A deeply moving Remembrance Day tribute withVaughan Williams' Dona Nobis Pacem andBrahms' Requiem. Friday 7 NovemberGather the family for this festive holiday tradition!Wednesday 10 Decemberscribe today!Subscriptions start atonly for 3 concerts.sion has a voice115TH ANNIVERSARY SEASONRAISED IN SONGA casual afternoon of popular choral musicand favourite hymns. Sunday 1 FebruarySACRED MUSIC FOR A SACRED SPACEGrand symphonic sound envelops body and soulin the rich acoustics of St. Paul's Basilica.Good Friday 10 Aprilwww.tmchoir.orgt,16-598-0422TORONTO'S FAVOURITE MESSIAHTMC Artistic Director Noel Edison conducts this year'sMessiah with the TSO! Wednesday 17 DecemberPASSION HAS A VOICE!AN ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONMendelssohn', Elijah-passionate, dramatic,and operatic. Saturday 9 MayTORONTO MENDELSSOHN YOUTH CHOIR (TMYC) PERFORMANCESSaturday 6 December & Saturday 28 February~ Middlefield GroupBMO e· Financial GroupI RBCFoundationiifornelloTJ-IE W. G1\ RFH:LD WESfON- -1 OUNO ,\TlON -=--GOVERNMENT AGENCIESB1fB Canada Coun, it Con~eil des Aru© forthe Aru duCanadato rontdartsbou nci IMOOREDALE CONCERTS 2008/2009Anton Kuerti, Music DirectorWalter Hall, U. of T., 6 Sundays at 3 pmMusic & Truffles for children 5-15 at 1 pmSun. Sept. 21, 2008 EspaiioletaChatham Baroque with baroquepercussionist Danny MallonSpicy, joyful baroque dances fromSpain"Very strongly recommended."- Gramophone" ... masterful ... stands up to anyensemble from across the Atlantic."- Early Music AmericaOct. 12, 2008 Stars of the TSOPrincipal horn Neil Deland, principalviolist Teng Li, and others in Mozart'sHorn Quintet, a rare Haydn trio forHorn and Strings, Schubert's StringTrio and a thrilling Hindemith soloviola work.Nov. 9, 2008 Made in CanadaA stellar Piano Quartet comprised offour award winning young Canadianmusicians: violinist Judy Kang, violistSharon Wei, cellist Rachel Mercer,and pianist Angela Park. Faure PianoQuartet and solos.Jan. 11, 2009 Kuerti vs KuertiFor the 1 st time in Toronto, Anton& Julian Kuerti perform together,with the Hamilton PhilharmonicOrchestra, in MendelssohnConcertos, Bartok andBeethoven's 8th Symphony.(MacMillan Theatre)March 22, 2009 Kolja Lessingunique German violinist AND pianist,with Anton Kuerti in sonatas byMendelssohn & Busoni, Kuerti's SoloViolin Partita and Vogel piano Sonata."Kolja Lessing's account of theGoldschmidt Piano Sonata brought thehouse down" - The Guardian, London"a violinist of the highest class"- Crescendo, BelgiumApril 5, 2009 Richard Raymondpiano, fabulous winner of the MontrealInternational Competition, performsMozart, Chopin, and Dohnanyi."all the drama and poetry one couldhope for" - American Record GuideWith amazing young cellist David Eggert,winner of the Janigro Competition, inRachmaninoff's fiery Cello Sonata.16Affordable tickets!Subscribe! Save up to 46°/o!!6 concerts plus 3 Mooredale Youth Orchestra Concerts 0 St/SrMusic & Truffles subscriptions www.mooredaleconcerts.com 416-922-3714WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM SEPTEMBER 1 - O CTOBER 7 2008
EARLY MusicThe Tafelmusik Effectby Frank Nakashima==----;.:-c-=-c~Tafelmusik circa 1981. (L to R) Tafelmusikfounder Kenneth Salway,harpsichordist Charlotte Nediger, principal cellist Christina Mahler, musicdirector Jeanne Lamon, and Tafelmusikfounder Susan Graves.Now ENTERING THEIR 30TH SEASON, and performing more than 50concerts every year, the Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra has receivedinternational critical acclaim for its excellence in the performance ofBaroque and early Classical music. It provides a powerful periodmusic magnet for Toronto, capable of attracting to town, year afteryear, early music luminaries such as Emma Kirkby, Barthold Kuijken,Bruno Weil ... the list goes on.Tafelmusik's extraordinary success has done much to nurture andsupport historical performance activity here-even beyond their ambitiousannual concert series. Tafelmusik is Baroque Orchestra-inResidence at the University of Toronto. They've established a BaroqueSummer Institute, music education programs for youth, educationalconcerts, and award-winning children's recordings. They'vemade over 70 recordings! When did they have time to do that? In2006, Tafelmusik was awarded their Sth and 9th JUNO Awards (forBaroque Adventure: The Quest for Arundo Donax and BeethovenSymphonies Nos. 5 & 6). This season, they released their 75th and76th recordings: Vivaldi's L'estro armonico with Elizabeth Wallfisch(Analekta), and Gloria in Excelsis Deo (CBC Records), amusical celebration of the Tafelmusik Chamber Choir's 25th anniversary.Most important of all, they have employed almost twenty permanentmembers, each of whom is a specialist in historical performancepractice. There are very few places in the world where these conditionsexist, especially for an ensemble which specializes in Baroquemusic . Simply put, Tafelmusik has become our leading ambassadorand advocate for early music, bringing it from the margins to themainstream of the city's concert life."Tafel", as many of its devotees refer to it, was born in 1979, asthe Toronto Chamber Music Collective. Shortly thereafter, at theinvitation of its founders, Kenny Salway and Susan Graves, JeanneLamon arrived on the scene, becoming musical director in 1981. Thechamber choir was established the same year, under Ivars Taurins,and the team was in place. In recent years, Jeanne's influence hasalso been felt in modern Canadian orchestras (with modern instruments!)such as the Vancouver Symphony, the Calgary Philharmonic,and Symphony Nova Scotia. This is not only a sign of her statureamong mainstream classical musicians but also the general (andgrowing) acceptance of the importance of historically informed performance,irrespective of instrumentation. In 2000, Jeanne was appointeda Member of the Order of Canada.Just as important, in its way, in 2004 she was named Musicianof the Year by the Toronto Musicians' Association - indicative ofher organization's role in giving a whole cluster of top-flight performersthe security to base themselves in Toronto. It's interesting tolook at some of the other things performers connected with Tafelmusikhave brought to fruition over the years - not to say that all theCelebrating theIJArt of SongArtistic Directors:Stephen Ralls and Bruce UbukataJoin us for eight exciting concerts, includingour season's highlight: Schubert's WinterreiseBRETT POLEGATO, baritone ;Wednesday, March 25, 8:00 pmGlenn Gould StudioSunday Series (2:30 pm, Walter Hall, U. ofT.)October 26: The Enchanted Garden- the songs of RavelNovember 30: Parnassus on Elm Street-Arts & Letters Club at 100February 1: The Wings of Song- the songs of MendelssohnMarch 15: A James Joyce Songbook- music and Ireland's greatest writerApril 26: The chantant - songs for an afternoonSoloists include Nathalie Paulin, Monica Whicher, Gillian Keith, KatherineWhyte, Allison Angelo, Allyson McHardy, Lauren Segal, ElizabethTurnbull, Lynne McMurtry, Colin Ainsworth, Michael Colvin, LawrenceWiliford, Philip Carmichael, Gi les Tomkins, Peter Barrett, Jason NedeckyDiscovery Series (7:30 pm in Walter Hall, U. ofT.)Tuesdays, November 11 and February 10presenting six talented young stars at their careers' brinkTickets: 416. 735. 7982www.aldeburghconnection.orgAsk about our CDs - including the Juno-nominatedSchubert among friends and our very latest, Our own songs.Co n cert D ate s :Welcom e S e roujEnd o f TimePoul e nc ' s Mu si ngsSch u be rt and TangoF ri d a y October 31, 2008 , 8 : 00 pmSunday D ecember 7, 20 0 8 , 3 :00 pmF ri day Apr i l 3 , 2009 , 8 : 00 pmSunday May 1 0 , 2009 , 3 : 00 p mWi th g ue st a rtis ts :I s ab e l B a yra k d ar ia n , s oprano , M a r ie B era r d , viol i n ,Jonathan Cro w, vi ol i n , B e nj a m i n Bo w m a n , viol i n an d t h eTSO W i ndsTickets & Subscriptions now availableCALL: 416-368-8743www. am icien sem ble. co mtorontoa rt sc o u nci ISEPTEMBER 1 - O CTOBER 7 2008 WWW. TH EWHOLENOTE . COM 17