9 years ago

Volume 14 - Issue 4 - December 2008

A performance of

A performance of Korngold'sSuite for piano, two violins andcello, followed by six brand newsongs inspired by the Suite.Tickets -Buy tickets or subscribe tothe 2008/09 season at:ARTOFTIMEENSEMBLE.COMor call 416.973.4000t.... 1: CONCERTS: Toronto and GTA- 8:00: Toronto Consort. Earth, Air, Fire,Water. A musical portrait of the four ele·ments with music by Dowland, Campion,van Eyck, and Lawes. David Fallis, director.Trinity-St. Paul's Centre, 427 Bloor St.West.416-964-6337. $14-.Saturday January 31- 1 :30 & 3:30: TSO. Strike, Rattle and Roll.Ravel: Bolero; and other works. Evelyn Glennie,percussion, Giancarlo Guerrero, guestconductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St.416-593-4828. -. 1 :DO & 3:00: preconcertperformances.- 2:00: St. Anne's Music & Drama Society.Gilbert & Sullivan's Pirates of Penzance.See Jan 23.- 7:30: CDC. Rusalka. Dvorak. Julie Makerov,soprano (Rusalka); Irina Mishura, mezzoIJezibaba); Michael Schade, tenor !Prince);Richard Paul Fink, baritone !Water Gnome);CDC Orchestra and Chorus; Dmitri Bertman,director; John Keenan, conductor. Four SeasonsCentre for the Performing Arts, 145Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. -0. AlsoFeb. 5,8, 11 , 14, 17,20, 23.- 7:30: Oakville Chamber Ensemble. Tuttifluti. Bach: Suite in b; Handel: Water MusicSuite in G; Boyce: Symphony Nos.1 and 7.Stephane Potvin, conductor. St. Simon's AnglicanChurch, 1450 Litchfield, Oakville. 905-825-9740. ; 1sr/st); lchild 15 andunder) .- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. University of Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Wagner: Prelude to Tristan and Isolde;MacMillan: Veni, Veni, Emmanuel; Debussy:Nocturnes; Lau: Fountain of Dreams!student composition competition winner).Jamie Drake, percussion; University Women'sChorus; Alain Trudel. conductor. MacMillanTheatre, Edward Johnson Building, 80Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. ; Dlsr/st).- 8:00: Cathedral Bluffs Symphony Orchestra.Back to Back Bach. Bach's fourpiano concertos. Armas Maiste, Norman Reintamm,Robert Horvath, Ken Gee, piano; ChoralScholars of St. Timothy's Anglican Church.St. Timothy's Anglican Church Agincourt,4125 Sheppard Ave. E. 416-879-5566. .- 8:00: Toronto Consort. Earth, Air, Fire,Water. See Jan. 30.Sunday February O 1-1:30: CAMMAC/McMichael Gallery.Bethune Flute Ensemble. 10365 IslingtonAve, Kleinburg. 905-893-1121. ; lsr/st).- 2:00: St. Anne's Music & Drama Socie-Cathedral Bluffs Symphony Orc/JestvapresentsEAR..,TJI, AIR,FIRE, WATERBack to Back ~at~Four Piano ConcertosSee listings for January 31 , 2009January 30 & 31 at 8 pmThe theory of the four elements, and related principles ofalchemy, were powerful influences in Renaissance Europe. Bothin the physical sphere, and the spiritual, alchemy was a seriousdiscipline much misunderstood today, yet the ideas and imagesof alchemy can be seen in many musical works of the period. Inthis program, we paint a musical portrait of the four elementsand related alchemical processes, using music fromRenaissance England, Germany and France with works by JohnDowland, Thomas Campion, Jacob van Eyck and Henry Lawes.Order online at www.torontoconsort.orgWinona Zelenka, cellowith guest Lydia Wong, pianoSchubert: "Arpeggione"Prevost: "Improvisation for solo cello"Brahms: D+ Sonata for cello & pianoSunday February 1, 2008 3pmHeliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton AvenueTickets , students$ 7 5info: 4 7 6.654.0877 www.syrinxconcerts.orgWWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM D ECEMBE R 1 2008 ~ F EB RUA RY 7 2009

ty. Gilbert & Sullivan's Pirates of Penzance.See Jan.23.- 2:00: Trio Bravo. Concert No.2. Reinecke:Trio in A; Schubert: Shepherd on the Rock;Barnes: Four Songs; Mozart: Trio in E flatK498 "Kegelstatt". All Saints Kingsway AnglicanChurch, 2850 Bloor St. W. 416·242-2131. ; (sr/st).- 2:30: Opera in Concert.// Mondo de/laLuna. Haydn. Marcel van Neer, tenor (Eccliti·co); Deanna Hendriks, soprano (Clarice); AradiaEnsemble, Kevin Mallon, conductor; Operain Concert Chorus. Jane Mallett Theatre, 2 7Front St. E. 416·366·7723. ; .- 2:30: The Aldeburgh Connection. TheWings of Song. A celebration of Mendelssohn's200th birthday. Gillian Keith, so·prano; Elizabeth Turnbull, mezzo; LawrenceWiliford, tenor; Stephen Ralls and Bruce Ubu·kata, piano. Walter Hall, Edward JohnsonBuilding, 80 Queen's Park. 416-735-7982.; $ l 2(student rush).- 3:00: Canadian Sinfonietta. Chinese NewYear Fundraiser. Music by Mozart, Mendelssohn,Stamitz, Chopin, and others. Studentsfrom Aster's Music House; Tak Ng Lai,conductor. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 FrontStreet W. 416-221-3623. ; $ l 5(sr/st). -3:00: Hart House Chorus. lnter·Varsity ChoralFestival 2009. Ontario university choirsperform works by Brahms, Monteverdi andHandel. Christopher Dawes, organ. Metropoli·tan United Church, 56 Queen St. E. 416·978-8849. , O(sr/st).- 3:00: Syrinx Sunday Salons. WinonaZelenka, cello, Lydia Wong, piano. Schubert:"Arpeggione" Sonata; Prevost: Improvisationfor solo cello; Brahms: Sonata for Cello andSunday Jst Feb. at 4 pmCandlemas Festive Evensongand at 4.30: film music fromAMAZING GRACEin a multimedia presentationmarking Black History Monthwith Janice Douglas, pianoJenni Hayman, sopranoJohn Floyd,jazz pianoSt. 0/ave 's ChurchBloor and Windermere416-769-5686Piano in D. Heliconian Hall, 35 HazeltonAve., 416·654-0877. ; (st).- 3:00: Toronto Mendelssohn Choir.Raised in Song. Hymns and choral favouritessing-along. Giles Bryant, narrator; WilliamMaddox, organ; Noel Edison, conductor. YorkminsterPark Baptist Church, 1585 Yonge St.416·598·0422. ; O(child).- 4:00: RCM. Great Artists Series. Li Wang,piano. Schumann: Kinderszenen; Chopin: MazurkasOp.17; Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhi·bition. Mazzoleni Hall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416·408-2824 x321. ; O(st).- 4:00: St. Olave's Church. Amazing Grace:Music for a Winter Afternoon. Music from thefilm "Amazing Grace"; also festive evensongfor Candlemas. Janice Douglas, piano; JenniHayman, soprano; John Floyd, jazz piano; St.Olave's Consort, and others. 360 WindermereQp_eraIN CONCERTGuillermo Silwi-Marin, Cener;il DirectorAve. 416· 769·5686.Monday February 02- 7:30: U of T Faculty of Music. ChamberMusic Series. Mendelssohn: Quartet Op.44No. l; Puts: Credo; Dvorak: Quartet Op.96"American". Miro Quartet. Walter Hall, EdwardJohnson Building, 80 Queen's Park.416-978-3744. ; $ l 5(sr/st).Tuesday February 03- 7:30: Oancap Productions. Happy Days.Marshall & Williams. Gordon Greenberg, direc·tor. Elgin Theatre, 189 Yonge St. 416-872-1111. -. Also Feb. 4-7 and beyond.Wednesday February 04- 12:30: Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch. Noonhour Recital. William Maddox,A Celebrationof Haydn's2ooth Anniversary~ Celebrating theArt of SongArtistic Directors:~ Stephen Ralls and Bruce UbukataThe Wings of SongCelebrating Mendelssohn's200th birthdayGillian Keith, sopranoElizabeth Turnbull, mezzoLawrence Wiliford, tenorStephen Ralls andBruce Ubukata, piano Mendelssohn, aged 12Sunday, February I, 2:30 pmWalter Hall, University of TorontoTickets: (Students )Afternoon tea at intermission.Tickets: 416.735.7982www.aldeburghconnection.orgIIl londodella LunaComedy, dram;i ;ind musk blendfor ;i thrilling celebration ofhum;in folly and rernncili;ition.February 1at 2: 30pmI JosephHaydn(in English)Charlotte CorwinDeanna HendriksWallis GiuntaJenny CohenMarcel van NeerJon-Paul DtrosseAradia Ensemblel

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