Summer Opera Lyric Theatre2008 Opera Workshop(Toronto, ON)June 8-Aug. 3Eight-week professional workshop416-922-2912www.solt.caemail@solt.caTafelmusik BaroqueSummer Institute(Toronto, ON)June 1-14Join some of the world's finestmusicians in the field of baroqueperformance for this 14-daytraining programme in instrumentaland vocal performance practice.Classes are offered in strings,woodwinds, harpsichord, lute andvoice. A programme for conductors/directorsis also available.Taught by Tafelmusik musiciansand guest faculty, the programmeincludes masterclasses, orchestra/choir rehearsals, chamber ensembles,private lessons, lectures,opera workshops, and concerts.Advanced students, pre-professionaland professional musiciansare invited to apply by March 20,2008.416-964-9562 ext. 241www.tafelmusik.orgtbsi@tafelmusik.orgTheatre Ontario(St. Catharines, ON)Aug. 10-16Sing Out Louise! Musical TheatrePerformance Techniques andTricks (age: 14-18)416-408-4556www.theatreontario.orginfo@theatreontario.orgThornhill Chamber MusicInstitute(Toronto, ON)July 14-25(age: 8-17, apprentices 18-24years)Since 1991-TCMI has establisheditself as a nurturing, noncompetitivesummer program fordeveloping all aspects of the"whole" musician. Daily sports,outdoor stretches and exercises,small and larger chamber ensembles,choral and composition,fiddling and Renaissance groupsall contribute to this exciting,family-style environment. Profes-Guitar Workshop Plussional faculty and apprenticefacultyprovide an excellentteacher/student ratio. All instrumentsand levels welcome.Faculty concert, fiddle concertwith students joining fiddler, andfinal concert.905-770-9059www.tcmi.cainfo@tcm i.caToronto Diocesan Choir Schoolfor Girls(Whitby, ON)Aug. 3-17Choir camp for girl choristers(age: 8-18)905-727-9009tbrowning@bss.on.caSOUTHERN ONTARIOCHAMBER MUSIC INSTITUTEString and Piano Studentsjoin us for our20th Anniversary Celebration• Play the premiere of a new work you composer-inresidenceAbigail Richardson.• Study with the Afiara and Penderecki stringquartets, Peter Longworth and Michael Schulte.• Apply to perform the Mendelssohn octet with ourresident quartets.lAugust 4-17, 2008On the lakefront campus ofAppleby CollegeOakville, OntarioFor more information visit (Jwww .socmi.orgor e-mail us at info@socmi.orgj1-888-886-4604Southern Ontario Chamber Music InstituteSUMMER MUSIC DAY CAMPSTRING PLAYERS, AGES 5 - 13August 5-8, 11-15for StringsIncludes Orchestra, Ch am ber M us ic,Theory and M usic ianship,Pre paratory Music & Orff,Art Class, Group Class( Repertoire & Tec hnique), ChoirOt her summer programs and lessons availablefor all ages and stages throughout the summer.--,'X-., . -_._.-._-1 fili-See our webs ite for details.85 Col li er St. Toronto ON M4W 1M1phone: 416.968.0303ema ii : i nfo@torontoschoolforstrings.comwww. taro n tosch oolfo rstri ng mis now registering for itsSUMMER MUSIC THEATRE PROGRAMFOR TEENS+ (13-21) JULY 7-31, 2008. ~;i! 5 y:~:~s ~irno~i~,io:c:i~f~t~~~~i~oods" ®[ , • . ; I~., M d-I" ·· · ':!.,' , · usic an Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim,Book by James Lapinet{iJ+.! \) ·~ *MUSIC THEATRE CONTEST*b .,..~...Details: 588-584560 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM MARCH 1 - APR IL 7 2008
The Toronto DistrictSchool Board(Toronto, ON)Throughout]ulyToronto Summer Music Camps(overnight orchestra and bandcamps, grades 6-8)Downtown Summer Strings halfdaymorning camps (grades 4-8)Summer Sounds half-day morningcamp (grades 5-10)416-394-7251dennis.zirnrner@tdsb.on.caToronto Pursuits in theSummer(Toronto, ON)July 13-18Our lOth anniversary celebratoryprogram, LATE EDITIONS willfocus on creativity in later lifecrowningachievements ofBeethoven, Shakespeare,Rembrandt, Dostoevsky andmany others. Twelve small groupseminars to choose from, a serieson late works of opera composers,a retrospective of ClintEastwood, concerts, talks, walks,an optional trip to the StratfordFestival and more.Toronto School for Strings(Toronto, ON)Aug. 5-8, 11- 15String day camp (age: 5-13)The Toronto School for Strings(Violin, Viola Cello) is launching itsfirst annual Summer Music DayCamp. Located in mid-townToronto, this program offers stringorchestra, chamber music, theory,preparatory music and Orff, groupclasses (with emphasis onrepertoire and technique) , choirand art classes. Age levels include5-7 (half day), 8-10, and 11-13.Your child will experience highcalibre, enthusiastic, creativeinstruction by our experienced,caring faculty.416-968-0303www. torontoschoolforstrings. cornToronto School of Music(North York, ON)Professional Opera TrainingProgram; Professional PerformanceDiploma; ProfessionalAdvanced Certificate Program;private or group instrumentalinstructions416-260-1882416-892-3580 www.torontoschoolofrnusic.cornwww. classical pursuits. corn torontoschoolofrnusiccanada@yahoo.caToronto Summer MusicAcademy(Toronto, ON)July 21-Aug. 17For emerging professionals416-546-7717www.torontosurnrnerrnusic.corninfo@torontosurnrnerrnusic.cornTuckamore Festival -Chamber Music(St. John's, NL)Aug. 11-24String players and pianists(age: 16-24)709-737-2372www.tuckarnorefestival.candahn@rnun .caUniversity of Toronto WindConducting Symposium(Toronto, ON)July2- 5Four-day intensive for teachersand conductors at all levelswww. Vocal Camp(Lake Simcoe, ON)July 23-27Adult singing campWorldSongs participants will livetogether, eat together, and singtogether for a glorious andunforgettable five days of songraisingof music from villagetraditions from around the world.Our summer retreat on LakeSimcoe Ouly 23-27) culminates ina concert at the historic SharonTemple and features Val Mindelteaching old time country musicand Greg Furlong (TorontoBicycle Choir and Just Voices,Ottawa) as well as founders AlanGasser and Becca Whitla.416-588-9050, ext. 2www.worldsongs.caworldsongs3@yahoo.caYamaha Music School(Toronto, ON)Summer theory classes andprivate lessons Oune 30-Aug. 7)Summer Seniors Keyboard Club(late June to early Aug, age: 65+)416-224-5590www. yarnaharnusicschool. easchool@yarnaha.caThe Banff CentreCall for ApplicationsProgram dates:September 22 - December 12, 2008January 5 - March 27, 2009Application deadlines: April 4, 2008 (Fall)August 8, 2008 (Winter)Our unique career development residencyprograms offer professional and emergingartists the time, space, and inspiration forfocused work on a project of their choice.Program dates: August 21 - 30, 2008Application deadline: March 28, 2008••Program dates: August 18 - 23, 2008Application deadline: March 7, 2008A joint initiative between The Banff Centreand the Vancouver Chamber Choir for amateurchoral singers, students, and educators.WWW, THEWHOLENOTE,COM61
Lovet Betrayal:Handel Opera Ariaswi
wholenoteVolume 13 #6 March 1 -Apri
FOR OPENERS •••Music ... Peri