... SECTION 4:... etcetera• April 15 7:30: Toronto Shapenote Sing·ing from Sacred Harp. Beginners welcome. Mu·sic Room, Bloor Street United Church, 300 BloorSt. W. (at Huron). 416-922-7997 orpleasancecrawford@rogers.com• April 17 7:15· 1 Opm: Recorder Players'Society. Recorder and/or other early instrumentplayers are invited to participate in small, infor·mal groups (uncoached) to play Renaissance andBaroque music. Church of the Transfiguration,111 Manor Rd. East. 416-694-9266. O(members),(non-members).• April 18 10:30am · 1 :DO: Toronto Men·delssohn Choir. Singsation Saturday: OperaChoruses both New and Familiar. Presented bySandra Horst, Chorus Master of the CDC Chorusand Head Coach/Conductor and Chorus Director,U ofT. Cameron Hall; YorkminsterPark BaptistChurch, 1585 Yonge St. Pre-register: 416-598·0422 x24. including refreshments.*April 19 2:00: CAMMAC, Toronto Region.Singers are invited to participate in a reading ofmusic by Healey Willan, directed by Roger Prid·die. With piano accompaniment; music provided.Elliott Hall, Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 YongeSt. 416-421-0779. O (non-members); studentsfree.* April 25 1 :30-4:00: CAMMAC. Winds andBrass Workshop. Helping players focus on sightreadingand perfonnances skills such as dynam·ics, articulation, balance and blend, in an engaginghands-on learning experience. Led by Fran Harvey.All woodwind, brass and percussion players arewelcome. Northern District Library, 40 OrchardView Blvd.416-421-0779. (members); (non-members); group fee.* April 26 1 :00-5:00: Recorder PlayersSociety. Spring Workshop. Led by Joelle Mor·ton. Church of the Transfiguration, 111 ManorRd. East. 416-694-9266. (members);(non-members).*April 27 7:30: Toronto Early Music Cen·tre. Vocal Circle. Recreational reading of earlychoral music. Ability to read music is desirablebut not essential. For more information: 416-920·5025. (non-members), members free.• April 28 8:00: Toronto Folk Singers'Club. An informal group that meets for the pur·pose of perfonnance & exchange of songs. Audiencesare welcome. T ranzac Club, 292 Bruns·wick Ave. 416-532-0900.*May 2 9:00am-11:30am: Robert Lowrey'sPiano Experts/Rodgers Canada. OrganWorkshop: Accompanying at the Organ. Led byWilliam Maddox. Focusing on methods of adapt·ing piano accompaniments to the organ, & how todeal with accompaniments which have been tak·en from orchestral sources. 943 Eglinton AveEast. RSVP required: 416-423-0434, 1-888·569-7397. Free.*May 31:30-4:00: Toronto Early MusicPlayers Organization. Promoting lmprovisa·tion. Workshop with Elin Soderstrom, viola dagamba perfonner. Bring your viols, recorders andstand; music available at the door. Lansing UnitedChurch, 49 Bogert Ave. 705-653-5480, 416-537.3733. .50INSTRUCTIONCONCERT PIANIST EVE EGOYAN(www.eveegoyan.com) offers lessons tocommitted musicians - advanced playersas well as returning adults(emu@interlog.com or 416-894-6344).FLUTE, PIANO, THEORY LESSONS.RCM exam preparation. Samantha Chang,Royal Academy of Music PGDip, LRAM,ARCT. 416-293-1302,samantha.studio@gmail.comwww.samanthaflute.comJAZZ PIANO LESSONS FORADULTS ... working or retired. Playstandards without sheet music. Swing, blues,boogie, stride, gospel, classical. Feel and understandchord progressions. Private lessons.Royal York and Bloor. Enjoy a carefullyplanned, results-oriented program.Matt Pines 416-234-5500.MARILYN LERNER is currently acceptinga limited number of advanced piano studentsfor lessons in jazz and improvisationaltechnique. Downtown location.lerner@rogers.com416-944-2557.PIANO LESSONS: All ages, styles - beginner,classical, jazz, pop, RCM exams. Feelthe joy of making music! Peter Ness, ARCT.416-767-9747.PRIVATE VOICE LESSONS - Allages, vartous styles. Beginner/intermediatelevels for classical, pop, country. Sing for funor prepare for an audition - Express yourselfthrough song I Melissa De Cloet MMus. 416-591-1695 or melissa _de_ cloet@hotmail.comTHEORY, SIGHT-SINGING, EARTRAINING LESSONS: All grades, RCMexam prep (rudiments, harmony, history,counterpoint). Learning can be fun and easy'Peter Ness, ARCT. 416-767-9747.TROMBONE LESSONS with experiencedprolessional (instructor at Humber College).All "levels, all styles, ANYTHING you want toknow! Improvement guaranteed.Colin Murray 416-859-1406trombonelessons@sympatico.cawww.mrequipment.ca/lessonsMISCELLANEOUSARE YOU PLANNING A CONCERT orrecital? Looking for a venue? Consider BloorStreet United Church. Phone: 416-924-7439x22 Email: tina@bloorstreetunited.orgPIANO FOR SALE1977 Baldwin L 6'3" grandExcellent shapePerfect soundboardNew German hammersAll new stringsIncludes adj. bench andhumidification systemNew K; Price: K firmPhone George at 416-535-0013or 416-998-5854CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGMUSICIANS AVAILABLE SERVICESBARD - EARLY MUSIC DUO playing re- ACCOUNTING AND INCOME TAXcorder and virginal available to provide back- SERVICE for small business and individugroundatmosphere for teas, receptions or other als, to save you time and money, customizedfunctions - greater Toronto area. For rates and to meet your needs. Norm Pulker, B. Math.info call 905-722-5618 or email us at CMA. 905-251-0309or905-830-2985.mhpape@interhop.netMUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS! Smallensembles, Dance Band, Big Band; CocktailHour, Dinner music, Concerts, Shows; Classical,Contemporary, Dixieland, Traditional andSmooth Jazz! JSL Musical Productions 905-276-3373.MUSICIANSWANTEDACCOMPANIST. The Scarborough BelCanto Choir (belcantochoir.com) requires anaccompanist beginning this September. Rehearsalsare Tuesday evenings from 7:00pmto I0:30pm near Warden and Kingston Road.Remuneration: per rehearsal. Interestedpianists please email brief resume todsramsay@rogers.com.MAY 30th PLAY IN CounterpointCommunity Orchestra 's 25th anniversarygala - Beethoven's 9th Symphony.Strings especially needed. Rehearsals,Monday evenings. Contact Music DirectorTerry Kowalczuk ( 416-658-5359) or writeto info@ccorchestra.org.MUSICIANS & VOCALISTSWANTED for charitable fundraisingprojects. Violins I Saxophones I TrumpetsI Trombones I Guitar I Piano I Bass IDrums www.sheratoncadwell.comPhone 416- 712-2555.MississaugaTerms of Employment: ContractSalary: To be negotiatedStart Date: September I, 2009Please send resume to:Search CommitteeSt. Mark's Presbyterian Church7366 Darcel Avenue, MississaugaON, L4T 3W6Email: dmdouglas@sympatico.caClosing Date: Friday May 15, 20090A /11.QlJQSOCDs Vinyl Records DVDsCLASSICAL OPERA JAZZ.WORLD BLUES ::t:? & s AUDIOPHILE::t:?Oe"J: SOUNDTRACK COLLECTABLESWe pay top $$$ for yourCLASSICAL & JAZ.Z COLLECTIONS4 St. Patrick (at Queen near Osgoode station)www. amorosomusic.com 416-591-1313The PERFORMING EDGE Performanceenhancement training in tension management,concentration, goal setting, imagery.Individualized to meet your performance situation.Kate F. Hays, practising clinical andperforming arts psychology. 416-961-0487,www.theperformingedge.comPUBLISH-ON-DEMAND: BIT STUDIO. Written some music? A book? Want tosell on-line? Need a URL? A storefront? Aprofile? Self-publishing? www.BITstudio.caZEN SHIATSU''Balance and wellbeingfor every performance"Paulina Derbezprofessional violinist &licenced Shiatsu therapistRosemont Healing Arts416 Spadina Road, TorontoFor appointments call647 8015821The EtobicokePhilharmonic Orchestrainvitesapplications forMV~IC DIRECTORWith nearly 50 yearsof history and as theonly symphony orchestrain West Toronto, the~rtistic leadership of theEtobicoke PhilharmonicOrchestra offerstremendous potential.For details, visitwww. eporchestra. ea("Conductor Search")Application deadline:April 24, 2009WWW. TH EW HOLE NOTE.COM APRIL 1 - M AY 7 2009
MUSICAL LIFE:WE ARE AllMusic's CHILDRENby mJ BuellAPRIL's Child ...Don't be fooled by those daintyfingers at rest. They were alreadyplaying the Haydn Concerto withthe Royal ConservatoryOrchestra. Studying at Juilliard,she played her Town Hall debutin NYC at 14, after sharing first prize in the High Schoolof the Performing Arts Concerto Competition with MurrayPerahia; and then impressing the likes of composersKarlheinz Stockhausen, Gyorgy Ligeti and Pierre Boulez.(photo: circa 1958, taken in Ottawa.)Think you know who APRIL's child is?Send your best guess tomusicschildren@thewholenote.com(please provide your mailing address, just in case yourname is drawn!)Winners will be selected by random draw among correctreplies received by April 15 2009.Congratulations to our MARCH winners!TICKETS! for Karen Wiseman to hear NEXUS (Sun Apr05 , 7:30pm) at The Glenn Gould Studio: world premieres ofworks by Eric Ewazen and marimba virtuoso Gordon Stout,new arrangements for keyboard percussion of John Cage' senigmatic Chess Pieces, and Arvo Part's haunting Spiegel imSpiegel.CDS! for Melania Varjabed and Monika DelmosDrumtalker: two major works for percussion quintet: TheInvisible Proverb (Hartenberger) and Percussion SonataNumber 2 (Schickele); four medleys of famous popular songsfrom the 1920s, arranged by xylophone virtuoso Bob Becker.Wings: the 15th CD on the group' s own 'NEXUS' label;arrangements by NEXUS members of popular songs bydistinguished Japanese composer, Toru Takemitsu, a friendand mentor to NEXUS from the late 1960s until his death in1996; original compositions by NEXUS members.Music's Children gratefully acknowledges Colin Eatock,Bonnie Scheckter, NEXUS (www.nexuspercussion.com)and Linda Litwack.MARCH's CHILD ........ was Russell Hartenberger: amember of the percussionensemble NEXUS, also the SteveReich Ensemble. He is aprofessor of percussion, theChair of Graduate Education,and the Dean (since October2007) of University of Toronto'sFaculty of Music.A Musical RideSeated together on a bus, if Iasked you what work you do, whatwould you say?I get this question going throughthe customs line at the airport. Itell them I'm a musician, and ifthey inquire further, I tell them Iplay drums or percussion. Thatresponse has often led to a longdiscussion with the customs agentabout their favourite drummers.Earliest musical memory?.. . helping my Dad ring the bell inthe church steeple in our smalltown. My Dad would lift me up tohold onto the rope and let the ropepull me up and down as thechurch bell rang.Music in your family?In your early life?My Mother played the churchorgan and taught piano every dayafter school and all day onSaturdays. A stickler forrhythmic precision with herstudents - she had them play witha metronome regularly, andcounted out loud as they played .Dad stopped playing trumpetwhen I was young, but wouldoccasionally pull out his horn, gothrough the intriguing process oflubricating the valves, and playthe high school fight song. Onesister directed church and"Subdivide and conquer!" the key to playing musicwith accurate rhythm and a good sense of time iskeeping a rhythmic grid going on in your head andorganizing the sounds you make in that grid.community choirs, and my other sisterplayed the clarinet in school bands.My sister and I used to make up a pianopiece we called "Thunder and Lightning".One of us would play chord clusters in thebass register while the other would playcrashes of sound in the high register.I was also the mascot for the local highschool band and attended many of theirrehearsals, especially during marchingband season.My wife, who is a visual artist, playsthe cello, piano, and recorder. My twodaughters sing in choirs and playinstruments. Neither is pursuing a career inmusic, although they are both extremelytalented musicians.First instrument? Ambitions?My first real instrument was the snaredrum, which I began playing in the Grade6 school band. I had a wonderfulpercussion teacher named Alan Abel whenI began taking lessons at age eleven.Hooked on percussion I aspired to followin Mr. Abel's footsteps. Prior to my snaredrum days, I wanted to be a secondbaseman.Anything you would say to the youngperson in that childhood photo?You'll never in your wildest dreamsimagine the wonderful life you have instore for you!index of advertisersACADEMY CONCERT SERIES 35 CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK JAZZ VESPERS 22 HYMN Soc1ETY47 ORCHESTRAS MISSISSAUGA 31 SYRINX CONCERTS 40ALOEBURGH CONNECTION 36 CHRISTINA PETROWSKA OUILICO 18 JAZZ @ROYAL YORK 22 0RGANIX 10 T AFELMU~K 64ALEXANDER SINGERS ANO PLAYERS 40 CHURCH OF ST. MARY MAGDALENE 27 JOHN LAING SINGERS 45 ORPHEUS CHOIR 42 T ALISKER PLAYERS 41ALICIER ARTS 39 CHURCH OF THE MESSIAH 40 JUBILATE SINGERS47 OXFORD CHURCH Music 52 TALLIS CHOIR 42ALL SAINTS' KINGSWAY ANGLICAN 29,32 CLASSICAL 96.3FM 63 KINDRED SPIRITS ORCHESTRA 47 PASQUALE BROS. 49 TIMOTHY EATON MEMORIAL CHURCH 41ALL THE KING'S VOICES 37 CosMo Music 24 KITCHENER WATERLOO CHAMBER 0RCHESTRA45 PAX CHRISTI 35 TORONTO ALL-STAR Bm BAND 23AMADEUS CHOIR 27,38 DMITRI LEVKOVICH 33 LES AMIS 30 PETER MAHON 16 ToRONTO BEACH CHORALE 29AMICI 26,42 EGLINTON Sr. GEORGE'S UNITED CHURCH 41 LONG & Mc0UAOE 23,48 PHILHARMONIC Music LTD. 49 TORONTO CHILDREN'S CHORUS 38AMOROSO 50 ELMER ISELER SINGERS 30 MASON ANO HAMLIN 11 PLATINUM CONCERTS INT°L 34,44,45 ToRONTO CLASSICAL SINGERS 40ANALEKTA 9 ENSEMBLE T RYPTYCH 28 M1s~SSAUGA CHORAL SOCIETY 39 RCM CONSERVATORY SCHOOL 21 TORONTO LATVIAN CONCERT ASSOCIATION 32ANNEX SINGERS 35 ESPRIT ORCHESTRA 4 Music AT METROPOLITAN 29 RCM GLENN GOULD SCHOOL 15 ToRONTO MASQUE THEATRE 34ARAOIA 31 ETOBICOKE Music FESTIVAL 39 Music GALLERY 25 REACHING Our THROUGH Music 42 TORONTO MENDELSSOHN CHOIR 16ARMOUR HEIGHTS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 29 ETOBICOKE PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA 50 Music TORONTO 7, 13,26,28,37 REMENYI 14 ToRONTO 0PEREnA THEATRE 61ASSOCIATES OF THE TSO 36 EYBLER 0UARTET 28 MUSICIANS IN ORDINARY 38 ScARBOROlEH G1UlcRT & Su.LNAN Socm 30 TORONTO SINFONIETTA 48ATMA 5 GEORGE HEINL 17 NEW Music CONCERTS 18,31,33 SHOW ONE PRODUCTIONS 19 ToRONTO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 2,3BACH CHILDREN'S CHORUS41 GEORGE STIMPSON· PIANO FOR SALE 50 NORTH YORK CONCERT ORCHESTRA 31 SINE NDMINE 37 VIA SALZBURG 34BLOOR CINEMA 60 GEORGETOWN BACH CHORALE 43 0AKHAM HOUSE CHOIR 38 SINFONIA foRONTO 19,26 VIVA! YouTH S1NGERS 17CANADIAN OPERA COMPANY 61 GRACE CHURCH ON THE HILL 33 0AKVILLE CHORAL SOCIETY 37 SouNo Posr 20 WALLY HAUPT TRAVEL MARKETING ING. 48CANADIAN SINFONIETTA 28 HARKNETT Mu~CAL SERVICES 23 OFF CENTRE Music SALON 39 ST MICHAEL'S CHOIR SCHOOL 17 WENDY LIMBERTIE 49CAN CLONE SERVICES 49 HELICONIAN HALL 52 OPERA ATELIER 12 Sr. CLEMENT's ANGLICAN CHURCH 32 W1NOERMERE 0UARTET 22CATHEDRAL BLUFFS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 27 HIGH PARK CHOIRS48 OPERA BY RrnuEsT 16 ST. MARK'S PRESBYTERIAN 50 WOMEN'S MUSICAL CLUB 20CHAMBER Music SOCIETY OF MISSISSAUGA 35 HUMBERCREST UNITED CHURCH 29 OPERA-IS 60 STEPHEN SATO RY 35 ZEN SHIATSU THERAPY 50APRIL 1 - M AY 7 2009 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM 51