--London. Plumbing Factory Brass Band. plorations– Movements, Moods and MythsAbound; Sights and Sites Described in Sound.-London. Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Romantic Bach.-Waterloo.Thursday April 14Brock University, Centre for theArts. The Johnny Clegg Band. St. Catharines.Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Pem Paull, viola, and Katelyn Clark,harpsichord.-Waterloo. Friday April 15Angus Sinclair, organ and KariannePasma, soprano. -Clinton. ArcadyA Baroque Messiah-StoneyCreekLibera. In Concert. London. Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Romantic Bach.Guelph.Saturday April 16Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Children’s Concert - Bellathe Tuba Gets her Melody-Kitchener.Grand Philharmonic Children andYouth ChoirsVoices in Song: A Celebrationof World Voice Day. Waterloo. Brock University, Centre for theArts. Chanticleer: An Orchestra of Voices.St. Catharines. Stratford Symphony OrchestraOperamania---Stratford Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.guelph musicfestMay 13-21, Guelph, ONCECILIA QUARTETBeethoven . Shostakovich . HaydnROBERT SILVERMANplays Beethoven Piano SonatasAND MORE! 5 CONCERTS at 8 pmguelphmusicfest.ca | 519.993.7591Romantic Bach.Cambridge.Sunday April 17Brock University, Centre for theArts. Paul Potts. St. Catharines. Brock University, Marilyn I. WalkerSchool of Fine and Performing Arts. VivaVoce Choral Series: 20th Anniversary Celebration.St. Catharines. Wellington WindsEyes and Ears.-Waterloo.Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Trio ‘86.-Waterloo. Monday April 18Libera. In Concert. Kitchener.Tuesday April 19Libera. In Concert.-Chatham.Wednesday April 20 St. Andrew’s PresbyterianChurch.Music at St. Andrew’s - Barrie.Plumbing Factory Brass Band. plorations– Movements, Moods and MythsAbound; Sights and Sites Described in Sound.-St. Thomas.Thursday April 21Skyliners Big Band. In Concert. Barrie. Brock University, Centre for theArts. Stephan Moccio with Members of theNiagara Symphony. St. Catharines. Opera Hamilton. Double Bill:Mascagni’s Cavalleria Rusticana Leoncavallo’sI Pagliacci--Hamilton.Friday April 22Grand Philharmonic ChoirSt. JohnPassionKitchenerLibera. In Concert. -Hamilton. Saturday April 23Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Chroma Duo.Waterloo. Opera Hamilton. Double Bill: Mascagni’sCavalleria Rusticana and Leoncavallo’s IPagliacciSunday April 24Libera. In Concert.Guelph. Tuesday April 26Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. The Hour Piano Quartet.-Waterloo. -Wednesday April 27Open Ears Festival/Kitchener-WaterlooSymphony. Popular Standards. -Kitchener. Open Ears Festival. Spinvoler/PeopleLike Us.-Kitchener. NOT GTA? NOT A PROBLEM! 52 thewholenote.comApril 1 - May 7, 2011
Thursday April 28Open Ears Festival. MaryemTollar.Kitchener.Brott Music Festival. Happy andGlorious! Ancaster.Brock University, Centre for theArts. In the Soil: Niagara’s Homegrown ArtsFestival. St. Catharines. Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony. TheNew World.Guelph.Open Ears Festival/NUMUS. PrincetonLaptop Orchestra with Andrew Stewart.Kitchener.Open Ears Festival. PendereckiString Quartet + DJ P-Love.Kitchener. Friday April 29Open Ears Festival. Noreum MachiKitchener. Open Ears Festival. Tony Conrad.Kitchener. Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony. TheNew WorldKitchener. Open Ears Festival. Tanya Tagaq TrioKitchener. Saturday April 30Jeunesses Musicales Ontario. Sensibilityand Brio. .Caledon East.Open Ears Festival. Robert Henke(Monolake). Kitchener. Open Ears Festival. Eve Egoyan,piano, plays Ann Southam. Kitchener. Open Ears Festival. The Rent.Kitchener. Barrie Concerts. Chanson. Barrie.Brock University, Marilyn I. WalkerSchool of Fine and Performing Arts. VivaVoce Choral Series: Canadian Suites – A TrueNorth Potpourri. St. Catharines.Georgian Bay Symphony. A Night atthe Opera. Owen Sound. Achill Choral Society. If Music bethe Food of Love. Orangeville. Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony. TheNew WorldLindsay Concert Foundation. Kawar- Lindsay.Open Ears Festival. Toca LocaKitchener.Port Hope Friends of Music. EvergreenClub Contemporary Gamelan. PortHope. Sunday May 01Open Ears Festival. Valody. Kitchener. Kingston Symphony.Simply Beethoven.KingstonOpen Ears Festival/DaCapo ChamberChoir. A World of Colour: Tradition meetsthe Present. Kitchener.: Cuckoo’s Nest Folk Club. Maria Dunn& John Wort Hannam.LondonAchill Choral Society. If Music bethe Food of Love. Bolton. Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Wellington Winds Ensemble.Waterloo. Monday May 02Lindsay Concert Foundation. Inter-Lindsay. Wednesday May 04Midday Music with Shigeru. Winnersof the Barrie Kiwanis Festival. Barrie.Thursday May 05Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Frankenstein!Kitchener.Friday May 06St. Jude’s Anglican Church. NoonOrgan Recital. Brantford. Saturday May 07Orchestra Kingston. Hey Folks/Composerin the Classroom. Kingston. Grand Philharmonic ChoirSpringtimeChoral Potpourri.KitchenerKing Edward’s Choir. Spring Sing.Barrie. Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Frankenstein! DaCapo Chamber Choir. A World ofColour: Tradition meets the Present.Kitchener. Opera Kitchener. The Barberof Seville. Check outThe WholeNoteETCeteras:Announcements, Galas & Fundraisers, Competitions& Scholarships, Lectures, Symposia, Masterclasses,Workshops, Seminars, Screenings, etc!Not a concert? Not a problem. Eligible ETCeteraslistings are FREE! Send your information no later than the 15thof the preceding month to: etc@thewholenote.comTHEApril 1 - May 7, 2011 thewholenote.com 53