9 years ago

Volume 14 - Issue 4 - December 2008

... 1: CONCERTS: Toronto

... 1: CONCERTS: Toronto and GTADecember 19- 7:00: Ballet Jorgen Canada. The Groupof Seven Nutcrpcker. Rose Theatre, 1 Thea·Ire Lane, Brampton. 905-874-2800. -.Also Dec. 20.- 7:30: Church of the Holy Trinity. TheChristmas Story: Nativity Pageant. See Dec12.- 7:30: Oriole York Mills United Church. AMostly Old-Fashioned Christmas. DerrickLewis, piano and organ; Meri Dolevski, clari·net and piano; other performers. 2609 Bay.view Ave. 647-238-2921. ; (sr/st);sine: nominc:ensetnble for Medieval Music5oonc: must I syngwith rc:joycyn.gMedieval music and readingsfor H.dvent and c;hristmasFriday, December 19, at 8 pmSaint Thomas's Church383 Huron StreetTickets I 416-638-9445sine. & under).- 7:30: St. James Cathedral. Andrew Ager,organ. Widor: Symphony No. 2; also Christ·mas music. 65 Church St., 416-364- 7865.Freewill offering.- 7:30: Tafelmusik. Messiah. See Dec. 17.- 8:00: Alexander Singers. Festival ChoirConcert. Program includes Mozart, spiritu·als, folk songs and opera excerpts. SpringGarden Church, 112 Spring Garden Ave. 416·324-1259. ; (sr/st).- 8:00: Civic Light Opera Company.Scrooge - the Musical. See Dec.3.- 8:00: Etobicoke Community ConcertBand. Christmas Pops. Etobicoke CollegiateAuditorium, 86 Montgomery Rd. 416-410-1570. ; (sr); (st); free (12 & under).- 8:00: Sine Nomine. Soone must I syngwith rejoycyng. Medieval music and read·ings for Advent and Christmas. Saint Tho·mas's Anglican Church, 383 Huron St. 416·638-9445. ; (sr/st/unwaged).- 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Toronto's Favourite Messiah. See Dec. 16.- 8:00: Via Salzburg. Festive Strings. SeeDec. 18.Saturday December 20- 2:00: Toronto Children's Chorus. A Cho·rus Christmas: Magic of the Season. Brun·ner: Sir Christemas (Canadian premiere);Daley: Magnificat; also seasonal favourites.Guests: the True North Brass; Elise Bradley,artistic director. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Sim·coe St. 416-872-4255. .50-.50.- 2:00 & 8:00: Civic Light Opera Company.Scrooge - the Musical. See Dec. 3.- 2:30 & 7:00: Canadian Ballet Theatre.The Nutcracker. Tchaikovsky. Choreographyby Vasily Vainonen. Victoria Harding, AlysShee (Clara); Eugene Dokoukine (Prince);guests: Alina Somova, Anton Korsakov,Zhong-Jing Fang. Winter Garden Theatre,189 Yonge St. 416· 872-5555. ; $ 70. AlsoDec.21.- 3:00 & 7:00: Ballet Jorgen Canada. TheGroup of Seven Nutcracker. See Dec. 19.- 4:30 & 7:30: Church of the Holy Trinity.The Christmas Story: Nativity Pageant. SeeDec 12.- 7:00: Rainbow Voices of Toronto. HaveYou Heard the Sound? St. Luke's UnitedChurch. 353 Sherbourne St. 416-925-9872x2166. ; (advance); (sr/st).- 7:30: Tafelmusik. Messiah. See Dec. 17.- 8:00: Nathaniel Dett Chorale. An IndigoChristmas: Great Joy! See Dec 17.- 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Toronto's Favourite Messiah. See Dec. 16.Sunday December 21- 1 :30: Canadian Ballet Theatre. The Nut·cracker. See Dec.20.- 2:00: Civic Light Opera Company.Scrooge - the Musical. See Dec. 3.- 2:00: Tafelmusik. Sing-Along Messiah.Handel. Nancy Argenta, soprano; Laura Pud·well, alto; Lawrence Wiliford, tenor; BrettPolegato, baritone; Tafelmusik ChamberChoir and Baroque Orchestra; lvars Taurins,director. Massey Hall, 15 Shuter St. 416·872-4255. .50.- 3:00: Markham Chamber Music. Mer·cedes Cheung, violin (six-year-old prodigy).Programme includes Mozart: Violin Cancer·to No.3; Hubay: Hejre Kati; Sarasate: Zigeunerweisen;Beethoven: Romance in F; Elgar:Salut d' Amour; Chopin: Nocturne in c-sharpand more. Nancy Tye, piano. MarkhamTheatre For Performing Arts, 171 TownCentre Blvd., Markham. 905-305· 7469. ;(st/child). 1 free student/child ticket with2 adult tickets.A- 3:00: Royal York Road United Church.Christmas portion of Handel's Messiah. Tai·isker Strings; William O'Meara, organ; LydiaPedersen, conductor. 851 Royal York Rd.905-279-0339. Free will offering.- 3:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Toronto's Favourite Messiah. See Dec. 16.- 4:00: All Saints Kingsway Anglican.Magnificat. Annual Christmas concert withmassed choir and guest soloists. 2850 BloorSt. W. 416-233-1125. Free with offering.- 4:00: St. Anne's Church. Festival of Ninelessons and Carols. St. Anne's Choir. 270 Glad·stone Ave. 416-922-4415. Free will offering.- 4:00: St. James Cathedral. Britten's Cere·mony of Carols. Natalie Mahon, KirstenFielding, soprano; Elaine Robertson, mezzo·soprano. 65 Church St. 416-364· 7865. Free.- 4:30: Church of the Holy Trinity. TheChristmas Story: Nativity Pageant. See Dec 12.- 7:00: Toronto Swedish Singers. / Jultetid- A Christmas Concert. Swedish Christmasmusic. Guest performers; Brigitte Bogar,conductor. Agricola Lutheran Church, 25 OldYork Mills Rd. 416-445-2889. ; free tochildren under 12.- 7:30: Victoria Scholars. I Sing the Birth.Works by Ives, Lauridsen, Palestrina, Rach·maninoff, Tavener, Vaughan Williams, andothers. Jerzy Cichocki, music director. OurLady of Sorrows Church, 3055 Bloor St. W.416-761-7776. , (sr/st).- 8:00: A.C.T. Productions. Plaid Tidings.Sequel to Forever Plaid with seasonal holi·day favourites. Rob Woodcock, director.Rose Theatre, 1 Theatre Lane, Brampton.905-874-2800. -. Also Dec 22, 23.(ifi) toronto children's chorusiQi Elise Bradley, Artistic DirectorORGANRECITALWidor - Symphony no. 2and other organ musicfor ChristmasAndrew AgerDirector of Music &Composer-in-ResidenceFriday December 197:30 pmFree-will offeringST. JAMES CATHEDRAL65 Church St. (King at Church)416 364 7865A Chorus Christmas:Magic of the SeasonThe six choi rs of the Toronto Children's Chorusbring the warmth of the season to the city.An awe inspiring tradition featuring theiralumni choir plus guest artists. Aco-production with Roy Thomson Hall.Sat Dec 20, 2008 · 2 PMRoy Thomson Hall· 60 Simcoe StreetTickets: -50 - 50•.To purch ase tickets: 932-8666 ext. 231 www.torontochildrenschorus.com38 WWW. TH EWHOLENOTE.COM DECEMBER 1 2008 ~ FEBRUARY 7 2009

ISINGTHEBIRTHJoin the Scholars for a festive andspirited celebration of Seasonalmusic as they present a concertof carols from Christmas past andpresent by composers from Canadaand around the world.c-.,Sunday, Dec. 21, 20087:30pmOur Lady of Sorrows Church3055 Bloor Street West(1/2 block west of the Royal York subway)General Admission Seniors & Students MERCEDESCHEUNGTUES. JAN. 13 - 7:30 PMAL HENDERSONSEPTETThe jazz bassist, composerand arranger leads an ensembleof friends and colleagues in a showcase concertfeaturing his own compositions.Matt Brubeck, Mark Chambers, Alex Dean,Al Henderson, Pat Labarbera,Barry Romberg, Richard WhitemanTUES. JAN. 27 - 7: 30 PMJACQUESISRAELIEVITCHviolinChristina Petrowska Quilico, pianoMark Chambers, celloThe former concertmaster of the TSOjoins forces with two of his new colleagues forhis debut concert at York, featuring works byDebussy, Ravel and Kelly Marie Murphy.TUES. FEB. 10 - 7:30 PMDOROTHYDE VALpianoPlayford's Pleasure& The Regency DancersFlirting with Mr. DarcyRevisit romance with an evening of Englishcountry dance music from the age of Jane Austen.Tribute Communities Recital HallYork University I 4700 Keele St. Toronto or for all three concertsStudents & Seniors: per concertJJYeah! rm St~U S~x 11'Mozarl: Violin Concerto NoJ 'Hubay: Hejre Kali 'Chopin: Nocturne in C# minor·sarnsate: Zigeunerweisen • Beethoven Romance • Elgar: Saint D' amour & more?BOX Office MARKHAM THEATRE ,11r0w; iw1re n1~d905.305.7469 for Perforrni11ij Ans (8WY ilfllerl)December 21. 2008 A~ull: m (2 Adulls l free Piano: Dr. Nancy TyeSunday Allernoon 3 PM Chrll/Stude n. Studenl: llos1et1 bi ltld1khd111 CltrlmberMusitBox Office: ECEMBER 1 20 08 - F EBRUARY 7 20 09 WWW. TH EWHO LENOTE.COM39

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