9 years ago

Volume 14 - Issue 7 - April 2009

... 1: CONCERTS: Toronto

... 1: CONCERTS: Toronto and GTAWeston Recital Hall, Toronto Centre for theArts, 5040 Yonge St. 416-872-1111. ;(sr/st); (18 & under).- 3:00: St. Clement's Anglican Church.Organist in Recital Bach, Daveluy, Franck,Vierne. John Paul Farahat, organ. 59 Briar HillAve. 416-483-6664. Freewill offering.- 3:00: sUnDO SDUND(word/time)SCAPES.poeMusics. Udo Kasemets,Stephen Clarke, pianists; Susan Layard, singer/speaker; Paul Dutton, speaker; Pierre Tremblay,visual projections; Mani Mazinani, soundrecording. Victoria University, Emmanuel CollegeChapel, 75 Queen's Park. 416-929-5849.Free.- 3:00: Syrinx Sunday Salons. Music byPrevost, Barber, Debussy & Brahms. MelanieConly, soprano; Peter Longworth, piano. HeliconianHall, 35 Hazelton Ave. 416-654-0877.; (st).- 3:30: Kingsway Baptist Church.Hymns For All Time. The Chapel Singers; King.sway Church Choir and musicians. 41 BirchviewBlvd. 416-239-2381 . . Children under12 free. Proceeds to support StonegateMinistries.- 3:30: Tafelmusik. St. Matthew Passion.See Apr. 2.TRYPTYCHCONC(RT. or[RA. CHORALStanford Stabat MaterPuccini Messa di GloriaENSEMBLETRYPTYCHCHAMBER CHOIRLenard WhitingMusic DirectorIan SadlerOrganSunday, April 5, 20097.30 PMTrinity Presb)'.lerian Church2737 Bayv,ew AvenueAdults Student-Seniors 416-763-5066 ext 4:00: Cathedral Church of St. James.Sunday Concert Series. Kirsten Fielding andNatalie Mahon, sopranos. 65 Church St. 416-364-7865. Free.- 4:00: Vesnivka Choir/Toronto UkrainianMale Chamber Choir. Spring Concert.Guest: Big Band Qrpheum. King's Garden Hall,15 Can motor Ave. 416-246-9880/416- 763-2197. -.- 4:30: Christ Church Deer Park. JazzVespers. Mark Eisenman Quartet; choirs ofChrist Church Deer Park. 1570 Yonge St.416-920-5211. Free (donations welcomed).- 7:00: Glebe Presbyterian Church. TomVan Seters, piano. Hymns, spirituals and originaljazz works. 124 Belsize Dr. 416-485-1881. or PWYC.- 7:00: Knox Presbyterian Church. Messiahfor Easter. Parts 2 and 3 of Handel'sMessiah. Senior choir and soloists of KnoxPresbyterian Church; orchestra; Roger Bergs,conductor. 630 Spadina Ave. 416-921-8993.Free (freewill offering).- 7:00: Victoria College Chorus. In Concert.Celtic music, folksongs from Africa andAsia, and medley from My Fair Lady. TaylorSullivan, director. Isabel Bader Theatre, 93Charles St. W. 416-585-4521. Free.- 7:30: Ensemble Tryptych ChamberChoir. In Concert. Puccini: Messa di Gloria;Stanford: Stabat Mater. Lenard Whiting, musicdirector; Ian Sadler, organ. Trinity PresbyterianChurch, 2737 Bayview Ave. 416- 763-5066x3. ; (sr/st).- 7:30: Flying Cloud Folk Club. ScantilyPlaid. Tranzac Club. 292 Brunswick Ave. 416·410-3655. ; (sr/st).- 7:30: Nexus Percussion Group. TheEternal Dance of life. Cage: Chess Pieces;Dance Music for Elfrid Ide; Cahn: Kebjar-Bali;Hartenberger: The Invisible Proverb; Part:Spiegel im Spiegel; Ewazen: Soliloquy andRondo (from The Eternal Dance of Life); Stout:Prelude. Winter Song. Glenn Gould Studio,250 Front St. W. 416-872-4255. ;(sr); O(st).- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Instrumental Ensembles: PercussionEnsemble. Beverley Johnston, director. WalterHall, Edward Johnson Building. 80 Queen'sPark. 416-978-3744. Free.- 9:00: Small World Music. Bajofondo.Mod Club Theatre, 722 College St. 416-536-5439. .Monday April 06- 8:00: Eybler Quartet. All Haydn. Quar·tets Op. 9 No. 4; Op. 50 No. 2; and Op. 77 No.1. St. George the Martyr Church, 197 JohnSt.416-778-5911. -.- 8:00: Toronto Philharmonia. KeyboardFireworks. Chan: Revelation; Chabrier: PastoralSuite; Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No. 3.Simon Docking, piano; Kerry Stratton, conductor.George Weston Recital Hall, Toronto Centrefor the Arts, 5040 Yonge St. 416-872-1111. -; -(sr); -(st).Tuesday April 07- 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Piano Virtuoso Series: Rachmaninov and ArenskyTwo-Piano Suites. Todd Yaniw, PetyaStavreva, piano duo. Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre,Four Seasons Centre for the PerformingArts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231.Free.- 1 :00: Royal Conservatory of Music.Rising Stars Series: Cosi fan tutte. See Apr 2.- 7:30: George Brown College Theatre.The Baker's Wife. Stein & Schwartz. AllenMacinnis, director; J. Rigzin Tute, musicaldirector. Young Centre for the PerformingArts, 55 Mill St. 416-866-8666. ;(sr); (st). Also Apr. 9, 11, 15, 17 and18.- 7:30: Tafelmusik. St. Matthew Passion.See Apr. 2. George Weston Recital Hall, TorontoCentre for the Arts, 5040 Yonge St.416-872-1111.- 7:30: U of T Faculty of Music. Euridice inFairyland. Scarlatti: Euridice dall'inferno; Respighi:Deita Silvane; works by Applebaum,Chausson, Lehar, Sondheim and Weill. ErinBardua, soprano; Mia Bach, piano; Sara-AnneChurchill, harpsichord; Lorne Shapiro, viola dagamba. Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Building,80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3750. Free.- 8:00: La Net/Music Gallery. Skin: APercussion Blitz with Carlo Rizzo. Claire Gignac,artistic directo; Carto Rizzo and PatrickGraham, musical directors. John St. 416-204-1080. ; (sr); O(st).- 8:00: Massey Hall & Roy ThomsonHall. Liza Minnelli. Roy Thomson Hall, 60Simcoe St. 416-872-4255. $ 59.50-9.50.Wednesday April 08- 5:30: Canadian Opera Company. VocalSeries: Exercises de style. Works by Evangelista.Guillaume Bernardi, director. RichardBradshaw Amphitheatre, Four Seasons Centrefor the Performing Arts, 145 Queen St. W.416-363-8231. Free.- 7:30: St. Michael's Choir School. TenebraeMusic. Responsories by Ronan. SeniorChoir and Alumni; Jerzy Cichocki, conductor.St. Michael's Cathedral, 65 Bond St., 416-397-6367. Free. Religious service.- 8:00: Church of St. Mary Magdalene.Tenebrae. Gregorian Chant; Allegri: Miserere;Willan: Responsaries. 477 Manning Ave. 416·531-7955. Free. Religious service.- 8:00: Humber Music Jazz Series.Spring Showcase Concert. Humber StudioJazz Ensemble; Denny Christianson, director;guests: Pat, Joe and John La Barbera. HumberInstitute of Technology, Lakeshore CampusAuditorium, 3199 Lakeshore Blvd. W. 416-675-6622 x3327. ; O(sr).- 8:00: Music Gallery. Amir Elsaffar­Two Rivers Ensemble. Amir Elsaflar, trumpet;Rudresh Mahanthappa, saxophone; NasheetWaits, drums; Carlo DeRosa, bass; ZaafirTawil, oud, violin and dumbek. 197 John St.416-204-1080. ; (sr/st).Thursday April 09- 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Jazz Series: A Blend Defying Definition.Strings mixed with jazz. The Humber ContemporaryJazz Workshop, Bruce Cassidy, director.Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre, FourSeasons Centre for the Performing Arts, 145Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.- 12:1 O: University ofToronto Facultyof Music. Thursdays at Noon: Student EnsemblesShowcase. Walter Hall, EdwardJohnson Building, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free.- 2:00: Northern District Library. Orchardviewers:Master Class Players. Worksfor piano. 40 Orchard View Blvd. 416-393-7610. Free.- 6:00: Church of St. Mary Magdalene.Solemn Mass. Gregorian chant. 477 ManningAve. 416-531- 7955. Free. Religious service.- 7:30: George Brown College Theatre.The Baker's Wife. See Apr. 7.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. University of Toronto Symphony Or-28- 8:00: Music Toronto. Markus Groh, piano.Schulhoff: 5 Eludes de Jazz; Ryan: new work(premiere); Liszt: Annees de Pelerinage, DeuxiemeAn nee, ltalie; Brahms: IntermezziOp.117. Jane Mallett Theatre, St. LawrenceCentre for the Arts, 27 Front St. E. 416-366-7723. -; (st; accompanying adultpays half price); pay your age (18-35).

chestra. Debussy: Prelude a l'apres-midi d'unfaune; Elgar: Enigma Variations; Tchaikovsky:Symphony No.5. lvars Taurins, conductor.MacMillan Theatre, Edward Johnson Build·ing, 80 Dueen's Park. 416-978-3744. ; O(sr/st).- 8:00: Canadian Sinfonietta. RomanticViolin. Finzi: Romance for String Orchestra;Arutunian: Violin Concerto" Armenia 88";Dvorak: String Serenade. Catherine Manouki·an, violin; Tak Ng Lai, conductor. Glenn GouldStudio, 250 Front St. W. 416-872-4255.; (sr/st).- 8:00: Curtain Call Players. Into TheWoods. See Apr. 2.- 8:00: Sounds of Persia. Alireza Ghorbaniand Shiraz. Enwave Theatre, 231 QueensQuay W. 416-973-4000. -.- 8:30: Church of St. Mary Magdalene.Tenebrae. Allegri: Miserere; Willan: Responsaries.477 Manning Ave. 416-531-7955.Free. Religious service.Friday April 10- 1 O:OOam: Church of St. MaryMagdalene. Stations of the Cross for Children.477 Manning Ave. 416-531-7955.Free. Religious service.- 11 :OOam: Humbercrest UnitedChurch. Good Friday Service. Liturgy ofscripture, prayer and choral music. Schutz:The Seven Last Words of Christ; Palestrina:"Kyrie" and "Agnus Dei" from Missa Brevis.Strings and organ. 16 Baby Point Rd. 416·767-6122. Free. Religious service.- 12:00 noon: Church of St. MaryMagdalene. Solemn liturgy. Will an: Reproaches.477 Manning Ave. 416-531-7955.Free. Religious service.- 2:30: Armour Heights PresbyterianChurch. A Sing Along Messiah. Handel. ArmourHeights Choir; soloists; guest musicians;Bruce Nasmith, music director. 106Wilson Ave. 416-485-4000. ; O(sr/st).- 7:00: All Saints Kingsway Anglican.Stabat Mater. Jenkins: Stabat Mater. KingswayChoral Society; All Saints' Choir andOrchestra; Jocelyn Beller, soprano; MargaretBardos, mezzo; Shawn Grenke, conductor.2850 Bloor St. W. 416-233-1125. .- 7:30: Metropolitan United Church. AllCreation Wept. Music from Britain, includinga commissioned work by J. Willcocks. MetropolitanFestival Choir and Brass; Gary Brennanand Patricia Orr, readers. 56 Queen St. E.416-363-0331 x26. .- 7:30: Toronto Beach Chorale. Requiem.Mozart. Choir, soloists and orchestra;Mervin Fick, conductor. Kingston Road UnitedChurch, 975 Kingston Rd. 416-778-0949.; (under 18).- 7:30: Toronto Mendelssohn Choir.Sacred Music for a Sacred Space. Bruckner:GOOD FRIDAY SERVICEApril 10 at 11 :00 amLiturgy of Scripture, Prayer andChoral music inclu

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