Presents: Tribute to Miles Davis. Nov 30Soul Cellar Sessions Part 5.Tranzac292 Brunswick Ave. 416-923-8137www.tranzac.orgLive music every night, various styles: fulllistings at www.tranzac.orgEvery Monday 7pm: Angela Bower withChristine Bougie and Dafydd Hughes.Nov 4 - 7 The 416 Improvisers Festival.Nov 14 Ryan Driver Ouartet. Nov 18 St.Dirt Elementary School. Nov 25 St. DirtElementary School.Zemra Bar & lounge778 St. Clair Ave. W 416-651 -3123www.zemrabarlounge.comNO COVEREvery Wed Open Mic and Jam with Dave Edie.Every Thu Jazz with Lara Solnicki andSean Bray.Nov 28 Errol Fisher Band.LISTINGS: SECTION 4ANNOUNCEMENTS, LECTURES/SYMPOSIAMASTERCLASSES, WORKSHOPS, ETCETERAANNOUNCEMENTS*November 5 7:30: SoundstreamsCanada. Salon 21: A Salon for the 21stCentury: Social Action Through Music -choral projects that bring hope to latinAmerican youth. Readings, conversation,sharing of ideas. Featuring Venezuelanconductor Maria Guinand. Terrific ToesTickets: a pair of tickets for an upcomingSoundstreams concert will be awarded tothe most sensational pair of shoes. 7:00:Meet and Greet. Bata Shoe Museum, 327Bloor St. West. 416-504-1282. Free.*November 18 7:30: SoundstreamsCanada. Salon 21: A Salon for the 21stCentury. A fascinating portrait of composerand mystic Arvo Part, featuring composer,pianist & professor Glenn Buhr. Terrific({)aA:dlfe ?!J~ ~~seeksA CHORAL/ORCHESTRAL CONDUCTORToes Tickets: a pair of tickets for anupcoming Soundstreams concert will beawarded to the most sensational pair ofshoes. 7:00: Meet and Greet. Bata ShoeMuseum, 327 Bloor St. West. 416-504-1282. Free.*Toronto General Hospital invitesmusical performers to participate in itsConcert Series, Music for Heart and Soul.Performances are on Thursday afternoonsand Monday and Wednesday evenings inthe DeGasperis Conservatory, cardiacwing. The series which has beenpresented for three years welcomes newperformers to share their music withpatients, families, staff and public. Forfurther information please call: 416-340·4115.The Oakville Choral Society at Sheridan College is seeking a skilledand experienced choral conductor for an established eighty-voice, nonauditionedcommunity chorus, commencing September 2009. Theability to conduct an accompanying orchestra for some performancesis also required. Availability to attend several rehearsals during theSpring '09 session would be a benefit. References are required.Send resume to by November 22, 2008.For further information call 905-338-3823.Wanted:Music DirectorunitedchurchDream With Us ...Help us create a bold vision for the future. Are youcreative, energetic and willing to dedicate your talents tohelp us experience the presence of God through music?If yes, then this is the place for you. We are a recentlyamalgamated congregation in the Beach seeking a blendof traditional and contemporary styles in our musicprogram. You will have a wealth of enthusiastic andtalented volunteers and our Ministry team to assist you.LECTURES/SYMPOSIA*November 2 2:00: Toronto OperaClub. Present and Past - a trend intoday's CDs to be dedicated to a formersinger. Audio presentation by EricDomville. CDs to be won. Room 330,Edward Johnson Bldg, 80 Queen's Park.416-924-3940. (includesrefreshments).*November 6 12:10: University ofToronto Faculty of Music. Lecture byAlberto Grau. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park.416-978-3744. Free.*November 8 7:30: Toronto Gilbert andSullivan Society. Entertainment in theVictorian Age. Lecture and music. St.Andrew's Church, 117 Bloor St. East. 416·763-0832. Visitors .*November 22 1 O:OOam: Church ofSaint Mary Magdalene. Symposium onGregorian Chant. 477 Manning Ave. 416·531-7955. (includes light lunch).MASTER CLASSES*November 1 2:00-4:30: Home MusicClub of Toronto. Auditors are welcome tocome and observe a chamber music masterclass with Shauna Rolston. Room 330,Edward Johnson Bldg, 80 Queen's Park.416-850-0612. Free for auditors.*November 2 2:00-5:30: SingingStudio of Deborah Staiman. Master classin musical theatre/audition preparation,using textual analysis and otherinterpretative tools for the "sungmonologue". Yonge & Eglinton area -please call for exact location. 416-483·9532,*November 4 & 5 1 :00-3:30:University of Toronto Faculty of Music.Cello master class with Steven lsserlis.Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978·3744. Free.*November 7 3:10: University ofToronto Faculty of Music Jazz Studies.Ken Page Master Class Series. Masterclass with Cory Weeds, saxophone. BoydNeel Room, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978·3744. Free and open to the public.*November 7 7:30 and November 82:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Voice master class with SherrillMilnes. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.*November 18 12:10: University ofToronto Faculty of Music. Songs ofHeitor Villa-Lobos. Master class withCarol McDavit. Walter Hall, 80 Queen'sPark. 416-978-3744. Free.*November 21 3:10: University ofToronto Faculty of Music Jazz Studies.Ken Page Master Class Series. Masterclass with trumpet player Dave Smith.Boyd Neel Room, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free and open to the public.*November 23 2:00-5:30: SingingStudio of Deborah Staiman. Master classin musical theatre/audition preparation.See Nov 2.*November 28 3:10: University ofToronto Faculty of Music Jazz Studies.Ken Page Master Class Series. Masterclass with the Ernesto Cervini Quartet andJoel Frahm, focusing on composition aswell as soloing in odd forms and meters.Boyd Neel Room, 80 Queen's Park. 416·978-37 44. Free and open to the public.*November 30 2:00-5:30: SingingStudio of Deborah Staiman. Master classin musical theatre/audition preparation.See Nov 2.WORKSHOPS*November 1 9:30am-12:00 noon:Claim Your Voice Studios. VocalWorkshop. Soul Art Studio, 231 Bay St.North, Hamilton. Space limited soregistration required: 905-544-1302 oremail*November 2 1:00-4:00: Worlds ofMusic Toronto. Percussion Workshop.Led by Francis Kofi Akotuah & LarryGraves. Trane Studio, 964 Bathurst St.416-588-8813,*November 2 1:30-4:00: Toronto EarlyMusic Players Organization. ToutEnsemble - Renaissance Music. Led byBetsy MacMillan, performer on viola dagamba. Bring your viols, recorders, voices& stand; music available at the door.Lansing United Church, 49 Bogert Ave.705-653-5480, 416-537-3733. .*November 2 2:00: CAMMAC, TorontoRegion. Singers and instrumentalists areinvited to participate in a reading ofMendelssohn's Symphony #2 (choral),under the leadership of David Bowser.Elliott Hall, Christ Church Deer Park, 1570Yonge Street. 416-421-0779. (nonmembers),members/students free.*November 14 7:15: Recorder Players'Society. Recorder and/or other earlyinstrument players are invited toparticipate in small, informal groups(uncoached) to play Renaissance andWhere theMusic BeginsThisHoliday Season.For more information, visit orcontact our Church office at 416-691-8082. Deadline forapplications is December 31 , 2008.48 W W W . THE W HOLENOTE.COM
Baroque music. Church of the Transfiguration, 111Manor Rd. East. 416-694-9266. Dlmembers),inon-members).*November 15 10:30am -1:00: TorontoMendelssohn Choir. Singsation Saturday. Chorusesfrom Bach Cantatas. David Fallis, guest conductor.Yorkminster Park Baptist Church; Cameron Hall, 1585Yonge St. Pre-register: 416-598-0422 x24. !includesrefreshments).*November 19 7:30: Toronto Shapenote Singingfrom Sacred Harp. Beginners welcome. Music Room,Bloor Street United Church, 300 Bloor St. W. latHuron).416- 922- 7997 or*November 24 7:30: Toronto Early Music Centre.Vocal Circle. Recreational reading of early choralmusic. Ability to read music is desirable but notessential. For more information: 416-920-5025. lnonmembers),members free.*November 25 8:00: Toronto Folk Singers' Club. Aninformal group that meets for the purpose ofperformance & exchange of songs. Audiences arePIANO LESSONS• Over 40 years in business.• Any level and age.• Extremely effective, low-costpreparation for RCM exams,. competitions, concerts, etc.-......! • From for Y, hour.M • Immediate results, or you don't pay!Vladimir Dounin 416·321·56271bethebestinmusic@yahoo.comr ~LoveTo Sing?•All styles •All Levels • Beginnersand Children welcome • Excellentfor public speakers, actors, etc.Breathe new life into your voice with a unique andsensible kinesthetic approach to vocal pedagogy.Call Pattie Kelly for private lessons: www.vocalsense.caCLAIM YOUR VOICEOrganic and functional vocal training togain access to your full range, resonanceand vocal freedom. For singers, publicspeakers, teachers, clergy, or if you justwant to enjoy using your voice.Sue Crowe ConnollyHamilton Studio Toronto Studio905-544-1302 416-523-1154welcome. T ranzac Club, 292 Brunswick Ave. 416-532·0900.*November 30 2:00: CAMMAC, Toronto Region.Singers and instrumentalists are invited to participate ina reading of Christmas choruses by Bach & Handel,under the leadership of David Fallis. Elliott Hall, ChristChurch Deer Park, 1570 Yonge Street. 416-421 -0779. Dinan-members), members/students free.*December 5 7:15: Recorder Players' Society.Recorder and/or other early instrument players areinvited to participate in groups !large group format), toplay Renaissance and Baroque music. Coached by ColinSavage. Church of the Transfiguration, 111 Manor Rd.East. 416-694-9266. 1members), 1non-members).*December 7 1:30-4:00: Toronto Early Music PlayersOrganization. Seasonal Frolics. A festive party ofsinging and playing of seasonal music, and feasting onhome-baked goodies. Led by Linda Deshman and ChrisMcClymont. Bring a home-baked goodie, your earlyinstruments & stand; music available at the door.Lansing United Church, 49 Bogert Ave. 705-653-5480,416-537-3733. .Education}JJC a.ri. t.a.r tu.d iosFind your own true voice ...Register now for private OR group lessons:Call: 647 669 4145Or e-mail: singinginriverdale@gmail.comAll levels and styles welcome.25 years experience.Private instruction and exam ~preparation by qualified teachersin the heart of Toronto.• Piano • Voice • Guitar • Strings• Woodwinds • Percussion • Theory• Music Theatre • Pre-school550 Eglinton Avenue East4 l 6-488-2588 .Jl All Ages .Jl All Levels .Jl All Styles~ '? .Jl Motivating Beginners' Groups~ Ji Private LessonsPIANO KEYBOARD GUITAR VIOLIN FLUTE SAX CLARINET DRUMSMuJi~~i~ioL 416-224-5590Ql YAMAHAwww.yamahamusicschool.caWholeNote Alert:Please remember that the nextissue of WholeNote is a doubleone, covering events fromDecember 1, 2008 to February 7,2009.Friday, November 14 is thedead~neforEvent ~stings andDisplay Ad Reservations.Ad materials are due no later thanTuesday, November 18.Book your colour ads early for thefestive season. Space may belimited on the colour pages.WholeNote MarketPlaceMUSIC TEACHERVoice and pianoAll agesHigh Park/Bloor West Village416.347.7245Singing LessonsSing with technical ease and vocal beautyOpera - Pops - Broadwaycall now: (416) 429-4502MARJORIE SPARKS VOICE STUDIOMarjorie Sparks B. Mus., B. Ed.Classical training for private voilessons, university entrance auditions,RCM exams, competitions andperformances. All levels welcome.For more information see our website.STUDIO LOCATION550 Eglinton Ave. E., TorontoGeo~~& Co. LimitedCONSERVATORS & PURVEYORS201 Church S1., Toronto, ON. M5B JY7 Email: ghcl@idirect.comTel: 416-363-0093 • Fax: 4 16-363·0053www.georgeheinl.comCanada•s foremost violin experts.Proud of our heritage. Excited about the future.NOVEMBER 1 - DECEMBER 7 2008WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM49