Another opportunity was presented when I received an invitationto attend the final concert of the season of the Toronto TheatreOrgan Society (TTOS). This great four manual Wurlitzer organ wasoriginally installed in Shea’s Theatre on Queen Street in the daysof silent movies and vaudeville. With the demolition of Shea’s, theorgan was relocated to Maple Leaf Gardens. When Harold Ballardrealized that he could install a few more seats in the Gardens ifthe organ were to go, the organ was removed and in grave danger.Fortunately it was rescued, restored and given a good home at CasaLoma. Under the skilled guidance of guest organist David Peckhamwe were treated to the many voices and moods of a great theatreorgan. While there are many recordings available of theatre organmusic, no recording can capture the sensations of experiencingsuch an instrument in a liveperformance.So where does this leaveme in my quest for new horizonsthis summer? In playingthe trombone, the fingersare rarely challenged to participatein the performance.So perhaps I should considerexploring the performanceintricacies of an instrumentthat presents challenges tothe fingers. While the adjacent photo might suggest that I intend totake up the theatre organ as my summertime revitalization project, Ifind that it might be a bit difficult accommodating such an instrumentat home. I will have to direct my performance intentions in someother direction.The bassoon might be suitable choice. Its performance requirements,including finger and thumb demands, are sufficiently differentfrom anything I normally deal with to present me with a suitablechallenge. As for the theatre organ, I have made a firm resolve fornext fall to attend some of next season’s programmes and experiencethe myriad musical nuances that only that instrument can provide.I can highly recommend it. Why not join me? Information on theToronto Theatre Organ Society is available at write to us: bandstand@thewholenote.combeat by beat: in the clubsSingers as MusiciansBy Ori DaganThis month I write of two singers who have little in common but areboth well-worth seeing and hearing. The first is a resident musicianof Toronto, the second a visitor from Turin, Italy.Laura Hubert is an artist deservingof wider recognition, so it’s nice to seethat she has three gigs at this year’sToronto Downtown Jazz Festival.Formerly a founding member of Junowinningrock act the Leslie Spit Treeo,Hubert’s powerful voice has a chameleonicquality. Her palette is rich withcolours and shades: whether the songis sweet, bitter, saucy or dry, eachinterpretation is both artful and tasty.And then there are the songs themselves.Be it blues, western swing,torch song or novelty, Hubert fashionseach with a style all her own. Supportedby some of Toronto’s premiumjazz musicians including musical directorPeter Hill on piano, a night withthe Laura Hubert Band is your best betfor entertainment. On June 22 the bandcelebrates Laura’s birthday and marksthe end of a 10-year Monday nightstand at Grossman’s Tavern, but willbe moving to a new location for July.For gig listings visit, song samples at (above),and GambariniRoberta Gambarini is one of the most celebrated jazz singerstoday. She sings in a manner reminiscent of late jazz royalty, particularlyechoing the supple tone, flawless intonation and adventurousphrasing of Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughan and Carmen McRae,respectively. Born in Turin, she started out as a clarinet player andswitched over to voice at 17. She has released two highly acclaimedrecordings: the Grammy-nominated Easy to Love (2006) and an endearingalbum of duets with living jazz legend Hank Jones on piano.Roberta Gambarini will be performing as part of Art of Jazz (June5-7) at the Distillery District on Sunday June 7, at 9:00pm at theFermenting Cellar Stage. She will also be providing a vocal clinic onthe afternoon of Saturday June 6. For tickets and more informationvisit Listings (Mostly Jazz) start on page 3120 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM JUNE 1 - JULY 7, 2009
WE ARE ALLMUSIC’S CHILDRENby mJ buellMAY’s CHILDREN ...were pianist Jon Kimura Parker andviolinist James Ehnes, who will openthe Toronto Summer Music Festivaland Academy with a concert on July21.Jon Kimura “Jackie” Parker:born and raised in Vancouver, nowlives in Houston with his wife, violinistAloysia Friedmann and their daughterSophie.Earliest musical memory?I remember sitting at an upright pianohaving a lesson at age 4 with JessieMorrison, my first teacher. She used the“Kelly Kirby Kindergarten” method, and Ican still picture “Baby Middle C.” This isn’tjust my first musical memory, it’s my firstmemory, period.Musicians in your family?My mother Keiko Parker is a very wellknownpiano teacher in Vancouver. We grewup with a classroom in the house where sheprepared students for Royal Conservatory ofToronto examinations. My father John Parkerisn’t a musician, but has wonderful musicaltaste, especially in pianists.His brother, Edward Parker, was myprincipal piano teacher for 10 years. Mybrother Jamie Parker is a concert pianist andPiano Department Head at the U of T. Mysister Liz Parker works in music publicityand my cousin Ian Parker (Edward’s son) is aconcert pianist. It’s a musical family!At the time the photo was taken?I just knew that I was meant to play thepiano: I’m not sure I thought about it as“music” at the time. I entered many localcompetitions and festivals from a very youngage, and enjoyed the attention.Making music with others?I remember playing “On the Tree Top”with the Vancouver Youth Orchestra when Iwas 5. I remember the rehearsal but I don’tremember the actual concert! ApparentlyI walked onstage in a white suit and gotmusical lifeI started piano at age 4, and took to it rightaway. I also started violin at about age 6, whichwas a complete disaster. At one point I removedall the strings from the violin, and the bridge felloff. Assuming I had permanently destroyed theinstrument, I threw it in the trash!lost in the violin section. Eventually theconcertmaster led me to the piano.Ever think you’d do anything else?Not really…I always wanted to be some sortof performer, and I wasn’t good enough atanything else!Anything you’d like to ask the child in thatphoto?I want to know why and how he was able topractise so consistently. I’m having a terriblydifficult time encouraging my 10-year-olddaughter to do the same!James Ehnes was born and grew up inBrandon, Manitoba, and currently livesin Bradenton, Florida, with his wife Kate.James plays the Fulton “Ex Marsick”Stradivarius of 1715.Early musical memories?That’s hard for me to remember – musicwas such a big part of family life.There wasalways music playing in the house. To keepme out of trouble my parents would prop meup on one of the radiators in our living roombecause one of the stereo speakers was rightthere. I listened to music for hours! (And itkept me warm during those long, Manitobawinters... .)Music’s Child continues on page 37JUNE’s Child…Is Four Years Old!2009-2010 will be Music’s Children’s fifthseason celebrating remarkable lives in music!In the July/August double issue we’ll have aspecial retrospective quiz for you!Here’s Our JUNEcontest!Please tell us whosephotos should appear inour 2009-2010 contestseason.Send your best ideasto musicschildren@thewholenote.comPlease provide yourmailing address, just incase your candidate is chosen.We might have a prize for you!Congratulations to our MAY winners!Lorrie MacKinnon and Shawn Kazubowski-Houston each win a pair of tickets to hearJon Kimura Parker and James Ehnes playthe opening concert of the Toronto SummerMusic Festival at the Carlu on July 21 (Mozart,Prokofiev, Kernis, Ravel) with reception to follow.Joan Colquhoun McGorman and AntoniaLostoridis will receive Korngold, Barber,Walton: Violin Concertos. This recording withthe Vancouver Symphony conducted by BramwellTovey won the 2008 GRAMMY and JUNOAwards for Best Classical Album of the year,and the Western Canadian Music Award forOutstanding Classical Recording, This is JamesEhnes’ sixth CD for CBC Records.Sandra Whittall will receive Bach Sonatasfor Violin and Harpsichord, (Volumes 1 and2) featuring James Ehnes and Luc Beauséjour:all of J.S.Bach’s known sonatas for violin andharpsichord on this lovely pair of recordings fromAnalekta.Araxie Altounian and Eileen McArthur winParker’s Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart CD: pianistsJon Kimura Parker, James Parker and Ian Parkerperform concertos with the CBC Radio Orchestraunder Mario Bernardi (K467, 1 piano; K3652 pianos; K242 3 pianos). This CBC Recordsrelease was nominated for a 2007 Juno (Best LargeEnsemble with Soloist).Music’s Children gratefully acknowledges MoiraJohnson, Liz and Keiko Parker, Barbara Ehnes,Randy Barnard, the good people at Analekta,Myron Kozak and Cecelia Paolucci.ALL THE KINGS VOICES 17AMICI 8AMOROSO 38ATMA 5BACKSPLIT 37BLOOR CINEMA 51BLUE BRIDGE FESTIVAL 45BROTT SUMMER MUSICFESTIVAL 26, 28, 29CANADIAN OPERACOMPANY 10CANCLONE SERVICES 39CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARKJAZZ VESPERS 19CHRISTOPHER LEE 26CIVIC LIGHT OPERACOMPANY 22CLASSICAL 96.3FM 53COSMO MUSIC 20ELORA FESTIVAL 55EMILE BELCOURT 37FESTIVAL OF THE SOUND 45FIRST UNITARIAN CONGRE-GATION OF TORONTO 24GEORGE HEINL 18GLIONNA MANSELL 9, 11GRAND RIVER BAROQUEFESTIVAL 37HARKNETT MUSICALSERVICES 19HELICONIAN HALL 34INDEX OF ADVERTISERSJACQUES ISRAELIEVITCH 28JANET CATHERINE DEA 37JUBILATE SINGERS 24KENSINGTON CARPETS INC. 37KINDRED SPIRITSORCHESTRA 33LE COMMENSAL 37LOCKWOOD ARS 37LONG & MCQUADE 20MASON AND HAMLIN 9MILL RACE FESTIVAL 46MOOREDALE CONCERTS 16MUSIC AT PORT MILFORD 49MUSIC AT SHARON 49MUSIC GALLERY 27MUSIC MONDAYS 23MUSIC ON THE HILL 23NO STRINGS THEATRE 34NORM PULKER 37OLD MILL INN & SPA 25OPERA BY REQUEST 18ORIANA WOMEN’S CHOIR 34ORPHEUS CHOIR 33PASQUALE BROS. 39PATTIE KELLY 37PENTHELIA 27PETER MAHON 17PHILHARMONIC MUSICLTD. 34REMENYI HOUSE OF MUSIC 15RENAISSANCE SINGERS 34RIVERDALE YOUTH SINGERS 27ROB HANSON 37ROYAL CONSERVATORY OFMUSIC 4, 35SILVERTHORN SYMPHONICWINDS 25SOUND POST 19SOUNDSTREAMS 10, 11ST. CUTHBERT’S ANGLICANCHURCH 34STRATFORD SUMMERMUSIC 2STUDIO 92 37SUE CROWE CONNOLLY 37SUMMER OPERA LYRICTHEATRE 17SWEDISH WOMEN’S EDUCA-TORONTO ALL-STARBIG BAND 29TORONTO BEACHES CHILDREN’SCHORUS 25TORONTO CHAMBER CHOIR 17TORONTO CHILDREN’SCHORUS 26TORONTO JAZZ FESTIVAL 14TORONTO OPERA REPERTOIRE 33TORONTO SUMMER MUSIC 56TORONTO SYMPHONYORCHESTRA 54TRYPTYCH 29VICTORIA SCHOLARS 24WHOLENOTE MOVIE NIGHT 50YAMAHA MUSIC SCHOOL 37CITY OF TORONTO HISTORICTIONAL ASSOCIATIONMUSEUMS 24HUMBERCREST UNITEDROYAL CANADIAN COLLEGE OF INTERNATIONAL 25CHURCH 24MUSIC TORONTO 13ORGANISTS 3TAFELMUSIK 7JUNE 1 - JULY 7, 2009 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM 21