•March 2 1:30-4:00: Toronto EarlyMusic Players Organization. Workshopon early music for winds & strings, led byAlison Melville. Bring your earlyinstruments and stand; music provided.Lansing United Church, 49 Bogert Ave.416-778- 7777. , members free.•March 2 2:00: CAMMAC. Reading ofBach's Cantata BWV 4 Christ lag inTodesbanden. Led by Brad Ratzlaff; forsingers & instrumentalists. Elliott Hall,Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 Yonge St.416-421 -0779. (non-members);members & students free.•March 10-14: Royal Conservatory ofMusic Community School. Scratch fromScratch: DJ Fundamentals. Learn mix andscratch arts in this hands-on program.For teens & adults. 90 Croatia St. 416-408-2825, www.rcmusic.ca•March 19 7:30: Toronto ShapenoteSinging from Sacred Harp. Beginnerswelcome. Music Room, Bloor StreetUnited Church, 300 Bloor St. W. (atHuron). 416- 922-7997 orpleasancecrawford@rogers.com•March 25 8:00: Toronto Folk Singers'Club. An informal group that meets forthe purpose of performance & exchangeof songs. Audiences are welcome. TranzacClub, 292 Brunswick Ave. 416-532-0900.•March 27 7:30: Toronto Early MusicCentre. Vocal Circle. Recreational readingof early choral music. Ability to read~,,~,,~,,,1,1,,,,,,,,~ I~ 314 Churchill Ave I~ Toronto, Ontario ~~ M2R 1 E7 Canada ~~ Te l : 416-224-1956 ~~ Fax: 416-224-2964 ~~ MIKROKOSMOS www.mikrokosmos.com p? f~ ?f ,~ We buy your ~; f~ classical LP ~? ?~ collection :Pf ~~ ~~ (classical, such as ~; f~ Beethoven, Mozart, ~? ?? Stockhausen) ,~ I, ~? f~ we travel anywhere ~~ for good collections ~~ ,~11,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!Imusic is desirable but not essential. 12Millbrook Cres. 416-920-5025. (nonmembers).members free.•March 28 7:30-10pm: RecorderPlayers' Society. Opportunity forrecorder and/or other early instrumentplayers to play Renaissance & Baroquemusic in groups. Coached by ScottPaterson. Church of the Transfiguration,111 Manor Rd. East. 416-534-7931.$ lO(CAMMAC member), (nonmember).• April 5 9:00am-4:00: Toronto EarlyMusic Players Organization. All-dayworkshop on early music for winds andstrings, led by Matthias Maute. Bringyour early instruments and stand; musicprovided. Lansing United Church, 49Bogert Ave. 416- 778· 7777. .•April 5 1:00-4:45: CAMMAC. VocalJazz Workshop. Led by Dylan Bell. Vocalpercussion, traditional drum kit sounds,Latin/African percussion sounds made bythe voice and other vocal ideas. NorthernDistrict Library, 40 Orchard View Blvd.416-694-9266. (members), (nonmembers).Registration deadline: March31.• April 6 1:30-4:00: Toronto EarlyMusic Players Organization. Workshopon early music for winds & strings, led byMatthias Maute. Bring your earlyinstruments and stand; music provided.Lansing United Church, 49 Bogert Ave.416- 778- 7777. , members free.MusicPad.ca~~• Store your enti resheet music library• Scan your existing sheetmusic into the MusicPad• Hands-free page turni ng• File browse, search, annotate• Runs on battery or AC power• Service to scan a nd/or converts heet music to MusicPadformat available for a nominalfeewww.musicpad.camusictablet@gmail.com647-722-4318CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGINSTRUCTIONA CONCERT PIANIST with extensiveknowledge in piano physiology will helpstudents improve their technique andprepare for competitions and auditions.Please email noikis@hotmail.com'EVE EGOYAN seeks advanced,committed piano students(emu@interlog.com or 416-894-6344)PIANO LESSONS: All ages, styles -beginner, classical. jazz, pop, RCM exams.Feel the joy of making music I Peter Ness,ARCT. 416-767-9747.PIANO LESSONS North of Bloor WestVillage. per month. Experienced, nicelady teacher. Beginners welcome (children,ladies). 416- 766- 7981 Sabine.THEORY, SIGHT-SINGING, EAR-TRAINING LESSONS: All grades, RCM examprep (rudiments, harmony, history, counterpoint).Learning can be fun and easy!Peter Ness, ARCT. 416-767-9747.MISCELLANEOUSARE YOU PLANNING A CONCERT orrecital? Looking for a venue? ConsiderBloor Street United Church. Phone:416-924-7439 x22 Email:tina@b loorstree tuni ted.o rgMUSICIANS AVAILABLEBARD - EARLY MUSIC DUO playingrecorder and virginal available to providebackground atmosphere for teas, receptionsor other functions - greater Toronto area.For rates and info call 905-722-5618 oremail us at mhpape@interhop.netMUSICIANS WANTEDMUSIC DIRECTOR WANTED. TheScarborough Bel Canto Choir is looking foran experienced Music Director effectiveSeptember 2008. Candidates should enjoyconducting a wide range of musical styles.Interested parties please call David Ramsayat 416-703-5749. www.belcantochoir.comORGANIST AND CHOIR DIRECTORWANTED. St. John's Presbyterian Churchis an inner city congregation of about 100members. Focal points of congregationallife include preaching, music, interest inmission and social justice, and fellowship.We have a three-manual pipe organ, a newgrand piano, a paid soprano soloist and asmall but enthusiastic choir. Please reply toRoger Townshend, St. John's PresbyterianChurch, 415 Broadview Avenue, Toronto,Ontario. M4K 2M9 orrtownshend@oktlaw.com.PIANO TEACHER, ARCT, needed immediatelyfor music school in the BoltonNobleton-Palgrave area for two afternoonsa week. Call Adeodata 416-971 -9754.•TENOR: PAID SECTION LEADER/SOLOIST SOUGHT. Take part in anexcellent choral programme at RosedalePresbyterian Church, directed byMelody McShane, M. Mus. Pleaseapply to: RPC, 129 Mount Pleasant Rd.,Toronto M4W 2S3 orkoala@interlog.com by March 31.SERVICESACCOUNTING AND INCOME TAX SERVICEfor small business and individuals, to save youtime and money, customized to meet yourneeds. Norm Pulker, B. Math. CMA. 905-251-0309 or 905-830-2985.HOUSE SITTER I PET SITTER. Responsible,reliable, retired librarian available for anyperiod between !7 March - 31 May, in thearea south of Steeles between Allen and theDon Valley Parkway. I'm a Newfoundlander.SPECALIZING INCAMERONOGILVIE416.992.4412csogilvie@gmail.comcameronog ilvie.comCanadian Jazz Vocalist& Recording ArtistADI BRAUNNow accepting a limited number of newvoice and piano students-all styles and levels --preparation for exams & auditions -"Every singer on the planet should take at leastone vocal lesson from Adi Braun ... her techniqueis a wonder to behold." - Jamyz Bee, JAZZ FM91For more information please call 416. 651. 81 16adi@adibraun.com www.adibraun.com50 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM MARCH 1 - APRI L 7 2008
This is my 6th consecutive winter here. I havemany references re: caring for both cats anddogs. patatilley@yahoo.com 416-826-7858.IMPROVE POSTURE, POISE & APPEARANCE. Resolve stiffness, limitations & pain.Enhance performance skills. Call GraemeLynn, STAT certified Alexander Techniqueteacher. 416-964-7026. www.intelligence-inaction.caMASSAGE THERAPY WITH ANDREWINNES, RMT. Offering the highest possiblestandards of personal and therapeutic care.Diaphramatic release, rib springing,postural alignment, relaxation, and manyother treatment types available. Experiencein working with singers. Call bodyoneclinic: 416-516-2114 www.bodyone.caThe PERFORMING EDGE Performanceenhancement training in tension management,concentration, goal setting, imagery.Individualized to meet your performancesituation. Kate F. Hays, practising clinical andperforming arts psychology. 416-961-0487,www.theperformingedge.comPRIVATE INVESTMENT ADVICEInvestment skills.Advice skills.Best of all, listening skills.Call Roel Olay,FCSI, CIM, FMA,Investment Advisor(4 16) 279-1471WaterhouseWealth of blperiencePRIVATE CLI ENT SERVICEStdwaterhouse.caTO Wa{crhouse Pr1nte Investment Advice 1s ;i d1m1 011 o!TD Waterhouse Lrnad.1 Inc. J rnbsid1ary ol The To,onco001111111011 Bank. TD WJ1e1house CanldJ Inc.Member Cl Pr TO W;uuhome 1s .i 1rade-mark of 1heToro11 (0-0om1111011 BJn l