9 years ago

Volume 14 - Issue 9 - June 2009

Nagata Shachu at the

Nagata Shachu at the Collingwood and Huntsville FestivalsTaiko Drumming Ensemble (October24). Single tickets are and there are packages availableas well. Stay close to home anddon’t miss a beat!1-888-283-1712www.collingwoodmusicfestival.comColours of MusicSep 25 – Oct 4Barrie, ONColours of Music—28 performancesheld noon, 2:30 pmand 7:30 pm most days, held inchurches throughout Barrie—choirs, orchestras, quartets,pianists from across Canada andaround the world. The famousAmerican Ames Piano Quartetserves as this year’s Quartet-In-Residence, performing concertswith clarinetist James Campbell,hornist Louis-Philippe Marsolaisand violinist John Gilbert.Composer-In-Residence HeatherSchmidt will appear with SinfoniaToronto performing her 3rdPiano Concerto plus her new6th Piano Concerto written forColours of Music. The Pathwaysof Love will be presented by sopranoand Singer-In-ResidenceSuzie LeBlanc, pianist RobertKortgaard and violinist AdrianAnantawan.705-725-1070www.coloursofmusic.caDowntown OakvilleJazz FestivalAug 7- 9Downtown Oakville, ONSmall Town Charm, Big TimeJazz! Experience a Taste ofBourbon downtownOakville! Celebrating its 17thyear, the 2009 DowntownOakville Jazz Festival bringstogether incredible shopping andsummer dinning in Oakville’scharming and stylish downtown.The Downtown Oakville JazzFestival plays host to internationaltalent featuring a diversevariety of jazz. From grassrootsbeginnings, thousands of peoplenow flock to Oakville to enjoylive outdoor jazz performancesfrom the finest North Americantalent. Enjoy three cool days ofjazz in the hot sun at the DowntownOakville Jazz Festival.905-844-4520www.oakvillejazz.comElora FestivalJul 10 - Aug 2Gambrel Barn and variouschurches, Elora, ONThe Elora Festival is celebratingits 30th anniversary in 2009.Beginning with Berlioz’ Requiem,we are delighted to welcome theworld’s preeminent soprano,Dawn Upshaw on July 17. Ourclassical series continues withCarmina Burana, A Night at theOpera, Purcell’s Fairy Queen,Coronation Anthems and NelsonMass, and a special programmeof Liszt by André Laplante. Thisspecial season also sees the returnof the Quarry Series with NatalieMacMaster, Paul Halley, andSerena Ryder. Shauna Rolstonjoins the Elora Festival Singers,and the Chamber Series includesDaniel Bolshoy, Zapp StringQuartet, Kreutzer Project, andmore.519-846-0331 or 1-888-747-7550www.elorafestival.comFestival 500 Sharing the VoicesJul 5 - 12St. John’s, NFLDFestival 500 Sharing the Voicesis a celebrated international noncompetitivefestival of choralmusic that takes place from July5-12, 2009 in North America’soldest city, St. John’s, Newfoundland& Labrador, Canada.This heralded festival, and itsaccompanying academic symposium,The Phenomenon ofSinging, bring together singers,conductors and scholars fromcountries and cultures worldwide.Featuring over 35 concerts bychoirs from around the world,workshops by international guestartists and clinicians, specialperformances by Finnish vocalensemble, Club for Five and aGrande Finale concert showcasingover 1,000 performers, the2009 Festival highlights thepower of song!709-738-6013Festival of the SoundJul 17-Aug 9Parry Sound, ONJoin the Festival of the Soundfor our 30th Anniversary seasonof world-class summer music.The concerts take place in theCharles W. Stockey Centre forthe Performing arts. The programincludes 30 years of favourites,such as the Elmer Iseler Singersperforming Handel’s Messiahand new additions including theCanadian Brass playing LouisArmstrong. Don’t miss Mozart’sgreatest masterpiece for WindSerenade, Gran Partita, a transcendentwork presented in honourof the festival’s artistic directorof the past 25 years, JamesCampbell. With musical cruiseson the Island Queen and M.V.Chippewa, and special events atthe Inn at Manitou, the Festivalof the Sound offers something foreveryone.1-866-364-0061www.festivalofthesound.caGrand River Baroque Festival:A Breath of Fresh AirJun 19-21Ayr and Paris, ONThe Grand River Baroque Festivalpresents its 8th season on thebeautiful grounds of the BuehlowBarn in Ayr and in Paris, Ontario,June 19, 20 & 21, 2009.Artistic directors Guy Few andNadina Mackie Jackson presenta feast of string symphonies,concerti for violin, trumpet, bassoonand lute, featuring revivedworks and the ever popular TheFour Seasons. Superstar chambermusic guests include FlandersRecorder Quartet and Folia. Invigoratethe senses in a weekendof exciting music, spectacle,and food, commencing with themasquerade concert and party onJune 19. Celebrate the Baroquefrom a new perspective. Join usfor A Breath of Fresh Air!519-404-5757 Tickets: 519-573-7117www.grbf.caGuelph Jazz FestivalSep 9-13Various venues in DowntownGuelph, ONThe Guelph Jazz Festival featurescreative improvised musicin a community setting. We useseveral intimate venues, like theGuelph Youth Music Centre,and we’ll present two at Guelph’s River Run Centre46 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM JUNE 1 - JULY 7, 2009

concert hall (Friday, Sept. 11 andSat. Sept. 12.) We’ll showcasesome new artists, some festivalstalwarts, and a few surprises.We’ll also repeat last year’spopular success of running theFREE Wyndham Street jazz tentfrom noon until midnight, on Sat.Sept. 12. See the complete festivallineup (and listen to samplemusic tracks) in early July, byvisting our website, or joiningour email list.519-763-4952www.guelphjazzfestival.comHighlands Opera StudioAugustHaliburton, ONHighlands Opera Studio embarkson its third season with artisticdirectors Richard Margison andValerie Kuinka. Opera singersspend three intensive weeks honingvarious aspects of their craftunder the tutelage of some ofCanada’s top opera professionals.The results: Opera Excerpts Concerts(August 21 & 22) and threeperformances of Die Fledermaus(August 30 matinee, September1 and 3). Master classes arescheduled for August 6, 7 and 8in Minden. Faculty fundraisingconcert, Richard Margison andFriends will be held August 15 atMinden United Church. All otherperformances take place at theNorthern Lights Performing ArtsPavilion in Haliburton.705-457-9933www.highlandssummerfestival.on.caHighlands Summer FestivalJun 29 - Aug 7Northern Lights Performing ArtsPavilion, Haliburton, ONThe Highlands Summer Festivalpresents two concerts duringits six week summer theatreschedule. Limerick (July 6, 21and 31) features pianists MelissaStephens, Lauren McInnes, andflautist Tom Regina, with specialguests, in an evening of unforgettablemusical selection. DavidArchibald in Concert (July 20 andAugust 3) features folk singer,songwriter, historian and composerof musicals, David Archibald,returning to the Highlands SummerFestival stage with songs fullof humour and heart, many basedon incidents from Canada’s past.These concerts are part of theHighlands Summer Festival’ssix week season of dramatic andmusical presentations. At theNorthern Lights Performing ArtsPavilion in Haliburton.705-457-9933www.highlandssummerfestival.on.caHome County Folk FestivalJul 17-19Victoria Park, London, ONRenowned to showcase professionalmusicians and artisans forFREE in Victoria Park, London,Home County Folk Festival isa true celebration of music andart. In its 36th year, the festivalwill feature award winning artistsrepresenting the musical genresof alternative folk/rock, contemporarysinger/songwriter, blues,bluegrass, Celtic and the fusionof generations and styles to appealto a wide variety of musicaltastes. Performances by MurrayMcLauchlan, Danny Michel, JillBarber, Connie Kaldor, and fusiongroups (Tim Posgate HornBand, Andrew Downing’s Arts& Letters, and others) on six freestages in the park. Late nightticketed concerts at London’sHistoric Aeolian Hall, voted oneof Canada’s top ten live musicvenues: Joel Plaskett, ElliottBrood, Matthew Barber and TheSadies. Come enjoy over 150superb Canadian craft artisansdisplaying their talents, a varietyof food vendors to sample and achildren’s fun area.www.homecounty.caHuntsville Festival of the ArtsJul 3 - Aug 26Huntsville, ONThe Huntsville Festival of theArts is a year round celebrationof the performing arts with anemphasis in the summer monthsof July and August. 2009 will seea continuation of this successfulschedule with the presentation ofInternational stars Jim Cuddy,Natalie MacMaster and DonnellLeahy, Festival favourite JohnMcDermott, new age rockerHawksley Workman, classicalfavourites The Alcan StringQuartet, Japanese drum mastersNagata Shachu, world guitaristJohannes Linstead and somuch more. For the seventeenthstraight season Maestro KerryStratton will conduct an orchestraat the Festival, this year leadingthem in a tribute to classicalmovie themes including a performanceof Beethoven’s ‘Emperor’piano concerto.705-789-4975www.huntsvillefestival.on.caLeith Summer FestivalJul - AugHistoric Leith Church, Leith, ON(10 km east of Owen Sound onGeorgian Bay)The 2009 Leith Summer Festivalseason features DIVA (MaryLou Fallis and Peter Tiefenbach,July 4); Gryphon Trio (July 17),Lafayette String Quartet (Aug. 2);Carmen Unzipped (Jean Stilwelland Patti Loach, Aug. 15); andVibrant Strings, Enchanted Keys(Laura Andriani and Robert Kortgaard,Aug. 29). All concertsat 7:30 p.m. A charming andintimate musical experience in ahistoric venue with extraordinaryacoustics. Tickets or SeasonPass 0. Available by phone oronline. Robert Kortgaard, artisticdirector.519-371-5316www.leithfestival.caMarkham Jazz FestivalAug 14-16Markham, ONThe Markham Jazz Festival offersa diverse mix of jazz entertainmentfor music lovers of all ages.This year’s festival takes place inthe historic villages of Unionvilleand Markham. The “On Fire”Gala featuring Ranee Lee and theDave McMurdo Jazz Orchestratakes place Friday, August 14 atthe Markham Theatre, and startsoff the weekend long festival. Inaddition to more than 20 stageacts, there are “Hot Spots” (barsand restaurants) featuring jazzall around town.905-471-JAZZ (5299)www.markhamjazzfestival.comMarkham Village MusicFestivalJun 19 - 20Markham Village, ONFrom rock & roll to classical,country to world, jazz to Bollywood;you’ll find a sound toplease your ears at the 31st annualMarkham Village MusicFestival. Friday, we have threepowerhouse bands gracing ourtop three stages: Project Phoenix,Uptown Swing Band andThe Grayceful Daddies! Over150 entertainers. You’ll also findgreat crafts and art produced bylocal and international artistsand artisans, from paintings andsculptures to flower pots andjewellery, there are many newGRAND RIVERBAROQUEFESTIVALayr and paris, ontarioJUNE 19,20 & 21A breath of fresh air!Three days of music andfeasting in the countryside,with Grand RiverBaroque Festival Soloists,Flanders RecorderQuartet, and Folia.To purchase tickets call519-573-7117grbf.caJUNE 1 - JULY 7, 2009 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM 47

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)