9 years ago

Volume 15 Issue 1 - September 2009

  • Text
  • September
  • Jazz
  • October
  • Toronto
  • Symphony
  • Musical
  • Colours
  • Trio
  • Orchestra
  • Theatre

toronto children’s

toronto children’s chorusElise Bradley, Artistic DirectorLISTINGS: SECTION 4ANNOUNCEMENTS, MASTERCLASSES, etcWORKSHOPSSep 8 7:15: Etobicoke Centennial Choir.Interested singers are invited to join thechoir at its annual Open Rehearsal. HumberValley United Church, 76 Anglesey Blvd.416-622-6923. Free.Sep 13 11:00am: Winchevsky Centre.The Klezmer Kids and Daniel Koulack leadan inter-generational and interactive klezmerworkshop. 585 Cranbrooke Ave. 416-789-5502. .Sep 16 7:30: Toronto Sacred Harp: ShapenoteSinging: beginners welcome. MusicRoom, Bloor Street United Church, 300Bloor St. W. 416-922-7997.Sep 21 7:30: Toronto Early Music Centre.Vocal Circle: recreational readings of mostlyRenaissance music, both sacred and secular.212 Riverdale Ave. 416-920-5025. Free forTEMC members; for non-members.Sep 26 10:30am: Toronto MendelssohnChoir. Singsation Saturdays: TMC assistantconductor Ross Inglis leads a reading ofHandel’s Israel in Egypt. Christ Church DeerPark, 1570 Yonge St. 416-598-0422 x24..Sep 29 8:00: Toronto Folk Singers Club.Join this informal group for the performanceand exchange of songs. Tiki Room, TranzacClub, 292 Brunswick Ave. 416-532-0900.“there is nothingabout myJoin the ChorusBring your child’s love of singing and theToronto Children’s Chorus will provide anexceptional musical education. Over 350children between the ages of 6 and 17 enjoythe life-enhancing experience of singing inone of the world’s finest treble choirs.Audition for the Chorus September 12th!averagedesire”presentsTHE THIRD CANADIANCHOPIN PIANO COMPETITIONFebruary 26 – March 7, 2010Mississauga, OntarioAPPLICATION DEADLINE November 9, 2009FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE VISITwww.chopinfestival2010.com42 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM September 1 - October 7, 2009

eat by beat: worldviewSomething for Everyonemusic classes, including a CommunityChoir, Women’s Chorus,and Klezmer Ensemble. See theirwebsite for schedules.RCM Conservatory School273 Bloor St. Westwww.rcmusic.caBack in their newly renovated oldlocation, the Royal Conservatoryoffers a number of communityclasses in world music traditions,including Brazilian Samba, Celtic-CanadianFiddling, Latin Jazz,Taiko Drumming, and a WorldMusic Chorus. Visit their website,click on “browse courses,”then “world music” for schedulesand registration.Samba KidzDrum Artz Studio, 27 Primrosecontinued from page 28Ave. (Dupont/Dufferin)416-538-6342info@drumartz.comwww.sambakidz.comwww.drumartz.comRun by Drum Artz Canada, theSamba Kidz fall 2009 sessionbegins September 29, Tuesdaysfrom 5:30-7:30pm. This multiartsprogramme for kids aged7-14 encompasses group-inspiredworld drumming, steel pan,dance and visual art projects culminatingin performance opportunitiesthroughout the city.Samba SquadDrum Artz Studio, 27 PrimroseAve. (Dupont/Dufferin)slamdog@sympatico.cawww.sambasquad.comLead by Rick Lazar, SambaSquad offers workshops in BrazilianSamba (beginners welcome)most Sundays all year round from11:30am to 1:30pm. No need tosign up in advance. Instrumentsare provided. Bring your own earplugs and a tape recorder if youwish. Some “graduates” becomemembers of Samba Squad itself.Toronto Tabla Ensemble355A College St. Westriteshdas@tablaensemble.comwww.tablaensemble.com416-504-7082 x1Ritesh Das offers classes in NorthIndian tabla drumming, frombeginner to professional levels,in the Kensington Market area.See thewebsitefor fullscheduleand registration.Worldsof MusicToronto416-588-8813info@worldsofmusic.caFor years, Worlds of Music hasbeen a wonderful source of worldmusic classes and workshops ina wide variety of traditions. Attime of writing, the fall scheduledoes not appear to be in place;but do check their website or callfor details.Ritesh Das, TorontoTabla EnsemblePRIVATE & GROUP LESSONS • EXAM & AUDITION PREPARATIONBy: Tim Buell Mus.Bac., M.Mus. (UofT); Ph.D (Pitt); Ph.D (OISE)GUITAR: ClassicalPopularFolkBluegrassRockBluesBANJO: BluegrassFolktechniquesCountryAlt.CountryMULTIMEDIA:Handsontutorialsincurrentsoftware:CUBASE;ProTools;PChardwaredesignforhomestudiodevelopmentPROFESSIONAL & ACADEMIC ADVISINGResumePreparation;Universityapplication&auditionpreparation;Artsgrants&proposalconsultationR.C.M Exam Preparation•Rudiments,Harmony&Counterpoint(Grades1,23&4)•AdvancedHarmony&Analysis(Grade5)•History(Grades3,4&5)FILM, THEATRE & COMMERCIAL MUSICAd/JingleCreation FoleyArtistry StudioTechniquesAdvancedMusicComposition SongwritingStudioisconvenientlylocatedinAnnex(225BrunswickAvenue)•Forrates&furtherinformation,pleasecalloremail:416•964•9223Ext.224tbuell@nextcity.comSeptember 1 - October 7, 2009 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM 43

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