ViolinistBrianLewisClarinetistJames Campbell“...a charismaticstar...impeccablevirtuosity”- Topeka Capital-JournalSEPTEMBER 25th to OCTOBER 4th, 200928 PerformancesCanada’s NightingaleSoprano Suzie LeBlancSopranoKimBarberCabaretin theAfternoonPianistPeterTiefenbachHarpistJudyLomanAccordionistMary-Lou Vetere“Each ahand-blown ornamentstreaked with gold.”- Globe & Mailmusica intima“A temple of beauty...In turn powerful...colourful...”- La PresseAmesPiano QuartetWorld’s ForemostPianist-ComposerHeatherSchmidtPianistHinrich AlpersBrass fromMontrealLaureate HonensInternationalPianoCompetitionBuzz“Limitlessexcitement,arching lyricism,poetic eloquence,and great accuracy.”- Los Angeles Times705.725.1070 | www.coloursofmusic.caGREATEST BARGAIN in GREAT MUSIC
Joshua Bell Plays BrahmsSeptember 24 & 26 at 8:00pmPeter Oundjian, conductorJoshua Bell, violinJohn Estacio: FrenergyBrahms: Violin ConcertoBrahms: Symphony No. 2OPENINGNIGHT!Joshua BellEvgeny KissinLeon Fleisher Plays MozartSeptember 30 at 8:00pmPeter Oundjian, conductorLeon Fleisher, pianoChristopher Rouse: The Infernal MachineMozart: Piano Concerto No. 12, K. 414Rachmaninoff: Symphony No. 2Evgeny Kissin Plays ChopinOctober 4 at 3:00pmPeter Oundjian, conductorEvgeny Kissin, pianoWagner: Prelude to Act III of LohengrinChopin: Piano Concerto No. 2Rachmaninoff: Symphony No. 2Tchaikovsky Symphony 6October 7 & 8 at 8:00pmMaxim Vengerov, conductorAlexander Toradze, pianoShostakovich: Festive OvertureProkofiev: Piano Concerto No. 2Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6 “Pathétique”416.593.4828 tso.caMaxim VengerovLeon FleisherConductors’ Podium SponsorTIPPET-RICHARDSONCONCERT SEASONOctober 4 Sponsor
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