... SECTION 4: announcements,masterclasses. etcetera*February 6 7:15: Recorder Players'Society. Recorder and/or other early instrumentplayers are invited to participatein small, informal groups (uncoached) toplay Renaissance and Baroque music.Church of the Transfiguration, 111 ManorRd. East. 416-694-9266. O(members),$ l 2(non-members).*February 14 10:30am -1:00: TorontoMendelssohn Choir. Singsation Saturday:Mende/ssohn's Elijah. Presented by TMCAssistant Conductor Ross Inglis. CameronHall; Yorkminster Park Baptist Church,1585 Yonge St. Pre register: 416 598-0422x24. including refreshments.*February 15 1:00-5:00: Girls Night OutJau/Art of Jazz. Intensive Voca/Jazz Workshopwith Sheila Jordan. Explore the art ofimprovisation, vocal technique, methods ofpractice, repertoire choices and proper leadsheets. Open to a limited number of participants;auditors welcome. Art of Jazz Studio,Distillery Historic District, 55 Mill St. 888-222-6608. (participant), (auditor).*February 18 7:30: Toronto ShapenoteSinging from Sacred Harp. Beginners welcome.Music Room, Bloor Street UnitedChurch, 300 Bloor St. W. (at Huron). 416-922-7997 or pleasancecrawford@rogers.com*February 21 9:20am-1:30: CAMMAC,Toronto Region. Chamber music workshopfor pre-formed string, wind or mixed ensembles,with or without piano. Depending onenrollment, coaches may include RonaGoldensher, violin; Leonie Wall, flute; JennyCrober, piano. York Mills I Bayviewarea. For details: 416-356-2303.0(members); 0(ensembles comprisedonly of students); (non-members). O(st), auditors for one session, $ 25for 2 sessions.46JubilatesingersAUDITIONSDirector Isabel Bernaus leads achamber choir with an eclectic,multilingual repertoire. Upcomingconcerts include Spanish and ~atalanmusic in february, chamber ja11 inJune, and occasional communityperlormances. All voices welcome.Rehearsals are Tuesdays, no pm atSt. leonard's ~hurch (you are welcometo sit in on a rehearsal).www.juhilatesingers.caSt Leonard's Church25 Wanless Avenue(near Yonge & Lawrence)Call 416-532-2025 to arrange a time.*February 23 7:30: Toronto Early MusicCentre. Vocal Circle. Recreational readingof early choral music. Ability to read musicis desirable but not essential. For moreinformation: 416-920-5025. (non-members),members free.*February 24 8:00: Toronto Folk Sing·ers' Club. An informal group that meetsfor the purpose of performance & exchangeof songs. Audiences are welcome. TranzacClub, 292 Brunswick Ave. 416-532-0900.*February 27 7:15: Recorder Players'Society. Recorder and/or other early instrumentplayers are invited to participatein small groups, coached by Scott Paterson,to play Renaissance and Baroque music.Church of the Transfiguration, 111Manor Rd. East. 416-694-9266. $ l 5(members),(non-members).*February 27 to March 1: Toronto MassChoir. Power Up 2009. Gospel music workshopweekend where the public is invitedto learn how to sing gospel music as wellas take a variety of workshops to improvemusical skills. Ends with a massed choirconcert (see daily listings). Toronto InternationalCelebration Church, 190 RailsideRd. For more info: 905-794-1139,www.tmc.ca. .*February 28 9:20am-1 :30: CAMMAC,Toronto Region. Chamber music work -shop. See Feb 21.*March 1 9:00am-4:00: Toronto EarlyMusic Players Organization. Consortingwith Recorder. Workshop led by Joris vanGoethem and Bart Spanhove of the FlandersRecorded Quartet. Bring your recorders& stand; music available at the door.Armour Heights Community Centre, 2140Avenue Road. 705-653-5480, 416-537-3733. .*March 1 2:00: CAMMAC, Toronto Region.Singers and instrumentalists are invitedto participate in a reading of Schubert'sMass in A flat under the leadershipof Eric Gero. Elliott Hall, Christ ChurchDeer Park, 1570 Yonge Street. 416-421-0779. $ lO(non-members). members/studentsfree.*March 7 2:30-5:00: CAMMAC, TorontoRegion. Workshop in Spanish dance, ledby Esmeralda Enrique. Location tba. 416-421-0079.~ Philharmonic Music Ltd.Violin, viola, cello and bowsAll string accessoriesMusic sheetsRepair ServicesProfessional violin maker andrepairer for over fifteen years.Good quality guaranteed.MUSICAL LIFE:A Choral Life Q&Acompiled and edited by mJ buellFEATURING Karen BurkeWhat was your first ever choral experience?My earliest choral memories: singingin the May Festivals that wereheld in Brantford, Ontario, where Igrew up , and run by Frank Holtonfor selected singers from elementaryschools. We all had to wear whitedresses and we felt so important.These were tremendous experiences.My grandmother, Florence Drake,was a huge musical influence in mylife: we spent weekends at herhouse, listened to great choral musicon Sunday mornings on CBC radiobefore church. She was also myfirst choral director!What choirs have you sung with?Grandma's choir at the small British Methodist Episcopal Church thatI grew up in, of course, and our youth choir. I sang in the McMasterUniversity Choir under Wayne Strongman for 4 years. He was anexcellent conductor and helped me not only to broaden my knowledgeof choral repertoire but recognized my keyboard skills by having meaccompany the choir in my second and third year. In my final year, Iwas president of the McMaster University Choir.I also sang in the Bach Elgar Choir in Hamilton for a couple of yearswhich was a thrill. In my third year at McMaster, I took a vocalmethods course under visiting professor Denise Narcisse-Mair andshe took me under her wing and mentored me. Both BrainerdBlyden -Taylor (Nathaniel Dett Chorale) and myself were protegesof Ms . Narcisse-Mair. She got me my first job as a conductor and Inever looked back .Currently?It's been a very long time since I' ve sung in a choir and frankly, Imiss the experience of being 'directed'. My joy these days is educatingand mentoring: I am especially interested in encouraging youngpeople who have conducting skills. Our schools and communitiesneed good conductors. I believe in choirs and particularly gospelchoirs as a wonderful communal activity which is accessible andpowerful. I enjoy offering gospel music workshops in a variety ofvenues. I especially enjoy teaching teachers how to energize theirstudents/choirs by including gospel music in their repertoire.I've directed and recorded with the Toronto Mass Choir for the past20 years and we are out on the road two to three times a month .The York University Gospel Choir also keeps me busy.What kind of concerts do you like to attend?I am so busy performing, I have to admit that I don 't get to as manyconcerts as I would like to. But when I can ... definitely jazz! I am ahuge jazz fan and I have gotten to 'scratch that itch' more since joinSchool EducationWe prqvide training intheoretical and practicalcourse1 for violin, viola, cello,piario, guitar and flute includingprilfclte lessons and orchestraltraining. We also offerprograrils such as rudimentarycourses, quartet, Jazz musicand pop inusic training.' 80 Acadia Avenue, Unit 309, Markham ON L3R 9Vl 'Tel: 905-784-2028 www.philharmoniccana
fer the hand to the stick; a confident stancewhich 'draws out' your singers; thoroughpreparation of the music (don't waste yourchorister's time!); an obvious love of themusic but evidence of even more love andrespect for your choristers; contagious passionfor choral music and choirs in general;and height! I have always wished that I wasabout 6 inches taller!Coming up?The Evolution of Gospel Music (Feb. 6&7)is my first time role as a co-producer andconductor of such a large event. It featuressome of Toronto's finest singers, actors,dancers and musicians in a cast of 80 +,taking the audience on a 2 hour journey fromspirituals to present day gospel.Power Up 2009 (Feb. 27/28/Mar. 1) The5th annual offering of this event by theToronto Mass Choir: it's always a highlightof my year. One to two hundred people onaverage come out to this workshop weekend.I teach gospel music in a massed choir settingto all of the participants, and a specialclass for choral conductors.We cap off the weekend with a finaleconcert by TMC which includes this hugemassed choir accompanied by a live rhythmsection. It is always an electrifying evening.An event not to be missed. (www.tmc.ca)Restaurants(--,) ~ ;'j:: ~ :_'Commensal Vegetarian RestaurantLive Jazz Friday and Saturday Evenings655 Bay St. (entrance on Elm Street)Validated Parking after 6pm 416-596-9364www.commensal.ca}f.lCa:n ..MarketPlace: Educationa r eM u si< ~ tud iosFind your own true voice ...Register now for private OR group lessons:Call: 647 669 4145Or e-mail: singinginriverdale@gmail.comAll levels and styles welcome.25 years experience.l..i , .h All Ages .h All Levels .h All Styles~ro .h Motivating Beginners' Groups~ .h Private LessonsPIANO KEYBOARD GUITAR VIOLIN FLUTE SAX CLARINET DRUMSMuli~~i~ioL 416-224-5590www.yamahamusicschool.ca GJYAMAHA1Love To Sing?•All styles •All Levels •Beginnersand Children welcome • Excellentfor public speakers, actors, etc.Breathe new life into your voice with a unique andsensible kinesthetic approach to vocal pedagogy.Call Pattie Kelly for private lessons: 905·271-6896info@vocalsense.ca www.vocalsense.ca .)CLAIM YOUR VOICEOrganic and functional vocal training togain access to your full range, resonanceand vocal freedom. For singers, publicspeakers, teachers, clergy, or if you justwant to enjoy using your voice.Sue Crowe ConnollyHamilton Studio Toronto Studio905·544-1302 416-523-1154Singing LessonsI Sing with technical ease and vocal beauty-1 Opera - Pops - Broadway.··.:;,_~ '(____ Health, Professional and Home:?¥.· : www.JanetCatherineDea.com'\." 1 ~'.': call now: (416) 429-4502~··.:NORTH TORONTO INSTITUTE OF MUSICPrivate instruction and exam ~preparation by qualified teachersin the heart of Toronto.• Piano • Voice • Guitar • Strings• Woodwinds • Percussion • Theory• Music Theatre • Pre-school550 Eglinton Avenue East416-488-2588 www.nlimusic.comPIANO LESSONS• Over 40 years in business.• Any level and age.• Extremely effective, low-costpreparation for RCM exams,competitions, concerts, etc.-,1 • From for Y, hour.rl · Immediate results, or you don't pay!Vladimir Dounin 416-321-5627bethebestinmusic@yahoo.comRelease pain.Relax. Breathe. Move.'-1Dr. Katarina Bulat s.sc. D.C. (&~1 u s1c u N iChiropractor 416-461-1906Private practice. Co,well & Danforth area.$ ? .~ NEED HELP WITH YOUR TAXES?Specializing in personal, business,partnership, and corporate tax returnsincluding prior years and adjustments.Call Norm Pulker905-830-2985npulker@rogers.comfax: 905-830-9810• free consultation• accurate work• pickup & deliveryarranged"KENSINGTON CARPETS INC;'DIRECT IMPORTERS/LIQUIDATORSPersian, Indian, Chinese, Pakistani and Broadloqm· • Addbeauty and warmth.to your room• Looks.great under!yq!Jr piano• Absorbs sound - music sounds better. • Enhances your ability to perform• yp to 7?% off. Sh~p ar?u~d and compare!1193 Baldwin St., Toronto · 416-260-1144 ..Joel Katz Voice StudioInternationally renowned teacherspecializing in Opera trainingfor the serious student. Auditionpreparation, resolution of fachissues, technical problems.Present this ad for a free consult!FEBRUARY 1 - M ARCH 7 2009416-467 7289 For more information, visit:www.voiceandoperatraining.com joelkatz@sympatico.caWWW,THEWHOLENOTE,COM 47