9 years ago

Volume 16 Issue 7 - April 2011

  • Text
  • April
  • Toronto
  • Symphony
  • Jazz
  • Orchestra
  • Organ
  • Violin
  • Recording
  • Arts
  • Vocal

John Laing Singers. The

John Laing Singers. The Call ofSpring.. [Opera Atelier. La Clemenza di Tito.Royal Conservatory. Pierre-LaurentAimard, piano. Syrinx Sunday Salons. bson,baritone and Jeanie Chung, piano.Toronto Symphony OrchestraFrench RomanceSt. Philip’s Anglican Church. PolkaVespers. -Toronto Classical Singers. Mendelssohn’sElijah. -MPC Music. Tommy Ambrose &Friends. Acting Up Stage Company. BothSides Now. --Community Baroque Orchestraof Toronto. In Concert. A. Concerts in the GTAMonday May 02Organix Concerts. Opening Concert.Halcyon tring Quartet. In Concert.---Organix Concerts/Toronto TheatreOrgan Society. Popular Favourites. Tuesday May 03Canadian Opera Company.Piano Virtuoso Series: Debussy Preludes: Colourand Light. - Canadian Opera Company.AriadneClassical Music Consort. SpringtimeHandel Festival: Handel Trio Sonatas.-Talisker PlayersFaçade: The soundsand rhythms of words at play----Wednesday May 04Yorkminster Park Baptist Church.Noon Hour Organ Recital Series. Toronto Masque Theatre. Masquesof Orpheus. --Canadian Opera Company. Vocal Series:Songs for a New World.--Toronto Welsh Male Voice Choir.Spring Gala Concert. Classical Music Consort. SpringtimeHandel Festival: The Bach-Weiss Sonata.Talisker Players. Façade. Thursday May 05Canadian Opera Company.Piano Virtuoso Series: Shostakovich and Rachmaninoff.Metropolitan United Church. Noonat Met. Classical Music Consort. SpringtimeHandel Festival: The Art of the Baroque Violin.--Scarborough Music Theatre. Guysand Dolls. Toronto Masque Theatre. Masquesof Orpheus. ----Toronto Symphony OrchestraRavel La Valse.--façadethe sounds and rhythmsof words at playXin Wang, SOPRANOJames McLennan, TENORGraham Abbey, READERThe Talisker PlayersMay 3 & 4, 2011, 8 pmTrinity St. Paul’s CentreTickets: | | Box Office: 416-978-8849uofttix.cawww.taliskerplayers.ca46 thewholenote.comApril 1 - May 7, 2011

Friday May 06Vesnivka Choir. saryof Chernobyl. Alexander Singers. My Fair Lady.-Organix Concerts/Toronto Centreof the Royal Canadian College of Organists/Dr.William Wright. Dr. Andreas Sieling.Classical Music Consort. SpringtimeHandel Festival: Sacred and Profane.-Gallery 345. The Art of the PianoDuo. -Frankenstein!Daniel Handler (aka Lemony Snicket),narratorEdwin OutwaterconductorMay 5 & 7Conrad Centre for thePerforming Arts, KitchenerMay 6Koerner Hall, I 888.745.4717Royal Conservatory. Frankenstein!-Scarborough Music Theatre. Guysand Dolls. Tempus Choral Society. Spring Rhapsody.Toronto Consort. Songs of the CelestialSirens. -Toronto Masque Theatre. Masquesof Orpheus. Upper Canada Choristers. Come tothe Ceilidh: A Celebration of Song and Dance.---Windmill Theatre. Latin AmericanPassion. Saturday May 07Chamber Music Society of Mississauga/OrchestrasMississauga. Tales andTunes for Toonies: Carpet of Dreams. ---Mississauga FestivalChoir. The Great American Songbook. -Classical Music Consort. SpringtimeHandel Festival: Il Trionfo del Tempo e delI FURIOSI BAROQUE ENSEMBLE PRESENTSBaroquebackMountainSATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011Guest:MARCO CERA,guitar & oboeifuriosi.comI furiosijust can’tquit you.8pmCalvin Presbyterian Church26 Delisle Avenue, Toronto regular seniors/students/cowboysALLIS CHOIRDirected By Peter Mahon-presents-Handel: Coronation AnthemsCoronation AnthemsUtrecht Te Deum and JubilateThe pomp and circumstance of 18th century London comesalive in Handel’s incomparable music for royal celebrations.With guest artists, The Talisker PlayersSATURDAY, May 7, 7:30 PMSt. Patrick’s Church, 141 McCaul St.(north of Dundas)Tickets: , seniors, students with IDInfo: 416.286.9798ORDER ONLINE AT www.tallischoir.comTallis Choir CDs available online and on iTunesApril 1 - May 7, 2011 47

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