SECTION 3: jazz in the clubsCONTINUED FROM PAGE 23Financial perils cannot be goodfor fundraisers, making benefactorsall the more treasured. JazzFor Herbie ( is dedicated to granting lifesavingor life-altering surgeries tothe world's children by bringingthem to Toronto's Hospital forSick Children. The 8th annualbenefit will feature venerable vocalistJackie Richardson, eternalhipsters The Shuffle Demons andrising star Laila Biali. The OldMill houses Herbie on April l 8thfrom noon to 3 :OOpm, with singletickets at . If you cannotafford this but still wish to contributeto a good cause, vocalistAmy Noubarian is holding a fundraiserfor The Ride to ConquerCancer at Gate 403 on April26th from 2:00-8:00pm.Ori DaganAlleycatz2409 Yonge St. 416-481-6865www.alleycatz.caEvery Mon Salsa Night with Frank BischunEvery Tue Whitney Smith's "Swing House"Every Wed Jasmine Bailey & Co. Jazz & SoulAnabella Lounge, The (basement of Piccolorestaurant)226 Carlton Street 416-944-37389:30-12:30 CoverEvery Fri Vocalist Melissa Pisarzowski withguitarist Nathan Hiltz.Black Swan, The154 Danforth Ave. 416-469-0537Every Wed The Danforth Jam w/ Jon Long andFriends 9:30pmCastro's Lounge2116 Queen Street East 416-699-8272 NOCOVEREvery Sun Jeremy Rouse Trio (Jazz/Roots) 6-9pmChalkers Pub Billiards & Bistro247 Marlee Avenue, 416-789-2531www.chalkerspub.comEvery 1 st Mon Don Thompson/Reg SchwagerNon etEvery 3rd Mon The Sisters of ShenvilleEvery last Mon Humber College Jazz EnsemblesEvery 1 stand 3rd Tue Toronto FingerstyleGuitar AssociationEvery Wed Girls Night Out Vocalist-FriendlyJazz Jam B:30-12 with host Lisa Particelli (vocals/flute)Peter Hill (p) Ross Macintyre (bJ NormanMarshall Villeneuve (d)Every Thu International Latin Night: Dance Lesson7-9, Band 9-2Every Sat Dinner Jazz 6-9Every Sun Jazz Up Your Sundays 7 -10Chick N' Deli744 Mount Pleasant Rd. 416-489-3363www.chickndeli.comEvery Mon Big Band Night.Every Tue Jam Night.Every Sat Climax Jazz Band 4-1Cobourg, The533 Parliament St. 416-913-7538Jazz Sundays 9PMNO COVERCommensal, Le655 Bay St. 416-596-9364www.commensal.caJazz Fridays 6:30pm -9:30pmNO COVERApr 3 Jonathan Marks & Fabrice Sicco. Apr 10Julie McGregor & Norm Amadio. Apr 17 DarrylOrr & Dan Eisen. Apr 24 Warren Greig & DanEisen.Concord Cate, The937 Bloor Street W 416-532-3989Corktown, The175 Young St. Hamilton 905-572-9242Sets at 8pm and 1 Opm, Coverwww.thecorktownpub.caEvery Wed Jazz@ The Corktown hosted byDarcy HepnerApr 1 TheDarcyHepnerJazzDrchestra. Apr8From NYC: The Nick Marchione Ouintet. Apr 15The Mohawk College Music Program End ofYear Jam.Dave's Gourmet Pizza730 St. Clair Ave. West416-652-2020www.davespizza.caEvery Thu 8-12 Uncle Herb Dale & FriendsDpenMic.Dominion on Queen500 Queen St. East 416-368-6893www.dominiononqueen.comEvery Tue French Gypsy Jazz Jam with hostWayne Nakamura. 8:30pm, pwyc.Every Wed Corktown Ukulele Jam. 8:00Every Thu Dr. Fingers 5:30-7:30Every Sat Bill Colgate with Special Guests, 4-7pm, pwycDrake Hotel, The1150 Queen Street (full calendar)Every Sun 1-4pm Big Rude Jake Brunch.Forte Bistro and Lounge133 Richmond Street West 416-867 -1909www.fortebistro.caEvery Wed Live Jazz 6:30-9:30pmGate403403 Roncesvalles 416-588-2930www.gate403.comNO COVER, Pay What You CanApr 1 Patrick Tevlin's New Orleans Rhythm.Apr 4 Bill Heffernan & Friends. Apr 7 JoshuaGoodman Jazz Band Julian Fauth James Thomson& Tim Hamel Blues Trio. Apr 8 PatrickTevlin's New Orleans Rhythm. Apr 11 Bill Heffernan& Friends. Apr 14 Julian Fauth JamesThomson & Tim Hamel Blues Trio. Apr 15Patrick Tevlin's New Orleans Rhythm. Apr 18Bill Heffernan & Friends. Apr 21 Julian FauthJames Thomson & Tim Hamel Blues Trio. Apr23 Patrick Tevlin's New Orleans Rhythm. Apr25 Bill Heffernan and his Friends. Apr 26 AmyNoubarian Fundraiser for Cancer Society. Apr28 Julian Fauth James Thomson & Tim HamelBlues Trio. Apr 29 Patrick Tevlin's New OrleansRhythm.Grossman's Tavern "Toronto's Home of theBlues"379 Spadina Ave. (complete schedule)"Toronto's Home of the Blues" NO COVEREvery Mon Laura Hubert Band.Every Tue Broken Joe: Jerome Godboo, AlecFraser, Joe Toole.Every Sat Matinee The Happy Pals.Every Sun Nicola Vaughan Acoustic Jam 4-9pm, The Nationals with Brian Cober: DoubleSlide Guitar Open Stage Jam 9:30pm-2am.Harlem Restaurant67 Richmond Street East 416-368-1920www.harlemrestaurant.comNO COVER Jazz Fridays & Saturdays 7:30-11 :00pmHugh's Room "Toronto's home of live Folk andRoots"2261 Dundas Street West (complete music schedule)Joe Mama's317 King StreetWest416-340-6469Live music every night, specializing in Motownand Rhythm & BluesEvery Sun Bernie Senensky Organ Trio withNathan Hiltz & Sly Juhas.Latinada1671 Bloor Street West 416-913-9716www.latinada.comLive Music Wednesday to SundayLula Lounge1585 Dundas West (complete schedule)Manhattan's Music Club951 Gordon St., Guelph. 519-767-2440www.manhattans.caMezzetta Middle Eastern Restaurant681 St. Clair Ave. W. 416-658-5687www.mezzettarestaurant.comEvery Wed Jazz Series: sets at 9:00 and10:15. Cover -10Apr 1 Don Thompson & Reg Schwager. Apr 8Louis Simao & Bill Mc Birnie. Apr 15 Lorne Lofsky& Kieran Overs. Apr 22 Mike Murley &David Occhipinti. Apr 29 Ted Guin/an & MikeDownes.Momo's Bistro664 The Queensway, Etobicoke 416-252-5560www.momosbistro.comN' Awlins Jazz Bar and Dining299 King St. W. 416-595-1958www.nawlins.caEvery Mon Terry Logan.Every Tue Stacie McGregor.Every Wed Jim Heineman Trio.Every Thu Blues Night with Guest Vocalists.Every Fri/Sat All Star Bourbon St. Band.Every Sun Terry Logan.Old Mill, TheHome Smith Bar & Grill, 21 Old Mill Rd. 416-236-2641www.oldmilltoronto.comRon Davis & Friends Fridays & Saturdays 8-11 pm, Cover Charge .Apr3Ron0avis Trio. Apr4RonDavis Trio. Apr11 Thompson Egbo Egbo Trio. Apr 12 ThompsonEgbo Egbo Trio. Apr 17 Tara Davidson Duo. Apr18 Tara Davidson Duo. Apr 24 Julie MichelsDuo. Apr 25 Julie Michels Duo.Pantages Martini Bar and Lounge200 Victoria St. 416-362-1777Every Fri Robert Scott.Every Sat Solo Piano: Various artists.Pilot Tavern, The22 Cumberland 416-923-5716www.thepilot.caJazz Saturdays 3:30- 6:30NO COVER46 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COMPress Club, The850 Dundas St. W. 416-364-7183www.thepressclub.caEvery Tue Open JamEvery Second Wed Jazz Jam hosted by trombonistRJ Satchithananthan.Quotes220 King Street West 416-979-7697"Fridays at Five" with Canadian Jazz Quartet:Gary Benson on guitar, Frank Wright on vibes,Duncan Hopkins on bass, musical director DonVickery on drums plus and featured guest:Apr 3 Birgham Phillips. Apr 17 Russ Little. Apr24 Dave McMurdo & Mike Malone.Reservoir Lounge, The52 Wellington St. E. 416-955-0887www.reservoirlounge.comEvery Mon Sophia Perlman and the Vipers.Every Tue Tyler Yarema and his Rhythm.Every Wed Bradley and the Bouncers.Every Thu Janice Hagen.Every Fri Big Rude Jake 's Swingin 'Sextet.Every Sat Tory Cassis.Every Sun Luke Nicholson and the Sunday NightService.Rex Hotel Jazz and Blues Bar, The194 Queen St. W. 416-598-2475www.therex.caApr 1 Jake Wilkinson. Apr 2 The Maisies. Apr3 Hogtown Syncopators, Richard Whiteman Trio.Apr 4 Lester Mclean Trio. Apr 7 Classic RexJazz Jam hosted by the Worst Pop Band Ever.Apr 8 Jake Wilkinson, Madeline Forster. Apr 9The Maisies. Apr 10 Hogtown Syncopators,Richard Whiteman Trio, Kol/age. Apr 11 Abbey'sMeltdown, Lester Mclean Trio. Apr 12 ExcelsiorDixieland Jazzband. Apr 14 Classic RexJazz Jam hosted by the Worst Pop Band Ever.Apr 15 Jake Wilkinson. Apr 16 The Maisies.Apr 17 Hogtown Syncopators, Richard Whiteman.Apr 18 Abbey's Meltdown, Lester McleanTrio. Apr 19 Excelsior Dixieland Jazzband. Apr21 Classic Rex Jazz Jam hosted by the WorstPop Band Ever. Apr 22 Jake Wilkinson. Apr 23The Maisies. Apr 24 Hogtown Syncopators,Richard Whiteman Trio. Apr 25 Abbey's Mehdown.Apr 26 Excelsior Dixieland Jazz. Apr 28Classic Rex Jazz Jam hosted by the Worst PopBand Ever. Apr 29 Jake Wilkinson. Apr 30 TheMaisies.Saint Tropez, Le315 King St. W. 416-591-3600Live piano jazz 7 days a weekwww.lesainttropez.comSpezzo Restorante140 York Blvd. Richmond Hill 905-886-9703Live jazz Every Saturday.www.spezzo.comStatlers Piano Lounge487 Church Street 416-962-1209www.statlersonchurch.comMAIN FLOOR: NO COVEREvery Mon Curtains Down Cabaret Open Micwith Jenni Burke & Michael BarberEvery Tue A Gathering with a Goddess.Every Thu Open Mic with Anne-Marie Leonard.Every Fri/Sat Live Vocal Jazz (see Calendar onwebsite)Every Sun Musical Brunch with Julie Michels1-4pmHappening nightly in the Polar Ice Lounge 2ndFloor of Statlers: UPSTAIRS CABARET: LIMITED SEA TING, Cover Charge + minimumCalendar available on website. Most Shows 60-75 minutes starting at Bpm. Reservations onlineat or by phone at416-962-1209Stone Grill, The51 B Winchester 416-967 -6565www.stonegrillonwinchester.comAPRIL 1 - MAY 7 2009
Every Sun Jazz Brunch 12-3 with Archie Alleyne,Robi Botos, Artie Roth and Special GuestsTen Feet Tall1381 Danforth Avenue, 416-778-7333www.tenfeettall.caFirst Saturday of each month Live R&B 9pmSunday Jazz Matinee 3:30-6:30ND COVERApr 5 Henry Heil!ig Trio. Apr 19 Steve KovenTrio. Apr 26 Shannon Butcher.Tequila Bookworm512 Queen Street West 416-603-7335Modem/Experimental Jazz Monday, Thursday,Saturday at 9pm, PWYCApr 2 Dave Rubel Ouartet. Apr 4 Jon FeldmanEnsemble. Apr 6 Abbot/Oadge & Friends. Apr 8Convergence Ouartet. Apr 11 Oren NeimanOuartet from NYC. Apr 13 Arkana Music. Apr16 The Rent plays the music of Steve Lacy. Apr18 Remnants Trio. Apr 20 Liu/Ng/Ryan/Ward.Apr 23 Taesung Yu's Ouintet. Apr 25 Nick Mor·gan Trio. Apr 27 See Through Trio. Apr 30 AlexGoodman Ensemble.Trane Studio964 Bathurst St. (complete listings)'The Piano Series" April 1-11Tranzac292 Brunswick Ave. 416-923-8137www.tranzac.orgLive music every night, various styles: more details/listingsat www.tranzac.orgEvery Sat Jamzac Open Acoustic Jam JpmEvery Sun Tania Gill 5pmEvery Mon Open Mic Music Nights with GuestHosts, IOpmEvery Mon Angela Bower: Christine Bougie andDafydd Hughes lpmEvery Tue St. Dirt Elementary School 7:3DpmEvery Fri The Foolish Things, 5pmZemra Bar & Lounge778 St. Clair Ave. W 416-651-3123www.zemrabarlounge.comEvery Wed Dpen Mic and JamEvery Thu Live Music with Peppe & FriendsEvery Fri Live Music FridaysNote: due to space limitations these listings are abridged. For full dailyjazz details visit 4: announcements,masterclasses, etceteraANNOUNCEMENTS* April 4 6:30: Toronto Operetta Theatre. AMusica/JourneyontheBlueDanube. TOT's 14thannual fundraising dinner, concert & dance party.Join us for a champagne reception, 3-course dinner,silent auction, concert featuring TOT stars,and dancing to Jossy and his Orchestra. GrandBallroom, Toronto Marriott Downtown EatonCentre. 416-922-2912. 5 (income tax receiptissued).* April 4 7:30-10:30: Echo Womens' Choir.Ceilidh. Come and join in our take on an old fashionedceilidh (kitchen party), including fiddlers,singers, storytellers, and dancers. Learn your ownceilidh dance and to play the spoons. Participate inHymm:ti!fSouthern Ontario ChapterLike to W ri te Hymns?Tune Writer?Jo in d m 1n,1n!- 1,1ry Lol1i,;,c Brrn!,.: lc• .,..;,! red Cr,1h ,1111..., 11•\ I K ttllll'wri ter:5, lif..:l' )'OlH"Clt nil 30 ,V1,1y 2009.Sh.1re } ULlr IL''.org for iull cll't.iils."Wfi'en "!i;od :lJoes a~W' Jliin_y ...S.11urd.1\•, May :m. :J[l(Jg .11 1·111111,11111,·I Cn11 P:~P,·1:1 f)t11'l'n', 1'.111.. C rr·,, t·nt, l111u n1u , ( Jnt,Hi(1Kl•l rl'-