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Volume 15 Issue 1 - September 2009

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Al and Malka Green

Al and Malka Green Artists’Health Centre when it openedin 2002 ( part of the UniversityHealth Network at the TorontoWestern Hospital) Ginette becameaware that there was greatneed in the music community andfound herself treating a broadrange of working musicians.Today, Ginette’s “musical athletes”recognize each other in thegreen rooms of orchestra hallswhen they notice they are doingthe same stretching or relaxationexercises.Why the need?I asked Ginette what she wouldsay to a room full of keen teenagedmusicians and their teacher.I would tell them: “Playing aninstrument is athletic. Like anathlete you have to think aboutyour body. You have to stretchand warm up all of the musclesyou use. We do strengtheningexercises to be better athletes:as a player these need to be partof your activities. And after youfinish playing you stretch again.If you have pain you don’t ignoreit: you’re not a bad player, it justmeans that something isn’t workingright. Don’t just use ice andsee if it goes away: talk to yourteacher; see if there’s somethingthat can be done.” I would say‘Look: it might feel easy now, youare young and you should nothave pain. But as you get older,and are practising and rehearsingmore, not just 2 hours a day butmaybe a 6 to 14 hour day, yourwork will be increasingly strenuous.Most musician’s injurieshappen over time: a build-up ofmicro-injuries.”Ginette sees increasing numbersAlexander Katsprofessionalpianist/teacher(ARCT, university) RCMof string players, violinists andviolists in particular, whose workis very hard on the body. Sometimesit’s mainly about workingon alignment and posture, changingsome position only a few millimetres.I frequently see a relationshipto the neck, even though itseems like there’s some injuryto the wrist, elbow or shoulder.Tightness in the neck area willoften manifest in other places.Certainly brass players haveparticular difficulties: with thetrombone, tuba, french horn it’salso partly about the weight ofthe instrument. Not as much wristand elbow stuff, but the neck andlower back suffer because of theplaying position – they also mayhave to play standing.A musicians’ regimenYou need to think of yourself asan athlete, she says,Practise, rehearse, or performwhen you’ve had a little walk orbike ride to increase your heartrate. Stretch, play somethingeasy, and then stretch again- forearms, pecs, neck. Learnhow to feel relaxed, both whenyou are playing and waiting toplay. Take (or find) breaks everyhour to stretch. Don’t go on thecomputer as a way of “taking abreak”. Make sure you have abackpack type case that uses usetwo shoulders, or something thatcan go on wheels if your instrumentis heavy. If you play a one sided instrument like the violin,or french horn, try to lie downon a rolled towel to open up yourchest and relax both sides -”untwist”when you take break.It’s only human nature to becomecomplacent when you feelgood and things are going well.These kinds of ideas, easy tosay, harder to follow, inspiredher to create two DVDs calledStability With Mobility – one fordancers, and one for musicians- to guide them through some ofthe routines that will protect theirwell-being. Visit her website atwww.stabilitywithmobility.comHere’s the carrot on the end ofthe exercise stick, as Ginette seesit: my clients see that when theyfeel better they play better. Injurycan be a gift: a time when yourbody is telling you something.Ignore it and you’re not going tolearn from it. Or, you can makeyourself a better player because of it.SalesViolin Viola Cello BowsString accessoriesMusic sheetsRepair and RentalProfessional violin maker andrepairer for over fieen years.Philharmonic Music Ltd.DOWNTOWNLOCATIONGood quality guaranteed.416-340-1844String instrument rental servicealexander.kats@sympatico.ca905-784-2028 www.philharmoniccanada.com46 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM September 1 - October 7, 200980 Acadia Avenue, Unit 309, Markham ON L3R 9V1CantemusSingersAuditions16-voice volunteer choirRenaissance/Baroquerepertoire ♦ Wednesdayrehearsals in BeachesCall Michael @416-578-6602Ginette Hamel holds specialist certificationin sports physiotherapy andis also a Certified Mat Pilates Instructor.She does acupuncture and hasextensive training in manual therapy,Feldenkrais technique, and tapingincluding kinesiotape.)The Al and Malka Green Artists’Health Centre offers both complementary/alternativeand conventionalhealth care to professional creativeand performing artists, and to studentsand staff at post-secondary artsinstitutions. Intake at The Artist’sHealth Centre begins with a nursepractitioner. Clients can be referredto a physician, or to parishioners inphysiotherapy, massage therapy, acupuncture,naturopathy, psychotherapy.The clinic has access to a medicallaboratory and diagnostic technology.There are some subsidies availablefor non-insurable services. (416) 603-5263 lessons and examspreparaon for:Violin Viola Cello BassPiano Guitar Flute TheoryQuartet OrchestralAll teachers are qualified andexperienced.

INSTRUCTIONAN ENTHUSIASTIC AND INSPIRINGPIANO/ VOICE TEACHER. RCM, Classical,Broadway styles. Beg/Adv studentswelcome. Nancy Singla, Bloor West area.CONCERT PIANIST EVE EGOYAN( offers lessons tocommitted musicians - advanced players aswell as returning or 416-894-6344CREATIVE MUSIC LESSONS for children,teens & adults. Piano, composition &theory taught by an experienced, qualified& engaging teacher. Lessons taught inhome studio located in the Junction/HighPark area. Emilie: 647-438-9874,www.musicwithemilie.caFLUTE, PIANO, THEORY LESSONS.RCM exam preparation. Samantha Chang,Royal Academy of Music PGDip, LRAM,ARCT. 416-293-1302,, SIGHTSINGING, PIANO (jazzand classical), EAR TRAINING . Allgrades, all ages, RCM exam prep (piano,rudiments, harmony, history, counterpoint)Easy and effective methods! Peter Ness,ARCT, 416-767-9747,peternessmusic@rogers.comVIOLIN LESSONS BY THE SUZUKIMETHOD will develop in your child goodcoordination, imagination, ability to keepthe focus, hear and understand music. Privateand group lessons. Viktoriya.647-686-8115VOICE LESSONS: Experienced teacher/performer with M.Mus welcoming students,all levels, teens to seniors. Improveyour sound, gain confidence with healthytechnique, sightreading skills. More info orcall 416-827-3009.WARM EXPERIENCED AMERICANPIANO TEACHER. Teacher with sterlingcredentials, unfailing good humor, andbuckets of patience. Royal Conservatorywashouts and adult learners especiallywelcome. Lovely Cabbagetown studio, witheasy parking/TTC access. Testimonials:“Now there’s a teacher!” R.D., age 13.“Deep pleasure. Sure beats studying withthose Quebec nuns!” S.A., age 50+. PeterKristian Mose, 416-923-3060 My students havenever won any prizes, except for love ofmusic. (And loyalty.)classified advertisingMISCELLANEOUSARE YOU PLANNING A CONCERT orrecital? Looking for a venue? ConsiderBloor Street United Church. Phone: 416-924-7439 x22 Email:tina@bloorstreetunited.orgREHEARSE OR PERFORM IN A BRANDNEW FACILITY! Lawrence Park CommunityChurch offers excellent performanceand rehearsal spaces, for groups fromsmall (an intimate music Studio) to large(performance space with flexible seatingcapacity of 425) in our newly renovatedfacility. Ample free parking available. TTC.Geothermally heated and air conditioned!For Information contact Rene Bignell,416-489-1551 or email: rene@lawrenceparkchurch.cawww.lawrenceparkchurch.caMUSICIANS AVAILABLEBARD – EARLY MUSIC DUO playingrecorder and virginal available to providebackground atmosphere for teas, receptionsor other functions – greater Torontoarea. For rates and info call 905-722-5618or email us at mhpape@interhop.netMUSICIANS WANTEDALTO AND BASS SECTION LEADSWANTED for the Oakville Choral Societycommencing September 2009. We are anon-audition 85-voice community choir,seeking talented and enthusiastic individualsto work with the music director inproviding leadership to the choir. Pleaseforward resumes and/or enquiries by September18 to David Bowser, Music Director,at davidbowser@yahoo.comALTO SOLOIST / SECTION LEADER forSt. James UC (Etobicoke). Excellent choir.One Thursday rehearsal and one Sundayservice/wk, good sight reading skills. 10month commitment, salary negotiable.CliveDunstan 905-625-8605BACH-ELGAR CHOIR SEEKS CHORALDIRECTOR, starting 2010-2011 season.Candidates must have extensive choraldirecting background, broad knowledge ofrepertoire and ability to motivate, educateand coach an eighty-voice mixed adultchoir. Letter and CV to Search Committee,86 Homewood Ave., Hamilton, ON, L8P2M4 or before Sept10 2009CONDUCTING SCHOLAR WANTED forthe Oakville Choral Society commencingSeptember 2009. We are a non-audition85-voice community choir, seeking an enthusiasticindividual to work with the musicdirector in providing leadership to the choir.Please forward resumes and/or enquiriesby September 18 to David Bowser, MusicDirector, at davidbowser@yahoo.comseason – weekly Mondays from Sept14th Friendly, Fun atmosphere, Central,Parking. Especially welcome: Oboes, BassClarinets, Bassoons, Euphoniums, Trumpets,Trombones, French Horns, Percussion(percussion provided)email: membership@resaspieces.orgSERVICESACCOUNTING AND INCOME TAX SER-VICE for small business and individuals, tosave you time and money, customized tomeet your needs. Norm Pulker, B. Math.CMA. 905-251-0309 or 905-830-2985.The PERFORMING EDGE Performanceenhancement training in tensionmanagement, concentration, goalsetting, imagery. Individualized to meetyour performance situation. Dr. KateHays, C.Psych., clinical and performingarts psychology. 416-961-0487,www.theperformingedge.comWANTED: MUSIC DIRECTOR Christ Church Mississauga INSTRUMENTS BOUGHT AND SOLD(United Church of Canada) seeks a Director of Music on aMUSICIANS & VOCALISTS WANTED permanent, part-time basis ofFOR SALE: CHICKERING BABYapproximately 15 hours per weekfor charitable fundraising projects. ViolinsGRAND PIANO. Mahogany, built/ Saxophones / Trumpets / Trombones to lead its 10:30am SundayBoston 1936, body refinished 1997. / Guitar / Piano / Bass / Drums www. worship. Applications andOriginal ivory keys. Tuned and appraisedApril 2009. Call for bysheratoncadwell.cominquiries may be submitted toPhone 416-712-2555.and to arrange viewing/playing: E.September 23, 2009.Gillingham 905-985-1601, or 905-985- RESA’S PIECES CONCERT BANDPlease refer to9985. “Reawaken thatwww.christchurch-ucc.comfor a complete job description. talent - rediscover playing music” 11thSeptember 1 - October 7, 2009 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM 47

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