9 years ago

Volume 15 Issue 1 - September 2009

  • Text
  • September
  • Jazz
  • October
  • Toronto
  • Symphony
  • Musical
  • Colours
  • Trio
  • Orchestra
  • Theatre


LISTINGS: SECTION 2...continuedCONCERTS: beyond the GTATuesday September 22— 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Cecilia Quartet. Haydn:Quartet Op.74 No.3 in g “The Rider”; Wade:Quartet No. 2 “Canadian”; Beethoven: QuartetNo. 10 in E flat Op. 74 “Harp”. KWCMSMusic Room, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo.519-886-1673. ; (sr); $15(st).Thursday September 24— 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Uptown Goes Downtown. Bluessinger/songwriter Rita Chiarelli; DanielWarren, conductor. Centre in the Square,101 Queen St. N., Kitchener. 519-745-4711/888-745-4717. -.Friday September 25— 7:30: Colours of Music. The World’sForemost Piano Quartet. Music by Schumann,Stanford, and R. Strauss. Ames PianoQuartet (Festival’s Quartet- in -Residence).Central United Church, 54 Ross St., Barrie.705-431-8745. .— 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Uptown Goes Downtown. SeeSep 24.— 8:00: McMaster University. JustinKolb, piano. Beethoven: Piano Sonata in fOp. 57 “Appassionata”; also works by Mendelssohn,Liszt, Gann and Bond. ConvocationHall, 1 Scholar’s Rd., Hamilton. 905-525-9140 x24246. ; (sr); (st).Saturday September 26— 12:00: Colours of Music. Jazz MeetsOpera. Music by Gershwin, Puccini, Donnelly,Verdi, Evans and Parker. Chris Donnelly,piano; Natalie Donnelly, soprano. Hi-WayPentecostal Church, 50 Anne St. N., Barrie.705-431-8745. $15.— 2:30: Colours of Music. Quintets toThrill. Music by Juon, Arensky, and Shostakovich.Ames Piano Quartet; John Gilbert,violin. Central United Church, 54 Ross St.,Barrie. 705-431-8745. .— 7:30: Colours of Music. Pass PlusConcert – Concertos for Colours. Music byTchaikovsky and Schmidt. Heather Schmidt,piano; Sinfonia Toronto, Nurhan Arman, conductor.Hi-Way Pentecostal Church, 50 AnneSt. N., Barrie. 705-431-8745. .— 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Antero Winds. Ibert:Trois pieces breve; Resanovic: Drones andNanorhythms; Nielsen: Quintet; Piazzolla:Libertango. KWCMS Music Room, 57 YoungSt. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ;(sr); $15(st).Sunday September 27— 2:30: Colours of Music. Cabaret in theAfternoon – French and German Cabaret.Music by Piaf, Weill, Brecht, Hollaende, Tostiand Piazzolla. Peter Tiefenbach, piano; KimBarber, mezzo-soprano; Mary-Lou PatriciaVetere, accordion; Julie Baumgartel, violin.Central United Church, 54 Ross St., Barrie.705-431-8745. .— 5:15: Colours of Music. Choral Evensong– Celebrating Healey Willan. Choir ofSt. Mary Magdelene, Stephanie Martin,conductor. Trinity Anglican Church, 24 CollierSt., Barrie. 705-431-8745. Admissionby donation.— 7:00: Chestnut Hall Camerata. Michaelmas:A Numinous Feast for All Angels.Works by Corlis, Cabena, Simon, McLachlin,and others. Daniel Cabena, male alto;Katherine Hill, soprano; Brandon Leis, tenor;Matt Cassils, baritone; Terry McKenna, lute/guitars; and others; Daniel Cabena, artisticdirector. First United Church, 16 WilliamSt. W., Waterloo. 519-894-5308. .Intermission/post-concert “Artists Portal”featuring art by regional artists.— 7:30: Colours of Music. Frolicsome Françaix.Music by Françaix and Haydn. CeciliaString Quartet; James Campbell, clarinet.Central United Church, 54 Ross St., Barrie.705-431-8745. Admission by donation.Monday September 28— 12:00: Colours of Music. Violinist JohnGilbert. Music by Bach-Schumann, Ysaye,and Brahms. William David, piano. BurtonAvenue United Church, 37 Burton Ave., Barrie.705-431-8745. $15.— 2:30: Colours of Music.The Pathways ofLove. Music by Mozart, Poulenc, Satie, Piaf,and R. Strauss. Robert Kortgaard, piano;Adrian Anantawan, violin; Suzie Leblanc,soprano. Central United Church, 54 Ross St.,Barrie. 705-431-8745. .— 7:30: Colours of Music. Musical Titans.Music by Eberl, Dohnanyi, and Williams.Ames Piano Quartet; James Campbell, clarinet;Louis-Philippe Marsolais, horn. Hi-WayPentecostal Church, 50 Anne St. N., Barrie.705-431-8745. Free.Tuesday September 29— 12:00: Colours of Music. Violinist AdrianAnantawan. Music by Franck and Mozart.Robert Kortgaard, piano. Burton AvenueUnited Church, 37 Burton Ave., Barrie. 705-431-8745. $!5.— 2:30: Colours of Music. Dvorak ThatDelights. Music by Mendelssohn and Dvorak.Cecilia String Quartet; Hinrich Alpers, piano.Hi-Way Pentecostal Church, 50 Anne St. N.,Barrie. 705-431-8745. .— 7:30: Colours of Music. Pass PlusConcert - Musica Intima. Music by Hatfield,Cabena, Pärt, and Healey. Central UnitedChurch, 54 Ross St., Barrie. 705-431-8745. .Wednesday September 30— 12:00: Colours of Music. Barrie’s Own.Music by Beethoven and Paganini. AlexandraLee, cello; Charlene Biggs, piano. BurtonAvenue United Church, 37 Burton Ave., Barrie.705-431-8745. $15.— 2:30: Colours of Music. Pianist HinrichAlpers. Music by Haydn, Beethoven,Mendelssohn, and Schumann. Hi-WayPentecostal Church, 50 Anne St. N., Barrie.705-431-8745. .— 7:30: Colours of Music. Pass Plus Concert- Classics that Rock. Music by Plant,Schumann, Dukas, MacLean, and Schubert.Robert Kortgaard, piano; James Campbell,clarinet; Louis-Philippe Marsolais, horn; SuzieLeblanc, soprano. Central United Church, 54Ross St., Barrie. 705-431-8745. .Thursday October 01— 12:00: Colours of Music. OrganistMélanie Barney. Music by Bach, Vierne,Saint-Saens, and Widor. St. Andrew’sPresbyterian Church, 47 Owen St., Barrie.705-431-8745. $15.— 2:30: Colours of Music. Montreal’sBUZZ Brass Quintet. Music by Calvert,Renwick, Gabrieli, and Ewald. Hi-WayPentecostal Church, 50 Anne St. N, Barrie.705-431-8745. .— 7:30: Colours of Music. Pass PlusConcert – Primadonnas of the Renaissance.Music by Monteverdi, Strozzi, Rossi, andCaccini. Suzie Leblanc, Michele DeBoer,Katherine Hill, sopranos; Laura Pudwell,mezzo-soprano; The Toronto Consort; DavidFallis, conductor. Central United Church, 54Ross St., Barrie. 705-431-8745. .— 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Alturas Duo (charango/guitar).Telemann: Largo; Bach: Two Minuets;Cavour: Kurukuta; Andean folklore pieces;and other works. KWCMS Music Room, 57Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673.; $15(sr); (st).Friday October 02— 12:00: Colours of Music. Barrie’s Own– Amity Trio. Music by Mendelssohn andSmetana. Michael Adamson, violin; AlyssaWright, cello; Sandra Ruttan, piano. CentralUnited Church, 54 Ross St., Barrie. 705-431-8745. $15.— 2:30: Colours of Music. Music toInspire. Music by Schumann, Gougeon,Mozart, and Brahms. Hinrich Alpers, piano;Brian Lewis, violin; Louis-Philippe Marsolais,horn. Hi-Way Pentecostal Church, 50 AnneSt. N, Barrie. 705-431-8745. .— 7:30: Colours of Music. The Planets.Music by Bach, Thompson, Gabriele, Regoulot,and Holst. BUZZ Brass Quintet; MélanieBarney, organ. St. Andrew’s PresbyterianChurch, 47 Owen St., Barrie. 705-431-8745. .— 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Spectacular Debut. Estacio:Frenergy; Bruch: Violin Concerto No.1; Pärt:Fratres; Dvorak: Symphony No.8. VildeFrang, violin; Edwin Outwater, conductor.Centre in the Square, 101 Queen St. N.,Kitchener. 519-745-4711 /888-745-4717.-; (st).Saturday October 03— 12:00: Colours of Music. Pianist AlexanderSeredenko. Music by Liszt, Chopin, Bach,and Balakirev. Hi-Way Pentecostal Church,50 Anne St.N, Barrie. 705-431-8745. $15.— 2:30: Colours of Music. Violinist BrianLewis. Music by Beethoven, Debussy, Saint-Saens, Engel, Copland, and Piazzolla. HinrichAlpers, piano. Central United Church, 54Ross St., Barrie. 705-431-8745. .— 7:30: Colours of Music. Pass PlusConcert: Bach Children’s Chorus – Voices ofAngels. Eleanor Daley, piano; Linda Beaupré,conductor. Hi-Way Pentecostal Church, 50Anne St. N, Barrie. 705-431-8745. .— 7:30: Toronto Welsh Male Voice Choir.An Evening of Song – Noson o Gân. Leigh-Anne Martin, soloist. George Street UnitedChurch, 534 George St. N., Peterborough.705-748-3923. .— 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Spectacular Debut. See Oct. 2.— 8:00: Peterborough Symphony Orchestra.“Dance” Tribute to Evelyn Hart.Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake Suite; Stravinsky:Firebird Suite; Coté: Black Light. Coleman/Lemieux Dance Company; Michael Newnham,conductor. Showplace PerformanceCentre, 290 George St. N., Peterborough.705-742-7469. ; ; (st).Sunday October 04— 2:00: Kitchener-Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Spectacular Debut. See Oct. 2.— 2:30: Colours of Music. Alturas Duo-Marvelous Virtuosity. Music by Villa-Lobos,Romero, Bartok, and Cavour played on theguitar, violin, and charango. Burton AvenueUnited Church, 37 Burton Ave., Barrie. 705-431-8745. $15.— 2:30: Kingston Symphony Orchestra. AFine Romance. Bruch: Violin Concerto No.1;Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6. JonathanCrow, violin; Glen Fast, conductor. GrandTheatre, 218 Princess St., Kingston.613-530-2050. -; -(sr); $15-(st); (children under 10).— 2:30: Niagara Symphony Orchestra.Sensational Celebrations. Carrabré: Chasethe Sun; Forsyth: Siyajabula! We Rejoice!;Mozart: Violin Concerto No.4 K.218; Tchaikovsky:Symphony No.4. Xiaoling Li, violin;Timothy Hankewich, conductor. Centre forthe Arts, Brock University, 500 GlenridgeAve., St. Catharines. 905-688-5550x3257. ; .50(sr); (st); (under13). 1:45: Pre-concert talk.— 3:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber Orchestra.Czeching the Score. Dvořák: CzechSuite Op. 39; Piano Concerto in g Op. 33;Vorisek: Symphony in D. Koichi Inoue, piano,Graham Coles, music director. MaureenForrester Recital Hall, WLU, 75 UniversityAve. W. Waterloo. 519-744-3828. ;(sr/st).— 7:30: Colours of Music. Music to Remember– Memorable Music by MemorableMusicians. Music by Rheinberger, Handel,Gounod, Grandjany, and Ravel. Brian Lewis,violin; William O’Meara, organ; Judy Loman,harp. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 47Owen St., Barrie. 705-431-8745. .— 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Amity Trio. Mozart: Piano38 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM September 1 - October 7, 2009

Trio in B flat K.254; Mendelssohn: PianoTrio No. 1 in d; Smetana: Piano Trio in g.KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. W.,Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; $15(sr);(st). ArtsCan Benefit Concert.Tuesday October O6— 12:30: McMaster University. AlexeiGulenco. Works by Mozart, Liszt and Shostakovich.Convocation Hall, 1 Scholar’s Rd.,FREE JAZZ TIPA Guide to the Less PoliteBy Ori DaganThere might be a growing number ofspots around town that serve politejazz with your dinner, as inspired byDiana Krall’s, but not many roomsspecifically cater to free, avant-garde,or experimental branches of the music.Thankfully for those who enjoy strayingfrom the mainstream, trombonistcomposerSteve Ward ( has beenbooking live music at the TequilaBookworm at 512 Queen Street West.Hamilton. 905-525-9140 x24246. Free.Wednesday October 07— 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Moshe Hammer, violin;Robert Kortgaard, piano. Mendelssohn: ViolinConcerto; Jewish music tba. KWCMS MusicRoom, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr); (st).Steve WardCurrently enrolled in the Jazz Performance Masters program atthe University of Toronto, Ward maintains a busy schedule as a performer,composer and teacher. I emailed Ward some questions aboutbooking the room.How did the music policy at the Tequila Bookworm come to be?I started booking jazz here last July, and originally I was booking oneact a week. Eventually the owner and I agreed to expand the policyto three nights a week, and now four. The rent is extremely high onQueen St W so therefore it was hard to get any money out of Tequilafor the bands, etc which is why we have pay-what-you-can shows.What are musical characteristics you look for when booking?Enthusiasm, sincerity, creativity. Artists looking to evolve creativelyin a live setting, that aren’t looking for a brainless jobber.What are the greatest strengths of the room itself?Since I have no financial quota to fill I’m able to be adventurous withmy programming. I’m interested in an environment where ideas areshared and challenged. Culture! The arts! It’s time.What are some of the challenges of the room?One of the biggest challenges is communicating with the audience.Since we’re playing for the tip jar it is important to be able to communicatewith our audience and give them context of why we’re makingthe music that we are. Most times its types of music they havelittle knowledge of, so it’s time to educate!Three acts you would recommend to readers for this month and why?Tuesday September 8th: Lee Mason (from Amsterdam). Its alwayscool when a group from another part of the world wants to put ona show at a venue you book. Very interesting sounds. Shouldn’t bemissed. September 12: Chris Cawthray Trio. Its going to be a CDrelease, & I’m proud that Chris decided to have it at Tequila. Theygroove hard. www.chriscawthray.comFriday September 25: MiMo. These guys are great!!! Nothing likeprocessing sounds underwater in a big bucket. You got to see it to, ORI DAGANLISTINGS: SECTION 3IN THE CLUBS: MOSTLY JAZZ93 Harbord93 Harbord Street, 416-922-5914Every Friday Lara Solnicki (vocals) andSean Bray (guitar) 7-10pmAlleycatz2409 Yonge St. 416-481-6865www.alleycatz.caEvery Mon Salsa Night with Frank BischunEvery Tue Whitney Smith’s “Swing House”with vocalist Jen SagarEvery Wed Jasmine Bailey & Co. Jazz &SoulEvery Thu Soul, R&B and Reggae, No CoverFridays and Saturdays Funk, Soul, Reggae,R&B, Top 40, Cover without dinnerreservationsSep 3 Lady Kane. Sep 4 Sonic Playground.Sep 5 Sonic Playground. Sep 10 Lady Kane.Sep 11 Graffitti Park. Sept 12 GraffittiPark. Sep 17 Lady Kane. Sep 18 LadyKane. Sep 19 Liquid. Sep 24 Lady Kane.Sep 25 Lady Kane. Sep 26 Lady Kane.Annex Live, The296 Brunswick Ave. 416-929-3999www.theannexlive.comEvery Thu Julie McGregor with NormanAmadio.Every Fri Jake Wilkinson.Black Swan, The154 Danforth Ave. 416-469-0537Every Wed The Danforth Jam w/ Jon Longand Friends 9:30pmCastro’s Lounge2116 Queen Street East 416-699-8272 NOCOVEREvery Sun Jeremy Rouse Trio (Jazz/Roots)6-9pmEvery Mon Smokey Folk (Bluegrass/Rockabilly) 9:30pmChalkers Pub Billiards & Bistro247 Marlee Avenue, 416-789-2531www.chalkerspub.comThird Mon every month The Sisters ofSheynvilleEvery Wed Girls Night Out Vocalist-FriendlyJazz Jam 8:30-12 with host Lisa Particelli(vocals/flute) Peter Hill (p) Ross MacIntyre(b) Norman Marshall Villeneuve (d)Every Thu International Latin Night: DanceLesson 7-9, Band 9pm-2amEvery Sat Dinner Jazz 6-9pm CoverEvery Sun Jazz Up Your Sundays 7-10pm CoverChick N’ Deli744 Mount Pleasant Rd. 416-489-3363www.chickndeli.comEvery Mon Big Band Night.Every Tue Jam Night.Every Sat Climax Jazz Band 4-7.Cobourg, The533 Parliament St. 416-913-7538Jazz Sundays 9PMNO COVERCommensal, Le655 Bay St. 416-596-9364www.commensal.caJazz Fridays & Saturdays 6:30pm - 9:30pmNO COVERSep 4 Sophia Perlman & Adrean Farrugia.Sep 5 Peter Kauffman. Sep 11 ChantalQuesnelle & Richard Whitehouse. Sep 12Ryan Oliver & Brian DeLima. Sep 18 KiraCallahan & Special Guest. Sep 19 DonCampbell & Dan Eisen. Sep 25 RichardWhiteman. Sep 26 Beverly Taft & SpecialGuest.Concord Café, The937 Bloor Street W 416-532-3989Corktown, The175 Young St. Hamilton 905-572-9242Sets at 8pm and 10pm, Coverwww.thecorktownpub.caEvery Wed Jazz @ The Corktown hosted byDarcy HepnerDave’s Gourmet Pizza730 St. Clair Ave. West 416-652-2020www.davespizza.caEvery Thu 8-12 Uncle Herb Dale & FriendsOpen Mic.Dominion on Queen500 Queen St. East 416-368-6893www.dominiononqueen.comEvery Tue French Gypsy Jazz Jam withhost Wayne Nakamura. 8:30pm, pwyc.Every Wed Corktown Ukulele Jam, 8pm, Sep 4 Paul Reddick and Ragged and Dirty9:30pm/. Sep 6 The Next GenerationJazz Jam with host Robert Scott 3-6pm/No Cover. Sep 12 The Wicked Grin 9pm/.Sep 13 Sean Pinchin Blues 3-6pm/No Cover.Sep 15 East End Burlesque and VarietyRiot w host Mysterion the Mind Reader10pm/. Sep 17 Murata, Quarrington andTaft 8:30pm/. Sep 18/19 RockabillyWeekend Sep 20 Rockabilly Matinee: HonkyTonk Brunch, Ghost of Hank Williams,Kensington Hillbillies. Sep 24 GeorgeGrosman’s Bohemian Swing 9pm/pwyc. Sep25 Tracy K Blues 9pm/. Sep 26 MikeBranton Blues 9:30pm/. Sep 27 SeanPinchin Blues 3-6pm/No Cover.Drake Hotel, The1150 Queen Street West (full calendar)Every Sun 1-4pm Big Rude Jake Brunch.Ward’s passion for this music is apparent not only in his playing butalso in his booking. “I don’t get paid to do this, and I have no otherForte Bistro and Loungehelp. My motivation is art, it’s what keeps me breathing. Pleasecome support live music. ... Also we might be moving in the next133 Richmond Street West 416-867-1909couple of months so watch out on our website and Facebook for morewww.fortebistro.caClassico Pizza & Pastainfo to come!!”Every Wed Live Jazz 6:30-9:30pm with Kira2457 Bloor Street West 416-763-1313 Callahan.For all the news, including a possible change of location, visit: Every Thu Jazz Guitarist Nate Renner 7pm CoverSeptember 1 - October 7, 2009 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM 39

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