9 years ago

Volume 14 - Issue 4 - December 2008


30ELMER ISELER SINGERSLydia Adams, Conductor2008-2009: 30TH ANNIVERSARY SEASONGeorge Frederick Handel's~Sir David WillcocksGuest ConductorFriday, December S at 8:00 p.m.Metropolitan United Church56 Queen St. East, TorontoSpecial Guest Artists:The Amadeus ChoirLeslie Fagan, Soprano; Jennifer Enns, Mezzo-SopranoColin Ainsworth, Tenor; Tyler Duncan, BaritoneRobert Venables & Robert Di Vito, TrumpetsPatricia Wright, Organ and OrchestraLESLIE FAGAN JENNIFER ENNS COLIN AINSWORTH TYLER DUNCANFor tickets, call 416-217-0537www.elmeriselersingers.comThe BACH CHILDREN'S CHORUSand the BACH CHAMBER YOUTH CHOIRLinda Beaupre, ConductorEleanor Daley, PianistSaturday,December 6, 2008 at 7 :30pmToronto Centre for the ArtsGeorge Weston Recital Hall5040 Yonge Street BACH~~~~~(north of Sheppard Ave.)Tickets: and at the Toronto Centrebox office or TicketMaster at 416.870.8000Company in Residenceat the Toronto Centrefor the Artsbachorus.orgThe8ochCh1ldrens(horus, amemberof(ho11sOnlono 1sgro1elul fo1fundingrece1ved lrom lheOntar10Ar1s(ounc1land1heToron10Ar1sCounc1I... 1: CONCERTS: Toronto and GTAx321. Free.PandoraslockeralsoDec. 11 , 13.- 8:00: Tafelmusik. Haydn, Mozart and LeChevalier de Saint-Georges. See Dec. 4.- 8:00: The Upper Canada Choristers.Wassail! Laurie Evan Fraser, director; guests:Cantemos (latin ensemble); La Parranda !Venezuelangaita group) St. John's York Mills An·glican Church, 19 Don Ridge Dr. 416 256-0510. ; (advance); Free (children).Donations of non·perishable food requested.Saturday December 06- 1 :00, 4:00 & 7:00: Brampton Music The·atre. Alice in Wonderland. See Dec. 5.- 2:00 & 7:30: Circle of Harmony.Christmas Magic. Vari ante Harp & Flute Duo;Burlington Male Welsh Chorus. Glen AbbeyUnited Church, 1469 Nottinghill Gate,Dakville. 905-339-2497. ; 1sr/children).- 3:00 & 8:00: Scarborough Choral Socie·ty. Sounds of Christmas 2008. Judy Scott·Jacobs, director; Clair Bresee, accompanist;guests: Charactor Theatre Troupe. MarkhamTheatre for the Performing Arts, 101 TownCentre Blvd. 416-293-3981. ; (sr);(st).- 4:00: Timothy Eaton Memorial Church.Annual Christmas Concert. Sanctuary Choir.Guests: Salvation Army North York TempleBand, Glenn Barlow, conductor. Timothy Ea·ton Memorial Church, 230 St. Clair Ave. W.416-925 -5977.- 7:00: Oakville Children's Choir. Songs ofthe Season. Sarah Morrison, music director;Janet Stachow, associate music director;guest: Luba Goy from The Royal Canadian AirFarce. St. Matthew's Roman Catholic Church,1150 Monk's Passage, Oakville. 905-337·7104. ; (st); 1sr/ch).- 7:30: Bach Children's Chorus and BachChamber Youth Choir. Ring Bells Ring. LindaBeaupre, artistic director; Eleanor Daley, pian·ist. George Weston Recital Hall, Toronto Cen·Ire for the Arts, 5040 Yonge St. 416-431 ·0790. ; .- 7:30: CBC Radio I Glen Rhodes UnitedChurch. A Christmas Carol. Dramatic readingof Charles Dickens' classic with carols. GlenRhodes Choir; guest: Matt Galloway, reader.1470 Gerrard St. E. 416-465-3755. ;freelunder 14).- 7:30: Etobicoke Youth Choir. Come in tothe light. Annual concert of seasonal music.Louise Jardine, music director; Pascal Du Per·ron, accompanist. Westway United Church, 8Templar Dr. 416-231-9120. ; freelunder12).- 7:30: Mississauga Choral Society. Messiah.Handel. Mervin Fick, conductor. EdenUnited Church, 3051 Battleford Rd., Missis·sauga. 905-278-7059. ; (sr); (st).- 7:30: Pax Christi Chorale. Haydn's Crea·tion. Melanie Conly, soprano; Dennis Giesbre·chi, tenor; Paul Grindlay, bass·baritone; withorchestra; Stephanie Martin, conductor. GraceChurch on·the·Hill, 300 Lonsdale Rd. 416-491 ·8542. ; 1sr); 1stl; (children under12).- 7:30: Salvation Army Yorkminster Cita·del. A Community Christmas Concert. York·minster Band and Choir; guest: Ali Mathews,vocalist. 1 Lord Seaton Rd. 416-222·9110.; lsr/st).- 7:30: Seven Arts Study Centre. HolyWar. Dramatization of Daumal's prose poemexploring the inner struggle towards con·sciousness and conscience. Daumal scholarRoger Lipsey, speaker; Priscilla Smith, voice;Dolphi Wertenbaker, dance; Chris Wertenbak·er, oud; Jeff Greene, strings. George lgnatieffTheatre, Trinity College, 16 Devonshire Pl.Tickets: 416-469-2847. ; (st). Post·performance discussion.- 7:30: Tallis Choir. Christmas Vespers.Handel: Christmas Vespers; Dixit Dominus;Laudate Pueri; Vivaldi: Magnificat. Peter Mahon,director. St. Patrick's Church, 141 Mc·Caul St. 416-286·9798. , (sr), Olst).- 7:30: Toronto Chinese United ChurchChoir. Behold the King: Messiah Sing along.Theresa Man, organ; Shuk Han Yu, piano;Toronto Chinese Christian Chorale. TorontoChinese United Church, 3300 Kennedy Rd.416-321-9116. Free will offering.- 7:30: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. ThePlanets & The Rite of Spring. See Dec. 4.- (no pre-concert chat).- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Choirs in Concert - Opera in Season!U. of T. choirs with guest artists; Doreen Rao,conductor. MacMillan Theatre, Edward John·son Building, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744.$14; (sr/st).- 8:00: Ashkenaz Foundation. Flory Jago·da: Judea-Spanish Songs From Bosnia.Howard Bass, guitar; Susan Gaeta, guitar/vocals; Eric Stein, mandolin; Aleksandar Gajic,violin; Milos Popovic, accordion. Glenn GouldStudio, 250 Front St. W.416-979-9901. ;(advance).- 8:00: Ballet Creole. Glorious Soulful Mes·siah. See Dec. 5.- 8:00: Brampton Concert Band. Christmasat the Rose. Guests: The Mayfield Singers. 1Theatre Lane, Brampton. 905-874-2800. ;(sr/sl); lchildren).- 8:00: Cantores Celestes Women's Choir.Out of the Mist, Above the Reel Britten: Cere·mony of Carols; Rutter: Dancing Days; Hat·field: Over the Hills. Jacqueline Goring, harp;Ellen Meyer, piano. Runnymede UnitedChurch, 432 Runnymede Ave. 416-236-1522.. In support of Women's College HospitalSexual Assault & Domestic Violence CareCentre.- 8:00: Chamber Music Society of Missis·sauga. Footsteps from our Past. Croall:Songs of the Coyote (world premiere). JeffLegacy, narrator. The Great Hall of the Unitar·a performanceof the prose poem"Holy War"BY RENE DAUMAL(1908-1944)7:30PM, SAT., DEC. 6, 2008GEORGE lGNATIEFF THEATRE16 Devonshire Place, TorontoTickets and Details: 416-469-2847WWW . TH EWHO LE NO TE. COM D ECEMBER 1 2008 ~ F EB RUARY 7 2009

ian Congregation of Mississauga, 84 South (youth).Service Rd., Mississauga.905-848-0015. - 8:00: Croata International. Little Stars; (sr); (st); (family).(lvjezdice) Girls' Choir. Classical and sacred- 8:00: Civic Light Opera Company. music, carols, folksongs. Church of the Redeemer,1691 Bloor St. W.416-781-7450.Scrooge - the Musical. See Dec.3.- 8:00: Eastminster United Church. Whis· .key Jack. Gala String Quartet. 310 Danforth - 8:00: Music Gallery. Removable Parts.Ave. 416-465-7443. .Song cycle by Dargel. Kathleen Supove, piano;- 8:00: Counterpoint Community Concert. Works by Tchaikovsky, Offen· Griffin, director; Yvan Greenberg, choreogra·Corey Dargel, voice and electronics; Emmabach, Sibelius, Mussorgsky and Copland. pher. 197 John St. 416-204-1080. ;Guests: Forte- Toronto Men's Chorus. St. O(st, advance).Luke's United Church. 353 Sherbourne St. - 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. RisingStars Series: Academy Symphony Orches­416-926-9806. ; (advance);tra. David Visentin, conductor and artisticdirector. Mazzoleni Hall, 273 Bloor St. W.416-408-2824 x321. Free.- 8:00: Scarborough Philharmonic. ChristmasConcert. Nicolai: Merry Wives of WindsorOverture; Puccini: La Boheme Act 1 (conclu ­sion); Anderson: Christmas Festival; Boito:Ave Signor from Mefistofele; also music by, Mozart, Handel, Franck, and Christmas carols.The "Little Stars"perform classical sacred music,Christmas carols & native folk songsDecember 6 at 8 pmChurch of the Redeemer,165 Bloor St. W. at Avenue Rd . at the doorDecember 10 at 7:30 pmThe Living Arts Centre, MississaugaTicketron: 905-306-6000Sinead Sugrue, soprano; Michael Toby, tenor;Toronto Choral Society; Sabatino Vacca, conductor.Birchmount Collegiate, 3663 DanforthAve. 416-429-0007. ; (sr); $ lD(st).- 8:00: Tafelmusik. Haydn, Mozart and leChevalier de Saint-Georges. See Dec. 4.- 8:00: Toronto Chamber Choir. Magnificat!Zelenka: Magnificat in D; Bach: CantataBWV 61 "Nun komm der Heiden Heiland";Handel: motets for Advent. Agnes Zsigovics,soprano; Claudia Lempke, alto; Cory Knight,tenor; Michael Robert-Broder, bass; Baroqueorchestra; Mark Vuorinen, music director. ChristChurch Deer Park, 1570 Yonge St. 416-763 -1 695. -. 7:00: Pre-concert lecture.THE TORONTO SINGING STUDIOLinda Eyman, DirectorPRESENTS IN CONCERT:SATURDAY DECEMBER 6REMOVABLE PARTSA series of love songs about voluntary amputationCreated by Corey Dargel • Featuring Kathleen Supove, pianoTHURSDAY DECEMBER 11WALLACE HALLADAY & RYAN SCOTTNew Music for Saxophone and PercussionFeaturing world premieres by Erik Ross & Andrew StanilandFRIDAY DECEMBER 12ALAN LICHT/AKI ONDA/MICHAEL SNOWCanadian excusive engagement with three free music mastersSUNDAY DECEMBER 14CKS (The Contemporary Keyboard Society)Works for piano, harpsichord, toy pianos and keyboard percussionCOMING IN 2009:Marilyn Lerner & Diane Labrosse • Motion EnsembleBozzini Quartet• Marilyn Nonkeri • The Attar ProjectBECOME A MUSIC GALLERY MEMBER AND SAVEON TICKET PRICES! Email info@musicgallery.orgThe Music Gallery · 197 John St. · Toronto MsT 1X6416-204-1080 · www.musicgallery.orgYAY-ttee VoxSongs 0£ Com£ort and JoyWith guest artist, Katie Murphy, sopranoExsultate, jubilate K.165 - WA. Mozart8:00 p.m., Saturday, December 6Bloor Street United Church General Admission, Students & SeniorsCelebration Choir& Vocal MosaicLet There Be SongWith special guest, Peter Stuckless, tenor·toro n tea rtsco u n c 11.....C..""dilmHOirltng~P"trlmolnocnm21drt:1 n8:00 p.m., Saturciay,_December 13Bloor Street United Church General Admission, Students & SeniorsDECEMB ER 1 2008 - FEBR UARY 7 2009 WWW , THEWHOLENOTE.COM 31

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