She chose to go to London’s Royal Academy, where she studiedwith Kate Hill. There, having been told that she would need to studyfor two years in order to graduate, she completed all her writtenassignments by the end of October and after one year received herdiploma! “However, I go back every summer,” she told me. “I’mconsidering going back for another degree.” can touch the audience’s soul. I love listening to Rampal shape aphrase so effortlessly, same with Moyse, he breathes music! WIBB(William Bennett) has so much enthusiasm for music making that itshows in every performance.”“And what personal qualities does one need to become a greatmusician?” I asked. “Persistence is key! Patience is a given! Also,learn to listen to other people, learn from their qualities … For me,It’s been said that each generation must re-invent the musicaltradition. I would take that a step further and say that each musicianneeds to the musical tradition, absorb it as thoroughly asone’s time and one’s own awakening musical soul, infused with lifethrough the assimilation of an artistic tradition. April 16, at KoernerHall, let’s see how Chang is doing on her chosen path.Brahms, Brahms and BrahmsTHE MUSIC OF JOHANNES BRAHMS is prominent in the listingsthis month. For example, three of Brahms’ four symphonieswill be performed in April, beginning with the Guelph SymphonyOrchestra’s performance on April 3 of his fourth symphony. OnApril 9, the Oakville Symphony Orchestra will perform the thirdsymphony. At the very end of the month, on April 29, the Ontarioand also the next day at Koerner Hall, the last concert in thisseason’s Mooredale Concerts series. The programs for these twoconcerts consist entirely of music by Brahms, and in both, theFESTIVAL 2011July 19 - August 13BEETHOVENand the Romanticsincomparable Anton Kuerti will perform Brahms’ Piano ConcertoNo.1 in D Minor.There’s an abundance of Brahms’ chamber music too. TheAcademy Concert Series’ concert on April 16 is an all-Brahmsprogram performed in the style of the time. According to Academyartistic director Nicolai Tarasov, the program will “display the depthand the power of Brahms’ musical intellect, the wisdom, lyricism,warmth and charm of his melodies, and the manifold beauties andmoving, passionate passages contained within [his] music.” Tarasovalso let me know that this is, in fact, his last concert as artisticKerry McGonigle.One of the works on the Academy Series’ April 16 program isthe Clarinet Sonata Op.120, which, coincidentally, will also be performedthis month, on April 10, by Katarzyna Marczak, as part ofTrio sTREga’s concert at Gallery 345. And there will be yet anotherBrahms-centred program on April 16 presented by The ChamberMusic Society of Mississauga. The focus of their program, however,will be the friendship between Brahms and Clara Schumann, andwill include music by both. There will also be two opportunities tohear Brahms’ Hungarian Dance No.5 on April 2, performed by theHart House Symphonic Band, and on May 7 by Orchestra Kingston.There will be at least two other opportunities to hear chambermusic by Brahms, and several to hear his choral music, including atTafelmusik’s series of concerts between April 7 and 10.Eye Catchersmonth also caught my eye: on April 7 pianist-composer AdamSherkin, who is from Toronto and has, I believe, recently returnedfrom England’s Royal Academy, is giving his Toronto debut at theJane Mallett Theatre, with a program that combines works by Bach,Beethoven, Claude Vivier and Colin McPhee with three of his owncompositions. On April 9 a group of musicians associated withVermont’s famous Marlboro Festival will perform chamber music atKoerner Hall.Finally, this year is the 39th season of TheAssociates of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra,which from January to May presents fourconcerts given by members of the TSO andone by the Toronto Symphony Youth Orchestra.This month’s concert, on April 11 is, accordingto Armin Weber, Director of Marketing forthe series, “… one of the biggest concerts theAssociates of the Toronto Symphony Orchestrahave launched.” What makes it one of the big-a quartet of traditional Chinese instruments, ledby Anna Guo, who plays the yangqin, a Chinesehammer dulcimer. Ms. Guo taught at theShanghai Conservatory of Music, and from 1985to 1996, was head of the Shanghai Women’s SilkString Quintet. In 1996 she settled in Toronto.The other ensemble on the programme willbe a string sextet led by TSO violinist, JamesWallenberg. For most of the programme the twowork, depicting harmony, the two ensembleswill join forces, demonstrating the universalityof music and by extension, of humanity. Ah, ifonly politics could be left to musicians, then wewould have concerts instead of wars!Need I repeat that what I have written abouthere just scratches the surface of our alwaysabundant listings? So read those listingsTickets available starting April 12 at torontosummermusic.comWholeNote’s board of directors. He can becontacted at thewholenote.comApril 1 - May 7, 2011
PHOTO ANKA CZUDEKApril BittersweetJASON VAN EYKIt feels awkwardly “new age” to admit, but now that we’ve passedthe spring equinox – the days becoming warmer, fresher andlighter – there is a sense of celebration in the air. But it’s not thetype of unrestrained revelry we see during hotter summer months.Rather, it’s a bittersweet levity, balanced between an urge to discoverwhat’s new and the impulse to commemorate and meditate on im-We open the month on a festive note with “Ping!” CMC-While I may be biased, given my role with the CMC, I can thinkof no better way to usher in spring than brand new works createdto showcase the talents of a new generation. “Ping!” will featurespecial guest, harpist Judy Loman, in an all-Canadian programalongside world premieres from composers Dean Burry, Jim Harley,Chris Paul Harman, and Jan Jarvlepp, performed by harpist GinaMin, cellists Gabby Hankins and Bridie McBride and the Earl Haig/New Music for Young Musicians – a program to create music andopportunities which develop the talents of Canada’s young stringplayers. For more visit the CMC online events calendar. For tickets,visit also heralds the homecomingof a fresh new voice in composer/from studies at the Royal College ofMusic in London, England. Followingan illustrious series of overseaspremieres and performances at thelikes of London’s National PortraitGallery, St. Martin-in-the-Fields,with gusto, receiving premieres inprestigious places like the LuminatoAdam Sherkin.will close an ambitious program, ranging from Bach and Beethovenlineage and modern origins are two “older” Sherkin works: 2008’sSunderance, inspired by the words of Virginia Woolf, and 2009’sDaycurrentspurchase tickets, visit last year, of composer, educator, innovator and great champion ofin the thoughts of many communities with which she shared hergreat enthusiasm, energy, optimism and bigheartedness. While wecan expect numerous dedications to appear next season, there willbe two upcoming opportunities to assemble and celebrate Southam’smusic and the art it inspired, as well as to share in personal tributesthat honour some of the many aspects of her rich life and legacy.the Canadian Contemporary Music Workshop will dedicate theiralways very encouraging of the next generation of Canadian composers,but was quiet about her generosity towards them. She took greatresponsibility for the family lineage she inherited, and shared widelythe advantages that it could afford, including the ability to act as aWaves114 TH SEASON1112MUSIC IN THEAFTERNOONWOMEN’S MUSICAL CLUB OF TORONTOROBERT AITKEN, fluteSIMON FRYER, celloWALTER DELAHUNT, pianoOCTOBER 27, 2011 • 1.30 PMROGER CHASE, violaMICHIKO OTKAI, pianoFEBRUARY 23, 2012 • 1.30 PMWEILERSTEIN TRIOBARRY SHIFFMAN, violaSEPTEMBER 29, 2011 • 1.30 PMADRIANNE PIECZONKA, sopranoSTEPHEN RALLS, pianoDECEMBER 1, 2011 • 1.30 PMCECILIA STRING QUARTETBanff International String QuartetCompetition winnerMARCH 29, 2012 • 1.30 PMConcert sponsor: WMCT Centennial FoundationConcerts held atWalter Hall, Edward Johnson Building, Museum SubwayFive concerts for 0Early-bird five concerts available May 1-31, 2011 – 5Limited subscriptions available - don’t be disappointed -subscribe nowFor information and to subscribe call 416-923-7052All artists and programmes are subject to change without notice.Support of the Ontario Arts Council and the City of Toronto through the Toronto ArtsCouncil is gratefully acknowledged.PRESENTED 416-923-7052April 1 - May 7, 2011 21
MULRONEY: THE OPERA continued from