WHOLENOTE LISTINGSSECTIONS 1 - 4: INTRODUCTIONWholeNote listings are arranged in five distinct sections:SECTION 1: Toronto & GTA (Greater Toronto Area) covers all ofthe City of Toronto plus Halton, Peel, York and Durham regions.Page 22.SECTION 2: Beyond the GTA covers many areas of SouthernOntario, outside Toronto and the GTA. In the current issue, thereare listings for events in Ayr, Bancroft, Barrie, Bayfield, Brantford,Guelph, Hamilton, Kingston, London, Niagara-on-the-Lake, OwenSound, Paris, Stratford and Waterloo. Page 30.SECTION 3: In the Clubs (mostly jazz) is organized alphabeticallyby club. Page 31.SECTION 4: Announcements ... EtCetera is for lectures, symposia,master classes and other music-related events (except performances)that may be of interest to our readers. Page 33.SECTION 5: Summer Festivals provides information about festivalsfrom June 1 to July 7 in Toronto, the GTA, Southern Ontario andbeyond. Page 35.A general word of caution: a phone number is provided with everyWholeNote listing – in fact, we won’t publish a listing without one.Concerts are sometimes cancelled or postponed; and artists or venuesmay change after listings are published. Please check before you goout to a concert.How to ListListings in The WholeNote in the four sections above are a freeservice available, in our discretion, to eligible presenters. If youhave an event, send us your information no later than the 15th of themonth prior to the issue or issues in which your listing is eligible toappear. Please note: the next issue covers two months and one week,from July 1-September 7, 2009, so listings must be received byJune 15.Listings can be sent by e-mail to listings@thewholenote.com or byfax to 416-603-4791 or by regular mail to the address on page 6. Wedo not receive listings by phone, but you can call 416-323-2232 x27for further information on listings.Note: Music theatre productions withextended runs appear in the dailylistings only on their first performanceof the month. Subsequent performancedates appear at the end of that primarylisting. For show times, call the phonenumber given in the listings.Listings for the following extended runproductions may be found on the datesbelow:Jersey Boys: June 2Play, Orchestra, Play: June 9 (Beyond GTA)Riverdance: June 2Sunday in the Park with George: June 2(Beyond GTA)The Sound of Music: June 2We Will Rock You: June 2West Side Story: June 2 (Beyond GTA)Monday June 01— 12:15: Music Mondays. Michael Holt:Prelude in E, Back To Zero. Michael Holt,piano/voice: Drew Jurecka, violin; GregCampbell, viola; Erika Nielson, cello; JuliaHambleton, Tara Kahan, clarinets; HannaJanossy, harp; Gary Armstrong, oboe.Church of the Holy Trinity, 10 Trinity Sq.416-598-4521 x222. Pwyc ( suggested).— 7:30: University of Toronto. DoctoralHarpsichord Recital. Works by Bach, D.Scarlatti, L. Couperin and others. Sara-AnneChurchill, harpsichord; Aisslinn Nosky andJulia Wedman, violin; Chris Verrette, viola;Felix Deak, cello. Edward Johnson Building,80 Queen’s Park. 416-978-3744. Free.— 8:00: Etobicoke Youth Strings. SpringFinale. Islington United Church, 25 BurnhamthorpeCres. 416-239-0523. Free (donationsaccepted).Tuesday June 02— 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.World Music Series: The Art of SpanishLISTINGS: SECTION 1CONCERTS: Toronto and GTAGuitar. Music from Spain and Latin Americaincluding works by Turina, Asencio, andVilla-Lobos. Raffi Altounian, guitar. RichardBradshaw Amphitheatre, Four Seasons Centrefor the Performing Arts, 145 Queen St.W. 416-363-8231. Free.— 1:00: Cathedral Church of St. James.Music at Midday. Bruce Kirkpatrick Hill,organ. 65 Church St. 416-364-7865. Free.— 7:00: Thornhill Community Band. 6thAnnual Festival of Winds. Denny Ringler,director. Westmount C.I., 1000 New WestminsterDr., Thornhill. 416-223-7152. Free.— 7:30: Mirvish Productions. The Soundof Music. Rodgers & Hammerstein. Princessof Wales Theatre, 300 King St. W. 416-872-1212. -0. Also Jun 3-7, 9-14, 16-21,23-28, 30-Jul 5, 7 and beyond.— 8:00: DanCap Productions. Jersey Boys.Gaudio & Crewe. Eric Bates (Tommy deVito),Joseph Leo Bwarie (Frankie Valli), AndrewRannells (Bob Gaudio), Steve Gouveia (NickMassi), and others; Des McAnuff, director;Sergio Trujillo, choreographer. Toronto Centrefor the Arts, 5040 Yonge St. 416-872-1111. -5. Also Jun 3-7, 9-14, 16-21,23-28, 30-Jul 5, 7 and beyond.— 8:00: Mirvish Productions. Riverdance.Canon Theatre, 244 Victoria St. 416-872-1212. -. Also Jun 3-7, 9-14, 16-21.— 8:00: Mirvish Productions. We WillRock You. Music of Queen. Panasonic Theatre,651 Yonge St. 416-872-1212. -. Also Jun 3-7, 9-14, 16-21, 23-28.— 8:00: Resa’s Pieces Concert Band. 10 thAnniversary Gala Concert. Leah PoslunsTheatre, 4588 Bathurst St. 416-636-1880..— 8:30: Tafelmusik/Columbus Centre.Abruzzo Earthquake Relief Fund Benefit.Guests: Quartetto Gelato. Art Gallery ofOntario, 317 Dundas St. W. 416-789-4970.TORONTO’S PREMIERE MUSICAL THEATRE presentsThere is a colour version of this map on our website atwww.thewholenote.com, showing the boundaries between zones.On our website, all listings can be searched by zone as well as bymusical genre.6783 4251City of TorontoA MUSICAL ABOUT MUSICALSand the backstage story of A CHORUS LINEFAIRVIEW LIBRARY THEATRE35 Fairview Mall Dr., Sheppard/Don Mills.May 27 to June 13 TICKETS to .5022 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM JUNE 1 - JULY 7, 2009
Wednesday June 03— 12:30: Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch. Noonhour Recital. John Palmer,organ. 1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167. Free.— 5:30: Canadian Opera Company. RenaissanceFestival: Caelum et Terra! Worksby Britten and Fine; also Renaissance masters.Toronto Chamber Choir; Mark Vuorinen,conductor. Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre,Four Seasons Centre for the PerformingArts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231.Free.— 7:00: Civic Light Opera. A Class Act.Kleban. Joe Cascone (Ed Kleban); DavidHaines (Marvin Hamlisch); Larry Gibbs(Michael Bennett); Paul Christman, musicaldirector; Lesley Ansell, choreographer.Fairview Library Theatre, 35 Fairview MallDr. 416-755-1717. -.50. Also Jun4-7, 10-13.— 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Brahms Symphony 1. Berlioz: Overture toBenvenuto Cellini; Bolcom: Violin Concerto(Canadian première); Brahms: SymphonyNo.1. Gil Shaham, violin; Leonard Slatkin,guest conductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 SimcoeSt. 416-593-4828. -5.— 9:00: Liberty Village New ArtistSeries. Summer Season Opening Concert:Adam Sherkin, solo piano. Works by Stravinsky,Fauré, Rachmaninoff. Academy ofSpherical Arts, 1 Snooker St. 416-535-6728. Admission free, donations welcome.Thursday June 04— 12:00: Canadian Opera Company. VocalSeries: Lo Speziale/Der Apotheker. Haydnoperas, reconstructed by Mahler. AradiaEnsemble, Kevin Mallon, artistic director.Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre, FourSeasons Centre for the Performing Arts, 145Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.— 12:15: Metropolitan United Church.Noon at the Met. Mark MacDonald, organ.56 Queen St. E. 416-363-0331. Free.— 12:15: Music on the Hill. LunchtimeConcert Series. Alison Lynn and GeraldFlemming sing gospel and country. St.John’s York Mills Anglican Church, 19 DonRidge Dr. 416-225-6611. Free.— 8:00: Civic Light Opera. A Class Act.See June 3.— 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Brahms Symphony 1. See Jun 3. 7:15: preconcertchat.— 8:00: Via Salzburg. Tranquil Energy.Mozart: ”Dissonance Quartet” in C KV 465;Schafer: Quartet No. 6; Schubert: Quintet inC D 956. Seiler String Quartet; guest: RachelMercer, cello. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 FrontSt. W. 416-872-4255. ; (sr); (st).Friday June 05— 6:30: Art of Jazz. Sicilian Project.Michael Occhipinti. Trinity Stage, DistilleryDistrict, 55 Mill St. 416-840-7663. Free.— 7:30: Luminato Festival. Red SkyPerformance – Tono. Dance presentationfeaturing indigenous cultures of Canada,Mongolia, and China. Roger Sinha, choreographer;Sandra Laronde, artistic director.Fleck Dance Theatre, 207 Queen’s Quay W.416-973-4000. , . Also June 6, 7.— 7:30: Royal Conservatory of Music.Motus O Dance Theatre: East of the Sun,West of the Moon. 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-2824 x321. ; (st); free(children5 and under). Also Jun 6, 7.— 8:00: Tafelmusik. Delightfully Baroque.Works by Veracini, Locatelli, Lully, Purcelland Handel. Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestraand Choir; Ann Monoyios, soprano; RufusMuller, tenor; Jeanne Lamon and Ivars Taurins,directors. Trinity-St. Paul’s Centre, 427Bloor St. W. 416-964-6337. Free.— 8:00: Blue Bridge Festival. Songs ofHope from Times of Despair. Ardeleana Trio;Andrea Cerswell, soprano; Linda Condy,mezzo; Jeanette Lynes and Patricia Keeney,poets; Blue Bridge Festival Choir. De La SallePark, Sutton. 289-470-1099. .— 8:00: Civic Light Opera. A Class Act.See June 3.— 8:00: Heliconian Music Concert Series.Music MondaysAll concerts begin at 12:15 p.m. and takeplace at the Church of the Holy Trinity10Trinity Square suggested donationFor information call 598-4521 x222A Time Capsule: 10 Decades of Music.Repertoire from 1909 to 2009. 35 HazeltonAve. 416-922-3618. .— 8:00: Performing Arts York Region.Fabulous Fridays: Young Artists’ Concert.Thornhill Presbyterian Church, 271 CentreSt., Thornhill. 905-881-1344. ; (sr);(st).— 8:00: Sounds of Persia. HomayounShajarian & Dastan Ensemble. Toronto Centrefor the Arts, 5040 Yonge St. 416-872-1111. -.— 8:00: Soundstreams/Luminato. TheChildren’s Crusade. Schafer. CanadianChildren’s Opera Company; Toronto Consort;Tim Albery, director. 153 Dufferin St. 416-366-7723. . Also June 6 , 8-11.— 8:00: Via Salzburg. Tranquil Energy.See Jun 4.— 9:00: Art of Jazz. Romano Trio. FermentingCellar, Distillery District, 55 Mill St. 416-840-7663. .— 11:00: Art of Jazz. All Star Jam. DaveRestivo, Jim Vivian and Alyssa Falk. FermentingCellar, Distillery District, 55 Mill St.416-840-7663. Free.Saturday June 06— 12:00 noon, 2:00 & 4:00: Art of Jazz.Women in Jazz. Dave Restivo Trio withAlyssa Falk; Lisa Particelli’s Girl’s Night OutShowcase; Christine Jensen Quartet. BoilerHouse Stage, Distillery District, 55 Mill St.416-840-7663. Free.— 12:00 noon to 10:00: Muhtadi International.Drumming Festival. Queen’s ParkNorth. 416-504-3786. Free.— 1:00, 3:00 & 5:00: Art of Jazz. TrinityStage. Rita Chiarelli; Pat Martino Organ Triowith Tony Monaco; Grupo Vocal Desandann.Trinity Stage, Distillery District, 55 Mill St.416-840-7663. Free.— 2:00: Royal Conservatory of Music.Motus O Dance Theatre: East of the Sun,West of the Moon. See Jun 5.— 4:00 & 8:00: Luminato Festival. RedSky Performance – Tono. See June 5.— 7:00: Brampton Concert Band. Au Delàde la Mer Gala. Show tunes made famous bySinatra. Guest: Jeff Sommerville, vocalist.Brampton City Hall, 2 Wellington St. W. 905-451-0174. .— 7:30: Bloor Street United Church. RiseUp Singin’! Bloor Street Gospel Chorus. 300Bloor St. W. 416-477-9310. ; (advance);(sr/st).— 7:30: East York Choir. Celtic Spirit.Choral and instrumental Celtic selections.Loretto Reid, tin whistle and accordion;Sharlene Wallace, Celtic harp; OctoberBrowne, guitar and mandolin; Rose Bolton,fiddle; Ray Caldwell, uilleann pipes; BillKervin, bodhran; Jenny Crober, conductor;Liz Acker, accompanist. Eastminster UnitedChurch, 310 Danforth Ave. 416-463-8225.; (sr); (st).— 7:30: York Chamber Ensemble. InConcert. Haydn: Symphony No 49; Mozart:Violin Concerto K207; Vivaldi: Dixit Dominus;Beatus Vir. Alex Volkov, violin; TrinitySingers; Tony Browning, conductor. TrinityAnglican Church, Aurora. 79 Victoria St.905-727-6101. ; (sr/st).— 8:00: Acoustic Harvest. Genticorum.Quebec folk-ensemble. St. Nicholas AnglicanChurch, 1512 Kingston Rd. 416-264-2235..— 8:00: Blue Bridge Festival. Gala Concert.Works by Pierne, Delibes and Haydn.Blue Bridge Festival Orchestra and Choir;Ardeleana Trio; Andrea Cerswell, soprano;Linda Condy, mezzo; Robert Owen, tenor;Peter McGillivray, baritone; William Shookhoff,conductor. St. Paul’s Anglican Church,227 Church St., Newmarket. 289-470-1099. .— 8:00: Civic Light Opera. A Class Act.See June 3.— 8:00: Jubilate Singers. Chamber Jazz.Isabel Bernaus, conductor; guests: BrianBarlow Quartet. St. Stephen-in-the-FieldsChurch, 103 Bellevue Ave. 416-536-5750.; (sr); (st).— 8:00: North York Concert Orchestra.Final subscription series concert. Brahms:Academic Festival Overture; Mascagni: Intermezzofrom Cavalleria Rusticana; Beethoven:Romance No. 2 in F; Symphony No. 1; alsoconcerto movements by NYCO Music Festivalwinners. Julia McFarlane, violin; DavidBowser, conductor. Grace Church on-the-Hill, 300 Lonsdale Rd. 416-628-9195. ;(sr/st).— 8:00: Soundstreams/Luminato. TheChildren’s Crusade. See June 5.— 8:00: St. Timothy Anglican Church.Im Abendrot. Music of Strauss, Wagner andVerdi. Patricia Haldane, soprano; ChristopherFoley, accompanist. 100 Old Orchard GroveRd. 416-488-0079. .May 25June 1Andrew Adair organ, Robert DiVito trumpetConcert Co-sponsored by ORGANIXMichael Holt piano/ voice,Drew Jurecka & Alex Cheung violin,Tara Kahan & David Lee clarinet,Erika Nielson cello, Rebecca El-Saleh harpJune 8June 15June 22June 29July 6Veronique Mattieu violin, Jennifer Hu pianoAndrew Ager organWilliam Westcott piano & vocalsPaul Jenkins organ - A chorus of tenors & bassesRaymond Spasovski pianoJUNE 1 - JULY 7, 2009 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM 23