9 years ago

Volume 14 - Issue 3 - November 2008


OCTOBER'S CHILD (continued)Howard Dyck Conducts ...Vaughan Williams Dona NobisPacem and Durutle Requiem BachElgar Choir (Nov. 15, Hamilton);Handel's Messiah- Grand PhilharmonicChamber Singers, withNota Bene Period Orchestra(Dec 6, Waterloo, and Dec 7 ,Cambridge);Handel's Messiah with TheBach Elgar Choir and Nota BenePeriod Orchestra (Dec 13, Hamilton).In addition, he will conduct all ofthe wonderful concerts mentioned asMusic's Children contest prizesConsort Caritatis will make their11 th international tour, this year toBrazil and Argentina, in July 2009.Recording & Mastering.Great live room in old movie theatre.Yamaha Grand Piano. Hammond M3& Leslie Milestone Drums. per hour 416.467.9597www.studio92canada.comCall for a coffee and tourInsert your brochure, flyer or rack cardinto WholeNoteGet your promotional material into the handsof the people who matter. Call for rates:advertiser discountsavailable.416-323-2232 x28Services Recordinbacksplit classical soundsuperbly engineered recordingsconcert hall quality9ft Steinwayaudio & video demosfull CD productioncompetitive rates416-461-0635www.classicalsound.caWholeNote MarketPlaceRestaurants-Commensal Vegetarian RestaurantLive Jazz Friday and Saturday Evenings655 Bay St. (entrance on Elm Street)Validated Parking after 6pm 416-596-9364www.commensal.caHome·KENS! NGTQN .. CARF?ETS -1 NCJ.DIRECT IMPORTERS/LIQUIDATORS' Persian, Indian, Chinese, Pakistani and Broadloom..... • ' •· t. · • Adi b~auty and warrrith }o ypur room. • LOOKS great unde'r~youfpiano\ ': : • Absor6s sound - music socinds better . .' ; : • Enhances your ability to perform •, . ~ Up t~ 75°& o.ff .. Shop ar?u~d a~d _comeare!·198 Baldwin St., Tordrtto 416~260::'1144Specialized Recording Servicesfor Classical and Acoustic Music647 349 pain.Relax. Breathe. Move.52'-IDr. Katarina Bulat Dc 1&~1us1cu:,1,Chiropractor 416-461-1906Private practice. Coxwell & Danforth area.Professional Services$ ? .~ NEED HELP WITH YOUR TAXES?Specializing in personal, business,partnership, and corporate tax returnsincluding prior years and adjustments.Call Norm Pulker905-830-2985npulker@rogers.comfax: 905-830-9810Cheeses from around the world,meats, groceries, dry goodsgift baskets ...Everything you needfor reception planning.416-364-7397www.pasqualebros.com16 Goodrich Rd., Etobicoke(south of Bloor, west off Islington)• free consultation• accurate work Reach your target market with low-cost• pickup & delivery promotion in WholeNote MarketPlace.arrangedCall (416) 323-2232 for details.-­HOLD YOUR NEXT RECITALbeliconian ballA beautiful restored Carpenter's Gothic board and batten churchbuilding in the heart ofYorkville can be rented at reasonablerates for musical events. Steinway Grand piano included.A high, vaulted ceiling provides excellent concert-hall acoustics.Capacity up to 120. Tel: 416-922-3618 Fax: 416-922-2431www.heliconianclub.orgrentals@heliconianclub.orgWWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM NOVEMBER 1 - DECEMBER 7 2008

EDITOR'SCORNERrecordings reviewedCelebrating 20 years since the first release byher Ensemble Vivante - "Palm Court Pleasures"- pianist Catherine Wilson continues tobring her own brand of salon/chamber musicto our city and to the world. On her most re­, .r , .,. • • " • • I • ~ • ~cent offering - AudienceFavourites(Opening Day ODR9348) - the othermembers of the coretrio are violinistErica Beston andcellist SharonPrater, with notablecontributions fromguest artists David Young (bass) and PhilipSeguin (trumpet) and string players NormanHathaway and Jonathan Craig. The repertoireranges from familiar light classics and operatidbits to original compositions by RickWilkins, with stops along the way at arrangementsof music by Piazzola, Gershwin andCharlie Chaplin. As the title suggests thereare no surprises here, simply a solid compilationof bonbons which have proved to be audiencepleasers. A highlight for me is the finalefrom Debussy's all too rarely heard Trio in Gminor.Concert note: George Meanwell and StephanieMartin perform at Harbourfront's EnwaveTheatre on November 8.The next CD has received nominations in 5categories at the Newfoundland MusicAwards, the winners of which will be announcedin ceremonies on November 9.Guitarist Duane Andrews' Raindrops(DA003 is a verystrong follow-up to "Crocus" which I reviewedin this column back in September2006. As with theprevious release,the dominant influencehere is themusic of DjangoReinhardt. Muchof the music is so(intentionally)reminiscent of thatGypsy master'sthat I confess Iwas surprised to find among the mix anoriginal Reinhardt, Blue Drag, which Ifailed to recognize, assuming it to be another"clone". But there is much more to thisalbum than a simple (and sophisticated) tributeto Django, with music ranging from traditional(and composed) down-home East Coastofferings to several fine original compositionsand an exceptional cover of Charles Mingus 'Fables of Faubus which manages to capturethe spirit of that large ensemble classic withjust an acoustic lead guitar (Andrews),rhythm guitar (Steve Hussey), bass (DaveRowe) , vibes (Bill Brennan) and trumpet(Patrick Boyle) . Hats off to Mr. Andrews,and best of luck with those awards!The final disc hasbeen trying to riseto the top of thepile for aboutthree months now,since I attended itslaunch at theTranzac Club lastsummer. Much asI try to ignore it,the music keeps re-surfacing. The problem isI just can't figure out what to say about it. Imust confess this introduction to FriendlyRich and the Lollipop People was one of theConcert note: Catherine Wilson and EnsembleVivante perform on November 21 at JaneMallett Theatre.Another eclecticlocal ensemble thatexplored the boundariesbetween classicalchamber musicand just plain entertainmentis QuartettoGelato and that iswhere I first encounteredcellist andguitarist GeorgeMeanwell. As it turns out, I was picking up onGeorge's career mid-stream, having missedthe fact that he was previously an integral partof the 70s folk phenomenon Short Turn. It isthese roots to which he has returned, first withthe album "Another Street" in 2003, and thisyear's release Late ( with his colleaguesThe Loss Leaders. With fifteen originalsongs, which range from traditional singer-songwriterballads to bluesy and hard-rockingnumbers, "Late" gives us wry and bittersweetinsights into "a life thus far". There arenotable contributions from band members RickWhitelaw (guitar), Ray Parker (keyboards) ,Chad Irschick (bass) and Dave MacDougall(drums), not to mention Gelato alumnusJoseph Macerollo (accordion) and guest vocalistStephanie Martin.CanadaSO DECQuebec gganalekta.comNOVEMBE R 1 - D ECEMBER 7 2008WWW. TH EWHOLENOTE.COM53

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