wholenote·Volume 14 #5 February 1 - March 7, 2009ATMA Classique06 EDITOR'S OPENER: Keeps rainin' all the time David Perlman07 COVER STORY: Our National Dett Colin Eatock10 FEATIJRE: The Jazz Journey of Sheila Jordan Ori DaganBEAT BY BEAT (The Live Music Scene)14 QuodLibet ALLan Pulker16 In with the New Jason van Eyk18 Early Music Frank Nakashima19 Choral Scene ml bueLl21 World View Karen Ages22 Jazz Notes Jim Galloway23 Jazz in the Clubs Ori Dagan23 Band Stands and Podiums Jack MacQuarrie25 On Opera Christopher Haile26 Opera at Home Phil EhrensaftCALENDAR (Live Music Listings)28-41 Section l: Concerts: Toronto & OTA41-44 Section 2: Concerts: Beyond the OTA44-45 Section 3: Jazz in the Clubs (listings)45-46 Section 4: Announcements, Lecrnres, Workshops, ... EtceteraMUSICAL LIFE46 A Choral Life Q & A: Karen Burke ml bueLl48 CONTEST: We Are All Music's Children ml bueLl50 Bookshelf Pamela Margles51 MusEd Musings: Summer and Beyond Nick TortiDISCOVERIES · Records Reviewed55 Editor's Corner David Olds56 Vocal56 Early, Classical and Beyond57 Modern and Contemporary59 Jazz and Improvised Music61 Pot Pourri · Extended Play62 Old Wine in New Bottles Bruce SurteesOTHER ELEMENTS06 Contact Information and Deadlines27 Index of Advertisers47 WholeNote MarketPlace (1)49 Classified Ads54 W holeNote MarketPlace (2)Matthew WhiteSuzie LeBlancICatherine WebsterCharles DanielsColin BalzerSumner ThompsonCarniva l is the world turned upside down,the poor disguised as the rich, the richslumming it, fake priests and bawdy nuns,women dressed as men, men beingwalked by dogs dressed as men, and soon in an interminable, almost mad jumble.LES VOIX BAROQUES ON ATMAIN THIS ISSUE··---- -···-·- ---- !ATMACLAS SI Q U E. COM1+1 :::.::; :~;:;:· CanadaSODECQul:becggJAZZ, JOY & JUSTICE : SHEILA JORDANPage 10SUMMER MUSIC EDUCATIONPages 5 1-54FEBRUARY'S (HILD .. .Page 48Se lect ATMA titles now on sa le\,-FE- B-RU_ A_R_Y~1- -~M- AR_C_H~7~2~ 0~0~9------------w- w_w_ .-T-HE_W_H_O_L_EN_O_T_E.-C-O_M ___ ~ ----------·-------'5
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