WHOLENOTE LISTINGSSECTIONS 1-4: INTRODUCTIONWholeNote listings are arranged inFOUR DISTINCT SECTIONS:1) Toronto & GTA (Greater Toronto Area)2) Beyond the GTA3) Jazz in Clubs4) Music-related events( a.k.a. "The EtCetera file")This issue contains listings from September l to October 7SECTION 1: Toronto & GTA (pages 32-39) covers all of theCity of Toronto plus the adjoining "905" area - more or less correspondingto the areas accessible from Toronto by phone without longdistance charges. Section I includes communities as far west asOakville, as far north as Aurora and as far east as Ajax.In this issue Section I includes:Brampton, Kleinburg, Markham, Mississauga, Toronto & GTASECTION 2: Beyond the GTA (pages 40-42) covers all areasof Ontario outside Toronto and GTA. The towns and cities varyfrom month to month.In this issue Section 2 includes:Ancaster, Barrie, Campbellville, Cobourg, Guelph, Hamilton,Kingston, Kitchener, Leith, Minden, Oshawa, Owen Sound,Picton, Sharon, St. Catharines, WaterlooSECTION 3: Jazz in Clubs (pages 42-43) is organized alphabeticallyby club, and provides as much detail on what the clubs areoffering as we had at the time of publication, which varies greatlyfrom club to club. Phone numbers and website addresses are providedto facilitate access to more up-to-date information.SECTION 4: Announcements, Lectures/Symposia, MasterClasses ... EtCetera (pages 44-45) is for music-related eventsand activities, other than performances, which in our judgment willbe of interest to our readers.A word of caution: a phone number is provided with every listing;in fact, we won't publish a listing without one. Concerts are sometimescancelled or postponed; artists or even venues change afterthe I istings are published; or occasionally corrected information isnot sent to us in time. So please check before you go out to aconcert.HOW TO LISTListings in WholeNote Magazine in these four sections are a freeservice available, in our discretion, to eligible presenters. If youhave an event, send us your information NO LATER than the I S'h ofthe month prior to the issue or issues in which your listing is eligibleto appear. Please note, the next issue covers the period from OctoberI to November 7.Listings can be sent by e-mail to listings@thewholenote.com or byfax to 416-603-4791 or by regular mail to the address on page 6.LISTINGS: SECTION 1CONCERTS: Toronto and GTAMonday September 01- 12:00 noon to 1 O:OOpm: Ashkenaz. FinalDay of Festival. Programme includes AndyStatman Trio, Flory Jagoda, The LithuanianEmpire; Lac he Cercel, Best of the Fest Finale,and Ashkenaz Parade. Sirius Stage, TorontoStar Stage, Enwave Theatre, Brigantine Room,and other venues at Harbourfront Centre. 235Queen's Quay W. 416-973-4000. Many freeevents; some with admission fee.- 12: 15: Church of the Holy Trinity. MusicMondays_ The Cale Die. Latin jazz. CeliaPalli, vocals; Scott Metcalfe, piano; Paul Metcalfe,saxophone; Benjamin Barrile, flamencoguitar; Dustin Shaskin, bass. 10 Trinity Sq.416-598-4521 x304. (suggested donation).Tuesday September 02- 12: 10: U of T Faculty of Music. Thursdaysat Noon: Music and Poetry. Che-AnneLoewen, piano; Eric Domville, reader. WalterHall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.- 8:00: Dancap Productions. Jersey Boys.Bob Gaudio, composer; Bob Crewe, lyricist;Des McAnuff, director; Marshall Brickmanand Rick Elice, book writers; Sergio Trujillo,choreographer. Performed by Eric Bates (TommydeVito), Joseph Leo Bwarie (Frankie Valli),Andrew Rannells (Bob Gaudio), Steve Gouveia(Nick Massi), and others. Toronto Centre forthe Arts, 5040 Yonge St. 416-872-1111 .-5. Also Sep 3-7, 9-14, 16-21, 23-28,30; Oct 1-5.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. Dirty Dancing.By Eleanor Bergstein. Royal AlexandraTheatre, 260 King St. W. 416-872-1212.-. Also Sep 3-6, 9-13, 16-20, 23-27,30- Dct.5.Wednesday September 03- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions.Dirty Dancing. See Sep 2.- 8:00: Civic Light Opera Company. TheFantasticks. Music by Harvey Schmidt, book& lyrics by Tom Jones. Joe Cascone (El Gallo);Roger Larios ( Matt); Ashley Gibson (Luisa);David Haines (Bellomy); Michael Wilmot, piano;Andrew Chan, harp; Joe Cascone, director.1 OOO Dundas St. E. 416-755-1717. ;. Sep 3 sold out. Also Sept. 4-7, 10-14,17-20.- 8:00: Dan cap Productions. Jersey Boys.See Sep 2.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. We WillRock You. Music by Queen and Ben Elton. PanasonicTheatre, 651 Yonge St. 416-872-1212. -. Also Sep 4-7, 10-14, 17-21,24-28, Oct. 1-5.Thursday September 04- 12: 15: St. John's Church York Mills.Music on the Hill. Big band, jazz, pop. TorontoStarlight Orchestra. 19 Don Ridge Dr. 416-225-6611. Free.- 2:00 and 8:00: Dancap Productions.Jersey Boys. See Sep 2.- 7:00: Harbourfront Centre/SummerMusic in the Garden. Bach at Dusk. Bach'sSuite No.1 in G for unaccompanied cello.Winona Zelenka, cello. Toronto Music Garden,475 Queens Quay West. 416-973-4000.Free.- 8:00: Civic Light Opera Company. TheFantasticks. See Sep 3.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. Dirty Dancing.See Sep 2.- 8:30: Lula Lounge_ Kevin Laliberte, guitar,CD launch. Nouveau flamenco, bossa-nova andmiddle eastern fusion. 1585 Dundas St. W.416-588-0307. .Friday September 05- 8:00: Civic Light Opera Company. TheFantasticks. See Sept 3.- 8:00: Dan cap Productions. Jersey Boys.See Sep 2.- 8:00: Lula Lounge. Eliana Cuevas, vocalist.Latin, world and jazz styles. 1585 DundasSt. W. 416-588-0307. .- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. Dirty Dancing.See Sep 2.- 8:00: Mirvish Productions. We WillRock You. See Sep 3.- 10:00: Lula Lounge. Rock Your Spanish.Latin rock. Gardenias and Revolver. 1585 DundasSt. W. 416-588-0307. D.Saturday September 06- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions.Dirty Dancing. See Sep 2.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions. WeWill Rock You. See Sep 3.Organ RecitalsEvery Tuesday1:00 - 1:40 pmEvery Sunday4:00 - 4:30 pmprecedingChoral Evensong.free will offeringST. JAMES CATHEDRAL65 Church St.(King at Church)416 364 786532 WWW, THEWHOLENOTE.COM S EP TE M BER 1 - O CTOBER 7 2008
- 2:00 and 8:00: Dancap Productions.Jersey Boys. See Sep 2.- 7:30: Jonah Liebster. Classical GuitarRecital. Works of Bach, Villa-Lobos, Barrios,Sor, Milan, and Assad. 300 Bloor St. W. 416·898-7719. Free.- 7:30: Living Arts Centre. Su/yap. FiestaFilipina Dance Troupe. Hammerson Hall, 4141Living Arts Dr., Mississauga. 905-306-6000.-.- 8:00: Civic Light Opera Company. TheFantasticks. See Sep 3.- 8:00: Music Gallery. Concrete Rockabilly:CD release. Slim Twig and the Mercy Merce·naries. 197 John St. 416-204-1080. ; O(advance).- 10:00: Lula Lounge. Ricky Franco. Salsa.1585 Dundas St. W. 416-588-0307. .9:00: dance lesson.Sunday September 07- 1 :30: CAMMAC I McMichael CanadianArt Collection. McMichael Sunday ConcertSeries. Franklin Penny, jazz trumpet. 10365Isli ngton Ave., Kleinberg. 905-893-1121 .; (sr/st).- 2:00: Civic Light Opera Company. TheFantasticks. See Sep 3.1aft Music on the HillThursdays, 12: 15 - 1 :00 pmAll concerts are free and are held at the historic St John'sYork Mills Anglican Church, 19 Don Ridge Drive, Toronto,York Mills Subway. Yonge and 401. Free parking416-225-6611 www.stjohnsyorkmills.comSEPT. 4 Toronto Starlight Orchestra - big band, jazz, pop, swing.SEPT. 11 Marianne Girard Trio - Marianne Girard, singer -songwriter, guitar. Cam Mcinnes, guitar. Tyler Wagler,upright bass - folk, pop, country.SEPT. 18 Sultans of String Duo - Chris McKhool, violin.Kevin Laliberte, guitar.SEPT. 25 Mood Indigo - Monika Burany, vocalist. BrentSetterington, keyboards - jazz, gospel.OCT. 2OCT 9Bret Higgins, double bass. Joel Schwartz, guitar/mandolin - "Songs of Love and Longing".Zelda Turner, soprano. Sue Crowe Connolly, contralto.Konrad Harley, piano - opera duetsTHE CIVIC LIGHT OPERA COMPANY~~ UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO"FACULTY OF MUSICUpcoming EventsSEPTEMBER I OCTOBER HIGHLIGHTS9/18 - Music for SaxophoneHot: Modern Music Influenced by Jazz. Saxophonist WallaceHalladay, pianist Peter Tiefenbach and friends open the Thursdaysat Noon series in music by Schulhoff, Denisov and Donatoni.12: 1 O pm. Walter Hall. Free9/21 - Building for TomorrowOpera Tea: Hear the Opera Division's rising stars and meetMiah Im, the newest member of the Opera Division faculty.2:30 pm. MacMillan Theatre stage. . Limited seating9/25 - Forgotten PercussionThursdays at Noon: Percussionists from the OMA programperform early significant works for percussion ensemble.John Brownell, director. 12: 1 O pm. Walter Hall. Free9/26 - Rolston & WongCelebrated Canadian cellist Shauna Rolston and pianist LydiaWong open the Faculty Artist Series in cello sonatas bySchnittke and Rachmaninoff. 7:30 pm. Walter Hall. (*)10/2 - Music & PoetryThursdays at Noon: Che Anne Loewen. piano,Eric Domville, speaker. 12:10 pm. Walter Hall. Free10/3 - Wind EnsembleGershwin's classic Rhapsody in Blue, Grainger's Lads ofWamphray, music by Allan Gilliland, and Dana Wilson. JamesCampbell, clarinet soloist. Lang Ning Liu, student concertocompetition winner. piano soloist. Gillian MacKay, conductor.7:30 pm. MacMi llan Theatre. $14 ( O*)10/4 - U of T Symphony OrchestraConductor David Briskin makes his UTSO debut in Shostakovich'sSymphony No. 5, Christopher Theofanidis's Rainbow Body andBeethoven's Triple Concerto, featuring the Gryphon Trio.7:30 pm. MacMillan Theatre. ( O*).THE WORLD'S LONGEST RUNNINGMUSICAL!Book, Music & Lyrics by TOM JONES and HARVEY SCHMIDT'Senior/student price in brackets416.978.3744.,. ..., t •BOX OFFICE'Walter Hall and MacMjllan Theatre ar11ocated in the EdwafaTohnsonBu~ing, _80 Que, Park (Museum subway stop) .Sept. 3 to 20Wed. - 7pm/Thurs. to Sat. - Bpm/Sun. - 2pm/Sept 20 - 2 & BpmTICKETS to .50- · BOX OFFICE: (416) 755·1717 ~I VISA www.CivicLightOperaCompany.com ; :' [ll:)[11!]www.mus1c.utoronto.caSEPTEMBER 1 - OCTOBER 7 2008 WWW,THEWHOLENOTE,COM 33