LISTINGS: SECTION 4ANNOUNCEMENTS, LECTURE~SYMPOS~MASTERCLASSES, WORKSHOPS, ETCETERAANNOUNCEMENTS*September 14 12:30-4:30: Royal Con·servatory of Music. Open House. Tour thenew building & take part in sample classes inmusic & creative arts. 273 Bloor St. West.416-408-2825,*September 16 7:30: Etobicoke Centen·nial Choir. Open Rehearsal. Come and meetour new conductor and choristers. IslingtonUnited Church, 25 Burnhamthorpe Rd. 416·239· 1131,*September 18 6pm - September 212pm: Mississauga Symphony. Used BookSale. Over 55,000 books in 48 categories;comics, sheet music, records, CDs, DVDs,tapes. Sheridan Centre, Erin Mills Parkwayjust north of the QEW. 905-607-4425.*September 20 12:00 noon - 5:00: To·ronto Early Music Centre. 24th AnnualEarly Music Fair. Take in some mini-concertswith viols, recorders, early keyboard instruments,historical woodwinds & other periodinstruments played by some of the finest musiciansin the city. Also included are exhibitsand information about the art of historicalmusic performance. Montgomery's Inn, 4709Dundas St. West. 416·920·5025. , (sr/st), (under 12), free to members of theToronto Early Music Centre, Heritage Toronto,& Friends of Etobicoke's Heritage.*To September 24, Wednesdays at11 am: Toronto Music Garden. GuidedTours. Explore the spectacular parade of sea·sonal blooms while learning about the garden'sunique design and history. 45·minute walkingtours led by Toronto Botanical garden volunteerguides. 4 75 Queens Quay West. Self·guided 70-minute audio tours hosted by Yo-YoMa and Julie Messervy are also available for arental fee of at the Marina Quay Westoffice, 539 Queens Quay West (daily from1 Dam to 8pm). 416-973-4000,*September 27 6:00· 7:00: St. Clair ArtsFestival & Studio Tour. ARTWALK. Musicinstallation on the sidewalks of St. Clair: Musicianswill play their instruments along thesidewalks, from Bathurst to Oakwood, preced·ing 8:30pm jazz concerts at 10 venues alongSt. Clair between Oakwood & Bathurst. Restaurants,cafes & bars will host amateur andprofessional bands. For more information:647406-3979.*To October 1: New Adventures inSound Art. Sound Travels Festival of SoundArt: Sonic Boardwalk. Outdoor interactivesound sculpture by Allik/Mulder which gener·ates a microsound landscape activated by thekinetic imprint of passing visitors. Ward Islandboard walk, west end. 416-516· 7413, Free.*To October 1: New Adventures inSound Art. Sound Travels Festival of SoundArt: Synthecycletron. Outdoor interactivesound sculpture. Anyone can generate powerfor the sculpture by pedaling, which activatessynthesizers & generates sounds controlled bythe participant. Centre Island, south side be·tween the Pier & the boardwalk. 416-516·7413, Free.*October 2 - October 5: Young Centre.Canwest Cabaret Festival. Performers includeMary Margaret O'Hara, Molly Johnson, Patri·cia O'Callaghan, Jackie Richardson, AlbertSchultz, Queen of Puddings Music Theatre &others. All theatres, Young Centre for the Per·forming Arts, 55 Mill St. Bldg 49. 416-866·8666. ,.*October 4 10:30am: Healey WillanSingers. Open Rehearsal. Come & see thiswomen's chamber choir at work. Church of St.Martin in·the·Fields, 151 Glenlake Ave. Reser·vations: 416-519·0528.*October 4 6:52pm to October 5 sunrise:Scotiabank/Music Gallery. Nuit Blanche.Installation: Tasman Richardson's SPORTSBAR captures the revolting essence of trashyCanada and then projects it back at you, combinedwith video music concrete. Also, a con·tinuous screening of short films, featuringprominent Canadian artists and filmmakerssuch as performer and director Karen Hines,comedians Sean Cullen and Mark McKinney,sketch comedy troupe The Sketchersons, musiciansJohn Southworth and Martin Tielli, andopera stars Natalie Choquette and Meas haBrueggergosman. 197 John. 416-204-1080.Free.*October 4 6:52pm to October 5 sunrise:Scotiabank/University of Toronto. NuitBlanche: Deja, Presque, Jamais: Three viewsof creative sound. Marathon of events & installationsprepared & performed by facultymembers, students & alumni. Live perform·ance, electronics, multi-channel audio, spokenword & visual media blend & cross influencesthrough a wide range of genres including jazz,opera, improvisation & contemporary compo·sition. Walter Hall & adjoining spaces, EdwardJohnson Bldg, 80 Queen's Park (enter via Phi·losopher's Walk).,,*Sinfonia Toronto. Join us on a musicaljourney to Germany, with Sinfonia Torontoconcerts in five historic cities in the cen·tral German state of Hesse, plus tours ofcastles and museums. November 17-24,2008. 416499·0403,sin fonia*Toronto General Hospital invites musi·cal performers to participate in its ConcertSeri es, Music for Heart and Soul. Performancesare on Thursday afternoons and Mondayand Wednesday evenings in the DeGasperisConservatory, cardiac wing. The series whichhas been presented for three years welcomesnew performers to share their music withpatients, families, staff and public. For furtherinformation please call: 416·3404115.LECTURES/SYMPOSIA*September 14 5:00: Nocturnes in theCity. Bedrich Smetana: Ma Vlast (My Coun·try}. Audiovisual presentation by Kerry Strat·ton, about the composer and importance of hismusic on the history of the Czech nation. St.Wenceslas Church, 496 Gladstone Ave. 416·499-2716. (door).*September 21 2:00: Royal Ontario Mu·seum. Lecture/demonstration with pianistLang Lang and TSO music director Peter Oundjian.1 OD Queen's Park. 416·586·8000. Freewith admission to the ROM: , (sr/st),(ages 4-14), members free.*September 21 5:00: St. Olave's Church.The English Choral Tradition. Clem Carelse,director of St. Peter's, will talk about the musicof his life: in South Africa; at King's CollegeCambridge; taking Canadian choirs to singat the world's great cathedrals. Preceded at4pm by Choral Evensong with the choir of St.Peter's Erindale. Peaches & cream will beSaturday September 20, 12 -5 pmMontgomery's Inn4709 Dundas Street West416.394.8113In partnership with theToronto Early Music CentreConcerts and demonstrations ofmusicfrom before 1850 throughoutthe Inn. Featuring ThomasGeorgi, The Cardinal Consort,Pastime with Good Company,the "Pont Paix"Ensemble,Gin Lane, Sine Nomineand many others.00 TDRD1'11JAdults .7 1, Seniors/Youth .86,Chi ldren .90 (plus GST)Free to TEMC WW W . THEWHO LENOTE.CO M
served. Contributions appreciated. 360Windermere Avenue. 416· 769-5686,*September 29 8:00: Toronto WagnerSociety. Tim Albery discusses his recentproduction of the Flying Dutchman. Arts andLetters Club, 14 Elm Members free, non·members by donation (- suggested).*October 1 7:30: Mozart Society. Mozartand his Friends. Audiovisual presentation byProfessor Franz Szabo. First Unitarian Congregation,175 St. Clair West. 416-201-3338., members free.MASTER CLASSES*September 20 1 Oam-12 noon: Sweet·Water Music Weekend. Student MasterClass. Auditors welcome. Location tba, OwenSound. 519-376-3517. Free.*September 28 2:00-5:30: Singing Studioof Deborah Staiman. Master class inmusical theatre/audition preparation, usingtextual analysis and other interpretative toolsfor the "sung monologue". Yonge & Eglintonarea - please call for exact location. 416-483-9532,*September 28 2:30: Toronto SymphonyOrchestra/Li Delun Music Foundation.Piano master class with Lang Lang. P.C. HoTheatre, 5183 Sheppard Ave. East. 416-490-7962. , , (VIP or on stage).WORKSHOPS*September 71:30-4:00: Toronto EarlyMusic Players Organization. Early MusicEnergy. Led by Joelle Morton, viola dagamba, violone & double bass performer& teacher. Bring your viols, recorders &stand; music available at the door. LansingUnited Church, 49 Bogert Ave. 705-653-5480, 416-537-3733. .*September 12 7:15: Recorder Players'Society. Recorder and/or other early instrumentplayers are invited to participate insmall, informal groups (uncoached) to playRenaissance and Baroque music. Church of theTransfiguration, 111 Manor Rd. East. 416-694-9266. O(members), (non-members);(season).*September 17 7:30: Toronto ShapenoteSinging from Sacred Harp. Beginnerswelcome. Music Room, Bloor Street UnitedChurch, 300 Bloor St. W. (at Huron). 416-922- 7997 or*September 21 2:00: CAMMAC, TorontoRegion. Singers and instrumentalists areinvited to participate in a reading of the MozartRequiem, under the leadership of HowardDyck. Elliott Hall, Christ Church Deer Park,1570 Yonge Street. 416-421-0779. O(nonmembers),members/students free.*September 30 8:00: Toronto Folk Singers'Club. An informal group that meets forthe purpose of performance & exchange ofsongs. Audiences are welcome. Tranzac Club,292 Brunswick Ave. 416-532-0900.*October 3 7:15: Recorder Players' Society.Recorder and/or other early instrumentplayers are invited to participate in small, informalgroups (uncoached) to play Renaissanceand Baroque music. Church of the Trans-figuration, 111 Manor Rd. East. 416-694-9266. O(members), (non-members);(season).*October 4 9:00am-4:00pm: Toronto EarlyMusic Players Organization. Medievalto Modern. Led by Valerie Horst, recorderteacher. Bring your viols, recorders & stand;music available at the door. Lansing UnitedChurch, 49 Bogert Ave. 705-653-5480, 416-537-3733. .*October 4 9:30am-12:30: CAMM AC,Toronto Region. Workshop in piano accompaniment.Please call for more informationas well as location. 416-421-0779.*October 4 1 O:OOam: Colours of Music.Composer Workshop for All" The life and challengesfor a composer. Workshop given byAllan Gilliland, Composer-In-Residence. BurtonAvenue United Church, 37 Burton Ave. Barrie.705-725-1070.*Every Sunday afternoon, 2:00: TraditionsFolk Club. Acoustic Traditions JamSession. Players from beginners & up are invitedto this informal jam session. 57 BroadwayAve, Orangeville. 519-942-6258.Free.Canadian Children's Opera CompanyAnn Cooper Gay, Artistic DirectorLearn the minuets and courtdances of the 18th century.No experience needed.Register NOW!Fall Term beginsSept 8/08www. labelledanse. corninfo@labelledanse. corn(416) 324-91180.weRLDS eF MUSIC TeRONTe•o"Worlds of Music" Launches its I JthAnniversar_y Season in September 2008Hands-on workshops, concerts and eventsin cultural traditions from around the globe!Details: T. 416-588-8813info@worldsofmusic.cawww. worldsofm us i c. eaSEPTEMBER 1 - O CTOBER 7 2008WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM