL SINGERS 34MISSISSAUGA CHORAL SOCIETY 31 PETER MAHON 19 TORONTO CONSORT 40MOOREDALE CONCERTS 39 RCM COMMUNITY SCHOOL 59 TORONTO MENDELSSO HNMPC Music 2 RCM GLENN Gouw CHOIR] IM USEUM OF CHILDHOOD 43 SCHOOL 27 TORONTO SCHOOL FOR STRINGS 60MUSIC AT METROPOLITAN 36 REM EN YI HOUSE OF M USIC 13 TORONTO SYMPHONYM USIC AT PORT MILFORD 57 ROEL OLA y' INVESTMENT ORCHESTRA 6, 71, 72M USIC GALLERY 24 ADVISOR 51 TORONTO WELSH MALE VOICEMusic PAD 50 RoY THOMSON HALL 4 CHOIR 42MUSIC TORONTO 7, 9, 32, 34, SINFONIA TORONTO 15 U OFT FACULTY OF Music 2936, 38, 41 SOUND POST 21 UL YSSEAN SOCIETY OFNATIONAL JAZZ AWARDS I SOUNDSTRJEAMS 35 TORONTO 63TORONTO DOWNTOWN JAZZ 23 SOUTHERN ONTARIO CHAMBER VICTORIA SCHOLARS 31NEW MUSIC CONCERTS 24, 33, MUSIC I NSTITUTE 60 WHOLENOTE CLASSIFIEDS 5034 ST. ANNE'S CHURCH 33 WHOLENOTE INDEX OFNo STRINGS THEATRE ST. PAUL'S FOUNDATION FOR ADVERTISERS 28PRODUCTIONS 60 THE ARTS 37 WHOLENOTE MARKETPLACENUMUS CONCERTS 44 STEVE'S MUSIC 17 62, 63OLD MILL INN AND SPA 22 SYRINX CONCERTS 41 WINDERMERE Q UARTET 35OPERA BY REQUEST 26, 27 T AFELMUSIK 3 WORLDSONGS VOCAL CAMPOPERA IN CONCERT 46 TIMOTHY EATO N MEMORIAL FOR ADULTS 53OPERA YORK 27 CHURCH 38 YORK UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENTORCHEST RA TORONTO 41 TORONTO CHAMBER CHOIR 40 OF Music 19, 29WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM MARCH 1 - APRI L 7 2008

Thursday, March Z.7 ~ 7,3opmConcert of SoloistsYork University Symphony OrchestraMark Chambers, directorWorks by Bizet , Grieg,Mozart. Mussorgsky and Verdifeaturing Joyce Goh. sopranoHannah Kwo n , violin; Arvid N eumann. violaThu Van, pian o; Jenny Xia, pianoSunday, March 30 ~ 3,oopmYork University Wind SymphonyWilliam Thomas, directorJohn Adams: Short Ride in a Fast Machin eIra H earshen: ~mpho'!Y on Them esof Sousa - After 'Fairest of the Fair ·Frank Tichelli: Cajun Folk Songsand moreBox Office, 416.!festivalYORKFI N E.a,R"WJX9.~,IS 1 IUNI V ERS ITY ~'!if1ti UN IVERSITYu; TOR.ONTOJohn Kruspe inA Hundred Years AgoMar 7Almost a Third VienneseSchool Mar 13William Aide Mar 27OPERAThe Opera Division PresentsHANDEL: ARIODANTEJeanne Lamon & Stephen Rallsmusical directors ,Michael Patrick Albano dMar 13 14 , irector, , 75 (7-30 pm)Mar 16 (2.30 pm) 'STUOENT ENSEMBLESC t MacMillan Singers Mar 8on emporary Music Ensembl MStudent c e ar 9om~osers Concert Mar 10, 317 0 Clock Swing Band Mar 18Vocal J~zz Ensembles Mar 27Wi~d Symphony Mar 28Wmd Ensemble Mar 29WWW.THEWHOLENOTE,COM29

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Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)