... 1: CONCERTS: Toronto and GTAConcert no. 2: End of TimeSunday December 7, 2008, 3:00pmGlenn Gould Studio (250 Front St. W.)Pre-concert chat hosted by Keith Horner, 2:30pmPerforming works by Arutunian, Kradjian andMessiaen's Quartet for the End of Timewith Artists:Benjamin Bowman, violin; Serouj Kradjian, piano;Joaquin Valdepenas, clarinet and David Hetherington, celloTickets and Subscriptions availableCALL: 416-368-8743www.amiciensemble.comtaro ntdartsbou nci IAn arm's leng1h body of the City of Toronto~ ONTARIO ARTS COUNCIL B1B Canada Council Conseil des ArtsM CONSEILDESARTS DErnNTARIO ~ for the Arts du CanadaCelebrate theseason in songSunday, December 7, 3 pmSt. Anne's Anglican Church270 Gladstone Avenue (Near Dufferin and Dundas)r cat:u l'l'llj.;0:Choristers aged 7 to 18Zimfira Poloz, Artistic Director & ConductorMargaret Stanfield, ConductorSheldon Rose, Piano- 8:00: Toronto Mendelssohn YouthChoir. A Season of light. Multi-culturalcelebration. Lynn Janes, conductor; JamesBourne, piano. Calvin Presbyterian Church,26 Delisle Ave. 416-598-0422. ; (sr);(st 15-2 5yrs); $ lO(child to 15yrs).- 8:00: Toronto Singing Studio. Songs ofComfort and Joy. Alleluias, spirituals, songsof celebration. Vivace Vox Vocal Ensemble;Linda Eyman, music director; Christine Kim,pianist; guest: Katie Murphy, soprano. BloorStreet United Church, 300 Bloor St. W. 416·455 -9238. ; $ lO(sr/st).- 8:00: Voices. Christmas Concert. Vivaldi:Gloria; Holst: Christmas Day; Vaughan Wil·Iiams, and more. Ron Ka Ming Cheung, con·ductor; John Stephenson, organist. St. Tho·mas's Church, 383 Huron St. 416-519-0528.; $ l 5(sr/st).Sunday December 07- 1 :00: HarbourKIDS Music with Bite/Jeunesses Musicales Ontario. Fiestango!(bilingual performance). Tangos by Piazzolla,Bizet, Gardel. Amelie Lamontagne, violin;Janie Caron, piano; Genevieve Gigonnesse,bass. Brigantine Room, Harbourfront Centre,235 Queen's Quay W. 416-973-4000. Free.- 1 :OD & 6:00: Ross Petty Productions.Cinderella. See Nov 28.- 1 :30: CAMMACIMcMichael Gallery.Glynis Ratcliffe, soprano. Arias from the operaMaria Chapedalaine and other vocal selections.10365 Islington Ave., Kleinburg. 905-893-1121. ; (srlst).- 2:00: Civic Light Opera Company.Scrooge - the Musical. See Dec 3.- 2:00: East York Concert Band. AnnualChristmas Concert. Programme includesTchaikovksy: Nutcracker (selections); Anderson:Sleigh Ride; other Christmas favourites,and a sing-along. St. Pat1ick Catholic SecondarySchool, 49 Felstead Ave. 416-266-1958.; 5(st); free(child to 12).- 2:00: Northdale Concert Band. MatineeConcert. Stephen Chenette, music director;guest: Gifford Toole, piano. Scarborough CivicCentre, 150 Borough Dr. 416-486-3011 . Free.- 2:30: The Unitarian Congregation inMississauga. A Klezmer Christmas. GypsyJive Band. Great Hall of the Unitarian Congregation,84 South Service Rd. Mississauga.905-287-5622. ; (students 18 & under).- 2:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Opera Tea. Humperdinck's Hansel andGretel. Miniature version of this operatic favourite.MacMillan Theatre, Edward JohnsonBuilding, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744..- 3:00: Amici. End of Time. Arutiunian: Suitefor Violin, Clarinet and Piano; Kradjian: Elegyfor Restive Souls; Messiaen: Quartet for theEnd of Time. Benjamin Bowman, violin; SeroujKradjian, piano; Joaquin Valdepeiias, clarinet;David Hetherington, cello. Glenn Gould Studio,250 Front St. W. 416-872-4255. ; (sr);(st). 2:30: pre-concert chat.- 3:00: Ballet Creole. Glorious Soulful Messiah.See Dec. 5.- 3:00: Brass Conspiracy. Herald the Holidays.Holiday concert. Andrew Chung, conductor.St. Peter's Anglican Church, 188 CarltonSt.416-706-2199. ; (srlst).- 3:00: Hart House Singers. Seasonal Fantasias.Choral music by Bach, Robinovitch,Glick, Chilcott, Vaughan Williams, and others.May Ing Ruehle, violin; Samuel Huang, clarinet;Cecilia Lee, piano; David Arnot-Johnston,conductor. Great Hall, Hart House, 7 HartHouse Circle. 416-978-2452. Free. Food donationsfor Uo!T Food Bank welcome.- 3:00: High Park Choirs. Making SpiritsBright. Zimfira Poloz, artistic director; SheldonRose, piano. St. Anne's Anglican Church. 270Gladstone Ave.416-762-0657. ; $ l 5(srlstlchild).- 3:00: Orchestra Toronto. In Concert. Applebaum:Action Stations; Vaughan Williams:The Lark Ascending, Serenade to Music; Puccini:Christmas Eve at Cale Momus; RimskyKorsakov: Suite from Christmas Eve; Anderson:Sleigh Ride. Errol Gay, conductor; guests:Ines Pagliari and Grace Hong, violins. GeorgeWeston Recital Hall, Toronto Centre for theArts, 5040 Yonge St. 416-872-1111. ;(srlst); (18 & under). 2:15: Pre-concerttalk.- 3:00: Pax Christi Chorale. Haydn's Creation.See Dec. 6.- 3:30: Tafelmusik. Haydn, Mozart and LeChevalier de Saint-Georges. See Dec. 4.- 4:00: Halton Youth Symphony. ChristmasConcert. Holy Trinity High School, 2420 SixthLine, Dakville. 905-616-2760.Toronto Classical SingersH A N D E L' S M E S S I A H f1ighlights)SUNDAY DECEMBER 7, 20084:00PMConductor Jurgen PetrenkoAccompanied byThe Ta/isker Players Orchestra adults • children/students/seniorsTickets available at the doorTicketsAdult .00Seniors & Students .00T: 416-443-1490On~Line: www.totixca.SoloistsJennifer T avener, sopranoSandra Boyes, mezzo-sopranoCory Knight, tenorMichael Uloth, bassChrist Church Deer ParkI 5 7 0 Yonge Street (at Heath St W)www . toro nt oclassicalsingers .orgWWW. TH EWH O LE NOTE.COM D ECEMBER 1 2008 - F EBRUARY 7 2009