MUSIC AT PORT MILFORDChamber music on the north shore of Lake OntarioChamber Music/Chorus/O~~estraOutsi;mcling tacult_y - F amil_y atmosphereT okai Quartet in ResidenceFull Season: Jul.Y 18 -August 15Session I, Jul.Y 18 -August 2Session II, August J -August 15MegHill,Director Tel. 91+-+:,9-50:,9E_stablished 1987 www.mpmcamp.orgADULT ~~vocAL" WEEKVocal classes and choral sessions for adult choral singersBack by popular demand!~Brian Jackson , conductorMarjorie Sparks, Paul Massei , cliniciansJuly 8 - 11, 2009Registration Deadline: May 15, 2009Participants, 0 Auditors, 5Information & registrationChoirs Ontario330 Walmer RoadToronto, ON M5R 2Y4t: 416 923 1144 • f: 416 929 0415 • toll free, 866 935 • www.choirsontario.orgCHQifSQllTa.RIQConnect Chorally. Make life sing!HOLD YOUR NEXT RECITAL-beliconian ballA beautiful restored Carpenter's Gothic board and batten churchMusEd Musings - Summer and BeyondMargaret Little(viola da gamba player in duo Les voix humaines)From age four to eighteen,Margaret spent her summersstudying at CAMMAC LakeMacDonald, 80 minutesnorth of Montreal. "AtCAMMAC you are eitherbeginner, intermediate, oradvanced for any course inparticular. You just participateat whatever level youare and enjoy."It was where she discovered the viola da gamba at age 11 , which shehas played ever since. From her numerous experiences at the camp,she observes: "Music and musicians cannot thrive in a stressfulenvironment. Music is about people, about communicating, having agood time together, be it at any level."Margaret continues her involvement at CAMMAC to this day as aninstructor, where the open and wide-ranging setting allows her toextend her experience to both students and colleagues. With such avariety of mixed activities, it can't help but be inclusive. "Onceyou've spent a whole week with [others], playing tennis and pingpong with them, ... you meet in the concert hall and something veryspecial happens. You've already shared so much that it 's onlynatural to feel very connected during the performance."And what else can one expect from a retreat up in the Laurentians?"No laundry or cooking to do, no tv, no radio, no computer, nophone, etc. Totaldisconnection isGREAT!"Avan Yu(studying at the Universityof Fine Arts inBerlin with KlausHellwig)Avan is in concertthroughout the year,giving a mix of solo andgroup performances. When the time arrives to choose a summerprogram, solo and group options are both equally attractive to him."I don' t really have a preference," he says, having participated inseveral piano programs since 200 l. "It depends on which area [I]want to focus on." Of the Young Artists Program in Ottawa, herecalls: " ... my friends and I would actually sight-read until 2o'clock in the morning! We didn't have schoolwork to worry about,and we could experience music in a relaxing setting. "The element of learning is never an exclusively solo experience,even in a solo program. "When I listened to other students' lessonsor masterclasses, sometimes I learned more than if I were thestudent taking the lesson. When you are the one playing, you can getso stressed out trying to do what the teacher is telling you that youstop listening. "building in the heart ofYorkville can be rented at reasonablerates for musical events. Steinway Grand piano included.Learning with others and learning from them both appear to bevaluable selections. "Summer programs are a great way to broadenyour repertoire, share musical ideas with others, learn from greatA high, vaulted ceiling provides excellent concert-hall acoustics. teachers and make good contacts." This time of the year brings ascenic change for Avan, with varied options as it is during the year.Capacity up to 120. Tel: 416-922-3618 Fax: 416-922-2431Solo or with others, he's in a change of place-though never out rentals@, place. MusEd Musings continues page 5452 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM FEBR UA RY 1 - M ARCH 7 2009
Aisslinn Noskyviolinist with TafelmusikBaroque Orchestra,I FUR/OSI BaroqueEnsemble , EyblerQuartet, andKirby String QuartetJune 4-17, 2009At the University of TorontoToronto, CanadaJoin some of the world's finest musicians in the field of baroqueperformance for this 14-day training programme in instrumentaland vocal performance practice. Classes are offered in strings(violin, viola, viola d'amore, cello and bass), woodwinds(flute, oboe and bassoon), harpsichord, lute, guitar and voice.A programme for conductors/directors is also available.Advanced students, pre-professional andprofessional musicians are invited to apply.The Institute Offers:• Masterclasses for solo• Baroque opera workshops ledinstrument and voiceby Marshall Pynkoski of• Orchestra and choir rehearsals Opera Atelierled by Jeanne Lamon and • Baroque dance workshopslvars Taurinsled by Jeannette Zingg of• Instrumental and vocalOpera Atelierchamber ensembles• Participant performances• Private lessons by Tafelmusik including a Grand Finale concertmusicianswith the Tafelmusik Baroque• Lectures/workshops on baroque Orchestra and Chamber Choirperformance practice, theatre & artFor information visit www.tafelmusik.orgOr call 416.964.9562, ext.241 Email: tbsi@tafelmusik.orgAisslinn 's early summerswere quite distinctfrom one another, bringingher to places all overCanada as well as southof the border."I feel very lucky tohave gone to so manyfun music programs as achild, [but] I was a prettysingle-minded youngperson ... if I could goback, I think I would tellmyself to go to a camp that had nothing to do with music , or at leastsomething that wasn 't violin, just to broaden my extra-musical horizonsa little. " That said, she wouldn't remove her later teenage selffrom repeated musical visits to the Banff Centre, where she would"get inspiration for the rest of the year."Having gained so much as a student, Aisslinn in turn runs a programwith fellow Kirby Quartet members Julia Wedman, Max Mandel, and Carina Reeves. The week-long chamber music workshopallows her to maintain her summer involvement from a teachingrole. "When all the students perform the works they have beenpouring their heart and souls into [it] is invariably the most movingconcert I attend all year. "As it had been at Banff, it appears as though Aisslinn is once againinspired by her musical endeavours of the summer.Application Deadline: March 20, 2009WholeNote MarketPlace,d..- .Recording & Mastering.Great live room in old movie theatre.Yamaha Grand Piano. Hammond M3& Leslie Milestone Drums. per hour 416.467 .9597www.studio92canada.comCall for a coffee and tourbacksplit classical soundsuperbly engineered recordingsconcert hall quality9ft Steinwayaudio & video demosfull CD productioncompetitive rates416-461-0635647 349 6467Jockwood.frank@gmail.comCritically AcclaimedJUNO Nominated Wark200+ CreditsWWW , TH EWHOLEN OTE ,COMF EBRUARY 1 - MARCH 7 2009