... 1: CONCERTS: Toronto and GTAbert & Sullivan's Iolanthe. See Apr 18.- 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.ltzhak Perlman. Beethoven: Coriolan Overture;Symphony No.4; Violin Concerto. ltzhak Perlman,violin; Peter Oundjian, conductor; guests:Toronto Symphony Youth Orchestra. RoyThomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828.-5. 7: 15: pre-concert chat.Sunday April 26- 12:00 noon: Derek Macrae. ClassicalGuitarist. See Apr. 5.- 2:00: CAMMAC. Ontario Music CentreParticipants Concert. Northern District Li·brary, 40 Orchard View Blvd. 416-393- 761 D.Free (donations welcome).- 2:00: City of Toronto. Scarborough Musiclovers Orchestra. Scarborough Civic Centre,150 Borough Dr. 416-396· 7766. Free.- 2:00: Toronto Operetta Theatre. Gilbert& Sullivan's Iolanthe. See Apr 18.- 2:30: Aldeburgh Connection. SundayAfternoon Series - The chantant. A musicaltribute to tea, with works by Roussel, Debussyand Youmans. Allison Angelo, soprano;Jason Nedecky, baritone; Stephen Ralls, BruceUbukata, piano. Walter Hall, Edward JohnsonBuilding, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744..- 2:30: Pickering Community ConcertBand. Spring Fling 09. Breen: SymphonicOverture for Winds; Watkins: Cinema Pa rad·iso; Schindler: Love in a Simpler Age; VaughanWilliams: English Folk Song Suite; Broadwayselections. Doug Manning, musical director;guests: the French Belles. Forest Brook CommunityChurch, 60 Kearney Drive, Ajax. 905-509-2459. ; O(sr/st).- 2:30 & 7:30: Scarborough Bel Canto Choir.Much Ado About Spring. Viryinia Gallop Evoy,conductor. St. Dunstan of Canterbury Church,56 Lawson Rd. 416-699-4585. .- 3:00: Durham Community Choir. Celebration- A IOth Anniversary Choral Festivity.The Bronze Foundation, handbellTHEensemble. Kingsview United Church, 505Adelaide Ave. E., Dshawa. 905-683-3197.; $14(children under 12).- 3:00: Opera Atelier. The Coronation ofPoppea. See Apr. 25.- 3:00: Pax Christi Chorale. Bach's Massin B minor. See April 25.- 3:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Beethoven Symphony 4. Beethoven: CoriolanOverture; Symphony No.4; Violin Concerto.Henning Kragerud, violin; Peter Oundjian, con·ductor. George Weston Recital Hall, TorontoCentre for the Arts, 5040 Yonge St. 416-593-4828. -.- 4:00: A S.T.A.B.@ Opera. Opera Arias andEnsembles. Isabel Paryana, soprano; ArunasRadtke, tenor; Joy Klopp, mezzo; GiuseppeMirabella, baritone. Eastminster United Church,310 Danforth Ave. 905-509-7073. .- 4:00: Cathedral Church of St . James.Sunday Concert Series. The Empire Trio. 65Church St. 416-364-7865. Free.- 4:30: Christ Church Deer Park. JazzVespers: Tribute to Ouke Ellington. Brian Bar·low Orchestra. 1570 Yonge St. 416-920-5211. Free (donations welcomed).- 5:00: Nocturnes in the City. Drew Jurecka.Jazz String Quartet. St. WenceslasChurch, 496 Gladstone Ave. 416-532-5272.; (st).- 7:30: Flying Cloud Folk Club. Liz Carrolland John Doyle. Tranzac Club, 292 BrunswickAve. 416-410-3655. ; (sr/stl.- 7:30: Massey Hall & Roy ThomsonHall. An Evening with Sir Ken Robinson andFriends. Jane Bunnell, jazz clarinet/flute; AlexanderSeredenko, piano; Jim Fleck, masterof ceremonies. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 FrontSt. W. 416-872-4255. ; .50 (wheelchair/CNIB).- 7:30: Music at Glenview. Brother Sun,Sister Moon, an Earth Week Hymn Festival.Glenview and Eglinton St. George'sChoirs; Salvation Army North TorontoBand. Eglinton St. George's Church, 35Celebrating theArt of SongArtistic Directors:~ Stephen Ralls and Bruce UbukataThe chantantSongs about tea, the time we drink itand the places it comes from.Artists include:Allison Angelo, sopranoJason Nedecky, baritoneStephen Ralls andBruce Ubukata, pianoSunday, April 26, 2:30 pmWalter Hall, University of Toronto, 80 Queen's ParkTickets: (Student rush seats )Afternoon tea at intermissionTickets: 416.735.7982~ ONTARIO ARTS COUNCILM CON SEIL DES ARTS DE l:ONTARIOwww.aldeburghconnection.orgto ro ntdartsbou n ci IAn arm's length body of the City of TorontoLytton Blvd. 416-488-1156. Freewill offering.Reception follows. Proceeds to GreeningSacred Spaces.- 8:00: Massey Hall & Roy ThomsonHall. Best of Charles Aznavour. The "FrenchFrank Sinatra". Roy Thomson Hall, 60 SimcoeSt. 416-872-4255. -9.Monday April 27- 1 O:OOam: Toronto District SchoolBoard. Panfest: Elementary and SecondarySteel Band Festival. See Apr. 24.- 7:30: Associates of the TSO. Five SmallConcerts: Music for Flute, Viola and Harp.Locatelli: Trio; Shaposhnikov: Sonata for Fluteand Harp; Bax: Elegaic Trio; Prokofiev: Gin·derella Suite; Debussy: Sonata for Flute, Violaand Harp. Julie Ranti, flute; Teng Li; viola;Julie Barnes Spring, harp. Trinty-St.Paul'sCentre, 427 Bloor St. W. 416-485-2717.; (sr/st); O(elementary students).Tuesday April 28- 1 O:OOam: Toronto District SchoolBoard. Panfest: Elementary and SecondarySteel Band Festival. See Apr. 24.- 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Vocal Series: Les Adieux. Operatic arias andensembles. Graduating students of the CDCEnsemble Studio. Richard Bradshaw Amphi·theatre, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231.Free.- 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz at Noon: Jazz Combos. Stu·dent ensembles from the studios of LorneLofsky and Jim Vivian. Martin FamilyLounge, 219 Accolade East Building, YU,4700 Keele St. 416-736-21 DO x22926.Free.ssoc1ates of th~TorontoSymphonyrchestra- 1 :DO: Cathedral Church of St. James.Tuesday Concert Series. Philip Crozier,organ. 65 Church St. 416-364· 7865. Free.- 7:30: Canadian Opera Company. SimonBoccanegra. See Apr 11.- 7:30: Opera Atelier. The Coronation ofPoppea. See Apr. 25.- 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Instrumental Ensembles. Felix GalimirChamber Music Award Concert. Walter Hall,Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen's Park.416-978-3744. Pwyc.- 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. York U Gospel Choir. Karen Burke,director. Tribute Communities Recital Hall,Accolade East, YU, 4700 Keele St. 416· 736-5888. ; (st/sr).- 8:00: Music Gallery. Mountains. Droneduo. Guests: Matthew "Doc" Dunn, Ayal Sen·ior's Spacechurch. Music Gallery, 197 JohnSt. 416-204-1080. ; (sr/st).- 8:00: Show One Entertainment.Vladimir Spivakov: National Philharmonic ofRussia. Liadov: The Enchanted Lake; Rachmaninoff:Piano Concerto No. 1; Tchaikovsky:Romeo and Juliet; Prokofiev: Romeo and JulietSuite (selections). Denis Matsuev, piano. RoyThomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-872-4255.-$149.Wednesday April 29- 10:00am: Toronto District SchoolBoard. Panfest: Elementary and SecondarySteel Band Festival. See Apr. 24.- 12:30: Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch. Noonhour Recital. Jonathan Did·engarm, organ. 1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167. Free.- 7:30: Opera Atelier. The Coronation ofivemallon certsPresentingMusic for flute, Viola and HarpMonday, April 27, 2009, 7:30 pmP. Locatelli - Trio in B majorA.G. Shaposhnikov - Sonata, flute & harpA. Bax - Elegaic TrioS. Prokofiev - Cinderella Suite, viola & harpC. Debussy - Sonata, flute, viola & harpJulie Ranti, fluteTeng Li, violaJulie Barnes Spring, harpTrinity-St. Paul's Centre427 Bloor Street West, TorontoTickets: Reg. ; Sen./Std. ; Elem. Stu For further information call 416-485-2717www .associates-tso.org36 WWW, THEWHOLENOTE.COM APRIL 1 - M AY 7 2009
Poppea. See Apr. 25.- 8:00: Massey Hall & Roy ThomsonHall. Adele. British soul/jazz singer/songwrit·er. Massey Hall, 15 Shuter St. 416-872-4255. .50-.50.- 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Bruckner Symphony No.8. Bach: P.iano ConcertoNo. 1 in d BWV1052; Bruckner: SymphonyNo.8 (1890). Jeremy Denk, piano; Peter Dund·jian, conductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 SimcoeSt. 416-593-4828. -5.Thursday April 30- 1 O:OOam: Toronto District SchoolBoard. Panfest: Elementary and SecondarySteel Band Festival. See Apr. 24.- 10:00am to 8:30pm: York UniversityDepartment of Music. World Music Festi·val. Steve Mancuso's Cuban Music Ensemble;Brian Katz's Klezmer Ensemble; Isaac AkrongMande Drumming Ensemble; Larry Graves'Ghana Drum and Dance Ensemble; Rick Lazar'sEscola de Samba; and others. MartinFamily Lounge, Room 219 and Room 235 Ac·co lade East Building, YU, 4700 Keele St. 416-736-2100 x22926. Free.- 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Jazz Series: Cuba to the Caribbean. Cuban,Brazilian, and Caribbean music including salsa,merengue, timba, and bolero. Latin Jazz En·semble, Ruben Vazquez, director. RichardBradshaw Amphitheatre, 145Queen St. W.416-363-8231 . Free.- 12:00 noon: Massey Hall & Roy Thom·son Hall. Ode to Youth - 12th Annual FreeChoir & Organ Concert. Hamilton Children'sChoir; High Park Choir of Toronto; ShawnGrenke, organ; Zimfira Poloz, conductor. RoyThomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-872-4255.Free.- 1 :30: Women's Musical Club of Toronto.Music in the Afternoon. Schubert: DieSchone Miillerin. Philippe Castagner, tenor;Caren Levine, piano. Walter Hall, EdwardJohnson Building, 80 Queen's Park. 416-923·7052. SOLD OUT (wait list for single tickets).- 2:00: Northern District Library. Orchardviewers:Joan Zarry, piano. 40 OrchardView Blvd. 416-393-7610. Free.- 7:00. Toronto District School Board.20th Anniversary Panfest Concert. Studentgroups, an instructor ensemble, and thePanatics. Bickford Centre, 777 Bloor St.W. Free. 416·394-7251. Free (call for reservations).- 7:30: CDC. la Boheme. See Apr 17.- 8:00: OanceWorks. Harbourfront Next-Steps Series. Jenn Goodwin: Accidents forEvery Occasion; Susie Burpee: Mischance andFair Fortune. Enwave Theatre, 231 QueensQuay W. 416-973-4000. ; (sr/sl).Also May 1 and 2.- 8:00: Massey Hall & Roy ThomsonHall. Diana Krall: Ouiet Nights WorldTour. Jazz vocalist/pianist with 45-pieceorchestra. Massey Hall, 15 Shuter St.416-872-4255. -7. Also May 1.- 8:00: Music Toronto. Tokyo Ouartet.Beethoven: Op.18 Nos. 4, 5 and 6. JaneMallett Theatre, St. Lawrence Centre forthe Arts, 27 Front St. E. 416-366-7723.-; (st; accompanying adult payshalf price); pay your age (18-35).- 8:00: Scarborough Music Theatre.Merrily We Roll Along. Sondheim. MarioD' Alimonte, stage director; Ellen Kestenberg,music director; Collette Carr, choreographer.3600 Kingston Rd. 416·396-4049. ; (sr/st, Thursdays and Sundays only). Also May1, 2, 3, 7 and beyond.- 8:00: Spotlight Musical Productions.A Grand Night for Singing. Fairview LibraryTheatre, 35 Fairview Mall Dr. 416-221-3904. .- 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Bruckner Symphony 8. See Apr. 29.l 5th Anniversary Gala CabaretToronto Botanical Gardens777 Lawrence Ave. E. @ Leslie St. Free Parkingfeaturing Celtic,Canadian, G & S,Musicals and Jazz416-225-2255Friday May 01- 1 O:OOam to 8:30pm: York UniversityDepartment of Music. World Music Festival.Gareth and Lindy Burgess' Caribbean Ensemble;Catherine Wilson's African-AmericanPiano Players; Kim Chow-Morris' ChineseOrchestra; Charles Hong's Korean Drum En·semble, Linda Caplan's Japanese Ensemble;and others. Martin Family Lounge, Room 219and Room 235 Accolade East Building, YU,4700 Keele St. 416-736-2100 x22926. Free.- 7:00: Studio Recital of Derrick Lewis& Meri Dolevski-Lewis. Stars and Planets.Oriole-York Mills United Church, 2609 Bay·view Ave. 647-238-2921 . Free.- 7:30: Oakville Choral Society. Favour·ites from Bach to Broadway. Corinne Lynch,Bernie Lynch and Laura Schatz, soloists; chamberorchestra; J. Bev Stainton, artistic direc·tor; Anne Marie Leonard, accompanist. GlenAbbey United Church, 1469 Nottinghill Gate,Oakville. 905-845-5359. ; O(child).- 7:30: Opera Atelier. The Coronation ofPoppea. See Apr. 25.- 7:30: Organ ix 09. Opening Festival Concert:DameGillian Weir, organ. Works byBach, Scarlatti, Brahms, Hindemith, Mulet,Slonimsky and Mushel. Church of the HolyTrinity, 10 Trinity Sq. 416-241-9785. ;(sr/sl). Inaugural concert of Casavant Opus3095.- 7:30: Oshawa Durham Symphony Dr·chestra. Around the World with Disney.Scores from Disney films, with screenings.Marco Parisotto, conductor. P.C.Ho Theatre,5183 Sheppard Ave. E., Scarborough. 905·579-6711 . ; 5(st).- 7:30: Upper Canada Choristers. Heartof Peace. Jenkins: The Armed Man - A Massfor Peace; Fraser: Heart of Peace; and LatinAmerican songs. With orchestra and videoprojections; guests: Allenby Junior PublicSchool Choir; Cantemos; Laurie Evan Fra·ser, conductor. Grace Church on-the-Hill,300 Lonsdale Rd. 416-256-05 10. ;(advance); free(under 12).- 8:00: All The King's Voices. 15th Anni·versary Gala Cabaret. Celtic, Canadian, G& S , musical theatre and jazz. TorontoBotanical Gardens, 777 Lawrence Ave. E.416-225-2255. . Refreshments, prizesand silent auction.- 8:00: DanceWorks. See Apr 30.- 8:00: Esprit Orchestra. Demon. Harman:Harp Concerto; Ishii: Saidoki; Corigliano: ThreeHallucinations; Schmidt, new music for choraleand orchestra. Erica Goodman, harp;Ryan Scott, percussion; Nathaniel Dell Chorale;Alex Pauk, Brainerd Blyden-Taylor,conductors. Jane Mallett Theatre, 27Front St. E., 416-366-7723. ; (sr);sine nomincMusic for the medieval6iglish mysticsFriday, May 1, at 8 pmSaint Thomas's Church383 Huron StreetTickets /416-638-9445sine.nomine@3web.netOakviffe C fwra[ SocietyCelebrates 30 yearswithMusic Director J. Bev Staintonand his , 5 ,fa\Jounte from : .Bach to BroadwayEnjoy Guest Soloists, Chamber Orchestra,Accompanist Anne Marie Leonardand much more ...O OAl