9 years ago

Volume 14 - Issue 9 - June 2009

Theatre; Erin Helyard,

Theatre; Erin Helyard, director. ChapelleNotre-Dame-de-Bonsecours.—Jun 25 9:00: Parade of the Festival.Festival Artists. Departure from the ChapelleNotre-Dame-de-Bonsecours.—Jun 25 9:30: Fondue au Chocolat:Complete viol fantasias. Purcell. Consortdes Voix Humaines. Chapelle Notre-Dame-de-Bonsecours.—Jun 25 10:30: After 10 at the Café.Festival Artists. Café À Propos.—Jun 26 12:00 noon: Profitéroles auChocolat. Ensemble Flutes Alors. Royal Bankof Canada.—Jun 26 5:00: Ganache au Chocolat.Theatre of Early Music. Chapelle Notre-Dame-de-Bonsecours. Benefit concert for theTheatre of Early Music.—Jun 26 7:00: Chocolat Belge. FlandersRecorder Quartet. Chapelle Notre-Dame-de-Bonsecours.—Jun 26 9:00: Soirée dansante etchocolate. Works by Purcell; recreation of a17th-century English country dance. Rufty-Tufty, Quatuor Franz-Joseph, Michel Landry,dance master; and other artists. ChateauRamezay.—Jun 26 10:30: After 10 at the Café.Festival Artists. Café À Propos.—Jun 27 2:00: Hot Chocolate: Airs etSonates en Trio. Purcell. I Furiosi. Maison dela Congrégation.—Jun 27 7:00: Oh Henry! Odes by Purcelland Blow. Daniel Taylor, countertenor;Matthew White, countertenor; MonikaMauch, soprano; Charles Daniels, tenor;Harry van der Kamp, bass; EnsembleCaprice; Matthias Maute, director. ChapelleNotre-Dame-de-Bonsecours.—Jun 27 9:00: Chocolat blanc: Churchanthems. Purcell. Studio de musiqueancienne de Montréal; ChristopherJackson, director. Chapelle Notre-Dame-de-Bonsecours.— Jun 27 10:30: After 10 at the Café.Festival Artists. Café À Propos.—Jun 28 7:00am: Chocolatine: HarpsichordWorks. Purcell: Suites and other works.Martin Robidoux, harpsichord. Crypte de laChapelle Notre-Dame-de-Bonsecours.—Jun 28 2:00: Parfait au Chocolat. Bach:Four Cantatas for Pentecost. Monika Mauch,soprano; Pascal Bertin, countertenor;Charles Daniels, tenor; Harry van der Kamp,bass; Bande Montréal Baroque, Eric Milnes,director. Chapelle Sacré-Coeur.—Jun 28 4:00: Gelato au Chocolat.Jazz-baroque improvisation inspired byPurcell. Ensemble Quartetski. Maison de laCongrégation.—Jun 28 8:00: Death by Chocolate: Didoand Aeneas. Purcell. Vicki Saint-Pierre;mezzo; Dion Mazerolle, baritone; SamanthaLouis-Jean, soprano; Isabelle Plaisance,mezzo; Ensemble Masques; OlivierFortin, music diretor; Pierre Saint-Amant,stage director. Chapelle Notre-Dame-de-Bonsecours.—Jun 28 10:30 After 10 at the Café.Festival Artists. Café À Propos.Music at SharonToronto, OntarioJune 7-July LISTINGS: SECTION 5SUMMER FESTIVALSFor daily listings see Section 1: June 7, 14,21, 28, July 5.Muskoka Music FestivalMuskoka, OntarioJune 11-August 271-888-311-2787www.artsinmuskoka.comNorthern Lights Festival BorealSudbury, OntarioJuly 3-5705-674-5512www.nlfbsudbury.comOrangeville Blues and Jazz FestivalOrangeville, OntarioJune 4-71-888-792-5837www.orangevillebluesandjazz.caOrford FestivalMagog, QuebecJune 19-August 151-800-567-6155www.arts-orford.orgRochester International Jazz FestivalRochester, NYJune 12-20585-454-2060www.rochesterjazz.comSound of Music FestivalBurlington, OntarioJune 18-21905-333-6364www.soundofmusic.on.caspOtlight FestivalCambridge, Guelph, Stratford, Kitchener andWaterloo, OntarioJune 6-81-800-387-0058 x7468www.spotlightfestival.caSummer Music in the GardenTorontoJune 28-September daily details see Section 1 (GTA): June28, July 02, 05.Tafelmusik Summer Music FestivalTorontoJune 5-17416-964-6337www.tafelmusik.orgFor daily details see Section 1 (GTA): June5, 10, 14, 17.TD Canada Trust Ottawa Jazz FestivalOttawa, OntarioJune 25-July 51-888-226-4495www.ottawajazzfestival.comTD Canada Trust Toronto Jazz FestivalTorontoJune 26-July 5416-928-2033www.torontojazz.comFor daily details see Listings Section 1(GTA).Toronto International Organ FestivalTorontoJune 28-July 2289-314-5600www.rcco2009.caFor daily details see Listings Section 1(GTA).Tottenham Bluegrass FestivalTottenham, OntarioJune 26-281-888-258-4727www.tottenhambluegrass.caWasaga Beach FestivalNottawasaga, OntarioJune 27-28INSTRUCTIONFLUTE, PIANO, THEORY LESSONS. RCMexam preparation. Samantha Chang, RoyalAcademy of Music PGDip, LRAM, ARCT. 416-293-1302, PIANO LESSONS FOR ADULTS …working or retired. Play standards withoutsheet music. Swing, blues, boogie, stride,gospel, classical. Feel and understand chordprogressions. Private lessons. Royal Yorkand Bloor. Enjoy a carefully planned, resultsorientedprogram. Matt Pines 416-234-5500.PIANO LESSONS: All ages, styles – beginner,classical, jazz, pop, RCM exams. Feel the joyof making music! Peter Ness, ARCT. 416-767-9747.PRIVATE VOICE LESSONS – All ages,various styles. Beginner/intermediate levels forclassical, pop, country. Sing for fun or preparefor an audition – Express yourself throughsong! Melissa De Cloet MMus. 416-591-1695 ormelissa_de_cloet@hotmail.comTHEORY, SIGHT-SINGING, EAR-TRAININGLESSONS: All grades, RCM exam prep(rudiments, harmony, history, counterpoint).Learning can be fun and easy! Peter Ness,ARCT. 416-767-9747.MISCELLANEOUSARE YOU PLANNING A CONCERT or recital?Looking for a venue? Consider Bloor StreetUnited Church. Phone: 416-924-7439 x22Email: tina@bloorstreetunited.orgREHEARSE OR PERFORM IN A BRAND NEWFACILITY! Lawrence Park Community Churchoffers excellent performance and rehearsalspaces, for groups from small (an intimatemusic Studio) to large (performance space withflexible seating capacity of 425) in our newlyrenovated facility. Ample free parking available.TTC. Geothermally heated and air conditioned!For Information contact Rene Bignell, 416-489-1551 or email: rene@lawrenceparkchurch.cawww.lawrenceparkchurch.ca416-698-2152www.wasagabeachfest.comWaterfront BluesTorontoJune 12-14416-698-2152www.waterfrontblues.caWestben Arts FestivalCampbellford, OntarioJune 21-August 91-877-883-5777www.westben.caFor daily details see Listings Section 2(Beyond GTA); June 21, 27, July 4, 5.classified advertisingatmosphere for teas, receptions or other functions– greater Toronto area. For rates and info call905-722-5618 or email us at mhpape@interhop.netMUSICIANS WANTEDACCOMPLISHED PIANIST required bycommunity based opera company. Thesuccessful candidate will be an excellent sightreader, have some familiarity with the standardoperatic repertoire and be capable of being“the orchestra” for full-length performances.You should have experience working with andcoaching singers. This position is paid partlythrough the Toronto District School Board. Foran audition contact Music Director Adolfo DeSantis at or 416-878-0573.HAMILTON CONCERT BAND welcomesall band instruments especially percussion(instruments provided), clarinet, alto sax,bassoon, french horn, trombone, euphonium,tuba & bass. For more information visit email or phone Ben at 905-318-4455.MUSICIANS & VOCALISTS WANTED forcharitable fundraising projects. Violins/ Saxophones / Trumpets / Trombones /Guitar / Piano / Bass / Drumswww.sheratoncadwell.comPhone 416- 712-2555.SERVICESACCOUNTING AND INCOME TAX SERVICEfor small business and individuals, to save youtime and money, customized to meet your needs.Norm Pulker, B. Math. CMA. 905-251-0309 or905-830-2985.The PERFORMING EDGE Performanceenhancement training in tension management,concentration, goal setting, imagery.Individualized to meet your performancesituation. Kate F. Hays, practising clinical andperforming arts psychology. 416-961-0487,www.theperformingedge.comMUSICIANS AVAILABLEBARD – EARLY MUSIC DUO playing recorderand virginal available to provide background36 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM JUNE 1 - JULY 7, 2009

MUSICAL LIFE (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 21)This picture was taken on Halloween, shortly afterthe Red Sox lost the 1986 World Series (a particularlypainful loss, as baseball fans will know), probably theworst thing that had happened in my life. I was reallycrushed, but my mom had spent all fall making thatcostume and I couldn’t not wear it. That evening as Iwent trick-or-treating, EVERY house I went to laughedabout how the Red Sox blew it in the series against theMets. And I cried. Sad stuff.Your family?My father (Alan Ehnes) has beenthe trumpet professor at BrandonUniversity for many years. Mymother, as a former ballet dancer,is pretty close to being a musician!I have two siblings who studiedmusic; my brother played the violin,viola, and trumpet. My sister playedviolin, piano, and French Horn,and is now a professional musicaltheatre performer. My uncle is theFrench Horn professor at Ball StateUniversity in Indiana.Where did music, both formal andinformal, fit into various aspects ofyour life at the time the photographwas taken?Violin was my first instrument. Ireceived a violin for Christmas,about a month before my fifthbirthday. I think I started takingformal lessons around that time. Istarted playing the piano at about 8.First experiences of making musicwith others?Group playing is a big part of theSuzuki method, so from a very youngage I made music with other kids. Ihad my first ensemble at about 9: aquartet with my brother on viola.Do you remember the point at whichyou began to think of yourself as amusician?In a sense, from the very start! I knewthat I was good at the violin, and thatgave me a certain amount of pride anda sense of identity.Ever think you’d do anything else?There were (and are!) lots of otherthings ... astronaut, baseball player,spy... .Anything you’d like to say to the littleguy in that childhood photo?I would tell him to not be so sad! Ittook 18 more years… but of course theSox won in 2004, and again in 2007!MarketPlace: Education, Professional and HomeSinging LessonsSing with technical ease and vocal beautyOpera – Pops – Broadwaywww.JanetCatherineDea.comcall now: (416) 429-4502Want to sing???Just give me a ring!!!Been there. Done that.Émile Belcourt91 Waverley Road416.693.2624 JUNE 1 - JULY 7, 2009 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM 37

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