9 years ago

Volume 16 Issue 7 - April 2011

  • Text
  • April
  • Toronto
  • Symphony
  • Jazz
  • Orchestra
  • Organ
  • Violin
  • Recording
  • Arts
  • Vocal


April JAMJIM GALLOWAYHcolleges, libraries, concert halls, museums, radio and televisionstations, and other organizations should develop programs to explore,understand that the initiative for such a celebration would havepity, because it would seem to be an opportunity to get some mediarecognition for themusic, and Lordknows, it coulduse it.Perhaps wehave an opportunityfor StephenHarper to dosomething whichwould cement evenmore stronglyhis ties with ourneighbours to theSouth! He surelywas exposed toall, his father, JoeHarper, was akeen collector ofwas a member ofthe Duke EllingtonSociety right hereInternational Sweethearts of Rhythm. Orleans, Louisiana, the Postal Service issued a Jazz commemora-female big band, the International Sweethearts of Rhythm, foundedwhich originated at the Piney Woods School in the same year wasthe Cotton Blossom Singers which later changed its name to the FiveBlind Boys of Mississippi. original International Sweethearts of Rhythm band members were-in a customized tour bus built by the school, named Big Bertha,performing at churches, state fairs, dance and civic halls and later atSome of their work was in the Deep South and they could nevernot want to run afoul of the “Jim Crow” laws, so the Sweetheartshad their bus equipped with eating and sleeping facilities. One canintegrated they were – over the years the band members included aChinese saxophonist, a Mexican clarinet player, an Indian saxophon-their faces dark so the police wouldn’t come and take them off thebandstand or arrest them. era but personnel changes eventually led to the breakup of the bandmembers earned the International Sweethearts of Rhythm a veryand two attractive elderlyladies introduced themselves.members of the InternationalSweethearts of Rhythm, anachievement of which they research I discovered thatin Estonia, England, Ireland,Finland, Germany, Northernlate for this year, but I hope345 SoraurenAvenue[Dundas/Roncesvalles]15 CONCERTSIN APRILgallery345.comfor monthlyperformances &exhibitions416.822.9781for reservationsModern,Classical, Jazz,Folk, World28 thewholenote.comApril 1 - May 7, 2011

PHOTO LAZO MIKAELI mean, we celebrate National DonutIn the meantime here are a few suggestionsthat you, as an individual, mightconsider for the month: is new to you.liveis over keep doing all of the above!On The Menu In Toronto treasure, Jackie Richardson, will be atChoir presenting “Homecookin’ withJackie Richardson.” Proceeds will go to theFor those of you who like your musiccontemporary and original, Galaxy RisingStar award-winner, Darren Sigesmund andwill feature a couple of interesting out-of-towners: one is violinistJackie Richardson.Below: Darren Sigesmund.Dave Douglas, Lee Konitz and Chris Potter,and the other is Gary Versace, piano andaccordion, who has been featured in theand Ingrid Jensen. For tickets phone: Rosemary Galloway, saxophonist PatLaBarbera, drummer Don Vickery andsays, an evening like this is “nourishmentand for tickets you should call MPC Music some pretty good songs. Here are someof them: April In Paris, April In Portugal,April Showers, I’ll Remember April andApril In My Heart.Happy listening and don’t forget that listof things to do. Jim Galloway is a saxophonist, band leaderand former artistic director of Toronto Downtown Jazz. He can becontacted at more on the month in Jazz, see In the Clubs, page 55. St. Philip’s Anglican ChurchA casual, relaxing hour of prayer + great musicwith the city’s finest musiciansSunday, April 10, 4:00 pmBeverly Taft TrioSunday, May 1, 4:00 pmPolka Vesperswith Walter Ostanek,the Polka King St. Philip’s Anglican Church | Etobicoke25 St. Phillips Road (near Royal York + Dixon)416-247-5181 www.stphilips.netApril 1 - May 7, 2011 29

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