are located in central Hamiltonand Toronto. Programmes offeredare private lessons, group workshopsand repertoire classes. Takeadvantage of a special offer forprivate lessons for new clients -a 20% discount on the first fivelessons. ThisofferexpiresJune 15.Hamilton 905-544-1302Toronto: 416-523-1154www.claimyourvoice.caclaimyourvoice@gmail.comDomaine Forget Music andDance Academy(Saint-Irenee, QC)June 1-Aug. 17One- and two-week camps(intermediate and advanced)418-452-8111www.domaineforget.cominfo@domaineforget.comElora Festival Kids' Camp(Elora, ON)July 14-18Musical theatre camp for children(age: 8-12)519-846-0331www.elorafestival.comedow@sjkschool.orgGuelph Youth Music Centre(Guelph, ON)July 21-25; July 28-Aug. 1Tairy Fales Summer Day Camp(age: 6-10)www.gymc.cajoan@gymc.caGuitar Workshop Plus(Toronto, ON)July 13-18, 20-25Beginner to professional (age: 12-adult)At Guitar Workshop Plus wepossess a strong commitment tomusic education. Beginner orprofessional, you will find whatyou 're looking for! Guitar, Bass,Drum, Keyboard, and Vocalcourses are offered for all ages,levels, and styles includingClassical, Jazz, Rock, Blues,Acoustic and Songwriting. Pastartists include Alex Lifeson, JoeSatriani, Sue Foley, Robben Ford,John Abercrombie, Rik Emmett,and many others. Join us thissummer and treat yourself to a funmusic-filled experience!905-567-8000www.guitarworkshopplus.cominfo@guitarworkshopplus.comTafelmusik Baroque Summer InstituteHoney Bee Musicand Dance Camp(Tisdale, SK)Aug. 11-16306-873-5216www.vopnimusic.comHumber College Summer JazzWorkshop(Toronto, ON)July7-llIntensive one-week jazz workshop(age: 14-adult)416-675-6622 ext. 3252jane.russ@humber.calnterprovincial Music Camp,Camp Rock, and "The" JazzCamp(Camp Manitou, Parry Sound,ON)Camps for youth: grades 7-12Aug. 17-22 (Rock & Jazz); Aug.23-31 (IMC)Interprovincial Music Camp hasprovided young Canadian musicianswith exceptional musicaltraining and unforgettable summercamp experiences since 1961.Campers fine-tune their skills asCHAUTAUQUA INSTITUTIONM U S I C F E S ·T I V A LJUNE 2 1 THROUGH AUGUS T 12, 2008http://music.ciweb.orgChautauqua Schools of Fine and Performing ArtsPO Box 1098, Dept WN, Chautauqua, NY 14722716.357.6233 • 716.357.9014 •(fax)• e-mail: music@ciweb.orgSTEINWAY &SONSThe Chautauqua Institution uses Steinway Pianosexclusively for its festival. The family of Steinwaydesigned pianos at Chautauqua are facilitated byDenton, Cottier & Daniels, Buffalo, New York.56WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COMMARCH 1 - APRIL 7 2 008
musicians, develop friendshipswith teenagers from acrossCanada, and forge a life-long loveof music. IMC programs includeorchestra, band, musical theatre,jazz and rock- challenging andinspiring young musicians fromGrades 7 through 12. Theseresidential camps are held atCamp Manitou, outside ParrySound.416-488-3316www. I nterprovi ncialMusicCam p. eamom@lnterprovincialMusicCamp.caJAZZWORKS(north of Hawkesbury, ON)Aug. 21-24Amateur and professional jazzworkshop (adults)This unique three-day weekendjazz workshop at the CAMMACMusic Centre in Quebec is anintensive learning opportunity foradult jazz musicians of all levels,beginner through professional,and advanced high schoolmusicians. Participants immersethemselves in a program thatincludes master classes, individualand group coaching.jazz history,classes in improvisation, arrangingand composition, and jamsessions. Everyone will give afree -of-charge public concert onSunday, Aug. 24 at 1 :00 p.m. atCAMMAC. Early registrationdeadline is June 1.613-523-0316www.jazzworkscanada.comjazz@jazzworkscanada.comJVL Summer School forPerforming Arts(North Bay, ON)July 17- 27The JVL Summer School forPerforming Arts invites youngand aspiring musicians toparticipate in the unique opportunityof the Summer School. Thecourse offers its participants awonderful opportunity tocombine intensive music studiesand concert performances withrecreational activities. The JVLSummer School for PerformingArts is committed to the artisticdevelopment of young musiciansof all ages by providing studentswith intensive, highly professionaltraining under the tutelageof a distinguished faculty.416-735-7499, 905-882-7 499www.MusiclnSummer.comjvl@musicinsummer.comM ARCH 1 - APR IL 7 2008Kingsway ConservatorySummer Camps(Toronto, ON)July and Aug.One- and two-week camps (age: 7and up)416-234-0121www.kingswayconservatory.cainfo@kingswayconservatory.caKhrysmar School of Music(Etobicoke, ON)June to SeptemberMusic lessons at home (all ages)Khrysmar School of Music inEtobicoke offers a year-roundmusic program; however, thissummer you' II be able to participatein a unique summer musiceducation program. Qualifiedteachers will be offering you pianolessons in the comfort of your ownhome. Most types of music will becovered and a concert will showcaseeach student's achievements.Everyone from beginner to advancedlevels in the Etobicoke,Mississauga, Oakville andBurlington areas is welcome.416-877-2902www.khrysmarmusic.comoskira@khrysmarmusic.comLittle Voices, Dancing FeetJodie Friesen(Toronto, ON)Week-long integrated arts halfdaysummer camps (varioussessions, afternoons only)(ages: babies to grade 4)416-461-9989littlevoices@sympatico.caMNjcc Summer MusicDay Camp(Toronto, ON)July 14- 18Suzuki Strings and Regular Musicoptions for children (age: 6- 12)416-924-6211 ext. 277www.mnjcc.orgsamc@mnjcc.orgMount Royal College OrganAcademy InternationalSummer School(Calgary, AB)July20-29Intermediate and advancedstudents (age: 14- 30 or doctoralstudent) THEWHOLENOTE.COMOCKfIIMTER P ROVINICIAL MUSIC CAMPCAMPMUSIC AT PORT MILFORDChamber music pn the north shore pf Lake OntarioChamber Music/Chorus/OrchestraOutstanding facult_y - F amil_y atmosphereT okai Quartet in R.esidencefull Season: Jul:i 19 -August 16Session I: Jul:i 19 -August 2Session II: August) -August 16Meg Hill, Director Tel. 9 I +-+J9-50J9E..stablished 1987
Lovet Betrayal:Handel Opera Ariaswi