9 years ago

Volume 16 Issue 7 - April 2011

  • Text
  • April
  • Toronto
  • Symphony
  • Jazz
  • Orchestra
  • Organ
  • Violin
  • Recording
  • Arts
  • Vocal

The WholeNote

The WholeNote ListingsApril 1 - May 7, 2011The WholeNote listings are arranged in four sections:A.GTA (GREATER TORONTO AREA) covers all ofToronto plus Halton, Peel, York and Durhamregions (zones 1,2,3 and 4 on the map below).B.BEYOND THE GTA covers many areas of SouthernOntario outside Toronto and the GTA (zones 5,6,7,and 8 on the map below). In the current issue, thereare listings for events in Alliston, Ancaster, Barrie, Bolton,Brantford, Cambridge, Chatham, Clinton, Cobourg, Colborne,Colgan, Guelph, Hamilton, Kingston, Kitchener, Lindsay, London,Milton, Orangeville, Owen Sound, Port Hope, St. Catharines, St.Thomas, Stoney Creek, Stratford, Waterloo. Starts on page 50.C.IN THE CLUBS (MOSTLY JAZZ)is organized alphabetically by club.Starts on page 54.D.THE ETCETERAS are for lectures, symposia,master classes, screenings and other musicrelatedevents (except performances) thatmay be of interest to our readers. Starts on page 56.A GENERAL WORD OF CAUTION A phone number is provided withevery The WholeNote listing – in fact, we won’t publish a listingwithout one. Concerts are sometimes cancelled or postponed; andartists or venues may change after listings are published. Pleasecheck before you go out to a concert.HOW TO LIST Listings in The WholeNote in the four sections aboveare a free service available, at our discretion, to eligible presenters.If you have an event, send us your information no later than the15th of the month prior to the issue or issues in which your listing iseligible to appear.UPCOMING DEADLINES The next issue covers the period fromMay 1, 2011 to June 7, 2011. All listings must be received by 6pmFriday April 15.LISTINGS can be sent by e-mail to or byfax to 416-603-4791 or by regular mail to the address on page 6. Wedo not receive listings by phone, but you can call 416-323-2232 x27for further information.LISTINGS ZONE MAP Visit our website to see a detailed version ofthis map: April 01Batuki Music Society/GladstoneHotel. Andalusian World Fusion. -Rosedale United ChurchIn Recital-Dancap Productions Inc. South Pacific-Larkin Singers. Sarv Ensemble. Eidaneh: A Celebrationof Persian New Year and Arrival of Spring.University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Wind Symphony. --York University Department ofMusic.York U Gospel Choir: Tribute to the HammondOrgan-Angelwalk TheatreSongs for aNew World-Art of Time EnsembleThe War of theWorlds--Group of Twenty-Seven ChamberOrchestra. In Concert. --Onstage Productions. Meet Me inSt. Louis. A. Concerts in the GTAPerforming Arts York RegionNicolaiTarasov BaroqueQuartetRoyal ConservatoryDavid LindleyToronto Consort/Conseil des artset des lettres du Québec. Canti di a Terra.--Against the Grain Theatre. A LittleNostalgia…Cabaret. --Saturday April 02Angelwalk TheatreSongsfor a New WorldArt of Time EnsembleTheWar of the WorldsOnstage Productions. MeetMe in St. Louis. Show One Productions. ALittle Nightmare Music: Igudesman & Joo. -Beach United Church. Jazz Vespers:Music for the Soul - Wonder of Youth.Voices of ParadiseA Spring Cabaret--Willowdale Seventh-Day AdventistChurchIn RecitalEtobicoke Centennial ChoirLuminousDays and Sacred Nights. --Orpheus Choir of Toronto. EternalLight. -Sarv Ensemble. Eidaneh: A Celebrationof Persian New Year and Arrival of Spring.32 thewholenote.comApril 1 - May 7, 2011

Toronto Symphony OrchestraWhatMakes It Great? BeethovenSymphony I. --University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. U of T Wind EnsembleUniversity of Toronto Faculty ofMusicOpera Series: Simply Sondheim. -York University Department ofMusic.York U Gospel Choir: Tribute to the HammondOrgan.Ad Summum Events/MerriamMusic. Fazioli Piano Series: Samuel Deason,piano. -Alata Harmonia Chorus of Canada.Gregorian Chant & More. --Gallery 345. Women in Jazz Series:Yvette Tollar with legendary jazz vocalist SheilaJordan. Hart House Symphonic Band.ACavalcade of Classics.I Furiosi. The Good, The Baroque,and The Ugly. -Royal Conservatory. Aspects of Oscar:Oscar’s Blues-Scarborough Philharmonic OrchestraSpringSerenade----School of Creative & PerformingArts, Humber Institute of Technology andAdvanced LearningKirk MacDonald JazzOrchestra Concert--Toronto Chamber ChoirJosquin:Motets and ChansonsToronto Consort/Conseil des artset des lettres du Québec. Canti di a Terra.Voices Chamber Choir.With GratefulHeart-Weston Silver BandIn Concert-Sunday April 03Eglinton St. George’s UnitedChurchImprovising Hope: Five Jazz Servicesfor Lent: Guido Basso and Friends. Harbourfront Centre. The BackseatBalladeers. -CAMMAC.McMichael Gallery Concert.Lansing United Church/CentennialJapanese United Church/Toronto JapaneseUnited Church. Japan Earthquake Relief CharityConcert. Angelwalk TheatreSongs for a NewWorldOnstage Productions. Meet Me in St.Louis. University of Toronto Faculty ofMusicOpera Series: Simply Sondheim. Amici Chamber EnsembleIn theShadow--Royal ConservatoryLeon Fleisher,pianoSyrinx Sunday Salons. PendereckiString Quartet-Art of Time EnsembleThe War of theWorldsSt. James Cathedral. Twilight Series.Christ Church Deer Park. Jazz Vespers.-Monday April 04York University Department ofMusic. Music at Midday: Wind Masterclass inConcert. -Chai Lifeline. Sing for the Children:Marvin Hamlisch & the Chai Symphony Orchestra.University of Toronto Faculty ofMusicFaculty Artists Series: Shauna, Lydiaand Friends. Gallery 345. Music by Jewish Com-posers.--Tuesday April 05Canadian Opera CompanyChamber Music Series: New Directions-St. James Cathedral. Music at Midday.University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. U of T Concert Orchestra. --Canadian Music Centre – Ontario.Ping! A Celebration of New Music for YoungMusicians. Les Amis Concerts Love: Innocence,Passion, Obsession-Toronto Symphony OrchestraCapeBreton Céilidh.Wednesday April 06Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch. Noon Hour Organ Recital Series. -Toronto Symphony Orchestra.CelticCelebrationCanadian Opera CompanyCham---University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. 1 O’Clock Big Band. --Humber College. Tribute to Dave Stillwelland the Humber Blue Jackets. -April 1 - May 7, 2011 33

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