9 years ago

Volume 14 - Issue 5 - February 2009

... 1: CONCERTS: Toronto

... 1: CONCERTS: Toronto and GTA0404 x258. ; (students).- 8:00: Oakville Centre for the PerformingArts. Dhoad Gypsies of Rajasthan.130 Navy St., Oakville. 905-815-2021.- 8:00: Toronto Organ Club. Cole Ho/.land. St. James United Church, 400Burnhamthorpe Rd. 905-824-4667. ;free(under 10 years).Tuesday February 24- 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Jazz Series: Midwinter Latin Heat. Latinmusic for a winter's day. Humber Latin BigBand, Luis Mario Ochoa, conductor. RichardBradshaw Amphitheatre, Four SeasonsCentre for the Performing Arts, 145 DueenSt. W. 416-363·8231. Free.Associates of the C_Toronto J )f/1SymphonyOrchestraPresenting- 1:00: St. James Cathedral. Music atMidday Series. Marty Smyth, organ. 65Church St. 416-364- 7865 x224. Free.- 1 :30: Acting Up Theatre Company. ANew Brain. See Feb. 12.- 7:30: Canadian Opera Company.Fidelio. Beethoven. See Feb 4.- 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. Faculty Concert Series: Al HendersonSeptet featuring original compositionsby Henderson. Al Henderson, bass; PatLabarbera, saxophones and flute; AlexDean, saxophones, oboe, flute, bass clari·net; Matt Brubeck, Mark Chambers, cello;Richard Whiteman, piano; Barry Romberg,drums. Tribute Communities Recital Hall,Accolade East, YU, 4700 Keele St. 416·mallon certsToronto Symphony Youth OrchestraMonday, February 23, 2009 7:30 pmEnsembles from the Toronto SymphonyYouth Orchestra will present a varied program.This inspiring concert demonstrates theexciting musicianship of talented youngperformers who are the solo artists andorchestral musicians of the future.Trinity-St. Paul's Centre427 Bloor Street West, TorontoTickets: Reg. ; Sen./Std. Elem. Stu For tickets call 416-485-2717www .associa tes-tso .org736-5888. ; (sr/st).- 8:00: Rose Theatre. Dhoad Gypsies ofRajasthan. 1 Theatre Lane, Brampton.905-874-2800. -.Wednesday February 25- 12:30: Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch. Noonhour Recital. Dan Amorim,organ. 1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167. Free.- 1 :30 & 8:00: Acting Up TheatreCompany. A New Brain. See Feb. 12.- 7:00: Civic Light Opera Company. SilkStockings. See Feb. 18.- 7:30: Toronto Opera Repertoire.Cinderella. See Feb. 11.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Jazz Series. Small Jazz Ensembles.Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Building, 80Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.- 8:00: Capella lntima. Vocal ChamberMusic Influenced by the Collegium Germanicumin Rome. Carissimi: Mass for ThreeVoices, and motets by Sances, Cavalli, andValentini. Bud Roach, Joseph Levesque,tenors; Neil Aronoff, baritone; Sara-AnneChurchill, organ; Lucas Harris, theorbo.Kingston Road United Church, 975 KingstonRd. 905-517-3594. -.- 8:00: Nathaniel Oett Chorale. Voices ofthe Diaspora: Dett to Africa. Tate: Africa;Guillaume: Mama Africa; and other works.Brainerd Blyden-Taylor, conductor. GlennGould Studio, 250 Front St. W. 416-872-4255. .50; (sr/st).- 8:00: Oueen of Puddings Music Theawww.shift-festival.catre. Ines. See Feb. 22.-9:00: Continuum Contemporary Music.Shift: Piano Concert and Opening Reception.Guus Janssen, piano. Gallery 345,345 Sorauren Ave. 416-924-4945. .Thursday February 26- 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Dance Series: String Trio Classics. Musicfor string trio by Beethoven and Schubert.Marie Berard, violin; Teng Li, viola, WinonaZelenka, cello. Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre,Four Seasons Centre for thePerforming Arts, 145 Dueen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.- 12:10: St. Paul's Bloor Street AnglicanChurch. Noon Hour Organ RecitalSeries. Aaron James, organ. 227 Bloor St.E. 416-961-8116. Free.- 12:10: University of Toronto Facultyof Music. Thursdays at Noon· Spotlighton Opera. Preview of Ravel's L'Enfant etles sortili!ges and L'heure espagnole. WalterHall, Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen'sPark. 416-978-3744. Free.- 12:15: Metropolitan United Chuch.Noon at the Met. Ron Jordan, organ. 56Queen St.E. 416-363-0331. x26. Free.- 6:30: Northern District Library.Evening Music. Brahms: viola sonatas.Katharine Rapoport, viola. 40 Orchard ViewBlvd. 416-393-7610. Free.- 8:00: Acting Up Theatre Company. ANew Brain. See Feb. 12.- 8:00: Civic Light Opera Company. SilkStockings. See Feb. 18.- 8:00: Meadowvale Music Theatre.Evita. See Feb. 20.- 8:00: Queen of Puddings Music Theatre.Ines. See Feb. 22.- 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.The Damnation of Faust. Berlioz. SusanneMentzer, mezzo (Marguerite); GregoryKunde, tenor (Faust); Willard White, bassbaritone(Mephistopheles); JonathanLemalu, bass-baritone (Brander); TorontoMendelssohn Choir; Toronto Children'sChorus; Charles Dutoit, guest conductor.Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828. -5. 7:15: pre-concert chat.- 8:00: Via Salzburg . Duickening Breath.Suk: Serenade for Strings Op.6 in E Flat;Oesterle: Archimedes Codex (premiere);Sallinen: Chamber Music V: BarrabasVariations Op.BO for Accordion and Strings;Piazzolla: Tango Sensations for Accordionand String Orchestra. Via Salzburg ChamberOrchestra; guest: Coco Trivisonno,bandoneon. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 FrontVlfisALZBURG1 O years of international chamber musicThursday, February 26 and Friday, February 27 at 8:00 pmTake your breath away! Join Via Salzburg Chamber Orchestra along with theintoxicating sounds of Coco Trivisonno and his bandone6n combined with theexhilarating movements of the tango.Via Salzburg fuses the extraordinary talents of Canada's best emergingmusicians together with internationally acclaimed performers to create thefinest chamber music concerts in Canada.Performance at Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front Street West, TorontoTickets: - Purchase at Roy Thomson Box Office, 60 Simcoe Street, TorontoTelephone: 416-872-4255® ~ AA, 'L. B1ft,, Caaada('"""' CoamldesArt,ACURA -.:, canada Trust ,,,11,,,,c. cT; PA ·: torontoartscounc1I TICKETS NOW ON SALE!fortheArts du Canada ..,,...,1::::",C

St. W. 416-872-4255. ; (sr);(st).- 10:00: Small World Music Society.Dhoad Gypsies of Rajasthan. Revival, 783College St. 416-536-5439. ; OO(specialVIP reception).Friday February 27- 2:00: Kiwanis Music Festival ofGreater Toronto. Senior Trophy Finals:Intermediate Piano. St. Cuthbert's AnglicanChurch, 1399 Bayview Ave. 416-487-5885..- 3:30: Kiwanis Music Festival ofGreater Toronto. Senior Trophy Finals:Intermediate Voice. Calvin PresbyterianChurch, 26 Delisle Ave. 416-487-5885. .- 7:00: Kiwanis Music Festival ofGreater Toronto. Senior Trophy Finals:Guitar. Donway Covenant United Church,230 The Donway W. 416-487-5885. .- 7:00: Kiwanis Music Festival ofGreater Toronto. Senior Trophy Finals:Strings. Armour Heights PresbyterianChurch, 105 Wilson Ave. 416-487-5885..- 7:00: Kiwanis Music Festival ofGreater Toronto. Senior Trophy Finals:Senior Piano. St. Cuthbert's AnglicanChurch, 1399 Bayview Ave. 416-487-5885..- 7:00: Kiwanis Music Festival ofGreater Toronto. Senior Trophy Finals:Brass and Woodwind. Donway CovenantUnited Church, 230 The Donway W. 416-487-5885. .- 7:30: Kiwanis Music Festival ofGreater Toronto. Senior Trophy Finals:Senior Voice. Calvin Presbyterian Church,26 Delisle Ave. 416-487-5885. .- 7:30: Toronto Opera Repertoire.Carmen. See Feb. 13.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Faculty Artist Series. Music byBrahms, Robert and Clara Schumann.Jamie Parker, piano, and others. WalterHall, Edward Johnson Building, 80 Dueen'sPark. 416-978-3744. ; (r/st)- 8:00: Acting Up Theatre Company. ANew Brain. See Feb. 12.- 8:00: Civic light Opera Company. SilkStockings. See Feb. 18.- 8:00: Continuum Contemporary Music.Shift: e1gh+¥ 31ghl. Nas: DiGiT No.www.shift-festival.ca2; Anyone can do it; Janssen: Veranderingenfor 2 pianos; Gervais: Sensational Revolutionin Medicine (premiere); Blais: ConStella; Smalloochi: Pierogie State Fair;Barrett: Robot Ponies; Davies: No Time.Toca Loca. Music Gallery, 197 John St.416-204-1080. ; (sr/st).- 8:00: Etobicoke Philharmonic Orchestra.Passionate Strings. Mozart: Overture,La Clemenza di Tito; Suk: Phadka; Dvorak:Cello Concerto Op.104. Jeremy Findlay,cello; Roberto De Clara, music director.Scarlett Heights Entrepreneurial Academy,15 Treharne Drive, 416-239-5665. ;; (st/ch).- 8:00: Fridays @ 8/RCCO/Organ Horizons.Thomas Trotter, organ. LawrencePark Community Church, 2180 BayviewAve. 416-489-1551. -.- 8:00: Meadowvale Music Theatre.Evita. See Feb. 20.- 8:00: North Toronto Players. Iolanthe- or the Fairy and the Federalist. See Feb.20.- 8:00: Opera by Request. Die Walkure(Act TJ; Wesendonck Lieder. Wagner.Caroline Johnston, soprano (Sieglinde);Lenard Whiting, tenor (Siegmund); RobertHall, baritone (Hunding); William Shookhoff,music director. College St. United Church,452 College St. 416-455-2365. .- 8:00: Rose Theatre. Montreal GuitarTrio. 1 Theatre Lane, Brampton. 905-874-2800. -.- 8:00: Toronto Consort. BanchettoMusicale. Virtuoso recorder works byCiconia, Schein, Bach and others. Guest:Flanders Recorder Quartet. David Fallis,music director. Trinity-St.Paul's Centre.427 Bloor St. W. 416-964-6337. $14-.- 8:00: Via Salzburg. Ouickening Breath.See Apr. 26.Saturday February 28-12:15: St. Andrew's United Church.Noonhour Recital. Patrick Dewell, organ.32 Main St. N., Markham. 905-294-0351.Free.- 2:00 & 8:00: Meadowvale MusicTheatre. Evita. See Feb. 20.- 3:00: Oakville Children's Choir. MyFavourite Things! Musical theatre medley.Sarah Morrison, music director; JanetStachow, associate music director; guest:Erica Peck, vocalist. Clearview ChristianReformed Church, 2300 Sheridan GardenDr., Oakville. 905-337-7104. ; (st);(sr/child under 12).- 7:00: North Toronto Players. Iolanthe- or the Fairy and the Federalist. See Feb.20.- 7:00: York University Department ofMusic. Performing Diaspora: Rights/Ritesof Passage. West African drum and danceshowcase with Malinke masters, djembedrummer Billy Nankouma Konate anddancer/choreographer Sani Abu, localstudents and guest artists. FoundersAssembly Hall, 152 Founders College, YU,4700 Keele St. 416-736-5888. .- 7:30: Classical Music Consort. HaydnBicentenary Concerts. Symphonies Nos.94, 98, 97. Ashiq Aziz, conductor. KnoxCollege Chapel, 59 St. George St. 416-978-8849. ; (sr/st).- 7:30: Tallis Choir. Holy Week andEaster in the Renaissance. Josquin: MissaPange Lingua; Taverner: Oum Transiss etSabbatum. Peter Mahon, director. St.Patrick's Church, 141 McCaul St. 4113·286-9798. , (sr), (st).- 7:30: Toronto Opera Repertoire.Cinderella. See Feb. 11.- 7:30: Toronto Welsh Male VoiceChoir. St. David's Day Concert. ChristopherThomas, emcee; Gwyndaf Jones,tenor; Clement Carelse, organ; GeraldMartindale, carillon; William Woloschuk,artistic director; Julie Loveless, accompanist.Metropolitan United Church, 56Queen St. E. 416-410-2254. .- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofRoyal Canadian College ofOrganistsOrgan Horizons&Fridays @8presentEnglish virtuoso organistThomas TrotterFebruary 27, 20098:00 pmmusic of Bach, Handel, Mendelssohn &TchaikovskyLawrence Park Community Church2180 Bayview Avenue (south of Lawrence)Toronto ON M4N 3K7Tickets: ( Senior/Student/RCCO Members)call 416-489-1551www.lawrenceparkchurch.caThe Flanders Recorder Quartet PresentsB~NCHETIO MUSIC~LEFebruary 27 & 28 at 8 pmAs our guest ensemble this season, the Toronto Consortpresents the world's foremost recorder quartet in the onlyCanadian stop on their North American tour. Their program isa veritable musical banquet, ranging over many centuries ofvirtuoso recorder music, including works by Johannes Ciconia,J. H. Schein, and J. S. Bach. Don 't miss the chance to hear thisensemble of whom the new York Times wrote, "The playersswayed and swooned with the expressive interplay of a finestring quartet", while Fanfare Magazine raved over their"beguiling lightness of touch and clarity of texture .. . Theperformances are brilliant. "Order online at www.torontoconsort.orgFEBRUARY 1 - M AR CH 7 2009WWW.THEWHOLENOTE,COM

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