9 years ago

Volume 16 Issue 4 - December 2010

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  • December
  • February
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  • Toronto
  • Symphony
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  • Orchestra

The WholeNote

The WholeNote ListingsDecember 1, 2010 - February 7, 2011TheWholeNote listings are arranged in four sections:A.GTA (GREATER TORONTO AREA) covers all ofToronto plus Halton, Peel, York and Durhamregions (zones 1,2,3 and 4 on the map below).B.BEYOND THE GTA covers many areas of SouthernOntario outside Toronto and the GTA (zones 5,6,7,and 8 on the map below). Starts on page 55.C.IN THE CLUBS (MOSTLY JAZZ)is organized alphabetically by club.Starts on page 58.D.ANNOUNCEMENTS ET CETERA is for lectures,symposia, master classes and other music-related events(except performances) that may be of interest to ourreaders. Starts on page 60.A GENERAL WORD OF CAUTION A phone number is provided withevery TheWholeNote listing – in fact, we won’t publish a listingwithout one. Concerts are sometimes cancelled or postponed; andartists or venues may change after listings are published. Pleasecheck before you go out to a concert.HOW TO LIST Listings in TheWholeNote in the four sections aboveare a free service available, at our discretion, to eligible presenters.If you have an event, send us your information no later than the15th of the month prior to the issue or issues in which your listing iseligible to appear.NEXT DEADLINE The next issue covers the period from February1, 2011 to March 7, 2011. All listings must be received by 6pmSaturday January 15.LISTINGS can be sent by e-mail to or byfax to 416-603-4791 or by regular mail to the address on page 6. Wedo not receive listings by phone, but you can call 416-323-2232 x27for further information.LISTINGS ZONE MAP Visit our website at www.thewholenote.comto see a detailed version of this map, and to search concert listingsby genre or by geographic zone.Wednesday December 01University of TorontoWorld MusicEnsemblesYork University. Jazz Festival: JazzVocal Workshop. Yorkminster Park Baptist ChurchNoonday Recital: Andrew Adair, organCanadian Opera Company.Jazz Series:Finding HomeTafelmusik. Mozart & Haydn: Concertos& Symphonies. Voices of Hope for World AIDSDayToronto ConcertMarquee Theatrical ProductionsAnnieUniversity of Toronto. One O’ClockBig Band.York University. Jazz FestivalJazzCombos.Against the Grain TheatreAn UnexpectedEvening of ShakespeareCivic Light Opera.The WonderfulWizard of Oz.Mirvish ProductionsPriscilla Queenof the DesertRandolph Centre for the ArtsLittleWomen: The MusicalToronto Symphony Orchestra.TchaikovskyViolin Concerto. Thursday December 02Canadian Opera CompanyVocal Series: Kurt Weill’s LittleMahagonny.A. Concerts In The GTAUniversity of Toronto.Thursdays atNoon: Quattro Flute Quartet.Metropolitan United Church. Noonat Met. York University. Jazz Festival: JazzVocal Workshop. Marquee Theatrical ProductionsAnnieUniversity of Toronto10 O’ClockJazz OrchestraYork University. Jazz Festival: JazzCombos. Civic Light Opera.The Wonderful Wizardof OzRandolph Centre for the ArtsLittleWomen: The MusicalSony Centre For The PerformingArtsThe Canadian Tenors & FriendsSteppin’ Out Theatrical ProductionsSteppin’Out With the Holidays.Tafelmusik. Mozart & Haydn: Concertos& Symphonies.NOT A CREATUREWAS STIRRING, ONLYTHE FLEDERMAUSDecember 2, 8pmChristopherZimmerman2010|11 conductor search candidateToronto Philharmonia OrchestraNota Creature Was Stirring, Only theFledermaus32 thewholenote.comDecember 1, 2010 - February 7, 2011

Toronto Symphony Orchestra.TchaikovskyViolin Concerto.Friday December 03University of TorontoWorld MusicEnsemblesBrampton Music Theatre YouthTroupeBeauty and the BeastAlliance Française of TorontoArchitectesdu Son: Iannis Xenakis et Philippe LerouxBrampton Folk Club. Christmas withOrange Peel Carolers. Canadian Children’s Opera CompanyADickens of a Christmas.Church of the Holy TrinityTheChristmas StoryKing Township Historical SocietyUrban Flute EnsembleMarquee Theatrical ProductionsAnnieRoyal Conservatory.An Eveningof Kurt WeillUrban Flute Ensembleeclectic music forflute, violin & celloKing City Dec 3 · 7:30pmToronto @ St. Anne'sDec 5 · 2pmToronto @ St. Anne'sFeb 9 ·’S PREMIERE MUSICAL THEATREThe WonderfulWIZARD ofOZAN EXCITING NEW MUSICAL!FAIRVIEW LIBRARY THEATRETICKETS - - .50Dec. 1 to 19December 1, 2010 - February 7, 2011 33

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Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

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