... SECTION 2: Beyond the GT A- 8:00: University of Western Ontario.A Mozart Operatic Gala. Arias, duets andensembles from Le nozze di Figaro and Cosifan tutte. Members of the UWOpera Work·shop; Opera Orchestra; Theodore Baerg,director; James McKay, conductor. Windermereon the Mount. 1486 Richmond St.,London . 519-679-8778. ; . AlsoFeb. 7.Saturday February 07- 7:30: Queen's University Departmentof Music. Purcell's Dido and Aeneas. SeeFeb. 6.- 8:00: Karen Schuessler Singers. CDlaunch: "Road to Freedom." The story ofthe Underground Railroad in music. DenisePelley, vocalist; Stephen Holowitz, pianoand band; Brian and Shannon Prince, narrators.Wesley-KnoxUnited Church, 91 AskinSt., London. 519-858-3202. ; 1ad·vance); 1sr); 1sr advance); $ lO(st);freel6-12 yrs).- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberOrchestra. Haydn Anniversary. Haydn:Symphonies No.6 and 75; various operaticarias. Cheryl Campbell, soprano; GrahamColes, music director. Maureen ForresterRecital Hall, Wilfrid Laurier University, 75University Ave. W., Waterloo. 519-744·3828. ; (sr/st); children free.- 8:00: Queen's University Departmentof Music. Faculty Artist Series - CamarataGuitara. Jeff Hanlon, William Beauvais,guitars; guests: Greg Runions, percussion;Dave Barton, bass. Dunning Auditorium, 94University Ave., Kingston. 613-533-2558.; (sr); (st).- 8:00: University of Western Ontario.A Mozart Operatic Gala. See Feb 6.Sunday February 08- 12:00 noon: Orchestra London Cana·da. Serenade Brunch Series - WinterludeBrunch. Mary-Elizabeth Brown, violin. BestWestern Lamplighter Inn, 591 WellingtonRd. London. 519-679-8778. .36.- 2:30: Georgian Music. In Concert.Saint-Saens: Piano Quintet. Serouj Krad·jian, piano; Hausmann String Quartet. Hi·Way Pentecostal Church, 50 Anne St. N.,Barrie. 705-726-1181. Subscriptions only.- 4:00: St. James Anglican Church ..Jazz Vespers. 137 Melville St., Dundas.905-627-1424. Freewill offering.Monday February 09- 8:00: Folia. Chocolate Road. Baroquemusic from Mexico, Spain, Italy, Franceand England. Linda Melsted, baroque violin;Terry McKenna, lute and baroque guitar;Justin Haynes, viola da gamba; BorysMedicky, harpsichord. Registry Theatre,122 Frederick St., Kitchener. 519· 745-6565. $ 20; 1sr/st); $ 5118 years andunder).- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Eden Stell guitar duo.Bach: Concerto after Marcello; Brouwer:Per Suonare a Due; Bowers: Fantasy fromOld English Melody; Torroba: Esampas;Mompou: Cancio y Danza; and others.KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. W.,Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; 1sr);(st).Tuesday February 10- 12:30: University of Western Ontario.Early Music Studio . Von Kuster Hall, MusicBuilding, University of Western Ontario,London. 519-661-2043. Free.- 8:00: University of Western Ontario.Studio Recital· Vogel Studio. Violin stu·dents from the studio of Annette-BarbaraVogel. Von Kuster Hall, Music Building,UWO, London. 519-661-2043. Free.Wednesday February 11- 12:30: University of Western Ontario .Ensemble Series. Works by Mozart andMendelssohn. UWO Singers. Von KusterHall, Music Building, London. 519-661 ·2043. Free.- 12:30: University of Waterloo. NoonHour Concert - Digital Prowess. KathrynLadano, bass clarinet; Jason White, piano;Richard Burrows, percussion; Thomas Bouda,double bass, Joe Ryan, drums. ConradGrebel University College Chapel, 140Westmount Rd. N. Waterloo. 519-885·0220 x24226. Free.- 1 :OD: University of Western Ontario.Ensemble Series: Dance Rhythms. Works byHovhaness, Britten, and Grainger. SymphonicBand. Westminster SecondarySchool, 230 Base Line Rd. W. London.519-661 -2111 x80532. Free.- 7:30: University of Western Ontario.Ensemble Series: Concert at Wolf Hall JazzEnsemble. 251 Dundas St. London. 519·661-2111 x 80532. Free.Thursday February 12- 12:30: University of Western Ontario.Choral Series: The Thames Scholars. Earlymusic of love and life. Von Kuster Hall, MusicBuilding, UWO., London. 519-661 ·2043. Free.Friday February 13- 7:30: Oshawa Durham Symphony Dr·chestra. Mahler's Magic Horn. Strauss:Four Last Songs; Mahler: Symphony No.4in G. Hasmik Papian, soprano; Marco Parisotto,conductor. University of Ontario RecreationHall, 2000 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa.905-579-6711 . ; (st).- 8:00: Heritage College and Seminary.Opera and Oratorio - a Benefit Concert.Ben Heppner, tenor; Heritage Alumni Choir;Cambridge Community Orchestra. ForwardBaptist Church, 455 Myers Rd. Cambridge.1-800-465-1961. ; 1ad·vance).- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Zemlinsky Ouartet. Mo·zart: Quartet in C K465 "Dissonant"; Zem·linsky: Quartet No. 4; Smetana: QuartetNo. 2. KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St.W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ;1sr); (st).- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Romancing the Violin. Delius:The Walk to the Paradise Garden; Men·delssohn: Violin Concerto in e Op.64;Tchaikovsky: Symphony No.4 in f Op.36.Stefan Sanderling, guest conductor; SoovinKim, violin. Centre in the Square, 101Queen St. N., Kitchener. 519-578-1570.-; 1st).- 8:00: Orchestra London Canad a. PopsSeries - A love A ff air with Broadway.Love themes from the world of musicaltheatre. Brian Jackson, conductor.Chatham Cultural Centre, 75 William St.N., Chatham. 519-354-8338. .Saturday February 14- 7:30: Burlington Civic Chorale. HeartSongs. Music for Valentine's Day featuringBroadway, opera, and folksongs. Also si·lent auction. Gary Fisher, music director.Laura Pin, accompanist. St. Christopher'sAnglican Church, 662 Guelph Line, Burlington.905-549-5897. ; (advance).- 7:30: Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra.Amore! Opera to Tin Pan Alley, Broad·way to the Silver Screen. James Sommer·ville, conductor; Kathleen Brett, soprano;Kurt Lehmann, tenor. Hamilton Place, 1Summers Lane, Hamilton. 905-526-7756.-; -1sr); (st); (child).- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Romancing the Violin. See Feb13.- 8:00: Orchestra London Canada. PopsSeries -A love Affair with Broadway. SeeFeb 13. Centennial Hall, 550 WellingtonSt., London. 519-679-8778. . 73-.20.- 8:00: Performing Arts Bancroft. Thelegend in Black. A tribute to the music ofJohnny Cash. Three-piece band; Bill Cayley.vocals. Bancroft Village Playhouse, 5 Hast·ings St. South, Bancroft. 1-888·4 74-1556..- 8:00: Port Hope Friends of Music.Monica Whicher & Friends. Guests: FrancesPappas, mezzo; Elizabeth Upchurch, piano.Cameco Capitol Arts Centre, 14 Queen St.,Port Hope. 905-372-2210. ; (st).Sunday February 15- 2:00: Kitchener-Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Romancing the Violin. RiverRun Centre, 35 Woolwich St., Guelph. SeeFeb 13. -.- 2:30: Orchestra London Canada. PopsSeries - A love Affair with Broadway. SeeFeb 13. Centennial Hall, 550 WellingtonSt., London. 519-679-8778. . 73·.20.- 2:30: The Georgian Bay Symphony.Tales from the Forefathers. Bissell: Howthe Loon Got its Necklace: Mascall: Ojib·way Tales. Knox United Church, 890 4thAve. E. Owen Sound. 519-372-0212. ;1sr); freelch).- 3:00: La Jeunesse Youth Orchestra. Inthe Spotlight. Works by Pergolesi, Shostakovich,Tanner, Vivaldi and Weber. VictoriaHall, 55 King St. W., Cobourg. 1-866-460-5596. ; 1st); (family).Tuesday February 17- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Janina Fialkowska, piano.Mozart: Fantasy K475; Variations on "Ah,vous dirai-je, Maman" K265; Schumann:"Faschingsschwank aus Wien" (Vienna Carnival);Ravel: Sonatine; Chopin: 2 Preludes;Scherzo No. 4 in E. KWCMS Music Room,57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886·1673. ; (sr); (st).Friday February 20- 5:30: Perimeter Institute. Dinner Concert- l 'Accordtioniste. Black Hole Bistro,Perimeter Institute, 31 Caroline St. N., Waterloo.519-883-4480. (includes din·ner). SOLO OUT.Saturday February 21- 3:00: Capella lntima. Vocal ChamberMusic Influenced by the Collegium Germani·cum in Rome. Carissimi: Mass for ThreeVoices; motets by Sances, Cavalli, and Valentini.Bud Roach, Joseph Levesque, tenors;Neil Aronoff, baritone; Sara-AnneChurchill, organ; Lucas Harris, theorbo.MacNeill Baptist Church, 1145 King St. W.,Hamilton. 905-517-3594. -.- 8:00: Georgetown Bach Chorale. EarlyMusic Concert. Vivaldi: Four Seasons (Summerand Winter); Handel: Organ Concerto.Guests: Elyssa Lefurgey-Smith, ElizabethLowen, violins; Georgetown Baroque Soloists,Ron Greidanus, conductor. NorvalPresbyterian Church, 499 Guelph St., Norval.905-873-1213. .- 8:00: Niagara Symphony Orchestra. AFlute in the City of Angels. Williams: Hook;Barry: Out of Africa; and other film scores.Louise OiTullio, flute; Laura Thomas, conductor.Sean O'Sullivan Theatre, 500 GlenridgeAve., St. Catharines. 905-687-4993.-; (st). 7:15: pre-concert chat.Sunday February 22- 2:30: Kingston Chamber Choir. MajesticFlourish. St. George's Cathedral, 270King St. E., Kingston. 613-548-4617. ;; .- 2:30: Niagara Symphony Orchestra. AFlute in the City of Angels. See Feb 21 .1 :45: pre-concert chat.- 3:00: Guelph Symphony Orchestra.Popera! Arias, duets and trios from Carmen,Faust, Tosca, La Traviata, The Barberof Seville, and other operas. Katie Murphy,soprano; Andrew Tees, baritone; LenardWhiting, tenor; Guelph Youth Singers; Si·mon Irving, conductor. River Run Centre,35 Woolwich St., Guelph. 519· 763-3000. -; $14-(st ); (child 12 and under).- 4:00: St. James Anglican Church. ChoralEvensong and Recital. Music by Morley,Bach, also choral and organ music by blackcomposers honouring Black History month.137 Melville St., Dundas. 905-627-1424.Freewill offering.- 7:30: Durham Philharmonic Choir.Sing with the Spirit. Spirituals and tradi·tional arrangements. Guests: Kristine Dandavino,Renee Trepanier, Mary-Ruth Road·house, Yma Frison and Monica Cotton, vocalists.St. George's Anglican Church, Oshawa.905 -728-1739. ; (advance).Tuesday February 24- 12:30: McMaster University. lunchtimeConcerts: Trio D'Argento. Works byC.P.E. Bach, Emmanuel, Shostakovich andBolling. Convocation Hall, University Hall, 1Scholar's Rd., Hamilton. 905 -525-9140x24246. Free.Wednesday February 25- 12:30 noon: University of Waterloo.Noon Hour Concert. Contemporary musicfor piano. Cheryl Pauls, piano. ConradGrebel University College Chapel, 140Westmount Rd. N., Waterloo. 519-885·0220 x24226. Free.42 WWW,TH EW HOLENOTE. COMF EB RUA RY 1 - MARCH 7 2009
- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Herzog/McEvoy Trio.Beethoven "Archduke"; Mozetich: Scales ofJoy, Sorrow; Shostakovich: Trio No. 2.KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. W.,Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; 1sr);1st).Thursday February 26- 7:30: Kitchener-Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Bold and Brassy. Works byWagner, Ellington and others. KWSO brasssection; Alain Trudel, guest conductor. HumanitiesTheatre, 200 University Ave. W.,Waterloo. 519-745-4711. ; Dlst).Friday February 27- 12:30: University of Western Ontario.12:30 Fridays: Chamber Jazz. David Occhipinti,guitar; Kevin Turcotte, trumpet;Joe Phillips, bass; Andrew Downing, bass/cello. Von Kuster Hall, Music Building,UWO, London. 519-661-2043. Free.- 7:30: Brock University. Encore ProfessionalConcerts: John Sherwood and TheJazz Nine. Sean O'Sullivan Theatre, 500Glenridge Ave., St. Catharines. 905-688-5550 x3257. .50; .501sr/st).- 7:30: Kitchener-Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Bold and Brassy. River RunCentre, 35 Woolwich St., Guelph. See Feb26.- 7:30: Lindsay Concert Foundation.Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra. Jeanne Lamon,music director; guest: Sean Smyth,actor. Cambridge Street United Church, 61Cambridge St. N., Lindsay. 705-878-5625.; 1st).- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Till Fellner, piano.Beethoven Sonatas: Op. 2, Nos. 1-3, andOp. 57 "Appassionata". KWCMS MusicRoom, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; 1sr); 1st).- 8:00: Northumberland Players. Hair.Ragni, Rado & MacDermot. Shannon Oliver,director. Capitol Arts Centre, 20 Queen St.,Port Hope. 905-372-2105. . Also Feb.28, Mar. 1, 5, 6 and 7.Saturday February 28- 1 :30: Orchestra London Canada. Spe·cial Events Series: Robin Hood Family Special.Music by Korngold. Guest: the DuffieBag Theatre Troupe. Forest City Communi-THEHoward Dyck CM, Directorty Church, 3725 Bostwick Rd. London.519-679-8778. .- 7:00: University of Western Ontario.Faculty Recital: Anagnoson/Kinton PianoDuo. Von Kuster Hall, Music Building, UWO,London. 519-661-2043. Free.- 7:30: Bach Elgar Choir. Oratorio Terezin.Fazal. Sheila Dietrich, soprano;James Mclennan, tenor; Nathaniel Watson,baritone; Talisker Players Orchestra;Howard Dyck, conductor; guests: HamiltonChildren's Choir. Hamilton Place, 1 SummersLane, Hamilton. 905 527-5995. -; -1sr); (st); child).- 7:30: Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra.Fire. Gounod: Petite symphonie; Bach:Brandenburg Concerto No.6; Brahms: SerenadeNo.2 Op. 73. James Sommerville, conductor.Central Presbyterian Church, 165Charlton Ave. W., Hamilton. 905-526-7756. .- 7:30: Drillia Wind Ensemble. Focus onFlute. Mozart: Concerto in D larr. for band);Chaminade: Concertina; Leonard: lntroduzionee Tarantella. Sergio Pallottelli, flute;Roy Menagh, conductor. St. Paul's UnitedChurch, 62 Peter St. N., Drillia. 705-326-8011. ; 1sr); (st).- 8:00: Barrie Concerts. The Four Seasons.Music by Vivaldi and Piazzolla. KaiGleusteen, violin, Orchestra of the GlennGould. Hi-Way Pentecostal Church, 50 AnneSt. North, Barrie. 705-726-1181. 0;1st). Subscription only.- 8:00: Georgian Bay Symphony. Saxand Violins. Ravel: Bolero; Mussorgsky:Pictures at an Exhibition; Prokofiev: Lieu·tenant Kije !excerpts); Cimarosa: Concertofor Soprano Saxophone. OSCVI RegionalAuditorium, 1550 8th St. E. Owen Sound.519-372-0212. ; 1sr).- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Trio Savitri. Telemann:Trio Sonata in A; Haydn: "London" TrioTBA; Adaskin: Canzona and Rondo; Martinu:Promenades. KWCMS Music Room, 57Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673.; 1sr); lst).- 8:00: Northumberland Players. Hair.See Feb. 27.Sunday March O 1- 2:00: Gallery Players of Niagara. NiagaraWinds. Taffanel: Quintet; Milhaud: Laove1tov~o/TE~El ~Ruth FazalThe Hamilton Children's ChoirSheila Dietrich - soprano, James Mclennan - tenorNathaniel Watson - Baritone, Talisker Players OrchestraGreat Hall, Hamilton PlaceFebruary 28, 2009 - 7:30 p.m.Tickets: Adults: .00 - .00 Seniors: .00 - .00Students: .00 Children: .00Bach Elgar Office: 905 527-5995F EBRU ARY 1 - M AR CH 7 2009www.bachelgar.comCheminee du roi; Francaix: Wind QuintetNo.1; Barthe: Passacaille. Douglas Miller,flute; Christie Goodwin, oboe; Zoltan Kalman,clarinet; Christian Sharpe, bassoon;Tim Lockwood, French horn. St. Barnabas'Church, 33 Queenston St., St. Catharines.905-468-1525. -.- 2:00: Northumberland Players. Hair.See Feb. 27.- 2:00: Visual and Performing ArtsNewmarket. In Concert. Rivka Golani,viola; Joel Quarrington, double bass; JeanDesmarais, piano. Newmarket Theatre,505 Pickering Cresc. 905-953-5122. ;1sr); 1st).- 2:30: Kingston Symphony Orchestra.Grieg, Haydn (and a little Schnittke too!).Grieg: Holberg Suite; Schnittke: ConcertoGrosso No.1; Haydn: Symphony No.85.David Stewart, violin & guest conductor;Katherine Unrau, violin; Glen Fast, conductor.Grand Theatre, 218 Princess St., Kingston.613-530-2050. -; -lsr); -1st); (ch).- 3:00: MacNeill Baptist Church. ErikaReiman, piano. Works by Schumann andBrahms from the year 1853. 1145 King St.W., Hamilton. 905-528-2861. ; lOlsr/st).- 3:00: University of Western Ontario.Faculty Recital: Piano Plus Commentary.Gwen Beamish, piano.Von Kuster Hall, MusicBuilding, UWO, London. 519-661 -2043.Free.- 3:00: Wellington Winds. Potpourri: 400Years of Great French Music. MichaelPurves-Smith, conductor.; Caroline Dery,soprano. First United Church, 16 WilliamSt., Waterloo. 519-579-3097. ;1sr); st).- 4:00: Halton Youth Symphony. SpringConcert. Nicolai: The Merry Wives of Windsor;Brahms: Hungarian Dance No. 7; Vivaldi:Concerto for Two Violins; Accolai: Concertofor Violin; Tchaikovsky: Suite No.4"Mozartiana". Janez Govednik, conductor;guests: Oakville Chamber Orchestra;Charles Demuynck, conductor. CorpusChristi High School, 5150 Upper MiddleRoad, Burlington. 905-616-2760. ;1sr/st).- 8:00: Numus. The Ives Continuum. Fox:Straight lines in broken times; A. Clementi:Scherzo; Cameron: 4 Postcards; Bouchard:WWW.THEWHO LENOTE. COMRivkaGolani,JoelQuarrington,Jean DesmaraisVIOLA, D OUBLE BASS, PIANOSunday. March 1, 2009, 2:00 pmNewmarket Theatre505 Pickering CrescentBox Office tel: 905 953 5122www.newmarkettheatre.caAdults: .00 Seniors: .00Students: .00new work; Janssen: new work. ContinuumContemporary Music; Ives Ensemble. MaureenForrester Recital Hall, Wilfrid LaurierUniversity, Waterloo. 519-896-3662. ;1st).Wednesday March 04- 12:00 noon: Midday Music WithShigeru. Samuel Bisson, cello, and NadiaBoucher, piano. Hi-Way PentecostalChurch, 50 Anne St. N., Barrie. 705-726-1181. ; freelstudents).- 12:30 noon: University of Waterloo.Noon Hour Concert· Remembering Africa.Carol Ann Weaver, piano; Ben Bolt-Martin,cello; Ann Lindsay, violin; Emma Elkinson,flute; Rebecca Campbell, vocals. ConradGrebel University College Chapel, 140Westmount Rd. N. Waterloo. 519-885-0220 x24226. Free.- 8:00: Orchestra London Canada. CathedralSeries - Music from the MagicFlute. Corelli: Concerto Grosso; Mozart:Music from the Magic Flute; Beethoven:Symphony No.4. Jeanne Lamon, conductor.St. Paul's Cathedral, 427 Richmond St.,London. 519-679-8778. .36; .24.Thursday March 05- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Leslie Ting, violin, OlenaKlyucharova, piano. Prokofiev: Sonata No.2 in D; Chausson: Poeme; Schubert: Sonata"Grand Duo" Op. 162; Mozart: "LittleGigue" K574. KWCMS Music Room, 57Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673.; 1sr); 1st).- 8:00: Northumberland Players. Hair.See Feb. 27.Friday March 06- 12:30: University of Western Ontario.12:30 Fridays: Extended Clarinets. Newlycommissionedworks for clarinet. RebeccaDanard, clarinet. Von Kuster Hall, MusicBuilding, UWO, London. 519-661 -2043.Free.- 7:30: Dshawa Durham Symphony Orchestra.Operafest with Puccini. Works byVerdi, Puccini, Ponchielli, Strauss & Denzi.Natalia Voronkina, soprano; Jose Luis Duval,tenor; Marco Parisotto, conductor.University of Ontario Recreation Hall, 2000Simcoe St. N., Dshawa. 905-579-6711.; (st).- 7:30: University of Western Ontario.Ensemble Series. Durufle: Requiem; Pou·lenc: Litanies a la Vierge noire; other works.Les Choristes and Chorale, Victoria Meredith,conductor. St. Paul's Cathedral, 472Richmond St. London. 519-434-3225. Freeto UWO students.- 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. The Curse of the Ninth. JohnAdams: Tromba lontana; Mahler: SymphonyNo.9 in D. Edwin Outwater, conductor.Centre in the Square, 101 Queen St. N.,Kitchener. 519-578-1570. -;lst).- 8:00: McMaster University. CelebrityConcert Series: Nagatu Shachu. Taiko Japanesedrums. Convocation Hall, UniversityHall, 1 Scholar's Rd., Hamilton. 905-525-91 40 x24246. ; 1sr); st).- 8:00: Northumberland Players. Hair.See Feb. 27.43