9 years ago

Volume 14 - Issue 7 - April 2009

FOR OPENERS' When is a

FOR OPENERS' When is a ploy not a ploy?A word of reassurance or condolence,depending on your musical proclivities.Calling April "opera month", asChris Hoile does this month (page 11),doesn't mean every other musicalgenre vanishes from the scene. Butit's an interesting intellectual exercise,applying a particular thematic lens to~ .t!ml'.II our monthly snapshot of the musicallandscape. If April were an opera~ -~~-- festival in Southern Ontario, look at allthe stuff that would qualify for the brochure!Another example of this: I remember going to a very early meetingof an informal group that was to evolve into the Coalition ofNew Music Presenters of Toronto. It was around the time the TSOwas abandoning its stewardship of the annual November MasseyHall New Music Festival. "Well, just take what's going on in newmusic in November and call it a festival" was my cheerful suggestion(not particularly well received at the time). A marketing ploy,someone called it. Ploys can be good, if they get you seeing thingsafresh . So, opera month it is. WholeNote says so.Speaking of festivals ...The first half of June used to be a time when concert presenterscould plan big - even pull together a festival of one kind or another.But not any more. LuminaTO, as we all know now, effectivelyowns every last iota of mainstream media attention for the first twoweeks of June. You'd no more hold a competing event during thattime than climb a beanstalk to rob a giant's castle.Mind you, the end of June gets pretty crazy too, with the TDCanada Trust Jazz festival kicking in. Although it must be said theJune/July jazz giant is a bit more affable in terms of letting what wasgoing on anyway shelter under its umbrella.So what does WholeNote go and do? We go ahead and plan aBIG EVENT for June 24th, right between the two giants. "Moviesembracing music" is our title and, this time, choral music is ourtheme. Jack Buell explains (Choral Scene, page 16). So write itdown! June 24, Bloor Cinema, 6.30pm to 1:00am.The canaries are coming!Speaking of choral music, the merry month of May is to the choralscene what April is to opera. Choirs across southern Ontario holdmore concerts in May than any other month of the year. Choristersand would-be choristers start to think ahead to where they want tobe in the fall. And choirs in their hundreds flock to WholeNote'sCanary Pages, our annual directory of who's who in the SouthernOntario choral world. If your choir didn't get a reminder, bettermove fast! Directory listings are due Tuesday, April 14. ContactKaren Ages in our membership department for info (see contact infobelow).Full circlesIt's nice to see Sonic Mosaics by Paul Steenhuisen reviewed inBookShelf this month (page 52). As noted in the review, a lot of thecomposer interviews in the book were incubated here in WholeNoteover the years. The debt we owe Steenhuisen is that he carved aniche in our magazine for lengthy interviews, in which the voice ofan artist being asked good questions has a chance to shine through.(This month's cover story is a good example of that.)But the issue of assigning space in a print magazine these days isno small thing, as most of you will be aware. Every month one oranother aspect of what we usually do gets pinched or squeezed.This month is no exception, as I explain further on page 24.David Perlman, editoreditorial@thewholenote. cornwholenote~Main Telephone: 416-323-2232Fax 416-603-4791THE TORONTO CONCERT-GOER'S GUIDEVolume 14 #7, April 1 - May 7, 2009Copyright© 2009 WholeNote Media, Inc.720 Bathurst St, Suite 503, Toronto ON M5S 2R4Thanks to this month's contributorsBeat by Beat:Books - Pamela MarglesChamber - Allan PulkerChoral - mJ buellEarly - Frank NakashimaJazz - Jim Galloway, Ori DaganMusical Life - mJ buellNew Music - Jason van EykOrchestra and Band - Jack MacQuarrieOpera and Music Theatre - Christopher HaileWorld - Karen AgesFeatures: Pamela Margles, Colin EatockCD Reviewers: Tim Buell, Colin Eatock, OriDagan, Daniel Foley, Jim Galloway, John S. Gray,Janos Gardonyi, Richard Haskell, Tiina Kiik,Pamela Margles, Alison Melville, Allan Pulker,Terry Robbins, Robert W. Stevenson, BruceSurtees, Ken Waxman, Dianne WellsPhoto and Editorial research: Nick TortiProofreading: Simone Desilets, David PerlmanListings: Col in Eatock, Richard Haskell, FelixDeak, Ori DaganLayout and design: Verity Graphics,Rocket Design (cover)6Switchboard and General Inquiries: Extension 21Publisher: Allan Pulker - publisher@thewholenote.comEditor: David Perlman - editorial@thewholenote.comEditorial assistant: Nick Torti -wmieditor@thewholenote.comCD Editor: David Olds -discoveries@thewholenote.comEvent advertising/membership :Karen Ages - members@thewholenote.comProduction liaison/retail &educational advertising:Jack Buell - adart@thewholenote.comClassified Advertising; Announcements, Etc:Simone Desilets - classad@thewholenote.comListings department:Colin Eatock - listings@thewholenote.comJazz Listings:Ori Dagan - jazz@thewholenote.comWebsite:Bryson Winchester - systems@thewholenote.comCirculation, Display Stands & Subscriptions:Chris Malcolm - circulation@thewholenote.comProduction Management:Peter Hobbs, production@thewholenote.comWWW.THEWHOLENOTE,COMUPCOMING DATES AND DEADLINESNext issue is Volume 14 #8covering May 1 - June 7, 2009Free Event Listings Deadline:6pm Wednesday April 15Display Ad Reservations Deadline:6pm Wednesday April 15Advertising Materials Due:6pm Friday April 17Publication Date:Thursday April 30WholeNote Media Inc. accepts no responsibility orliability for claims made for any product or servicereported on or advertised in this issue.Circulation Statement,March 2009: 30,000 printed and distributedPrinted in Canada byCouto Printing and Publishing ServicesCanadian Publication Product Sales Agreement1263846ISSN 14888-8785 WHOLENOTEPublications Mail Agreement #40026682Return undeliverable Canadianaddresses to:WholeNote Media Inc.503-720 Bathurst StreetToronto ON M5S 2R4www.thewholenote.comAPRIL 1 MAY 7 2009

QUARTETS 3, 9'·~·.·. i'. , ~~I .1:...I:-. ,I-TAKA.CSQUARTETTh. Oct. 15TOKYOQUARTETTh. Jan. 21GRYPHON TRIOwith Valdine Anderson,sopranoTh. Nov. 5ST. LAWRENCEQUARTETTh. Feb.25ARDITTI QUARTETwith Louise Bessette,pianistTh. Nov. 26HUGO WOLFQUARTETTTh. Mar. 11YING QUARTETTh. Dec. 10TOKYOQUARTETTh. Apr. 8DISCOVERY (Family Package Subscription )Rachel Mercer,cellist, withMinsoo Sohn, pianistTh. Jan.14THE SCHUMANNLETTERSTh. Feb.4Susan Gilmour Bailey, sopranowith Michael Kim, pianist,and Colin Fox, narratorRachelKiyoIwaasa,pianistTh. Mar. 18PIANO 5, 0ARNALDO COHENTu. Nov. 10SIMON TRPCESKITu. Oct. 27JOHN O'CONORTu. Jan. 26URSULA OPPENSTu. Mar. 2STEPHANELEMELINTu. Mar. 23CONTEMPORARYCLASSICS , URSULA OPPENSTu. Mar. 2ARDITTIQUARTETwith Louise Bessette,pianistTh. Nov. 26RACHELKIYO IWAASA,pianist______ Th. Mar. 18Full season of 16 concerts 6, 7Other combinations availableat Jane Mallett Theatre 416-366-1123 - 1-800-108-6754 order online at www.stlc.comSt. LAWRENCE CENTRE rn~ ARTSt o ro ntdartsbounc11An arm's lenglhbodyol theC,tyolTorontoJlA. ONTARIO ARTS COUN CILM (ONSEI L OES ARTS OEL'ONTARIOI ..t.l Ca~adian Patri m.oi ne"""I"'" Heritage ca nadien

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