9 years ago

Volume 14 - Issue 1 - September 2008


INSTRUCTIONAn ENTHUSIASTIC AND INSPIRINGPIANO/ VOICE TEACHER is acceptingstudents. RCM, Broadway, Jazz, Classicalstyles. Beginning and Advanced students.Nancy Singla M.Mus. 416-629-8805.nancy.singla@ hotmail.comEVE EGOYAN seeks advanced, committedpiano students (emu@ interlog .comor 4 l 6-894-6344)FLUTE, PIANO, THEORY LESSONS.RCM exam preparation. Samantha Chang,Royal Academy of Music PGDip, LRAM,ARCT. 416-293-1302, LESSONSRCM exam preparation. Experienced RCMexaminer/music teacher. UofT music graduate.Downtown Toronto location. ContactM. Molinari at 416-763-2236 orinfo@mariamolinari.comPIANO LESSONS: All ages, styles -beginner, classical. jazz, pop, RCM exams.Feel the joy of making music' Peter Ness,ARCT. 416-767-9747.PRIVATE VOICE LESSONS - All ages,various styles. Beginner/intermediate levelsfor classical. pop, country. Sing for fun orprepare for an audition - Express yourselfthrough song I Melissa De Cloet MMus. 416-591-l 695 ormelissa _de_ cloet@ hotmail.comSINGING LESSONS with a friendly andqualified teacher. Professional performerwith Master of Music degree. All levels welcome.Call 416-200-4721.SUGARLASS VOCAL STUDIO offerspeople of all ages the opportunity to developtheir musical potential through singing.Learn to sing jazz, classical and pop styles.For more info. check our or email:lessons@sugarlassvocalstudio.comTHEORY, SIGHT-SINGING, EAR­TRAINING LESSONS: All grades, RCMexam prep (rudiments, harmony, history,counterpoint). Learning can be fun andeasy' Peter Ness, ARCT. 416-767-9747.WARM, EXPERIENCED AMERICANPIANO TEACHER with sterling credentials,unfailing good humor, and buckets ofpatience. Royal Conservatory washouts andadult learners especially welcome. LovelyCabbagetown studio, with easy parking/TIC access. Testimonials: "Now there's ateacher'" R.D., age 13. "Deep pleasure.Sure beats studying with those Quebecnunsl" S.A., age 50+. Peter Kristian Mose,416-923-3060 or pkmose@ students have never won any prizes,except for love of music. (And loyalty.)INSTRUMENTS BOUGHT & SOLDNEW MASON & HAMLIN grand pianosare the very best in the world. Only 300 peryear hand-made. To see and hear the entirecollection (5'4" to 9'4") go towww.masonhamlin.caORGAN KIMBALL SWINGER 400 withEntertainer II with bench, 2 layer board.Excellent condition. 5.00 or best offer.Call Theresa 416-743-9245.46MISCELLANEOUSARE YOU PLANNING A CONCERT orrecital? Looking for a venue? ConsiderBloor Street United Church. Phone: 416-924-7439 x22 Email: tina@bloorstreetunited.orgFABULOUS MUSIC RETREATAVAILABLE 1 hr from Toronto on LakeSimcoe. Sleeps 35, fully equipped for largeor small groups looking to get away. Beautifulwalking trails, swimming, loads ofroom for rehearsal breakouts. Call 416-461-5083.JAZZ REHEARSAL SPACE New downtownrehearsal space available for jazzplayers - 1800 sq ft. Great acoustics. Perfectfor trio or 20 pc band. Fully equipped withgrand piano, electric piano, guitar andbass amps and drums. Great Rates. Formore info contact Jordan Glick@ 416-884-7221 or email marigoldstudio@gmail.comMUSICIANS AVAILABLEBARD - EARLY MUSIC DUO playing recorderand virginal available to provide backgroundatmosphere for teas, receptions or otherfunctions - greater Toronto area. For ratesand info call 905-722-5618 or email us atmhpape@ interhop.netMUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS! Smallensembles, Dance Band, Big Band; CocktailHour, Dinner music, Concerts, Shows;Classical, Contemporary, Dixieland, Traditionaland Smooth Jazzl )SL Musical Productions905-276-3373.MUSICIANS WANTEDAMATEUR MUSICIANS NEEDEDFor Adult Concert Band - Start Sept 8th.Percussion, Oboe, Trombone, Baritone,Tuba, French Horn. Fun filled friendlyatmosphere. Reading music is a must.(Monday evening rehearsals)www.resaspieces.orgemail:resaspieces@ ornswartsman@kofflerarts.orgCHOIR MEMBERS WANTEDUniversity Settlement Music and ArtsSchool's "Settlement Singers" has spaces inall sections for teens and adults who love tosing. No audition or experience is necessary.We perform a wide variety of musicfrom madrigals to show tunes. Choir meetson Wednesdays from 7:30- 9:30 in the downtownarea. Call 416-598-3444 ext 243 formore information.CONDUCTING SCHOLAR WANTEDCLASSIFIED ADVERTISING September 2008. We are a non-audition 85-voice community choir, seeking an enthusiasticindividual to work with the music di ­rector in providing leadership to the choir.Please for ward resumes and/or enquiriesby September 30 to J. Bev Stainton, MusicDirector, Phone 416-259-9 152; Emailvstainton@ hotmai l.comMUSIC DIRECTOR WANTED. CentralBaptist Church, Oakville. 8-10 hrs./wk. Keyboardingand organ skills required. Mustbe familiar with traditional and contemporaryChristian music. For more information,or to apply, e-mail Jeff Caldwell atjeff.caldwell@ humber.caOAKVILLE CHORAL SOCIETY is seekingnew TENOR voices. Registration for2008/09 begins on Tuesday, September 9 at7:00pm, at Sheridan College, TrafalgarCampus, Oakville, Room Bl25. Please call905-845-5359 or visit www.oakvillechoral.comPLAY WITH US in celebration of CounterpointCommunity Orchestra ' s 25th anniversaryseason. Rehearsals on Monday evenings.Contact Music Director Terry Kowalczuk( 4 l 6-658-5359) or write toinfo@ ccorchestra.orgSOPRANO AND BASS CHOIR LEADpositions available, Sept - May, competitiverate, traditional and challenging repertoire,good sight reading ability and choral soundpreferred, orchestral concert solo opportunities,St. John's York Mills Anglican, nearsubway, 401/Yonge. to arrange audition.SINGERS WANTED! The Irish ChoralSociety of Canada is a community SATEchoir under the direction of Karen L.A.D' Aoust exploring sacred, secular andfolk works centered around Irish andother Celtic themes. Rehearsals are heldTuesday evenings in down town Toran to.We are currently auditioning experiencedsingers for all sections for our upcomingseventh concert season. Interested singerscan book an audition or obtain furtherdetails by calling 416-467-5961 or PIANO TEACHER for establishedschool. Must have minimum SuzukiBook l accreditation to start and be quali ­fied for advanced students. Email resumeto admin@ northyork-suzuki.comTENOR LEAD WANTED. Bloor StreetUnited Church (at Huron), Toronto. Thursdayevenings and Sunday mornings. Pleasefor the Oakville Choral Society commencing contact David Passmore, 416-924-7439 X30.SINGERSThe Annex SingersA dynamic choir performingeclectic repertoire seeks newmembers with vocal experience.For information, contactRichard Partington416-968-774 7margaret.rice@sympatico.caVESPERA WOMEN'S CHOIR SarahJohn, Music Director. We will be holdingauditions September 3rd, 2008. For moreinformation or to schedule an auditionplease emailauditions or call64 7-267-0750. www.vesperaensemble.comThe YORKMINSTRELS SHOW CHOIRseeks male singers. We sing arrangementsfrom Broadway shows and popular music.Rehearsals Wednesday evenings near Cummer/Willowdale;performances at communityevents, fundraisers, senior residences, etc.Come to our rehearsals in September andmake new friends. Questions welcome: Eva(905-881-2228) or Sandi (416-229-9313).SERVICESACCOUNTING AND INCOME TAXSERVICE for small business and individuals,to save you time and money, customizedto meet your needs. Norm Pulker, B. Math.CMA. 905-251-0309 or 905-830-2985.The PERFORMING EDGE Performanceenhancement training in tension management.concentration, goal setting, imagery.Individualized to meet your performancesituation. Kate f Hays, practising clinicaland performing arts psychology. 416-961 -0487, www.theperformingedge.comTAX SAVVY 25%+ P.A. Limited investmentsyndicate min. , Michael Radulovic 4 l 6-503-3488.PRIVATE INVESTMENT ADVICEInvestment skills.Advice skills.Best of all, listening skills.Ca ll Roel Olay,FCSI, CIM, FMA,Investment Advisor(416) 279-1471WaterhousePRIVATE CLIENT SERVICEStdwaterhouse.caTD Waterhome P1iva [e Investment Advice 1~ a division ofTD ~aterh0l1se C.111;ida Inc.. a rnbsidia1y of The Torn 110Dominion Ban k. TD Warerhousl' Canada In c. ~Member CIPf. TD Waierhome is a {r;ide-marl< of theTornnto-Dom 11ion B,1111

SINGERS WANTED!The Toronto Beach Choralea new community concert choiris inviting choristers of all voice partsto audition for its 2008/09 season.For more information call 416-778-0949 x 2or email ..,fftff)ft.pfi:'.,f ' '1 £Jt!m!)) 1t Choristers (all voices) for II Ensemble TrypTychChamber ChoirIM'1~/ An exciting season of great lchoruses from opera,oratorio and easylistening repertoire.IVDU!Trinity Presbyterian Church '2737 Bayview Avel just south of Hwy 401 '/ Easily accessible by TTC -, one stop south of ,! Bayview Subway Stop on ,Sheppard line.I~Rehearsals on Tuesday7:30-9:45 PMJubilatesingersAUDITIONSDirector Isabel Bernaus leads a chamberchoir with an eclectic, multilingualrepertoire (lrom Cuba, Argentina, fstonia,f inland, Canada, Spain, france, Germany;classical, traditional, contemporary), with a3-concert series and occasional communityperformances. Openings lor tenors,sopranos and basses. Rehearsals areTuesdays, 7:JO pm at St. leonard 's Church(you are welcome to sit in on a rehearsal)www. jubilatesingers. eaAuditions Tues. September 9& Tues. September 16St. Leonard's Church25 Wanless Avenue(near Yonge & Lawrence)Call 416-532-2025 to arrange a time.Discover the Joy of SingingSing with the High Park Choirs!Zimfira Poloz, Artistic Director & ConductorMargaret Stanfield & Marina Filippova, ConductorsAuditions September 27-28, 2008• Divisions for choristers ages 5 to 18• Outstanding vocal development• Music theory • Warm, encouraging atmosphere• Weekly rehearsals in the High Park areaOpen Rehearsals September 23rd and 25th• A great way to try out the choir• Participate in warmups and try out repertoire• Meet our artistic and administrative staffReserve your spot now!Call (416) 762-0657Email info@highparkchoirs.orgVisit www.highparkchoirs.orgWe[fington WindsAn accomplished 45-piece wind ensemble based inthe Waterloo Region of Ontario seeks a MusicDirector. A successful applicant may assume theposition beginning the 2009-10 season. Applicantsmust submit a CV and names of at least tworeferences, and will audition by conducting arehearsal or concert during the 2008-09 season.Visit For more informationcontact YOUR NEXT RECITAL-­beliconian ballA beautiful restored Carpenter's Gothic board and batten churchbuilding in the heart ofYorkville can be rented at reasonablerates for musical events. Steinway Grand piano included.A high, vaulted ceiling provides excellent concert-hall acoustics.Capacity up to 120. Tel: 416-922-3618 Fax: 416-922-2431www.heliconianclub.orgrentals@heliconianclub.orgJoin the world of opera -as a chorus member!Toronto Opera Repertoire, the city's oldestcommunity-based opera organization, is seekingenthusiastic choristers for its 2009 seasonperformances. Our chorus is a non-auditionedensemble, and welcomes singers of all ages,experience, and voice types. Above is a scene from thefinal moments of last year's production of Verdi's AMasked Ball - you could be in the picture next year!Rehearsals will begin in early October.For more information,, or write tochorusinfo@toronto-opera.comSEPTEMBER 1 - O CTOBER 7 2008 WWW. TH EWHOLENOTE.COM 47

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)