9 years ago

Volume 15 Issue 1 - September 2009

  • Text
  • September
  • Jazz
  • October
  • Toronto
  • Symphony
  • Musical
  • Colours
  • Trio
  • Orchestra
  • Theatre

Lydia Adams, Conductor

Lydia Adams, Conductor and Artistic DirectorCelebrating35Wonderful Years!2009/2010Concert SeriesSeries I: “Greater Love Hath No Man”Saturday, November 7, 2009, 7:30 p.m.Yorkminster Park Baptist Church…A remembrance of past conflicts, with confidencefor future peace…Featuring Maurice Duruflé’s gentleand serene Requiem, and music by Howells, Parryand Canadian choral icon, Healey WillanSeries II: “Glorious Choir and Brass”Saturday, December 19, 2009, 7:30 p.m.Yorkminster Park Baptist Church…Music as crisp and fresh as new fallen snow, and aswarm as a roaring fire…Winners of the annual Carol andChanukah Song Contest, with proven family favouritesand traditional carols that define this joyous seasonWith True North BrassSeries III: “Amadeus – Mozart”Saturday, April 10, 2010, 7:30 p.m.Yorkminster Park Baptist Church…Celebrating our 35th Anniversary, with the timelessbeauty and towering greatness that is the genius of ournamesake, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart… His Requiemand Vespers will feed your soul! Orchestra and soloistsSeries IV: “Rhythms of Latin America”Saturday, May 15, 2010, 7:30 p.m.George Weston Recital Hall, Toronto Centre for the Arts…The season ends with exhilarating rhythms andcolours – food for all the senses...! Ramirez’s MissaCreola, and works by Piazzola, Villa-Lobos, Robinovitchand Tedesco leave you breathless and begging for more!All concerts feature outstanding Canadian vocal andinstrumental soloists, and all are under the inspiredbaton of Lydia AdamsTo order subscriptions: 416-733-0545For single concerts and information: 416-446-0188continue to demonstrate artistic excellence while pursuing creativeinnovation. The choir recently completed a tour of Northern Ontariowith several performances of the ground-breaking Cree operaPimooteewin, by Tomson Highway and Melissa Hui.The choir also has an impressive record of choral-educationalinitiatives. For over a decade, Jessie helped to administer theensemble’s position as the professional Choir-In-Residence at theUniversity of Toronto’s Faculty of Music, through the Elmer IselerChair in Conducting. The current success of the Get Music! projectthat sponsors numerous symposia and workshops linking youth andthe industry of sound recording is another example of their visionaryarts education. Over the years the choir has engaged countless youngCanadian vocal professionals, and launched many successful vocalcareers.Jessie’s passionate advocacy for choral music, and profoundcommitment to the Elmer Iseler Singers, continues to be a source ofinspiration to Canada’s choral community. Congratulations, Jessie!The Elmer Iseler Singers have a concert on October 4: aprogramme called “Gibbons to Gospel,” with the Nathaniel DettChorale, at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. These twoprofessional groups are off to an early start; for amateur choirs, itusually takes a little longer to get going. But as the fall progresses,the hard work and preparations of September will bear fruit, asmany other Ontario choirs present their season-opening concerts. Itwon’t be long before voices in chorus are heard, in a wide variety ofmusical styles, throughout the province.KaffeemusikRenaissance Soul MusicMedieval ScandinavianChristmas2009/2010CONCERT SEASONMark Vuorinen Music DirectorDivine Light from the NorthMembra Jesu NostriKaffeemusikBach and the GermanMotet 24 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM September 1 - October 7, 2009

C eet FANFARE OF CANADIAN HYMNS II& THE GREAT CANADIAN HYMNCOMPETITIONWith guest host Eric FriesenCHRISTMAS SPLENDOURBACH CHRISTMAS ORATORIO IV AND V,CAROLS & MOTETSAgnes Zsigovics, soprano; Daniel Cabena, counter-tenor;Lenard Whiting, tenor; Matthew Zadow, baritoneMOZART REQUIEMWITH MOTETS BY BACH & RHEINBERGERLaura Albino, soprano; Marianne Bindig, mezzo-soprano;Sasha Bataligin, tenor; James Levesque, baritoneGrace Church on-the-Hill, 300 Lonsdale Rd, Toronto, ONFor more information and to order single or season tickets,visit or call (416) 491-8542.September 1 - October 7, 2009 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM 25

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