... 1: CONCERTS: Toronto and GTAMusic. Jazz Festival: Small Ensembles.Mark Eisenman, Frank Falco, Kelly Jefferson,Mike Murley, Artie Roth, directors.ACE Lounge, 219 Accolade E. YU, 4700Keele St. 416· 736-5186. Free.- 7:30: Associates of the TorontoSymphony Orchestra. Five Small Concerts.Ensembles from the TSO YouthOrchestra. Trinity -St. Paul's Centre, 427Bloor St. W. 416-221 -8342. ; (sr/st); (children). See ad previous page.Tuesday March 18- 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.The Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre ChamberMusic Series - Widor et Piazzolla. Ensem·ble Vivant. Widor: Soirs d' Alsace & musicby Piazzolla. Four Season Centre for thePerforming Arts, 145 Queen St. W. 416·363-8231. Free.- 6:00: Heliconian Club. St. Patrick's DayCelebration. Janet Catherine Dea, soprano. 35Hazelton Ave. 416-922-3618. . Proceedsto the Heliconian Centennial Scholarship Fund.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. 7 O'Clock Swing Band. John Jasavala,director. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.- 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz Festival: Jazz Choirs. MimAdams, Bob Hamper, directors. TributeCommunities Recital Hall. Accolade E. YU,4700 Keele St. 416-736-5186. Free.- 8:00: Music Toronto. Simon Trpceski,Piano. Debussy: Children's Corner;Prokofiev: Grandmother's Tales; ToccataOp. 7; Sonata #7; Rachmaninov: LilacsOp.21/5; Prelude Op.32/12; Daisies Op.3813; Prelude in c-sharp Op.3/2; Prelude in gOp.23/5. Jane Mallett Theatre, St. LawrenceCentre for the Arts, 27 Front St.East. 416-366- 7723 I 800· 708-6754. -.- 8:00: Roy Thomson Hall. VirtuosoPerformances: Yundi Li, piano. Works byChopin, Liszt, Rachmaninioff & Mussorgsky.60 Simcoe St. 416-872-4255. .50-.50.- 8:15: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz Festival: Small Ensembles.Kelly Jefferson, Lorne Lofsky, Roy Patterson,Kevin Turcotte, directors. ACELounge, 219 Accolade E. YU, 4700 KeeleSt. 416· 736-5186. Free.Wednesday March 19- 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.The Richard Bradshaw AmphitheatreChamber Music Series - Mixed Program.Toronto Symphony Youth Orchestra.Chamber music favourites. Four SeasonsCentre for the Performing Arts, 145 QueenSt. W. 416·363-8231. Free.- 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz Festival.· Jazz Vocal ensemble.Richard Whiteman, Mike Cado, directors. ACELounge, 219 Accolade E. YU, 4700 Keele St.416-736-5186.- 7:30: MPC Music. An Evening of Musicwith Tommy Ambrose. Norman Amadio,piano; Rick White, tenor sax; John Macleod,flugelhorn; Rosemary Galloway, bass; DonVickery, drums. Lula Lounge, 1585 Dundas St.W. 416-248-4952/1 ·888-3 16·2016. .- 7:30: Toronto Opera Repertoire.Scenes from French & Italian Repertoire.Bickford Centre Theatre, 777 Bloor St. W.416-978-8849. Free.- 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz Festival: Small Ensembles.Mark Eisenman, Lorne Lofsky, AnthonyMichelli, Mike Malone, Kevin Turcotte, JimVivian, directors. ACE Lounge, 219 AccoladeE. YU, 4700 Keele St. 416- 736-5186. Free.- 8:00: Glenn Gould School. StudentRecital -Kris Maddigan, percussion. 90Croatia St. 416-408·2824 x322. Free.- 8:00: Oakville Symphony Orchestra.Romantic Drama. Morawetz: Carnival Overture;Dvorak: Violin Concerto; Tchaikowsky:Symphony #6. Irina Muresanu, violin. OakvilleCentre for the Performing Arts, 120 Navy St.Oakville. 905-815-2021. ; (sr); (st/chi.- 9:30: KlezFactor. Debut at The TraneStudio. 964 Bathurst St. 416·558-9457. .Thursday March 20-12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.The Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre WorldMusic Series -Global Rhythms. Toro PercussionEnsemble. Wide-ranging music forpercussion. Four Seasons Centre for thePerforming Arts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231.Free.Armour HeightsPresbyterian ChurchPresents aSING-ALONG MESSIAHBruce Nasmith, Music Directorwith theArmour Heights Choir,Soloists & Guest PlayersGood Friday, March 212:30pmReception during Intermission, Seniors/Students ( Discount if you bringyour own copy of Messiah)105 Wilson Avenue(West of York Mills Subway stop.One block east of Avenue Road,between Avenue Rd. & Yonge Blvd.)416-485-4000- 12:10: St. Paul's Foundation for theArts. Noon Hour Recital Series - lmreOlah, organ. St. Paul's Bloor St., 227Bloor St. E. 416-961-8116 x251. Free.- 12:10: University of Toronto Facultyof Music. Thursdays at Noon: TafelmusikBaroque Orchestra. Jeanne Lamon, director.Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.- 2:00: Oakville Symphony Orchestra.Romantic Drama. See Mar 19.- 7:30 York University Department ofMusic. Jazz Festival: Jazz Orchestra. AlHenderson, Mike Cado, directors. TributeCommunities Recital Hall, Accolade E. YU,4 700 Keele St. 416- 736-5186. Free.- 7:30: Guitar Society of Toronto/Universityof Toronto Faculty of Music.University of Toronto Guitar Ensemble.Jeffrey McFadden, director. UniversityCollege Arts Centre, King's College Circle.416-922-8002. Free.- 7:30: Toronto Opera Repertoire. SeeMarch 19.- 8:00: Glenn Gould School. StudentRecital- Tim Borton, percussion. Studio ofJohn Rudolph & David Kent. RCM ConcertHall, 90 Croatia St. 416-408-2824. Free.Friday March 21- 2:00: St. Clement's Anglican Church.Music & Readings for Passiontide. T ucapsky:The Sacrifice, also music by Anerio, Sheppard& Hurford . 59 Briar Hill Ave. 416-483-6664.Free.- 2:30: Armour Heights PresbyterianChurch. Sing-Along Messiah. ArmourHeights Choir; soloists and guest players;Bruce Nasmith, music director. 105 WilsonAve. 416-485-4000. , O(sr/st).-4:00: St Paul's Foundation for theArts. Agnus Dei: Music & Readings for aMost Holy Day. Choirs, actors, organ &saxophone; Eric Robertson, music director.St. Paul's Anglican Church, 227 BloorSt. E. 416-961-8116 x251. Free, collectiontaken.- 7:30: Cantabile Chorale of YorkRegion. Ecumenical Service. Chaplin:Cantata for Good Friday. Robert Richardson,conductor. Thornhill United Church,25 Elgin St. Thornhill. 905· 731-8318.Silent offering.- 7:30: Metropolitan United Church.Bach: St. John Passion. Eric Shaw,Evangelist; Stephen Hegedus, Christus;Lorna MacDonald, soprano; ChristinaStelmacovich, alto; Dillon Parmer, tenor;Daniel Lichti, baritone. MetropolitanFestival Choir & Orchestra. 56 Queen St.E. 416·363-0331. .- 7:30: Oriole-York Mills United Church.Contrasts. Derrick Lewis, piano & organ; MeriDolevski, clarinet; other performers tba. 2609Bayview Avenue. 647-238-2921. ; (sr/st); children I 12 & under).- 7:30: Toronto Mendelssohn Choir.Bach's Mass in B Minor. The MendelssohnSingers & Festival Orchestra. YorkminsterPark Baptist Church, 1585 Yonge St. 416·598-0422 x24. -.- 8:00: Guitar Society of Toronto. RemiBoucher, guitar. Heliconian Hall, 35 HazeltonAve. 416-922·8002. .Saturday March 22- 7:00: The Ault Sisters, In Concert.Amanda, Alicia, and Alanna Ault; guests: LindaFletcher, Grace Lee, Tom Oliver, Tyler Seiden·berg, Jennifer Tung, and A. Dale Wood. RoseTheatre, 1 Theatre Lane, Brampton. 905-874-2800. ; ; .- 8:00: Guitar Society of Toronto. DaleKavanagh, guitar. Heliconian Hall, 35 HazeltonAve. 416-922-8002. .Sunday March 23- 12:00 noon: Derek Macrae.Solo GuitarConcert. Classical, Spanish & popular music.Ristorante Julia, 312 Lakeshore Rd. E. 905-844- 7401.Free.- 2:00: ROM. Sunday Concert -ContinuumMusic Ensemble. 100 Queen's Park. 416-586-8000. ; (sr/st w ID); (5-14);free (members + 4 and under). IncludesMusic at MetropolitanPatricia Wright, conductorpresents The PassionAccording to St. Johnby Johann Sebastian BachThe Metropolitan FestivalChoir and OrchestraEric Shaw, Evangelist; Michael Uloth, ChristusLorna MacDonald, sopranoChristina Stelmacovich, mezzo-sopranoDillon Parmer, tenor; Daniel Lichti, baritoneGood Friday, March 21 at 7:30 p.m.(J. S. Bach's 323rd birthday)Admission: A Metropolitan United Churchr/ \i 56 Queen Street East at Church Street, TorontoMrn
access to all galleries and exhibitions.Monday March 24- 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Music at Midday: Classical lnstru·mental Recital. Student soloists. TributeCommunities Recital Hall, Accolade East,YU, 4 700 Keele St. 416· 736·5186. Free.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Chamber Music Series: Turtle IslandString Duarte!. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park.416-978·3744. ; (sr/sl).- 8:00: American Harp Society. JudyLoman: A Celebration. Works by Buhr,Glick, Schafer, Weinzweig, Lizotte andothers. Jacques lsraelievitch, violin; NoraShulman, flute; Linda Umbrico, viola;Mariko Anraku, Lori Gemmel, JenniferSwartz, Sharlene Wallace, and JulieUmbrico, harp. Concert Hall, RCM, 90Croatia St. $ 25. Proceeds to the JosephUmbrico Memorial Bursary & ProjectFund for HAADD & the Toronto Chapterof the American Harp Society.Tuesday March 25- 12:00 noon: Oueen of Puddings MusicTheatre. The Richard Bradshaw AmphitheatreVocal Series · Ana Sokolovich: loveSongs. Settings of love poems by the singer/John Tutti