9 years ago

Volume 14 - Issue 5 - February 2009

1 \TE Ill\_ \TlO:\ \ L \

1 \TE Ill\_ \TlO:\ \ L \ oc, L 1,:crrL\ LS .Superstar MezzoOrchestra La Scintillaof Zurich OperaSunday March 12pm sold out;I·.S[)Onsored by • I ~~,. . A= ,) ;7pm on sale now" I .... au aul H'11lwand rare h i< H 111< II ' IIp l('l lOll H'llOl l.- The New York TimesMariaThe latest from Cecilia Bartoli.Available on CD & DVDwherever you buy your music.

Alexina LouieInfinite Sky with BirdsJohn ReaFigures h6tivesThomas AdesThree Studies from CouperinMayke NasLa Belle ChocolatiereOmar DanielTropeJane Mallett Theatre, St. Lawrence Centre for t he Arts2 7 Front Street East, Toronto 8 pm concert I 7: 15 pm pre-concert talkfS!> RIT ORC HE:S TR ,'\ GR•'ITEfU LLY.~(:~NOWlEOGES TH E rOtLOW I NG f(J R THEIR SIJPl'iOR T Of THE 2008·2009 SE ASON~ I .11df;l'lv,~ f-m,n ,fai 1orilln.h rl~ ~r:h:Fo1i1i1d~lio1iI! I '. I _, C'. R r; /1 Ti\' ll T R l' ST., .... ISOC.Ah .IThi!i h Jll,i,.Jlw Fountl.'lltiOti MMgacco Cilltild~ l'iow·1d,Uio,i n ,c Flc~k filmlly ·m-1~·rlt,1!l1•) f'ourHl,1Uo,1

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)