3,9BRENTANOQUARTETTh. Oct. 16TOKYOQUARTETTh. Jan. 22KELLERQUARTETTh. Oct. 30PRAZAKQUARTETTh. Mar. 5with Roger Tapping, violaGRYPHON TRIOTh. Nov. 6ST. LAWRENCEQUARTETTh. Apr. 2with Barry Shiffinanand Marina HooverMIAMIQUARTET, Th. Dec. 4TOKYOQUARTETTh. Apr. 30CONTEMPORARY CLASSICS PIANO 5, 0ALEXANDRETHARAUDTu. Oct. 21MARC-ANDREHAMELINTu. Nov. 11BARRY DOUGLASTu. Jan. 27DISCOVERY EVEEGOYANTu. Dec. 9MARKUS GROHTu. Apr. 7KELLERQUARTETTh. Oct. 30EVEEGO YANTu. Dec. 9DARRETTZUSKOpianistTh. Jan. 15DARRETT CECILIAZUSKO QUARTETpianist Th. Feb. 5Th. Jan. 15JONIHENSONsopranoTh. Mar. 12Full season of 16 concerts 6, 7Other combinations availableat Jane Mallett Theatre 416-366-7723 • 1-8oo-7o8-67s4 order online at www.stlc.comSt. LAWRENCE CENTRE \~r ARTS1ara n1dartsbau n ci1
wholenoteVolume 14 #1 September 1 - October 7, 20086 EDITOR'S OPENER David Perlman8 FEATURE: Piano ... plusl Andre Laplante Pam Margles12 QUODLIBET: Shoko lnoue's metamorphoses Allan PulkerBEAT BY BEAT (The Live Music Scene)17 Early Music: Frank Nakashima19 In with the New: Richard Marsella21 On Opera: Christopher Haile2 2 Band Stands & Podiums: Ja ck MacQuarrie24 Choral Scene: ml Buell26 Choral Q & A with Lasana Barrow ml Buell28 Jazz Notes: Jim Galloway29 World View: Karen AgesMUSICAL LIFE (1)31 Vladimir Orloff - a life in music Bruce SurteesCALENDAR (Live Music Listings)3 2 Section l: Concerts: Toronto & GTA40 Section 2: Concerts: Beyond the GTA42 Section 3: Jazz in the Clubs44 Section 4: Announcements, Lectures, Workshops, ... EtceteraATMA ClassiqueMUSICAL LIFE (2)4 8 Music's Children - September's Child ml Buell4 8 Summer reflections on the state of music ed Sterling Beckwith52 BookShelf Pam MarglesDISCOVERIES · Recordings Reviewed5 3 Editor's Corner David Olds54 Vocal5 6 Early Music and Period Performance5 6 Classical and Beyond57 Modern and Contemporary5 9 Jazz and Improvised6 0 Pot Pourri60 Old Wine in New BottlesENCORE6 2 What makes classical ClassicaF Colin EatockOTIIER ELEMENTS0 6 Contact Information and Deadlines3 1 Index of Advertisers4 6 Classified Ads4 8 WholeNote MarketPlace: Education51 WholeNote MarketPlace: ServicesIN THIS ISSUEATMACLASSJQUE .COMCHORAL Q & ALasana BarrowPage 26SEPTEMBER 1 - OCTOBER 7 2008Focus ON OPERA:Mavericks and Warhorses?Page 21CONTEST:Who is September's Chi Id?Page48WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM' I I5
La Cambiale is called 'farsa comica
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(mostly tremolo scrubbing) is sent
What makes classicalBy Colin Eatock
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