... SECTION 3JAZZ IN THE CLUBSMomo's Bistro664 The Queensway, Etobicoke 416-252-5560www.momosbistro .comN' Awlins Jazz Bar and Dining299 King St. W. 416-595-1958www.nawlins.caEvery Mon Terry Logan.Every Tue Stacie McGregor.Every Wed Jim Heineman Trio.Every Thu Blues Night with Guest Vocalists.Every Fri/Sat All Star Bourbon St. Band.Every Sun Terry Logan.Old Mill, TheHome Smith Bar & Grill, 21 Old Mill Rd. 416-236-2641www.oldmilltoronto.comJazz Fridays & Saturdays, Cover Charge .Dec 5 Mark Ucci Trio. Dec 6 Stevie Val·lance Trio. Dec 12 Pat LaBarbera Trio. Dec13 Plakaso. Dec 19 Sophia Perlman. Dec20 Blue Martini Jazz. Dec 26 no band. Dec27 Russ Little Trio. Dec 31 Heather BambrickTrio.Pantages Martini Bar and lounge200 Victoria St. 416-362-1777Every Fri Robert Scott. Every Sat SoloPiano: Various artists.Pilot Tavern, The22 Cumberland 416-923-5716www.thepilot.caJazz Saturdays 3:30 - 6:30NO COVERDec 6 Kol/age. Dec 13 Alex Dean Duartet.Dec 20 Frank Botos Duartet. Dec 27 BenJansson. Jan 3 TBA. Jan 10 Mike MurleyDuartet. Jan 17 Kol/age. Jan 24 TBA. Jan31 TBA.Polar Ice lounge see "Upstairs Cabaret"under Statlers Piano loungelluotes220 King Street West 416-979- 7697NO COVER"Fridays at Five" with Canadian Jazz Quartet:Gary Benson on guitar, Frank Wright on vibes,Duncan Hopkins on bass, musical director DonVickery on drums plus and featured guest:Dec 5 trumpeter Bruce Cassidy. Dec 12 saxo·phonist Fred Duligal.Reservoir lounge, The52 Wellington St. E. 416-955-0887www.reservoirlounge.comEvery Mon Sophia Perlman and the Vipers.Every Tue Tyler Yarema and his Rhythm.Every Wed Bradley and the Bouncers.Every Thu Janice Hagen.Every Fri Chet Valient Combo.Every Sat Tory Cassis.Every Sun Luke Nicholson and the SundayNight Service.Rex Hotel Jazz and Blues Bar, The194 Queen St. W. 416-598-2475www.therex.caDec 1 University of Toronto student jazz ensembles.Dec 2 Alex Goodman Trio, ClassicRex Jazz Jam with this month's host FrankBotos. Dec 3 Matt Newton Trio, The Story.Dec 4 Kevin Duain, John Patitucci- Tim RiesLarnell Lewis. Dec 5 Hogtown Syncopators,Sara Dell, Kirk MacDonald CD release. Dec 6Abbey's Meltdown, Ho-Ho N.D.J.O., CareyWest, Kirk MacDonald CD release. Dec 7Excelsior Dixieland Jazz, Hart House JazzEnsemble,Chris Gale Duintet, Tim Hamel52Duintet. Dec 8 Peter Hill Duintet, David De·chipinti Trio. Dec 9 Alex Goodman Trio,Classic Rex Jazz Jam with this month'shost Frank Botos. Dec 10 Matt NewtonTrio, Andrew Scott Duartet. Dec 11 KevinDuain, Fray Aagre Duartet. Dec 12 Hog·town Syncopators, T.J.O. Big Band,Michael Herring/Don Scott Duartet. Dec 13Abbey's Meltdown, Chris Hunt Tentet + 2,Carey West, Tara Davidson Group. Dec 14The Sisters of Sheynville, Club Django,Chris Gale Duintet, Scott Marshall. Dec 15Peter Hill Duintet, Dave McMurdo Jazz Dr·chestra. Dec 16 Alex Goodman Trio, ClassicRex Jazz Jam with this month's host FrankBotos. Dec 17 Matt Newton Trio, BuddyAquilina. Dec 18 Kevin Duain, MichaelMorisette Duintet. Dec 19 Hogtown Synocpators,Lester Mclean, Michael MorisetteDuintet. Dec 20 Abbey's Meltdown, Rotundo& Godboo, The Maisies, Rob Campbell.Dec 21 Excelsior Dixieland Jazz Band,Downtown Swing 5, Chris Gale Duintet,Mark McLean's Holiday Soul. Dec 22 PeterHill Duintet, Dave Hutchinson. Dec 23 AlexGoodman Trio, Classic Rex Jazz Jam withthis month's host Frank Botos. Dec 24closed. Dec 25 closed. Dec 26 HogtownSyncopators, Lester Mclean, Sal Rosselli.Dec 27 Abbey's Meltdown, Laura HubertBand, Dr. Nick & The Rollercoasters, MandyLagan Duintet. Dec 28 Excelsior DixielandJazz, Freeway Dixieland, Chris Gale Duintet,Fern lindzon Duarte!. Dec 29 Peter HillDuintet, Julia Cleveland. Dec 30 Alex Good·man Trio, Classic Rex Jazz Jam with thismonth's host Frank Botos. Dec 31 FunkyNew Year's Eve Bash with Grooveyard. Januaryhighlights include: Kelly Jefferson CDRelease, Dave Young with Gary Williamson,Ricochet with Adrean Farrugia and KevinTurcotte, David Virel/es with Luis Deniz, TheJivebombers feat. Terra Hazelton, NormanMarshall Villeneuve Trio feat. Lisa Particel/i,Steve Koven's Project Rex feat. Kenny Kirkwood,Paul Pacanowki's Horace Silver Trib·ute, Mike Murley Septet feat. Tara David·son, and much more (see website in lateDecember for complete January calendar).Saint Tropez, le315 King St. W. 416-591-3600live piano jazz 7 days a weekwww.lesainttropez.comSpezzo Restorante140 York Blvd. Richmond Hill 905-886-9703Live jazz Every Saturday.www.spezzo.comStatlers Piano lounge487 Church Street 416-962-1209www.statlersonchurch.comNO COVEREvery Mon Curtains Down Cabaret Dpen Micwith Jenni Burke & Michael BarberEvery Tue One Night Stand with Deb Pearce.Every Wed Julie Michels and Kevin Barrett.Every Thu Ken & Michael's Cocktail Party,Open Mic with Anne-Marie Leonard.live Music Friday, Saturday, Sunday: seewebsite for calendarUpstairs Cabaret in the Polar Ice loungeupstairs at Staffers:New York-style Cabaret: Reserved Seating,Cover Charge + minimumDec 5 George Evans. Dec 6 Susan Henley.Dec 7 James Woods. Dec 12 Lyne Tremblay& Friends. Dec 13 Shannon Butcher. Dec 18Nathalie Nadon & Friends: The ChristmasSongbook. Dec 19 Stephanie Martin. Dec20 Carolyn Scott.Sticky Fingers Bar & Grill199 Essa Road, Barrie. (705) 792-0645Dec 21 Simcoe County Jazz Societypresents Louis Lefaive & the Kings of Swing. for non-members.Stone Grill, The51 B Winchester 416-967-6565www.stonegrillonwinchester.comEvery Sun Jazz BrunchDec 14 Joe Sealy & Paul Novotny. Dec 28Joe Sealy & Paul Novotny. Jan 4 Don Thomp·son & Reg Schwager. Jan 11 private party(closed) Jan 18 Archie Alleyne, Robi Botos,Artie Roth.Ten Feet Tall1381 Danforth Avenue, 416- 778- 7333www.tenfeettall.caFriday Nights: Music, Mussels and Martinis8:30pmFirst Saturday of each month Live R&B 9pmSunday Jazz Matinee 3:30-6:30NO COVERDec 5 Kira Callahan. Dec 6 The Daredevils ofSoul. Dec 7 Stevie Ambrose. Dec 12 SteveKoven Trio. Dec 14 Kingsley Etienne. Dec 19Shannon Butcher. Dec 21 The Lesters featTory Cassis. Dec 28 Mark Sepic. Jan 3Snakeoil Johnson. Jan 4 Jake Wilkinson. Jan11 Dave Hutchinson Trio. Jan 18 Larra Skye.Jan 25 Chris Hercules.Tequila Bookworm512 Queen Street West 416-603-7335ModernlExperimental Jazz Monday, Thursday,Saturday at 9pm, PWYCEvery Saturday The Pocket Duintet featFelicity Williams, voice, Harley Card, guitar,Jim Sexton, bass, Nico Dann, drums and SteveWard, trombone.Dec 1 Adjemian/Brenders/lumley. Dec 4 JonFeldman Duartet. Dec 8 Lumston: DoubleBass Duo. Dec 11 Shai Lock/Luke Vaisar sologuitar/bass. Dec 15 See Through Trio featPete Johnston, bass. Dec 18 Dan Gooch Duarte!feat Dan Gooch - Trumpet.Trane Studio964 Bathurst St. 416-913-8197www.tranestudio.comComplete listings unavailable at press time,see website for updates.Dec 17 Toronto Inda-Jazz Fest: Saawun,Monsoon. Dec 18 Toronto Inda-Jazz Fest:RaviNaimpally, TASA. Dec 31 New Year'sEve Party with Brownman Duintet.Tranzac292 Brunswick Ave. 416-923-8137www.tranzac.orglive music every night, various styles: fullmusic listings at www.tranzac.orgEvery Sat 3pm Jamzac Open Acoustic Jam.Every Sun 1 pm Toronto line library.Every Fri 5pm The Foolish Things.Every Mon 7pm Angela Bower with Chris·tine Bougie and Dafydd Hugh.Every Mon 1 Opm Open Mic Music Nightswith Guest Hosts.Every Tue 7:30pm St. Dirt ElementarySchool.Zemra Bar & lounge778 St. Clair Ave. W 416-651-3123www.zemrabarlounge.comSend February Jazz. ClubListings tojav.@thewholenote. camby January 18LISTINGSSECTION 4ANNOUNCEMENTS,WORKSHOPS, ETCANNOUNCEMENTS* January 24 1 :00: Fort York National His·toric Site. Dueen Charlotte's Birthday Ball.Day-long celebration of music, food anddance, including afternoon dance workshop &presentation; elegant Georgian-style buffetsupper; evening ball with live music. 100 GarrisonRd. 416-392-6907. .23.*Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra. HPOYoung Performers' Competition. Open toinstrumental musicians between the ages of8 & 17, from the Hamilton, Hamilton-Went·worth & Halton School Board districts.Competition takes place February 23-26,2009. Deadline for applications: December5, 2008. 905-526-1677.LECTURES/SYMPOSIA*December 12 2:00: Royal Conservatoryof Music. GGS Lecture Series: Beethoven'sSecond Piano Concerto. TELUS Centre forPerformance and Learning, 273 Bloor St.West. 416-408-2824 x321. Free.* January 11 2:00: Toronto Opera Club.Obscure Operas and Forgotten Composers.Audiolvisual presentation by Robert PierreTomas. CDs to be won. Room 330, EdwardJohnson Bldg, 80 Queen's Park. 416-924-3940. (includes refreshments).* January 13 7:30: Canadian Opera Com·pany. Opera 101. Interactive and informaldiscussion about Beethoven's Fidelio. Guests:sopranos Adrianne Pieczonka & Virginia Hat·field; hosted by Brent Bambury. Drake Hotel,1150 Queen St. West. 416-363-8231. Free.* January 31 9:30am-4:00: University ofToronto Faculty of Music/Canadian OperaCompany. Opera Exchange: Love and liberation:Beethoven's Fidelio. Walter Hall, 80Queen's Park. 416-363-8231. Ticketed.MASTER CLASSES*December 2 time tba: Royal Conservato·ry of Music. GGS Mater Class Series: LeonFleisher, piano. TELUS Centre for Performanceand Learning, 273 Bloor St. West. 416-408-2824 x321. Free.*December 4 toam & 2:00: Royal Con·servatory of Music. GGS Mater Class Se·ries: Leon Fleisher, piano. TELUS Centre forPerformance and Learning, 273 Bloor St.West. 416-408-2824 x321. Free.*December 5 time tba: Royal Conservato·ry of Music. GGS Mater Class Series: LeonFleisher, piano. TELUS Centre for Performanceand Learning, 273 Bloor St. West. 416-408-2824 x321. Free.*December 14 2:00-5:30: Singing Studioof Deborah Staiman. Master class in musicaltheatre/audition preparation, using textualanalysis and other interpretative tools for the"sung monologue". Yonge & Eglinton area ·please call for exact location. 416-483-9532,www.singingstudio.ca*December 23 2:00-5:30: Singing Studioof Deborah Staiman. Master class in musi·WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM DECEMBER 1 2008 - FEBR UARY 7 2009
cal theatre/audition preparation. SeeDecember 14.* January 11 2:00-5:30: Singing Studio ofDeborah Staiman. Master class in musicaltheatre/audition preparation. See December 14.* January 23 3:10: University of TorontoFaculty of Music Jazz Studies. Ken PageMaster Class Series. Master class with theKris Davis Trio. Boyd Neel Room, 80 Queen'sPark. 416-978-3744. Free and open to thepublic.* January 25 2:00-5:30: Singing Studio ofDeborah Staiman. Master class in musicaltheatre/audition preparation. See December 14.*February 3 1 O:OOam: University of TorontoFaculty of Music. Chamber musicmaster class with Miro Quartet. Dining Hall,90 Wellesley St. West. 416-978-3744. Free.WORKSHOPS*December 5 7:15: Recorder Players'Society. Recorder and/or other early instrumentplayers are invited to participate ingroups (large group format), to play Renaissanceand Baroque music. Coached by ColinSavage. Church of the Transfiguration, 111Manor Rd. East. 416-694-9266. (members),(non-members).*December 7 1:30-4:00: Toronto EarlyMusic Players Organization. SeasonalFrolics. A festive party of singing and playingof seasonal music, and feasting onhome-baked goodies. Led by Linda Deshmanand Chris McClymont. Bring a home-bakedgoodie, your early instruments & stand;music available at the door. Lansing UnitedChurch, 49 Bogert Ave. 705-653-5480, 416·537-3733. .*December 16 8:00: Toronto Folk Sing·ers' Club. An informal group that meets forthe purpose of performance & exchange ofsongs. Audiences are welcome. T ranzacClub, 292 Brunswick Ave. 416-532-0900.*December 17 7:30: Toronto ShapenoteSinging from Sacred Harp. Beginners welcome.Music Room, Bloor Street UnitedChurch, 300 Bloor St. W. (at Huron). 416·922-7997 orpleasancecrawford@rogers.com* January 4 1:30- 4:00: Toronto EarlyMusic Players Organization. Recorder orHurdy Gurdy? Workshop by Tobie Miller,hurdy gurdy and recorder teacher & performer.Bring your early instruments &stand; music available at the door. LansingUnited Church, 49 Bogert Ave. 705-653-5480,416-537-3733. .* January 9 7:15: Recorder Players' Soci·ety. Recorder and/or other early instrumentplayers are invited to participate in small,informal groups (uncoached) to play Renaissanceand Baroque music. Church of theTransfiguration, 111 Manor Rd. East. 416-694-9266. $ lD(members), 1non-members).*January 17 10:30am -1:00: TorontoMendelssohn Choir. Singsation Saturday:Composer Conductor Workshop. PatrickWedd of Christ Church Cathedral, Montrealwill introduce his own compositions andselections from other contemporary composers.Cameron Hall; YorkminsterPark Baptist Church, 1585 Yonge St. Preregister: 416 598-0422 x24. includingrefreshments.D ECEMB ER 1 2008 - F EB RUARY 7 200'* January 18 2:00: CAMMAC, TorontoRegion. Singers and guitarists are invited toparticipate in a reading of Tedesco's El RomanceroGitano under the leadership of IsabelBernaus. Elliott Hall, Christ Church DeerPark, 1570 Yonge Street. 416-421-0779. O(non-membersJ, members/students free.* January 21 7:30: Toronto ShapenoteSinging from Sacred Harp. Beginners welcome.Music Room, Bloor Street UnitedChurch, 300 Bloor St. W. (at Huron). 416-922-7997 orpleasancecrawford@rogers.com* January 24 9:30am-12:00 noon: ClaimYour Voice Studios. Vocal Workshop. SoulArt Studio, 231 Bay St. North, Hamilton.Space limited so registration required: 905-544-1302 or emailclaimyourvoice@gmail.com* January 26 7:30: Toronto Early MusicCentre. Vocal Circle. Recreational reading ofearly choral music. Ability to read music isdesirable but not essential. For more information:416-920-5025. (non-members), membersfree.* January 27 8:00: Toronto Folk Singers'Club. An informal group that meets for thepurpose of performance & exchange of songs.Audiences are welcome. Tranzac Club, 292Brunswick Ave. 416-532-0900.*February 1 1 :30-4:00: Toronto Early Mu·sic Players Organization. Recorder Virtuosity:Music of Scotland and Scandinavia. Work·shop by Alison Melville, recorder and flute.Bring your early instruments & stand; musicavailable at the door. Lansing United Church,49 Bogert Ave. 705-653-5480, 416-537-3733. .*February 6 7:15: Recorder Players' Soci·ety. Recorder and/or other early instrumentplayers are invited to participate in small,informal groups (uncoached) to play Renaissanceand Baroque music. Church of theTransfiguration, 111 Manor Rd. East. 416·694-9266. $ lD(members), 1non-members).JubilatesingersAUDITIONSDirector Isabel Bernaus leads achamber choir with an eclectic,multilingual repertoire. Upcomingconcerts include Spanish and Catalanmusic in february, chamber jazz inJune, and occasional communityperlormances. Openings lor tenors,sopranos and basses. Rehearsals areTuesdays, 7:30 pm at St. leonard'sChurch (you are welcome to sit in on arehearsal).www.jubilatesingers.caSt. Leonard's Church25 Wanless Avenue(near Yonge & Lawrence)Call 416-532-2025 to arrange a time.c.. ,.{ with the High Park (Yb_ •p~~ ~~Auditions January 31, 2009Early Bird Choir(ages 5 - 7)Runnymede United ChurchTraining Choir(ages 7 - 10)Children's Choir(ages 9 - 13)Outstanding vocal development , Music theory for all choristersWarm, encouraging atmosphere • Weekly rehearsals in the High Park areaOpen r('h.eassals January 29Participate in warmups andtry out repertoireMeet our artistic andadministrative staff~A great way to try out the choirbefore your auditionPlease RSVP to {416) 762-0657or info@highparkchoirs.org toreserve your spotZimfira Poloz, Artistic Director & ConductorMargaret Stanfield & Marina Filippova, ConductorsFor more informationCall: (416} 762-0657Email: mfo@highparkchoirs.org~ / Visit: www.highparkchoirs.orgl~J Q ONTARIOARTSCOUNC ll1 l' ,wm .. ,r.,,riitr ~ COtlSEll DES ARTS DEL OtJTARtOMusic Director (Organist & Choir Director)17-24 hour/week. Salary commensurate with RCCOguidelines. Send letter, resume and 3 referencesc/o Search Committee. See website for full details.Royal York Road United Church,851 Royal York Road, Toronto, ON M8Y 2V3Phone: 416-231-9401, Fax: 416-231-3188.Email: ryrchurch@rogers.com ~ 1, i t..,· " - -· ". . fu>y~W~t.m~d >l.. l!lm1 ··i' ·'.wwwroyalyorkroadumted ea - · '«\. ~-::~-, ,-;