9 years ago

Volume 16 Issue 4 - December 2010

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you happy, whenever

you happy, whenever possible.What’s your absolute earliestmusical memory? I remembermy Mom, Grandmother andTante Sixta singing songs forevery special family occasion...and for everyday mundane occurrences…likethose obviousGerman Lied moments such as:waking up, brushing your teeth,going to bed, the sun coming up,snow fall, the second snowfall, abee coming to a picnic, a river, aday of school, hurting your kneeetc. etc, you get the idea – theyjust know thousands of songs byheart.Other musicians in your family?I certainly hope so; Everyonesings. I was always surroundedby music, thank God! My brotherwas at the choir school withme, my sister played cello andmet her husband singing in theMendelssohn Youth Choir. Myparents were longtime membersof the Mendelssohn Choir. Myoldest daughter, Sophie, playsviolin in the Halton Youth Orchestraand my twins just startedviolin and cello. I sang withpublic this summer, it was veryspecial, and they liked the applause.My youngest, Eva, insiststhat she will sing Paminawhen she grows up, and Daddycan be her Tamino. She willstart in the church choir as soonas she can read more than threeletter words; which she insists isnow and has talked her way intothe Christmas pageant this yearat 4, which is reserved for startingat 6!What is your first memory ofyourself singing? Singing forMonsignor Armstrong to getinto the choir school…I sang aGerman church song GrosserThe WholeNote MarketplaceGott wir loben Dich – very minimemory.A first instrument? I was prettyteach it at St. Mildred’s in Oakville,I suck at piano! I really regretthat I didn’t practice andkeep it up.First experiences of makingmusic with other people? Singingmadrigals with my parents fordad’s cool business parties…wewere pretty good!Do you remember when you firstsang alone for an audience? Yes,I sang Nanki Poo and forgot thewords. Then trying to make upbloom in the spring trala” andsurviving my own verse writ-haven’t changed that much...Read the full interview'sPianoLessonsFriendly, approachable -and strict!Liz Parker416.544.1803liz.parker@rogers.comQueen/BathurstThe WholeNoteMarketplace416-323-2232 x25 62 thewholenote.comDecember 1, 2010 - February 7, 2011

Classified Advertising D A C A P O O N L I N EINSTRUCTIONCONCERT PIANIST EVE EGOYAN (M.Mus., L.R.A.M., F.R.S.C.) offers lessons tocommitted musicians as well as returningadults (, 416 894 6344,, PIANO, THEORY LESSONS: RCMexam preparation. Samantha Chang, RoyalAcademy of Music PGDip, LRAM, ARCT. 416-293-1302, www.MAKING MUSIC WITH THE RECORDER.After 30 years at The Royal Conservatory,Scott Paterson has opened his own studio.All ages; private lessons and ensembles. Centrallocation. Mus. Bac. Perf. (U of T), ARCT,member ORMTA. 416-759-6342 (cell 416-268-1474) wspaterson@gmail.comPIANO LESSONS: Beginners-very advanced.Canadian and European formation.All Levels RCM. Intensive course foradults. Lessons given on a 9 foot Steinwayconcert grand. 416 449-1665PIANO LESSONS on Saturdays near Jane andDundas. Beginners (girls and ladies of Europeanmusical heritage). per month. Tel.416-766-7981PIANO TEACHER, ACCOMPANIST, is acceptingstudents for piano/theory lessons, accompaniment,vocal coaching. All RCM gradesto university. 416-226-3002.evgenia.r@rogers.comSINGING, a martial art. Call Johanne416-461-8425SINGING LESSONS - ALL LEVELS: healthytechnique, performance, repertoire. Variousstyles, prepare for exams, auditions. Also beginningear-training, theory, sight-singing.Cheryl Campbell (BMus, Art.Dip):,, 416-822-3530.SINGING LESSONS. Experienced andprofessional over 20 years. (NATS, OR-MTA, EQUITY, ACTRA). All styles. Prepfor auditions, competitions, RCM exams.Denise Williams (416) 588-5845continuesANYONE WHO THINKS nostalgiaain’t what it used to be hasn’t lookedDecembers ago. Remember the “commonsense revolution” with its 28.6% arts fundingcuts? How about Disney and the RCMP?All this and much more (online only, thismonth, alas), in publisher David Perlman’sviewed things “right from the top.”Visit Musical Life at AuditionsExultate Chamber Singers is holdingauditions for qualified singers for the 2011-2012 season.After 30 years of exceptional leadership,John Tuttle is retiring as artistic director ofthe Exultate Chamber Singers at the end ofthe 2010-2011 season.New Director - Dr. Karen GryllsExultate is delighted to announce that Dr.Karen Grylls will take over as conductor inthe fall of 2011. Karen is a highlyaccomplished chamber choir specialist andinternationally renowned clinician fromNew Zealand, where she is on faculty at theUniversity of Auckland.Exultate invites skilled choral singersto audition. Singers must have excellentsight-reading ability, musicianship, vocalquality, and technique. Auditions will beheld on January 28 and 29, 2011.To request an audition, please send a CV to :exultate@exultate.netor call (416) 971-9229www.exultate.netDecember 1, 2010 - February 7, 2011 63

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