... 1: CONCERTS: Toronto and GTA- 2:00: Etobicoke Musical Productions.Anne of Green Gables. See Nov. 14.- 2:00: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Electroacoustic Music. Recentworks by student, faculty, and guest corn·posers. Walter Hall, Edward JohnsonBuilding, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744.Free.- 2:00 & 7:00: Ross Petty Productions.Cinderella. See Nov 28.- 2:00 & 7:30: Canadian Children's Op·era Company. A Dickens of a Christmas.See Nov 28.- 2:00 & 8:00: Clarkson Music Theatre.Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of FleetStreet. See Nov.21.- 2:00 & 8:00: Oancap Productions.Jersey Boys. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions. AChorus line. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions.Dirty Dancing. See Nov. 1.- 2:00 & 8:00: Mirvish Productions. WeWill Rock You. See Nov. 1.- 2:30 & 7:30: Saint Paul's United Church.Celtic Christmas Celebration. Celtic music forchoir, bagpipes, flute, harp. Merched DewiWelsh Choir; Graham School of Irish Dancers;Variante, harp & flute duo; James Thomson,piper; Jacqueline Smith School of HighlandDancers; and The Tartan Terrors. 1 ColonelSamuel Smith Park Drive. 416-259-6541. lby reservation only).- 4:00: Vox Finlandiae Chamber Choir.Celebrate Finnish Independence. Guests: CindyKoistinen, soprano; Heidi Saario, piano. StudioTheatre, Toronto Centre for the Arts, 5040Yonge St. 416-872- 1111. .- 7:30. Toronto Sinfonietta/OakhamHouse Choir of Ryerson University. ASymphonic Cantata. Mendelssohn: SymphonyNo. 2 "Hymn of Praise". Eunsil Choi,Chantelle Gran, Cory Knight, soloists. BloorStreet United Church, 300 Bloor St. W.416-214-0183 x13. -; 1st).- 7:30: Mississauga Choral Society.Christmas CD launch. Mervin Fick, conductor.First United Church, 151 Lakeshore Rd.W., Mississauga. 905-278-7059. .- 7:30: Oakville Chamber Orchestra.Silver Anniversary Concert. Bach: BrandenburgConcertos. Stephen Sitarski, violin;Norman Engel, trumpet; Douglas Perry,viola; Ronald Greidanus, harpsichord;Charles Demuynck, conductor. Central BaptistChurch, 340 Rebecca St., Dakville.905-483-6787. ; 1sr); 1st); Olchildren under 12)- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Wind Symphony. Arnold: Prelude,Siciliano and Scherzo; Bell: From Chaos tothe Birth of Dancing Star; also works byProkofiev, Sparke, and Van Der Roost. JeffreyReynolds, conductor. MacMillan Theatre,Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen'sPark. 416-978-3744. $14; (sr/st).- 8:00: Bell'Arte Singers. The Many Facesof Mary. Works by Josquin des Pres, Brahms,and Tavener. Christ Church Deer Park, 1570Yonge St. 416-699-5879. ; .- 8:00: Cantemus Singers. Debut Concert.Madrigals and sacred music. Michael Erdman,conductor. Beach United Church, 2 BellefairAve. 416-578-6602. ; Oisr/st).ot.JfORS of fO~Friday. .1'l--l s1t.JGt- November 28, 7pm~ou,··Gala Fundraiserfor their July 2009 tour to England and WalesA variety show hosted byMary Lou FallisTrinity-St Paul's Centre427 Bloor St W, TorontoTickets: 416788 8482TICKETS at door • ADVANCE from Chorus membersON LINE: www.forte-chorus.com • BY PHONE: 416-763-3783Ask about our discount couponsJapanese taiko and music groupNAGATA SHACHU~ ._~: _ ~b~ ,-~_- ,--~"'- _..\ _-_._Saturday Bpm ~ {~ .· M·-, ..NOVEMBER 29, 2008 . . , l ·_. . . ~-.. _ .,,I IRYERSON THEATRE 43 Gerrard St. East .·-!!J!f._.,· - "" ,!, -; -~ - .... ' _,,,._ 1·~ -,1 · . ,_;... ~ -,......Ticket: -, St/Sr -~ - · -- r,,_;v:; j.UofTTIX:416-978-8849/www.UofTtix.ca --::.~'.""' :,, • t · · ~ ,) • .-!...--:1 ·~· ~J 1-,www.nagatashachu.com "- 'L ~/ 1 O ,A,.:Nt./t~~~IU 8:-ale. CanadaCouncll Comllde,Aru A\. OIHARIOARTSCOUNCIL torontdartsbouncii--CD R~LJ:;,AS~ ,cpNCERT~~ for the Arts du Canada )'-\ CONSEIL DES ARTS DE L'ONTARIO An o,m·, 1a .. g111 body ot l~o C1ly or Toronlo ~j a -· - - ~ I ,.,. I#WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM NOVEMBER 1 - D ECEMBER 7 2008
- 8:00: Forte· The Toronto Men's Chorus.Midnight Clear · A Concert for World AIDSDay 2008. Metropolitan United Church, 56Queen Street E. 416-763-3783. .- 8:00: Nagata Shachu. Tenth Anniversaryand CD release concert. Japanese taikodrumming. Kiyoshi Nagata, artistic director.Ryerson Theatre, 43 Gerrard St. E. 416-978-8849.- 8:00: Randolph Academy. The AppleTree. See Nov. 25. -; (sr/st).- 8:00: Saint Blaise. Byrd to Britten.Richard Whittall, countertenor; JamesTuttle, tenor; Andrew Mahon, baritone.Trinity College Chapel, 6 Hoskin Ave. 416-356-6179. ; ; .- 8:00: Scaramella. Abendmusik. North·ern German music of the late 17th century.Elizabeth Blumenstock, Kathleen Kajioka,violins; Borys Medicky, harpsichord; JoelleMorton, gamba. Victoria College Chapel, 91Charles Street W. 416-760-8610. ;(sr); (st).ml51NCE- 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Brahms Violin Concerto. See Nov. 26.- 8:00: York Symphony Orchestra. ThePlanets. Ridout: Fall Fair; Mozart: PianoConcerto No.27; Holst: The Planets. VeronicaPang, piano; Robert Hart Baker, conductor.Trinity Anglican Church, 79 Victoria St.Aurora. 416-410-0860. ; (sr/st); O(under 12).Sunday November 30- 1 :30: Mirvish Productions. The Soundof Music. See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Collegium Musicum. Works byVivaldi, Valentini, Bach, De Falla, and oth·ers. Borjana Hrelja, piano; Chris Malone,guitar; Janko Marjanovic, cello. Noel RyanAuditorium-Central Library Mississauga,301 Burnhamthorpe Rd. W. 905-274-2573.; O(sr/st).- 2:00: Oancap Productions. JerseyBoys. See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Mirvish Productions. A Chorus118.,1:: ,,:: OAK HAM HOUSE CHOIROF !C\'f.H.."OX li:s'IVEHSlTYOakham House Choir of Ryerson University presentsMendelssohn's Symphony No. 2 "Hymn of Praise"A Symphonic cantataMatthew Jaskiewicz, Director, Toronto SinfoniettaSoloists Eunsil Choi, Chantelle Grant & Cory KnightSaturday, Nov. 29, 2008, 7:30 pm, Bloor Street United Church300 Bloor St. West (between Spadina & St. George subway stations)Tickets: in advance; at the door; studentsFor tickets or information, please call 416-214-0183 x13Line. See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Mirvish Productions. Dirty Dancing.See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Mirvish Productions. We WillRock You. See Nov. 1.- 2:00: Ross Petty Productions. Cinderella.See Nov 28.Featuring William Byrd's Mass forThree Voices and BenjaminBritten's Canticle IV: Journey ofthe Magi29 November 2008, 8 pmTrinity College Chapel, U of T6 Hoskin Aveo/ senior/ student (ID reqo)Tickets available at the door- presents -Byra to Brjtten- 2:00: Scarborough Civic Centre. SundaySerenades. Metropolitan Silver Band. Rotunda.150 Borough Dr. 416-338-3295. Free.- 2:00 & 7:30: Canadian Children's Op·era Company. A Dickens of a Christmas.See Nov 28.- 2:30: Aldeburgh Connection. SundayToronto Welsh Male Voice ChoirWilliam Woloschuk, Artistic DirectorJulie Loveless, Accompanistpresents'A Child's Christmas in Wales"featuringChristopher Thomas, narratorBetty Allison, soloistMetropolitan Silver Band (Toronto only)Clement Carelse, organNovember 29, 7:30 pmKingsview United Church,505 Adelaide Street EastOshawaDecember 3, 7:30 pmMetropolitan United Church56 Queen Street EastTorontoTickets: 416-410-22541-877- 410-2254 (Area codes 906 & 705)www.Ticketbreak.comwww.twmvc.comWWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM 39