9 years ago

Volume 14 - Issue 3 - November 2008

WE ARE All Music's

WE ARE All Music's CHILDRENby mJ BuellNOVEMBER's Child ...\ I fJ1.. . I I:iJ''J,Iphoto: 1978. Ottawa is a longway from Cairo!!!Tickets & Recordings!!fThis little girl's childhood homerang with her happy singing. Shewould later sing her way fromConstantinople to "Little Mosqueon the Prairie" and back again.Her grown-up Toronto home isalso a world of music!Think you know whoNOVEMBER s child is?Send your best guess sure to send us your mailingaddress, just in case your nameis drawn!)Winners will be selected byrandom draw among correctreplies received by November 152008.CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR WINNERSAs lucky guests of the Grand Philharmonic Choir:Myrna Foley wins a pair of tickets to Journey Through Fire (GrandPhilharmonic Choir and Youth Choir): Schafer Threnody, Jenkins TheArmed Man, A Mass for Peace (Jan. 31 ); Richard Earls wins a pairof tickets to hear Bach's St. Matthew Passion with the KitchenerWaterloo Symphony and soloists Rufus Millier, Nathalie Paulin, DanielTaylor, Lawrence Wiliford, and Nathan Berg, (April 10); and LoreenEns wins a pair of tickets to Lehar's The Merry Widow, (May 9).(Centre in the Square, Kitchener).Janet Stachow and Emily Burnham each win a pair of tickets to hearRuth Fazal's Terezin Oratorio (February 28, 2009, Hamilton) presentedby The Bach Elgar Choir, with The Hamilton Children'sChoir and the Talisker Players OrchestraMusics Children gratefully acknowledges Robin Vaillancourt,David Duff, Debra Seely, Nadia Hassan, David Wall, The GrandPhilharmonic Choir and The Bach Elgar Choir.The Claude WatsonMusic Program(Earl Haig Secondary School)invites experienced musicstudents to audition for2009-2010.Voice, piano, and allorchestral instruments.Deadline isFriday, December 12, 2008.For information, call (416) 395-3210 or go towww. ea rlha i g. ea/ de pa rt me nts/ c laud e/ auditions. him l"Earliest musicalmemories? My mothersinging "Jesus LovesMe" to me when I was2. My first classicalmusic memory goesback to when I wasabout I 0: I heardHandel s Messiah forthe first time. I thoughtit was paradise!."OCTOBER's Child ...... was conductor Howard Dyck, recognizedacross Canada as the former voice and programmehost of Choral Concert and Saturday Afternoonat the Opera on CBC Radio.Artistic Director and Conductor ofKitchener­Waterloo's Grand Philharmonic Choir (now in, it's 87 1 1, season), and the Hamilton's Bach ElgarChoir (now in it's 104 1 1, season), Howard Dyck isalso the founding Artistic Director and Conductorof Consort Caritatis. a unique Canadian arts organizationthat donates the proceeds from itsprojects to generate funds for humanitarian causes.Under Howard Dyck's direction, GrandPhilharmonic Choir and Consort Caritatis havebeen broadcast nationally on CBC Radio and Televisionas well as on Vision TV and throughoutthe People's Republic of China. His conductingcareer has taken him to "seventeen countries onthree continents", where he has conducted anextraordinary range of renowned national and internationalorchestras.In addition to his training in Canada and theUnited States, Howard pursued advanced studiesin Germany: Choral, Orchestral and Opera Conductingat the Hochschule fiir Musik Detrnold underProf. Martin Stephani and the IntemationaleBachakadamie under Prof. Helmuth Rilling.Honoured both in Canada and internationallyfor contributions to musical culture, Howard holdshonorary Doctor of Laws degrees from the Universityof Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University,and is an Honorary Professor of Music at theKiwanis Music Festivalof Greater TorontoFebruary 17 · March 2, 2009Through a combination of stage andadjudication opportunities, we offerparticipants extraordinary possibilities forperforming, learning, and sharing theirmusical experience.We offer competition at all levels forindividuals, community groups and schoolsin Piano, Strings, Voice, Musical Theatre,Guitar, Woodwinds, Brass, ChamberGroups, Jazz, Bands, Choirs, Orchestrasand Speech Arts.Over ,000 in scholarshipswill be awarded.Enrol your students today!Entry Deadline: November 10, 2008www.kiwanismusictoronto.org416-487-588550 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM NOVEMBER 1 - DECEMBER 7 2008

OCTOBER'S CHILD (continued)Yunnan Arts Institute (Kunming,China). A recipient of the Distin­INSTRUCTIONguished Service Award from both An ENTHUSIASTIC AND INSPIRINGthe Association of Canadian Choral PIANO/ VOICE TEACHER is acceptingConductors and Choirs Ontario, students. RCM, Broadway, Jazz, ClassicalHoward Dyck is a member of the styles. Beginning and Advanced students.Order of Canada, and a recipient of Nancy Sing la M.Mus. 416-629-8805.the Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal. nancy.singla@hotmail.comOther musicians in your family?My mother had no musical education(she was a victim of the GreatDepression), but she loved to singand was intensely interested in musicuntil her death in September ofthis year.At the time ...?CONCERT PIANIST EVE EGDYAN( offers lessons tocommitted musicians · advanced playersas well as returning adults( or 416-894-6344).FLUTE, PIANO, THEORY LESSONS.RCM exam preparation. Samantha Chang,Royal Academy of Music PG Dip, LRAM,ARCT. 416-293-1302,Music was almost exclusively tied with the life of the church. We www.samanthaflute.comattended a Mennonite church inWinkler, Manitoba where 4 part singingwas as natural as breathing. Theonly reason my parents wanted meto take music lessons was to prepareme for accompanying the choraland congregational singing in thechurch. But music was also a verysignificant part of the high school curriculum.We had an excellent schoolorchestra (I played the violin, badlyto be sure), and there were manychoirs. I also sang in a barbershopquartet during my high school years.First experiences of makingmusic, alone and with others?Playing the piano was my first solitarymusical experience, then the violin.Singing in the church choir wasmy first group experience.When did you start conducting?I started conducting small ensemblesin high school, although it wasn't untilmy first year of teaching in a privatehigh school in B.C. that I beganto develop a serious interest inconducting.When did you begin to think ofyourself as a musician?During my high school years, althoughI wasn't yet thinking of amusical career . I was intensely interestedin politics (I still am), so Ithought quite a lot about studying tobe a lawyer and eventually gettinginto politics. John Diefenbaker, thegreat prairie populist, was my hero!If you could travel back throughtime, is there anything you wouldlike to tell the young person in thatchildhood photo?Howard, practice those scales! Anddon't be discouraged by the fact thatall of the other competitors in theannual music festival are girls, andthey 're younger, and most certainlycuter!CONTINUES ON PAGE 52N OVEMBER 1 - D ECEMBER 7 2008PIANO LESSONS: All ages, styles - beginner,classical, jazz, pop, RCM exams.Feel the joy of making music! Peter Ness,ARCT. 416-767-9747.PRIVATE VOICE LESSONS - All ages,various styles. Beginner/intermediate levelsfor classical, pop, country. Sing for fun orprepare for an audition - Express yourselfthrough song! Melissa De Cloet MMus.416-591 -1695 ormelissa _de_ cloet@hotmail.comTHEORY, SIGHT-SINGING, EAR-TRAIN·ING LESSONS: All grades, RCM examprep (rudiments, harmony, history, counter·point). Learning can be fun and easy! PeterNess, ARCT. 416-767-9747.WARM, EXPERIENCED AMERICAN PI·ANO TEACHER with sterling credentials,unfailing good humor, and buckets of patience.Royal Conservatory washouts andadult learners especially welcome. LovelyCabbagetown studio, with easy parking/TTC access. Testimonials: "Now there's ateacher! " R.D., age 13. "Deep pleasure.Sure beats studying with those Quebecnuns!" S.A., age 50 +. Peter Kristian Mose,416-923-3060 or students have never won any prizes,except for love of music. (And loyalty.)FOR SALEFOR SALE A rare, extensive reel to reeltape archive of modern jazz collectionsfrom Britain & Germany etc. (list available!).Prefer someone who is acquaintedwith the German language. Please contactKlaus at: 905-277- 1843, Mississauga ON.MULTIPLE COPIES OF SACRED SHEETMUSIC are available free on request. Freewilldonations to the Music Department,Forest Grove United Church will be appreci·ated. Message inquiries to the church office,416-222-2781.MISCELLANEOUSARE YOU PLANNING A CONCERT or re·cital? Looking for a venue? Consider BloorStreet United Church.Phone: 416-924-7439 x22Email: tina@bloorstreetunited.orgCLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGWWW . THEWHOLENOTE.COMMUSICIANS AVAILABLEBARD - EARLY MUSIC DUO playing recorderand virginal available to provide back·ground atmosphere for teas, receptions orother functions - greater Toronto area. Forrates and info call 905-722-5618 or email usat mhpape@interhop.netCALL <

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