9 years ago

Volume 13 - Issue 6 - March 2008

... 1: CONCERTS: Toronto

... 1: CONCERTS: Toronto and GTAcomposer. Four Seasons Centre for thePerforming Arts, 145 Queen St. W. 416·363-8231.Free.- 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Music at Midday: New Music byYoung Composers. Original compositions byyoung composers from the studio of DavidMott. Tribute Communities Recital Hall,Accolade East, YU, 4700 Keele St. 416-736-5186. Free.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. World Music Ensembles. Africandrumming and dancing; folk roots; Balinesegamelan; Klezmer; steel pan. MacMillanTheatre, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.- 8:00: Glenn Gould Studio. CDC Radio'sCanada live presents Toca loca · theMusic TORONTOP*P Project. Glenn Gould Studio, 250Front St. W. 416·925·2103 x232. ,(sr./st.)- 8:00: Kaeja d'Dance. Abbatoir. PremiereDance Theatre, 207 Queen's Quay W. 416·973-4000. , ; (st/sr). For rundetails see music theatre listings.- 8:00: Music Toronto. Duatuor Arthur­Leblanc. Shostakovich: String Quartet#13; Raum: Elements; Beethoven: StringQuartet in F, Op.59/1 (Razumovsky).Hibiki Kobayashi, Brett Molzan, violins;Jean·Luc Plourde, viola; Ryan Molzan,cello. Jane Mallett Theatre, St. LawrenceCentre for the Arts, 27 Front St. East.416·366· 7723 / 800- 708-6754. -.- 8:00: York University Department ofMusic. York U Women's Chorus. LisetteCanton, director; Nathalie Doucet-Lalkens,pianist. Works by Orban. Mendelssohn,Walker, Casals and others.Tribute CommunitiesRecital Hall, Accolade East, YU, 4 700Keele St. 416- 736-5186. Free.Wednesday March 26-12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.The Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre PianoVirtuoso Series - 19th Century Masterpieces.Baharak Beizaei. Four Seasons Centre for thePerforming Arts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231.Free.- 1 :00: Hart House Music Committee.Midday Mosaics Noon Hour Concerts. Faure:Dolly Suite; Poulenc: Sonata; Rachmaninoff:Valse & Romance; Liszt: HungarianRhapsody #2; Czerny: BrilliantVariations on a Theme from Norma. DianaOumlavwalla, Anna Lee, Mimi Mok,Jennifer Yu, Teresa Zaleski, performers. 7Hart House Circle. 416-978-2452. Free.- 2:00: Northern District Library. Musicfor String Duarte!. Works by Beethoven, Raum& Monk. Arthur Leblanc Quartet. 40Orchard View Blvd. 416-393-7610. Free.- 7:30: Mozart Society. Spring Concert.Works by Mozart, Beethoven & Bach. PetrMacecek, violin; Frank Jirka, piano. FirstUnitarian Congregation, 175 St. Clair Ave. W.416-201-3338. ; free to members.- 8:00: Glenn Gould Studio. Global Divas.Jane Bunnett & the Spirit of Havana, KiranAhluwalia, Brenna MacCrimmon, MariaFarinha, Utsile Ndlavu. 250 Front St. W. 416-925-2103 x232. . Proceeds go to St.Stephen's Community Centre.- 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Mini Wednesday Masterworks 3 - KissinPlays Brahms. Luedeke: Tales of theNetsilik; Brahms: Piano Concerto #1.Evgeny Kissin, piano; Andrew Davis,conductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 SimcoeSt. 416-593-4828. -$130.Thursday March 27- 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre ChamberMusic Series -String Classics 2. Glenn GouldSchool String Ensemble. Four Seasons Centrefor the Performing Arts, 145 Queen St. W.416·363·8231 . Free.- 12: 10: St. Paul's Foundation for theArts. Noon Hour Rec,Jal Series -Peter Nikiforuk,organ. St. Paul's Bloor St., 227 Bloor St.E. 416-961-8116 x251. Free.- 12: 10: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Thursdays at Noon: William Aide 70thBirthday Concert. Works by Beckwith,Brahms, Chopin, Kenins & Ravel. WilliamAide, piano; David Hetherington, cello; DougMacNaughton, baritone. Walter Hall, 80Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.-12:15: Metropolitan United Church.Noon at Met Concerts. Wilhelrrina Tiemersma,organ. 56 Queen St. E. 416·363·0331 x51 . Free.- 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Music at Midday: R&B Ensemble. 16young musicians perform Motown, 60s R&B,funk, contemporary pop. Mike Cado, director.ACE Lounge, 219 Accolade East, YU, 4700Keele St. 416-736-5186. Free.- 2:00: Northern District Library. ChamberMusic Recital. Schubert: String QuintetD667. Ines Pagliari, Gretchen Paxson, violin;Beverlee Swayze, viola; Anne Rankin, TriciaBalmer, cello. 40 Orchard View Blvd. 416-393- 7610. Free.- 7:30: Hart House Theatre/LI of T DanceCoalition. UofTFestivalofDance. 7 HartHouse Circle. 416-978-8849. ; O(sr/st). For run details see music theatre listings.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Jazz Ensembles: Vocal Jazz Ensemble.Lisa Martinelli, director. Walter Hall, 80Queen's Park. 416-978·3744. ; (sr/st).- 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. York U Symphony Orchestra. Concertof soloists featuring works by Bizet, Grieg,Mussorgsky, Mozart and Verdi. Joyce Goh,soprano; Hannah Kwon, violin; Arvid Neumann,viola; Thu Van & Jenny Xia, piano; MarkChambers, director. Tribute CommunitiesRecital Hall, Accolade East, YU, 4700Keele St. 416- 736-5888. ; (st).- 8:00: Rose Theatre, Brampton. LesBoreades de Montreal· Beatles Baroque. 1Theatre Lane, Brampton. 905- 874-28 00.. 75-.- 8:00: Kaeja d'Dance. Abbatoir. SeeMarch 25.- 8:00: Tafelmusik. Beethoven, Symphonies7 & 8. Bruno Weil, guest conductor.Trinity St. Paul's Centre, 427 Bloor St. W.416-964-6337. -; -(sr/st).Friday March 28- 11 :30am: York University Departmentof Music. Music at Midday: Classic RagtimePiano Concert. Young musicians performworks by Jenks, Joplin, Lamb and more.Catherine Wilson, director.Tribute Communi·ties Recital Hall, Accolade East, YU, 4 700Keele St. 416- 736·5186. Free.- 7:30: Brampton Folk Club. Friday FolkNight concerts· Ron Nigrini. Opening act LauraThomas. Sanderson Hall, St. Paul's UnitedChurch, 30 Main St. South, Brampton. 647-233-3655. ; $ lO(sr/st).- 7:30: Timothy Eaton Memorial Church.Beatles vs. Bach. Marty Smyth, organ.230 St. Clair Ave. W. 416-925-8494. ;(st/sr).- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. U of T Wind Symphony: Life in theFunhouse. Works by Haas, Copland, Gregson& Benson. Jeffrey Reynolds, conductor.MacMillan Theatre, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. ; (sr/st).- 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. York U Gospel Choir. Works bySmallwood, Kee, Franklin and more.Guest: Carvin Winans; Karen Burke,director. Tribute Communities RecitalHall, Accolade East, YU, 4700 Keele St.416·736·5888. ; (st) .- 8:00: Roy Thomson Hall. InternationalVocal Recitals: Michael Schade, tenor &Russell Braun, baritone. Carolyn Maule, piano.60 Simcoe St. 416·872-4255. ·.- 8:00: Coenraad Bloemendal andWinona Zelenka. A concert of music fortwo cellos. Music by Offenbach, Gliere,Popper and Franchomme. Remenyi House ofMusic, 210 Bloor St. W. 416-961-3111.Voluntary contribution.- 8:00: M·DO & Toronto Tabla Ensemble.Horizons: Emerging Indian Classical DanceSeries. Hiroshi Miyamoto and Chad Walasek,dancers; Sheela Barath, Nalin Bisnath,Thanathevy Mithratheva, Gowri Shankar,Ritesh Das, Joanna de Souza & Kiran Phull,musicians; Hari Krishnan, direction. Church ofSt. Stephen in-the-Fields, 103 Bellevue Ave.416-504- 7082. . @mt@- 8:00: Art of Time Ensemble. Shakespeare:If Music Be ... Readings, music &dance inspired by Shakespeare. Works byKorngold, R. Strauss, Prokofiev & Cage.Monica Whicher, soprano; Erika Raum, violin;Andrew Burashko, piano; Patrick Lavoie,Tanya Howard, National Ballet soloists.Enwave Theatre, 231 Queen's Quay W. 416·973-4000. ; (st/sr/artists).- 8:00: Exultate Chamber Singers. GreatComposer Series: Vaughan Williams. Mass ing & Five Mystical Songs. John Tuttle, conductor;Bruce Kelly, baritone. Saint Thomas'sAnglican Chuch, 383 Huron St. 416-971-9229. ; (sr.); (st).MARTY SMYTHTeaching the Pipe Organ new tricksAlso featuring electronica artist A.M.with a stellar line-up of guest vocalists and musiciansFriday, March 28, 2008 at 7:30pmTimothy Eaton Memorial Church230 St. Clair Ave. W. Adults Seniors/StudentsTickets are available at the door or from theTEMC Volunteer Office 416-925-5977www.martysmyth.cawww.musicbyam.com38 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM MARCH 1 · APRIL 7 2008

- 8:00: Kaeja d'Dance. Abbatoir. SeeMarch 25.- 8:00: Randolph Academy for thePerforming Arts. Footloose. BathurstStreet Theatre, 736 Bathurst St. 416-924·2243. Call for ticket prices. For rundetails see music theatre listings.- 8:00: Scarborough Choral SocietyOnstage Productions. Brigadoon. ByLerner and Loewe. Bayview Glen SchoolTheatre, 85 Moatfield Drive. 416-293-3981. ; (sr); (st). For run detailssee music theatre listings.- 8:00: Tafelmusik. Beethoven, Sympho-ANDREW BURASHKOArtistic DirectorMusic BY Erich Korngold, John Cage,Richard Strauss & Sergei ProkofievPERFORMANCES BPeggy BakerPiotr StanczykRebekah RimsayTom McCamusChick ReidCara RickettsMarc BendavidMonica WhicherMarie BerardAndrew BurashkoDavid Ferrynies 7 & 8. See March 27.- 8:00: Vic Chorus. Spring Concert.Buxtehude: Cantate Domino; Ramirez:Misa Criolla; Misa Luba; spirituals &folksongs. Taylor Sullivan, conductor.Isabel Bader Theatre, 93 Charles St. W.416-585-4521. Free.Saturday March 29- 2:00 & 8:00: Scarborough ChoralSociety Onstage Productions. Brigadoon.See March 28.- 7:00: St. Andrew's United Church. Menof Note. Male voice choir; Margot Rejskind,CHOREOGRAPHY Peggy Baker & James KudelkaREADING OF WORKS BYHarold PinterVirginia WoolfVoltaireMel Gibson& othersSCENES FROMRomeo & Juliet,Hamlet andMuch Ado AboutNothingWITH MUSIC AND DANCfINSPIREL BY SHAKESPEAREf www.Mooredaleconcerts.comKristine's KompanionsFavourite partners of Kristine Bogyo,5 of Canada's greatest string players:Erika Raum Scott St. JohnOlivier Thouin Sharon WeiChris Costanzaperfonn Mozart's monumental G minorquintet and a rare, stunning quintet by LouisSpohr, considered during the 19th century tobe one of the 10 greatest composers of alltime! Plus a Kuerti duo for 2 violas.Sat. Mar. 29, 8 pm Willowdale UnitedSunday March 30, 3pm Walter HallAlso: Music & Truffles 1 pm ()416 587-9411 / conductor. 32 Main St. N. Markham. 905-294-0351. (2 for ).- 7:30: Amadeus Choir. Mendelssohn:Elijah. Laura Albino, soprano; LaurenSegal, mezzo-soprano; David Pomeroy,tenor; Phillip Addis, baritone; LydiaAdams, conductor. George Weston RecitalHall, Toronto Centre for the Arts, 5040Yonge St. 416-446-0188. -.- 7:30: Clarkson Community Concerts.Cadence Ouartet. Program of a capella music.Christ Church, 1700 Mazo Crescent, Missis·sauga. 905-855-0112. $ 25; (sr/st);(12 & under).- 7:30: Toronto Chamber Choir. TheGolden Age of Tudor Music. Works by Tallis,Taverner & Byrd. David Fallis, artistic director.Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 Yonge St.416· 763-1695. -; -(sr/st).Pre-concert lecture: 6:30.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. U of T Wind Ensemble. Marshall:Renascence Piano Concerto (Canadian premiere);works by Gillingham & Daugherty.Henri-Paul Sicsic, piano; Gillian Mac Kay,conductor. MacMillan Theatre, 80 Queen'sPark. 416-978-3744. ; O(sr/st).- 8:00: Brampton Symphony. GreatRomantics. Rachmaninoff: Piano ConcertoNo.1; Mendelssohn: Midsummer Night'sDream. Rose Theatre, 1 Theatre Lane, Brampton.905-8 74-2800. ; (sr/st); (12and under).- 8:00 Kaeja d"Oance. Abbatoir. SeeMarch 25.- 8:00: Newman Concert Series. Handel.·Messiah, Parts I & II. Newman FestivalChorus & artists from the U of T Faculty ofMusic; Matthew Otto, conductor. NewmanElijah"And the hand of the lordwas on Elijah"Centre Chapel, 89 St. George St. 416-979·2468. Suggested donation of .- 8:00: M-DO & Toronto Tabla Ensemble.See March 28.- 8:00: Sitar School of Toronto. FriendshipConcert. The music of India & Paki·stan. Anwar Khurshid, sitar; Ustad TariKhan, tabla. U of T Medical SciencesAuditorium, 12 King's College Circle. 416·978-8849. ; (st).- 8:00: Acoustic Harvest Folk Club.Dala. Mark Weinstock opening. St.Nicholas Anglican Church, 1512 KingstonRd. 416-264-2235. .- 8:00: Art of Time Ensemble. Shake·speare: If Music Be ... See March 28.- 8:00: Etobicoke Centennial Choir.Masterworks Majesty. Works by Bach,Handel, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Faure, Daleyand others. Margaret Dulude-Heney, soprano;John Barber and Ryan Harper, tenors; GaryHeard, baritone; Leslie Kingham, piano/organ;Harris Loewen, music director. Royal York Rd.United Church, 851 Royal York Rd. 416-239·1131. ; (st/sr).- 8:00: Mississauga Symphony. Brillianceof Brahms. Music from Brahms: HungarianDances, Piano Quintet, Horn Trio, Symphonies3 & 4, Piano Concerto //2 & other works.Gregory Millar, piano; John Barnum, conductor.Hammerson Hall, 4141 Living Arts Drive,Mississauga. 905-306-6000. -.- 8:00: Mooredale Concerts. Kristine'sCompanions. Music by Mozart and Spohr.Musical partners of Mooredale Concerts' latefounding director, Kristine Bogyo, including:Erika Raum, Scott St. John, and OlivierThouin, violins; Sharon Wei, viola; WinonaZelenka, cello. Willowdale United Church,a,amaaeusllllcnoirLydia Adams, Conductor and Artistic DirectorLydia Adams and the Amadeus Choirare proud to present Felix Mendelssohn'schoral masterpiece.Brilliant young Canadian baritone,Phillip Addis, sings the triumphantrole of this wise and powerful leader.Phillip Addis, baritone, as ElijahLaura Albino, sopranoLauren Segal, mezzo sopranoDavid Pomeroy, tenorand full orchestraSaturday, March 29th, 2008, 7:30 p.m.George Weston Recital HallToronto Centre for the Arts5040 Yonge Street, North YorkTickets: and Ticket Master: 416-872-1111For information, please call theAmadeus Choir at: 416-446-0188PA ONTARIO ARTS COUNCIL)'-\ CONSEIL DES ARTS OE l'ONIARIO~ Co~s.,,ldu MsAn ;:o,m·, le ngl~ body ol the City or Tornlo for the A rt.,; C!:) du (,>nadatorontdartsbounci l C..n,>~~ Co u" c,1MARCH 1 - A PRI L 7 2008 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM 39

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