9 years ago

Volume 13 - Issue 6 - March 2008


SUMMER MUSIC EDUCATION DIRECTORYA Special Feature Compiled and edited by Catherine MuirSummer is a great time to kick back and relax ... and make some music! And what better time to thinkabout the summer than right now, in the midst of a long, cold winter. Opportunities for music educationare diverse and plentiful in Ontario and beyond this summer, so get dreaming and planning yoursummer music adventure!From day camps to week-long retreats, we've got the names, places and dates of your next musicalgrowth experience! For aspiring musicians of all levels and ages, there's something for everyone.We've got the contact details (printed here and updated on, so call, email orsurf your way to a musical summer. Stay in the city or head for the country, music is everywhere thissummer!Past summer music program participants rave about their experiences. "It's a week to expand yourmind and horizons in an interesting city, with interesting people" .... "it lets participants live theirfantasy of doing music 100% of the time, if only for three days" ... "I have no idea how you manage toconvince such an eclectic group of musical luminaries to converge on the same set of geographicalcoordinates every year" ... "a valuable experience for musicians to connect and grow no matter whatage!"So pick up a trumpet, sit down at the piano, raise your voice or strum a guitar, all with others who lovemusic as much as you do ... the music is yours for the making!Acadia SummerMusic Institute(Wolfville, NS)Week-long intensives for youthand adultsJazz Camp (July 6-12)Concert Band Camp (July 13- 19)902-585-1434allinfo@acadiau.caAlberta SuzukiStrings Institute(Edmonton, AB)July 12- 19SAA Teacher Development(Violin, Cello, Viola, Bass);Regular Children's Program:Violin, Viola, Bass780-469-7382www.albertasuzuki.orgi nfo@albertasuzuki.orgAlgoma Music Camp(St. Joseph Island, near Sault Ste.Marie, ON)54Classical, choir, orchestra, band,music theory, chamber (grade fiveto high school)705-253-1931, 705-246-1607www.algomamusiccamp.orginfo@algomamusiccamp.orgAlgoma Traditional Music andDance Family Camp(Desbarats, ON)705-782-4311www.algomatrad.caArts Explorer Day Camp(Toronto, ON)Integrated arts program (age: 5-15)416-486-1716www. artsexplorerdaycamp .cornArts for Children of Toronto(Toronto, ON)Artistic opportunities for childrenfrom underserved communities416-961-1502 ext. 302www.artsforchildren.orginfo@artsforchildren.orgWWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COMThe Banff Centre MusicPrograms(Banff, AB)June, July, Aug.Music & Sound programs at TheBanff Centre support and inspirethe artistic development ofemerging and mid-career musicians,composers, and audioengineers. Our intensive programsprovide opportunities forcollaboration, development ofnew work, and preparation forinternational competitions,auditions, and performances.Located in the Canadian RockyMountains, the Centre is both aninspirational and practical settingfor artists. The Music & SoundBuilding houses dozens ofbeautiful studios equipped withconcert-level grand pianos, twoperformance stages, and wellequippedpractice Summer Voice Program(Toronto, ON)July 17-21, 21-24The 2008 Beach Summer VoiceProgram is an intensive studyprogram for adult singers of alllevels. Located at the BeachUnited Church in Toronto, it runsJuly 17 to 21 (Choral Week) andJuly 21 to 24 (Opera Week) from12 noon to 7 p.m. There are dailyprivate lessons, coaching,ensembles and musicianshipclasses, solo master classes andperformances. Meredith Hall andMary Lou Fallis are guest masterclass teachers. The staff includesMervin Fick, Barry Peters,Lorelyn Morgan, Don Tarnawskiand Marjorie Sparks.416-893-8648www.marjoriesparksvoicestudio.commheitshu@sympatico.caCAM MACOntario Music Centre(Lakefield, ON)Aug. 3-10, 10-17Outstanding musical instructionin the beautiful Kawartha Lakesfor musicians of all ages andabilities-come for a week, beinspired for a lifetime!The outstanding faculty includesMichael Occhipinti, Ernie Tollar,Luis Simao, Jason Logue, BarryRomberg, Suba Sankaran andMaryem Tollar (Week 1), andDominique LaPlante, AngelaRudden, Les Alt, and Elinor Frey(Week 2).Special programming availablefor children aged 5 to 12. Childrenmay also register as morning daycampers. On-site accommodationsavailable. Evening concertsare given by participants orfaculty; with after-hours jamming,campfires, swimming, canoeing,hiking and tennis.1-866-273-7697www.ontario.cammac.caontario@cammac.caCanadian Opera Company(Toronto, ON)Opera Remixed: summer youthintensive (July 7- 10; age: 15-18)Summer Opera Camp (July 21 -25; age: 10-14)Through the Canadian OperaCompany's Education andOutreach programs, children,youth and adults have the opportunityto explore and create opera inschools, community settings, andat the COC. Take advantage ofM ARCH 1 - APRI L 7 2008

these exciting programs rangingfrom family workshops, youthintensives, summer camps and theAfter School Opera Program, toprograms for educators. for information on how tomake this engaging art form partof your school or your family's life.416-306-2377www.coc.cacommunity@coc.caCeltic College(Goderich, ON)Aug. 4- 9From beginners to masters, thereis something for everyone tolearn. Sixty world class musicians,craft artists, dancers andcultural specialists offer excitingand informal workshops in themajor Celtic instruments,language, dance, culture and overa dozen crafts. An unforgettableweek to experience. " ... instructionby some of the best musiciansand cultural experts that I've everseen in one place. 'Twas abeautiful experience"- Prof. Dennis Doyle519-524-8221www.celticfestival .cacollege@celticfestival.caCentauri Summer Arts Camp(Wellandport, ON)Two-week long sessions(age: 9- 18)June 29-July 12, July 13- 26, July27-Aug. 7, Aug. 8- 18Centauri Summer Arts Camp is asleep-over camp with a uniquefocus on the arts! Specialistprograms include instrumentalmusic, singing, theatre, stagecombat, creative writing, fine art,photography, musical theatre andfilm, all taught by professionals.Located in the Niagara Region,-----------Centauri welcomes young artsenthusiasts from across the world.Explore your creativity thissummer, and enjoy all the fun ofsleep-over camp. Check out ourwebsite for videos, photos andprogram information.416-766-7124www.centauri.on.cadirectors@centauri.on.caChautauqua Music Festival(Chautauqua, NY)June 21-Aug. 12Pre-professional (age: 16- 30)716-357-6233http //music.ciweb.orgmusic@ciweb.orgChoirs OntarioOntario Youth Choir (Ottawa,ON) Aug. 15- 24Adult Vocal Week (Aurora, ON)July 2- 5416-923-1144www.choirsontario.orginfo@choirsontario.orgComox Valley YouthMusic Centre(Courtenay, BC)June 28-July 19 (MusicalTheatre)June 29-July 12 (Pacific Jazz)41 st annual summer music camp(age: 12 to university)250-338-7 463www.cymc.cainfo@cymc.caClaim Your Voice StudiosSue Crowe Connolly(Hamilton and Toronto, ON)Restore your singing and publicspeaking to its natural ease whilegaining confidence in using yourvoice . Claim Your Voice's studiosSUMMER 2008Be inspired by some of Canada's best musiciansExplore the world of music willh a world class facultyTake a lakeside holiday among fiiendswhile you learn and make music Lakefield College Schoolnear PeterborouoCOURSES FOR ALL AGES & ALL LEVELSONE AND TWO WEEK SESSIONS AVAILABLESession I (Toronto) July 13-18, 2008Session 2 (Toronto) July 20-25, 2008ACOUSTIC + CLASSICAL + BLUES + JAZZ + ROCKGUITAR + BASS + DRUMS + KEYBOARDS+ VOCALS + SONGWRITINGSome Of This Year's Special Guest Artists ...• www.ontario.cammac.caonrario@cammac.ca1-86( .. 273-7697John Scofield Sue Foley Stuart Hamm Paul GilbertAnd More ... Check Online For More Details!For a free brochure or more information call 905-567-8000or visit us online'\.: fromCar1.1daandtl1~ US) - -'-------------------------'M A RCH 1 - APRI L 7 2008 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE,COM 55

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

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Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)