... 1:CONCERTS: Toronto and GTA— 9:00: Music Gallery. Summer CourtyardSeries No.1- Fond of Tigers. Vancouveravant-rock septet. Guests: Toronto/Guelphsextet Brides Play Branca. 197 John St.416- 204-1080. .Saturday June 20— 11:30: Singing OUT! Makin’ Waves.Cabaret. Guests: Forte Mens Chorus; OasisVocal Jazz; Jody Malone, artistic director.Empress of Canada (cruise of Toronto Harbour),261 Queen’s Quay E. 416-323-3358.(advance).— 2:00 & 8:00: Capricorn 9 Productions.Hey Marilyn! See June 18.— 7:30: Chinese Artists Society of TorontoYouth Orchestra. 16 th Annual Concert.Baroque to Contemporary Repertoire. GlennGould Studio, 250 Front St. W. 416-872-4255. .— 7:30: Brott Music Festival. Beethoven& Brott in Burlington: A Fifth of Beethoven.Franck: Variations Symphoniques; Fawcett:Piano Concerto; Beethoven: Symphony No.5. Valerie Tryon; piano. St. Christopher’sAnglican, 662 Guelph Line Burlington. 905-525-7664. ; ; .— 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.The Music of ABBA. Guests: Rajaton VocalGroup. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St.416-872-4255. -5.— 8:00: NextSteps: Janak KhendryDance Company. GANGA. See June 18.— 9:00: Music Gallery/Rough Idea/VT09.Summer Courtyard Series No.2 - InstantCoffee. Lisle Ellis, bass; M.C. Schmidt, synthesizer;Jason Willett, organ, rubber-bandbass. 197 John St. 416-204-1080. ;(adv); (st).Sunday June 21— 1:30: CAMMAC/McMichael Gallery.Barbara Fris, soprano, and Hyuntak Leepiano. R. Strauss: Four Last Songs; Wagner:Wesendonck Lieder; Skarecky: Planet Earth;Gardiner: A Pot of Gold; Korngold: Marietta’sLied (Die tote Stadt); and opera selections.10365 Islington Ave., Kleinburg. 905-893-1121/1-888-213-1121. -.— 1:30: Choralairs of North York. InConcert. Broadway, pop and folk songs. EarlBales Park Community Centre, Social Hall,4169 Bathurst St. 416-631-0029. Free.— 2:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.The Music of ABBA. See June 20.— 2:00: Canadian Opera Company. Cosìfan tutte. See Jun 15.— 2:00: Silverthorn Symphonic Winds.Silverthorn Symphonic Winds ChamberEnsembles. Dvorak: Serenade for Winds;Slavonic Dance No.5; Mozart: Queen of theNight Aria; also works by Bach, Mahler,Brahms, Weber and others. Andrew Chung,music director. First Unitarian Congregation,175 St. Clair Ave. W. 416-924-9654 x302.; (sr/st).— 2:30: The Bird Project. Birds Bewigged.Avian-inspired music by Hotteterre, Vivaldi,Williams, Finger, Somers, and others; alsopoetry by Behn, Oliver, Eliot and Keon.Debashis Sinha, video artist; Alison Melville,Colin Savage, recorder; Joëlle Morton,bass viol; Charlotte Nediger, harpsichord.Todmorden Mills Heritage Museum and ArtsCentre, 67 Pottery Rd. 416 588-4301. ;(sr/st/unwaged); (children).— 3:00: Massey Hall & Roy ThomsonHall. Mitch Smolkin with Klezmer en BuenosAires. Paul Brody, trumpet; Boris Sichon,various instruments; Aviva Chernick, vocalist;Marilyn Lerner, piano. Glenn Gould Studio,250 Front St. W. 416 872 4255. ;; (st).— 3:00: Music at Sharon. Elmer IselerSingers. Anon: Old 100th (16th CenturyCalvinist melody); Beckwith: Sharon Fragments;Whitacre: When David Heard; Togni:Lamentations of Jeremiah. Jeff Reilly, bassclarinet; Lydia Adams, conductor. SharonTemple of the Children of Peace, 18974Leslie St., Sharon. 416-597-7840. .— 4:00: Cathedral Church of St. James.Twilight Recital Series. Jane Woods, piano;Emma Elkinson, flute. 65 Church St. 416-364-7865. Free— 6:00: Music Gallery. TranscendentalRodeo. 197 John St. 416-204-1080.Free.— 9:00: Music Gallery. Summer CourtyardSeries No.3 – Sir Richard Bishop, guitar.Guests: Oaxacan, California free-rock collective.197 John St. 416-204-1080. ;(adv); (st).Monday June 22— 12:15: Music Mondays. Bill Westcott,piano and vocals. Wescott: Sonatina; alsoBlues medleys. Church of the Holy Trinity,10 Trinity Square. 416-598-4521 x222.Pwyc. ( suggested).Tuesday June 23— 1:00: Cathedral Church of St. James.Music at Midday. Andrew Ager, organ. 65Church St. 416-364-7865. Free.— 7:00: Andrew Ager and Daniel Kushner.Midsummer’s Ease 1. Works by Widorand Messaien; Bach: Sonata for Violin andPiano in b; Ysaye: Sonata No.4. AndrewAger, organ; Jenny Crober, piano; DanielKushner, Louise Pauls, violin. CathedralChurch of St. James, 65 Church St. 416-465-7443. Freewill offering.— 7:30: Thornhill Community Band. InConcert. Denny Ringler, director. Mel LastmanSq., 5100 Yonge St. 416-223-7152.Free.— 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Pop Goes to the Movies. Music from GoneWith the Wind, Lawrence of Arabia, Goldfinger,The Godfather, Rocky and other movies.Kristine Reese, Billy Tighe, vocalist; ErichKunzel, guest conductor. Roy Thomson Hall,60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828. -.Wednesday June 24— 2:00 & 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Pop Goes to the Movies. See Jun.23. -(matinee); -(evening).— 7:00: Andrew Ager and Daniel Kushner.Midsummer’s Ease 2. Debussy: CelloSonata; Franck: Violin Sonata; Dupre: Preludeand Fugue in B for Organ. Andrew Ager,organ; Liz Acker, piano; George Meanwell,cello; Daniel Kushner, violin. CathedralChurch of St. James, 65 Church St. 416-465-7443. Freewill offering.— 7:00: Art Gallery of Ontario. Angelika’sPromise. See Jun 17. ; (st).— 8:00: Capricorn 9 Productions. HeyMarilyn! See June 18.— 9:00: Liberty Village New Artist Series.Summer Season Concert 4. Bach: AMusical Offering; Zelenka: music for doublereeds and strings. Academy of SphericalArts, 1 Snooker St. 416-535-6728. Admissionfree, donations welcome.Thursday June 25— 12:15: Metropolitan United Church.Noon at the Met. Janet Obermeyer, soprano;Patricia Wright, organ. 56 Queen St. E. 416-363-0331. Free.— 7:00: Andrew Ager and Daniel Kushner.Midsummer’s Ease 3. Bach: Cello SuiteNo.4; Ager: Une Nouvelle Voix for sopranoand tenor (premiere); Massenet: Meditationfrom Thais. Andrew Ager, organ and piano;George Meanwell, cello; Jennifer Griffith,soprano; Rob Kinar, tenor. Cathedral Churchof St. James, 65 Church St. 416-465-7443.Freewill offering.— 8:00: Capricorn 9 Productions. HeyMarilyn! See June 18.Friday June 26— 6:30: Northern District Library. TheWorld of Music: Autorickshaw. Fusion ofjazz and funk with classical and popularmusic of India. 40 Orchard View Blvd. 416-393-7610. Free.— 7:30: Tryptych Opera. Hamlet. Richards.Edward Franko, stage director; Brett Kingsbury,music director. Trinity PresbyterianChurch, 2737 Bayview Ave. 416-763-6066x1. ; (sr/st).— 7:30: Petra Kim. Pipe Organ Recital.Bach: Toccata and Fugue in d BWV565;Widor: Toccata from Symphony No. 5, Op.42No.1; Franck: Prelude, Fugue and Variations.Petra Kim, organ and piano; guest: DouglasBodle, organ. Christ Church Deer Park, 1570Yonge St. 416-605-4901.— 8:00: TD Canada Trust Toronto JazzFestival. Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kingsplus Blackburn. Nathan Phillips Square, 100Queen St. W. 416-870-8000. .— 8:00: TD Canada Trust Toronto JazzFestival. Sonny Rollins. Four Seasons Centrefor the Performing Arts, 145 Queen St.W. 416-363-8231. -7.— 8:00: Yonge Dundas Square. GlobalGroove: Swami. 1 Dundas St. E. Free.— 800: Capricorn 9 Productions. HeyMarilyn! See June 18.— 9:00: Contact Contemporary Music/Music Gallery. Exquisite Corpse. Worksby Cage, Harrison, Cowell, Thomson, Gill,and others. Mary Katherine Finch, cello;Sarah Fraser Raff, violin; Wallace Halladay,saxophones; Rob MacDonald, guitar; PeterPavlovsky, bass; Jerry Pergolesi, percussion;and Allison Wiebe, piano. Music Gallery,197 John St. 416-204-1080. ; (sr);(st).Saturday June 27— 1:00, 4:00 & 7:30: Jacques Israelievitch.— 10:00am: Royal Canadian College ofAll Ten Beethoven Violin and PianoOrganists. International Organ Festival:Sonatas in One Day. Jacques Israelievitch,Organ competition semi-finals. Church of theviolin; Kanae Matsumoto, piano. Gallery 345,Holy Trinity, 10 Trinity Square. 289-314-345 Sorauren Ave. 416-822-9781. (per5600. Free.set); (whole day).— 1:15: The Bird Project. I Heard it from a— 1:30: Toronto Culture. VentElation WindBird. Music by Bach, van Eyck, Schumann,Octet. Works from the late 18th and earlyand Messiaen; also poetry by by Crozier,19th centuries. Spadina Museum HistoricKeon, Collins and Nash, and bird storiesHouse and Gardens, 285 Spadina Rd. 416-from world mythology and legend. Debashis962-6910. Free.Sinha, visual artist; Alison Melville, recorder;Andrei Streliaev, piano; Ben Grossman, elec-28 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM JUNE 1 - JULY 7, 2009
tronics & sound; Katherine Hill, soprano;Yesim Tosuner, reader. Todmorden MillsHeritage Museum and Arts Centre, 67 PotteryRd. 416 588-4301. ; (children).toronto all star big bandWithBennyJune 27 - 2 pm @ St. Lawrence CentreCall (416) 366-7723— 2:00: Toronto All-Star Big Band. AGreat Day in Hogtown. A salute to BennyGolson. Tom Richards, conductor; guest:Benny Golson, saxophone. Jane MallettTheatre, 27 Front St. E. 416-366-7723..50.— 3:30: The Bird Project. Birds @ theBrickworks. Music by Hildegard, Bach, Hannan,Messiaen, Caitlin Smith and Nerenberg;also poetry by Wang Wei, Bartlett, Nerudaand Basho; and musical improvisations.Alison Melville, recorder; Andrei Streliaev,piano; Katherine Hill, soprano; AnthonyRapoport, viola; Debashis Sinha, visualartist; Ben Grossman, electronics & sound.Todmorden Mills Heritage Museum and ArtsCentre, 67 Pottery Rd. 416 588-4301. ;(sr/st/unwaged); (children).— 7:00: Toronto Children’s ConcertChoir. No Limits. Denise Gillard, director.George Weston Recital Hall, Toronto Centrefor the Arts, 5040 Yonge St. 416-872-1111.-; (sr/st); (children 12 andunder).— 7:30: Brott Music Festival. Beethoven& Brott in Burlington: Mendelssohn MeetsAn Opera WorkshopBeethoven. Mendelssohn: Piano ConcertoNo. 1; Beethoven: Symphony No. 7. ShoshannaTelner, piano. St. Christopher’sAnglican, 662 Guelph Line, Burlington. 905-525-7664. ; ; .— 8:00: TD Canada Trust Toronto JazzFestival. Medeski Martin and Wood. NathanPhillips Square, 100 Queen St. W. 416-870-8000. .— 9:00: Music Gallery/Wavelength. SummerCourtyard Series No.5 – Magik Markers.Exponents of the American noise underground.Guests: Mouthus, Gastric FemaleReflex, Wasted Nymph. 197 John St. 416-204-1080. ; (members); (adv).Sunday June 28— 3:00: Music at Sharon. Krisztina Szabó,mezzo-soprano, Susan Ball, piano. Britten:three songs from A Birthday Hansel; Mahler:two songs; Kodály: four songs; Falla: SevenPopular Spanish Songs; Ravel: three songsfrom Chants populaires. Ridout: three songsfrom Folk Songs of Eastern Canada. SharonTemple of the Children of Peace, 18974Leslie St., Sharon. 416-597-7840. .— 3:30: Toronto Early Music Centre. PastimeWith Good Company Viola da GambaSalon. Informal concert by members of theToronto viola da gamba community. Churchof St. Mary Magdalene, 477 Manning Ave.416-760-8610. Free (donations accepted).— 3:45: Royal Canadian College of Organists.International Organ Festival: AndreiStreliaev, organ. St. James Cathedral, 65Church St. 289-314-5600. Free.— 4:00: Toronto Music Garden. SummerMusic in the Garden – Shauna and Friends.Shauna Rolston, cello; Barbara Croall, cedarflutes/First Nation drum; Anita McAlister,trumpet/conch shell. 475 Queens Quay W.416-973-4000. Free.— 4:30: Christ Church Deer Park. JazzVespers. Brian Barlow Quartet. 1570Yonge St. 416-920-5211. Free (donationswelcomed).— 6:15: Royal Canadian College of Organists.International Organ Festival: YoonPark, organ. St. Thomas’s Anglican Church,383 Huron St. 289-314-5600. Free.— 8:00: TD Canada Trust Toronto JazzFestival. Buckwheat Zydeco plus BeauSoleil.Nathan Phillips Square, 100 Queen St.W. 416-870-8000. .— 8:15: Toronto International OrganFestival. Songs of the Soul: Creation’sRainbow of Hope! Soul Influence; MatthewCoons, organ. Metropolitan United Church,56 Queen St. E. 416-363-0331. .— 9:00: Music Gallery. Summer CourtyardSeries No.6 – Veda Hille & Christof Migone:Escape Songs. Vancouver singer/songwriterwith Montreal sound artist. 197 John St.416- 204-1080. ; (members);(st); (adv).Monday June 29— 12:15: Music Mondays. Paul Jenkins,organ. Tournemire: Diptyque Op. 55 No. 11;Satie: Messe des Pauvres. Chorus of tenorsand basses. Church of the Holy Trinity, 10Trinity Square. 416-598-4521 x222. Pwyc.( suggested).— 1:00: Royal Canadian College of Organists.International Organ Festival: CraigHumber, organ St. Andrew’s PresbyterianChurch, 73 Simcoe St. 289-314-5600. ;(sr/st).— 4:30: Royal Canadian College of Organists.International Organ Festival: Festivalservice. Elmer Iseler Singers, Lydia Adams,conductor; True North Brass; Paul Halley,organ. St. James Cathedral, 65 Church St.289-314-5600. Free.— 5:45: Royal Canadian College ofOrganists. International Organ Festival:Change Ringing. Cathedral Guild of ChangeRingers. St. James Cathedral, 65 Church St.289-314-5600. Free.— 8:00: TD Canada Trust Toronto JazzFestival. Gary Burton Quartet Revisited.Four Seasons Centre for the PerformingArts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231.-.— 8:00: TD Canada Trust Toronto JazzFestival. Kool and the Gang plus HarrisonKennedy. Nathan Phillips Square, 100 QueenSt. W. 416-870-8000. .— 8:15: Royal Canadian College ofOrganists. International Organ Festival:Rachel Laurin, organ. St. Paul’s AnglicanChurch, 227 Bloor St. E. 289-314-5600.; (sr/st).Tuesday June 30— 11:15am: Royal Canadian College ofOrganists. International Organ Festival:James David Christie, organ. Our Lady ofSorrows Church, 3055 Bloor St. W. 289-314-5600. ; (sr/st).— 1:00: Cathedral Church of St. James.Music at Midday. Andrew Ager, organ. 65Church St. 416-364-7865. Free.— 2:00: Royal Canadian College of Organists.International Organ Festival: JonathanOldengarm, organ, and Tafelmusik ChamberChoir. St. Paul’s Basilica, 83 Power St. 289-314-5600. ; (sr/st).— 4:00: Royal Canadian College of Organists.International Organ Festival. IsabelleDemers, organ. Church of the Holy Trinity,10 Trinity Square. 289-314-5600. Free.— 7:45: Royal Canadian College ofOrganists. International Organ Festival.Carillon Recital. Gerald Martindale, carillon.Metropolitan United Church, 56 Queen St. E.289-314-5600. Free.— 8:00: TD Canada Trust Toronto JazzFestival. Jamie Cullum. Nathan PhillipsSquare, 100 Queen St. W. 416-870-8000..— 8:15: Royal Canadian College of Organists.International Organ Festival: GalaConcert. Gillian Weir, organ; orchestra; RaffiArmenian, conductor. Metropolitan UnitedChurch, 56 Queen St. E. 289-314-5600.; (sr/st).— 9:00: Liberty Village New Artist Series.Summer Season Concert 5. Works byCanadian composers. Hatzis: Byzantium;Mercure: Dissidence; Sherkin: new work.Caitlin Broms-Jacobs, oboe; Adam Sherkin,piano; Chantelle Grant, mezzo. Academyof Spherical Arts, 1 Snooker St. 416-535-6728. Admission free, donations welcome.Wednesday July 01— 9:30am: Royal Canadian College ofOrganists. International Organ Festival:Carillon Recital. Joanne Hart, carillon.Soldier’s Tower, Hart House, 7 Hart HouseCircle. 289-314-5600. Free.— 10:00am: Royal Canadian College ofOrganists. International Organ Festival:Family Concert. Ryan Jackson and GilesBryant, organ. Convocation Hall, 31 King’sCollege Circle. 289-314-5600. ; (children12 and under).— 11:30am: Royal Canadian College ofOrganists. International Organ Festival:Choral Concert. Nathaniel Dett Chorale,Brainerd Blyden-Taylor, conductor. KnoxPresbyterian Church, 630 Spadina Ave. 289-314-5600. ; (sr/st).— 12:00 noon to 8:00: Harbourfront Centre.Canada Day: Amnesty International’sGlobal Refugee Village. Music, dance,games, arts and more from 12 refugeegroups. Performers include Ruth Mathiang,Kemer Yousef, Ruben “Benny” Esquerra,The Uighurs, Faduma Nkrumah, and others.Brigantine Room, 235 Queen’s Quay W. 416-973-4000. Free.— 1:30: Royal Canadian College ofOrganists. International Organ Festival:Organ competition finals. Lawrence ParkCommunity Church, 2180 Bayview Ave.289-314-5600. Free.— 8:00: TD Canada Trust Toronto JazzFestival. Dave Brubeck Quartet plus BrandiDisterheft Sextet. Nathan Phillips Square,100 Queen St. W. 416-870-8000. .Thursday July 02— 1:30: Royal Canadian College of Organists.International Organ Festival: Choirand Organ concert. Thierry Escaich, organ;Exultate Chamber Choir; John Tuttle director.St. Paul’s Anglican Church, 227 BloorSt. E. 289-314-5600. ; .— 4:30: Royal Canadian College ofOrganists. International Organ Festival:Patrick Wedd, organ. Church of St. MaryMagdalene, 477 Manning Ave. 289-314-5600. Free. Followed by religious service.— 7:00: Toronto Music Garden. SummerMusic in the Garden – Samulnori! TraditionalKorean drumming and dance. 475 QueensQuay W. 416-973-4000. Free.— 8:00: TD Canada Trust Toronto JazzFestival. Al Di Meola World Sinfonia plusAmanda Martinez. Nathan Phillips Square,100 Queen St. W. 416-870-8000. .— 8:15: Royal Canadian College of Organists.International Organ Festival: KenJUNE 1 - JULY 7, 2009 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM 29